Symptom 03

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Symptom 03

Dongwoo knew that there was something truly dangerous lingering around their current location..  He could smell their vile scent of decay and hatred .  It was rotting, but Dongwoo could also detect a familiar scent.  He was here as well.  Dongwoo wondered why he returned so suddenly.  He must have been told something important to come back from his three day conference two days early.

"Why do I think that is a lie?" Woohyun asked as he glared at Dongwoo, but Dongwoo did not answer him.  Woohyun rolled his eyes and walked over to Dongwoo.  He was starting to believe that there was something wrong with the older man.

Great, this babo is on another planet.

"Do not pair me up with that idiot again. I rather work alone the barely escape death." Sungjong said as he flicked his pink hair out of his eyes and crossed his arms. "I rather work by myself. It is not my fault that you have trust issues." Sungjong was sick of Hoya and really hated him as their temporary leader. He was doing a terrible job leading them. 

"You will be paired up with whomever I tell you to be paired up with, Sungjong ah." Hoya took a step forwards. He could not believe Sungjong was challenging him. He thought the kid respected him and not give him a hard time, like he was doing now.  Hoya did not need this right now.  He was already having a bad day and did not need any more stress, especially from the person he thought he could trust the most.  "You will do as I say."

"Do as you say?" Sungjong said in a sassy tone. "Why the hell would I do as you say.  You are not the boss of me!" Sungjong was starting to get really irritated.  Hoya being in charge was giving him a big head and they needed Sunggyu to stop Hoya from becoming cocky.

"I am the boss of you because I am the leader." Hoya growled and grabbed onto Sungjong's collar. 

"You being leader is only temporary." Sungjong placed a hand on Hoya's wrist and pulled his hands off of his cloak like jacket.  He took a step back and glared at Hoya. Sungjong just wanted to run away from him.

Hoya caught Sungjong's arm and turned him around roughly. Hoya gripped onto Sungjong's arm tighter.  He could not believe the kid said that him. That is was only temporary.  He was going to make sure it was not going to be temporary.  He wanted the council to see that they made a huge mistake making Sunggyu leader.  "You dare talk to me like that?"

"I can talk to you however I like." Sungjong yelled. "I lost respect for you years ago and it is going to take time for me to respect you as my hyung. NOW LET GO!"

"No!" Hoya said as he glared at Sungjong, "Not till you talk to me properly." Hoya was having a difficult time controlling his anger.  He felt like Sungjong stabbed him through the heart.

"Will you two stop fighting." Woohyun rolled his eyes.  He did not like seeing the two fight.  They used to be so close in the past.  Hoya smiled more and Sungjong was not a brat.  "In case you haven't noticed, Dongwoo hyung is missing." Woohyun sighed.  He wondered where the older man disappeared to.  Did Dongwoo pick up on a scent?

"This is your fault." Hoya said as he started to make his way out of the abandoned warehouse.  Hoya knew that it was not Sungjong's fault. He just needed someone to blame Dongwoo's disappearance on.

Woohyun sighed and looked at Sungjong.  He felt horrible because he could see that look in Sungjong's eyes.  The kid was on the verge of tears.  Hoya rarely yelled at the younger.  "Hey kid."

"Go ahead of me..." Sungjong said as his voice cracked.  He did not want Woohyun to see him like this.  It would give Woohyun another excuse to call him weak and worthless. "Just go..."

"I am not going to leave you hear by yourself and Howon can obviously take care of himself. That arrogant bastard." Woohyun walked over to Sungjong and ruffled the younger males head. "Don't let him see you cry.  You cannot let him get to you." Woohyun smiled.

"Why are you being so nice to me?" Sungjong said as tears streamed down his cheeks. He tried to dry away his tears, but Woohyun beat him to it.  He placed a hand on Sungjong's cheek and whipped his tears away.  "Let's make sure Hoya does not do anything stupid.  I think Dongwoo hyung was on to something."

Sungjong nodded and followed Woohyun out of the warehouse. He was starting to wonder what Dongwoo had sniffed out.  That hyung may be crazy, but his sense of smell was amazing.


L was making his way towards the rundown warehous

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Contagion 2/24/16 hello every one! I know I have been MIA lately with all my stories, but an update is coming soon. Either sometime today or tomorrow.


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2finite #1
Chapter 32: thank you so much for updating :””””)

I can't remember reading this story but I must've liked it cause I'm still subscribed + I see my 16 y/o self had commented on this story from waaaaaay back then HAHAHAHA AMAZING.
I should give it a bingeread soon....e u e
Chapter 32: You updated the story~~!! \^-^/ thank you so much, Author-nim~~!! But, I think I have to reread this story from the beginning but again I will really enjoy reading this story again because I love your story~~ ♡♡♡♡♡

Welcome back~~!! \^-^/
HunTy1204 #4
Kinda thought you update the story again, authornim ;) but it's okay xD don't feel pressured
Rianne2580 #5
Chapter 20: I love vampire stories, unni! I'll be reading this now that I'm free :D hehe~
You'll be seeing comments from me :)
sha_alina19 #6
Chapter 31: Kyaaa!!! Why u update late..huhuhu...i miss this story u know?? Huhuh....btw it is good to read this again....i hope for the next update...
Leevelya99 #7
Chapter 30: Omonaaaa Sunggyuuu X)
fanaticnamu #8
Chapter 30: Omo sunggyu. Ahhhh you left me hanging like this. I want more pleaseeeee ^/////^
sha_alina19 #9
Chapter 30: kyaaa!!! so long im wait for last....aigooo...poor sunggyu T.T....please let he dont hurt...
Chapter 30: OMHOGOD!!! Hoya Oppa is angry!! but he's right, Jungyeop Appa always lied to them..
Daeryong!!! WHY??? I want to know the reason!!
I hope Sunggyu will know about Babysoul condition and quickly save her..

and I love the ending of this chapter~ please continue it, Author-nim~!! ^-^/
and also thank you so much for updating this story again~