Chapter Five

Bunny and Wolf

The next day Dongae kindly called a car to bring me to school, and he left with it afterwards. He had spoken with Hyukkie about it, and it seems said monkey was just as nervous about this as I was. Donghae sent me a small but encouraging smile as I got out of the vehicle, one which I returned.

"If he does anything stupid, ignore him, 'cause - oh well, you probably know him better than I do to figure it out." He said with a wink, and just like that, he was gone. I trudged up the stone steps of the school, seriously contemplating as to whether or not I should just hide from him for the whole day. I knew I couldn't though; not only would Donghae disapprove of it and probably force us to talk, thus intensifying the awkwardness, it was also something I really did have to face. 

I first saw him in French class, we sat next to each other as always. Giving each other small waves from our own seats, there was an undoubtedly awkward tension around us, and I'm sure everyone else noticed it as well. The death glares they received kept them from asking about it. It wasn't until our teacher said something that practically brought on an epiphany when I realised I was being a total idiot.

"Il s'agit de mon ami, nous se connaissent depuis longtemps et se disputent. Je souhaite que je pourrais m'en excuse, mais je ne peux pas car j'ai peur."

"This is my friend, we have known each other for a long time, and are arguing. I wish I could apologize, but I can't because I'm scared,"

Well, we weren't arguing, but I sure as hell was pretty damn scared. But... Of what, exactly? This was Hyukkie we were talking about. Hyukkie, who held my hand during the funeral of my parents. Hyukkie who got me Minnie to hug whenever I was feeling negative things. Hyukkie who, though crudely and sometimes rather bluntly, helped me through very single struggle I had. Ever. What was I scared of? Rejection? When I was the one kept in the dark? It was all for me; for my safety. So why was I scared?

I hadn't been paying attention at all to the lesson, and I was pretty sure Hyukkie wasn't either, if the snores from my left were anything to go by. I sighed and stared at him sleeping. He frowned slightly, and I pressed a finger between his eyebrows, smoothing his forehead. He gave a light whine, but nothing else. I grinned to myself. Look at this ball of cuddles. What was I scared of?

...Wait, if he's a vampire, how is he sleeping?

"...Sungmin?" I blinked, my vision focusing on what was in front of me, Hyukkie staring at me with a slightly confused look on his face. Judging by the shouts from the hallway and emptiness of the room, class had ended.

"" I mumbled. Staring back at him, I grinned.

"How is it that vampires can sleep?" I asked, and he blinked. Once. Twice. Then he sported a full blown smile on his face, making my own grin widen. he shrugged, straightening up so he was standing properly as he stared out the window. He gave a lazy shrug.

"I dunno, I suppose it's a part of being dead and all; you can't be active all the time, right?" He asked, and I 'hmm'ed thoughtfully.

"Which is why you 'rest'? But isn't it supposed to be during the day?" I asked, grabbing my French book and shoving it inside my bag.

"You're so goddamn stereotypical. What if I suddenly started talking about some short dude with a pink bunny plushy and no friends?" He asked, and I smiled, shaking my head as I picked Minnie up from my desk.

"I'm sorry for being so goddamn stereotypical, but if you did anything of the sort, I'm afraid I would have to kill you." I said, and he laughed as we stepped out of the classroom. We had to speak in hushed voices, granted the topic of discussion. The tension from before was gone, and the Red Sea parted for us once again as we made our way to English.

"Big words, coming from a human." he taunted, and I stuck my tongue out at him. 

"Rather a safe zone to speak in, for a vampire." I shot back, and he returned the gesture.

"Speaking of safe zones, who had to hide behind my boyfriend last night?"

"The one who you stalk. Proof on your walls." 

"Comceited much? You only saw one of them. The other three have Donghae, you and me, and me and Donghae on them. He said, and I gave a smile.

"Aww, that's just too cute. Aren't you supposed to be serious and stuck up? You as a vampire," I said, then we were both silent as we looked at each other.

"Pun intended." We both cracked up laughing as we got to our class. Our exchange had occurred in the fifteen seconds it took us to get from one class to the other, and I was happy we were back to normal. I then blinked.

"Oh yeah, Hyukkie you never told me who that guy was." I reminded, and he sighed but nodded.

"He's from a rival coven. Tell you more about it later." He promised, and it nodded. It wasn't really that important, but it seemed he had a sore spot when it came to this guy. This bit of Hyukkie was strangely new to me, something I wasn't particularly happy with, but it was there all the same, so I had to learn to deal with it. The first step was learning all I could.

The teacher then came in, and we started our classes. Hyukkie groaned.

"We're not gonna be leaving the country anytime soon, why do we have to learn this for? Not to mention French! What kind of Korean speaks French?" He asked, and I snickered.

"French was optional, y'know. It's hardly Korea's fault if you were just too overprotective." I replied, getting out my stationery. He rolled his eyes and got his stuff out as well, stealing my mechanical pencil and replacing it with his. I gave him a questioning look, and he grinned.

"I'm a narcissist, okay?" He said, and it was then I noticed the monkeys -his trademark- that were on the pencil he swapped for mine, I sent him an amused look, and we were then called to attention by the teacher.

"Lee Sungmin? Lee Eunhyuk?" He he got the register to call him 'Eunhyuk' and not 'Hyukjae' is beyond me.

"Yes?" Hyukkie answered.

"Pay attention, please? Especially you, Eunhyuk." She said. Everyone's eyes widened as I snickered. Hyukkie rolled his eyes and 'tsk'ed. I stepped on his toe, and his gaze snapped to me sending him a disapproving look, I rolled my eyes at his sulking expression that no one but me seemed to notice, and turned back to the teacher.

"I'm sorry about him, he's an idiot." I said, ignoring both the indignant 'yah!' coming from my right and shocked gasps from the rest of the class. Really, it's been what, four years since we've been attending this school together? They should all know by now that Hyukkie isn't really a bad person, of else I wouldn't be around him.

"Well, just-" she was cut off by Hyukkie.

"Yah, Sungmin who's an idiot?" I facelpalmed, though I had a smirk playing on my lips.

What was I afraid of this morning? Where's all that fear and anxiety gone?

There was nothing to be scared of in the first place.

Liked it? I hope so :3

I'm sorry this chapter is short, PLUS it took so long to be uploaded, but le wifi router's being a total motherfluffer. But, now I'm back online \(^.^)/


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Chapter 31: Wait wat happened to eunhyuk? Is he still fighting?
mysterycodes #2
Chapter 31: Glad that kyu is fine and safe.
TaiShanNiangNiang #3
Chapter 30: Finally! >< But now they have to go get Kyu and hope he's okay.
mysterycodes #4
Chapter 30: Im glad that they have confess to each other but Im worry about kyu.
ichathoriqlover #5
Chapter 30: Wow, such a confession there, right? I love that part but still worried about kyu tho. Or maybe i shouldnt be worry cuz sungminnie will get him back?
Chapter 30: How to feel about this update...... They effing finally confessed to each other!
But what the heck is happening with Kyuhyun?! And hope Min can find Kyu soon!
Don't worry I wont kill you! Haha.
Thank chu for the update!
Chapter 29: gonna eat u -_-
Chapter 29: Ohhhh Kyuuuuu.... If you only know if it is freaking you! Kyu is so oblivious. Haha.
Thank chu for the update!
mysterycodes #9
Chapter 29: I can't believe that kyu can't take the hint that sungmin give.
ichathoriqlover #10
Chapter 29: I guess eunhyuk and hae needs to get kyumin to tell their feelings for each other