Loving Your Disappearance


What if you spent eight years of your life fighting crime in New York with the Teen Titans? What would happen if in order to save the people you love, you have to disappear? 

Rosie is a 16 year old girl who has magical powers. Ever since she was 7 she has been fighting crime alongside her 5 best friends and family; the Teen Titans. A terrible danger has arised. The only way to save her friends and the world is to disappear where no one can find her. She goes to hide in her second most favorite place in the world; South Korea.

What will happen to her in this unfamiliar place? What will happen when her real identity is revealed?

Thank you so much for those who supported this story. I felt it was time to complete it. I hope everyone loves the ending and happy reading everyone. For life is made up of moments and we must seize them in order to be happy.


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Chapter 23: nice chapter authornim :)
Hello there! So, I've been planning on making a fic where SHINee basically makes up Teen Titans, but then I saw this. I hope you don't mind if I write it still? I wasn't even sure if I was going to post it, but if you'd rather I not write it/post it, that's totally fine.
TeaCow156 #3
Chapter 18: Nooooooooooo! Poor Taemin!
everykpoplover #4
Chapter 4: I want to read more plz update soo
Dinorawwr #5
I really hope you make this soon or even in the future