Chapter 23

True Love Has No Ending
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Present Day...

Shin Hye practiced hard for her debut. She danced, she sings, she acts... At times she doesn't even know why she's doing all this. But at the same time she had the extra burden, besides paying her debt to Geun Suk, she had to compose songs, that was one of the criteria she needed to fulfill as part of her contract. It's been difficult of late as she had been left uninspired. She stopped her train of thoughts for awhile and went over to the shelf with books lining up. She picked one book out of the many. She picked up the book of quotes hoping to read some good ones to be inspired. As she read some of the quotes, Shin Hye couldn't stop but to comment on it.

"Thick Skin is a gift from God.  - That I have."

"No woman can be a beauty without a fortune. - Do they mean plastic surgery? Next~ ~!!"

"Poetry is a subject as precise as geometry. - Oooo... deep.."

"What we call evil is simply ignorance bumping its head in the dark. - Another deep one."

"What makes a person doesn't want to drink water? Cos fish f*** in it. - LOL WTF?"

Then she turned to the page on quotes about love...

"Maybe the most that you can expect from a relationship that goes bad is to come out of it with a few good songs."

"If you hate a person, you hate something in him that is part of yourself. What isn't part of ourselves doesn't disturb us." 

"Love's pleasure lasts but a moment, love's sorrow lasts all through life."

"I will not sulk about having no boyfriend, but will develop inner poise and authority and sense of self as woman of substance, complete without boyfriend, as the best way to obtain a boyfriend."

With that in mind, she closed the book and got back to her practice.

It's been a long time since the last time Shin Hye was in school. 

"Park Shin Hye!!!"

Shin Hye turned around and she saw four girls come charging at her.

Her first instinct was to run away from them as she screamed, "Argh! Stampede!" 

"Yah~! Park Shin Hye, how can you say that about us?", Bom sulked.

"Wae andwe? Am I wrong?"

"Yah! You're so mean!"

"Am I wrong when I say even if I died in a stampede of four gorgeous and lovely girls who I call my friends, I'll die happy."

Smiles crept up from all five and now were running to each other for a group hug.

Watching from afar were the guys, Il Woo and Kim Bum. They laughed as they watched Shin Hye running away from the girls and the group hug was oh so sweet they thought. The guys were talking among themselves and thought the same thing, "No wonder she's a guy's magnet."

"Shin Hye, how have you been?" Seunghyun asked her.

"Am fine now Seunghyun-sshi."

"Missed me?" Shin Hye asked everyone.

"Of course!"

They spent the day together and when school ended, Shin Hye shared the good news about being signed on with an agency.

"Congratulations Park Shin Hye! You'll do good!"

"Let's all debut. Hwaiting!"

Shin Hye has been practising hard and putting in extra effort to ensure a successful debut.

And after a long hard work and effort invested, Shin Hye successfully debut and became the hot star of the moment.

Meanwhile in the country side...

Min Ho would occasionally update his dad of his whereabouts because of the promise he had made to his mum before she passed on. They would exchange letters but Min Ho refused to meet up with him saying that he is not ready to meet his dad yet. His dad had informed him that Shin Hye's incident had been solved and the mastermind was apprehended, but Shin Hye did not want to press charges against the mastermind. When Min Ho read his dad's update he thought to himself, "Ya pabo Shin Hye, always thinking of others first but yourself..." He sighed as he folded the letter and placed it in a covered tin that was use to store biscuits. 

One day, a black luxurious car stopped in front of the house Min Ho was staying. Men in suits stepped out of the car. Min Ho recognised them to be his father's bodyguards. The bodyguard relayed the message to Min Ho that his father was ill and that he wishes to see his son. Min Ho grabbed his wallet and a jacket. He went to the Ahjusshi who was wondering who these men are and excused himself. 

"Ahjusshi mianhamnida. I'm going back to Seoul for awhile to visit my father who's ill at the moment."

"Sure sure son. Go ahead. I'll be praying for his health."

"Kamsahamnida Ahjusshi."

Min Ho rode the car with worries surrounding his heart. He hoped his father is alright. The drive was a silent and sombre one. The bodyguard broke the silence;

"How are you young master?"

"I've been fine. The elders here have taken good care of me."

"I'm glad. You look much better now. Healthier. Happier."


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Chapter 30 is out! Shin Hye is turning on her game!


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Khawahish #1
aaqceli #2
Chapter 40: Just found this story. No words to describe how good it is. I even cried while reading. Thanks
Chapter 13: Did i ever read this..I forgotten the whole story line having JYJ to teach dancing.2Ne1& BB as friends..hahaha
sarahsusanti #4
Chapter 40: Thank you for the whole good story author...
gelai5 #5
Chapter 40: Feel good MinShin story, hope you will continue to write, for you inspired minshippers so much. Thank you for your gift, hope more blessing will come your way....
Chapter 40: So cute.. ♡ MH and SH love had grown mature that nothing can come thier way.. thanks dear for this =)
Angelyn58 #7
Chapter 40: Hi rainbow! :D i just found your ff. so this is your land in aff as someone told in other land thread ;) i decided to read all your ff from the oldest to the one which you re colaborate with *sorry for my poor english. I hope you understand well :P * i like this ff, i'll continue to read your other ffs. Cheers!
minhakim #8
Chapter 40: The end...T.T
Thanks author-nim
minhakim #9
Chapter 38: Hmmm...
Geunsuk Oppa.. what happened to you? T.T
minhakim #10
Chapter 26: Hmmmm...
im still torn*
but my loyalty for MinShin should not waver..