Visit ChangJo

He/She is MINE!

As what I promised, I decided to take NaHyun to visit ChangJo. Every single day she would convince me to visit her appa. Before she got more sullen, I brought her to their dorm. I’d call ChangJo beforehand because he might not be at home because of his practice and thankfully they’re given a day off for today.

“Omma.. Appa aren’t busy today?” NaHyun asked while I was driving toward his dorm.

“Ne.. Appa taking a rest for today.”

“So.. Can NaHyun play with appa for the whole day?”


“Yay~ NaHyun really miss appa.. Faster omma.. NaHyun want to see appa..” she looked so happy and even asked me to drive faster to meet ChangJo. Looking at her excitement to meet her appa made me smile at how she really misses him. If only the three of us can always be together every day it would be the best for NaHyun but his career is more important. Somehow, I felt guilty to NaHyun because he can’t tell others who his father is.


“Jonghyun-ah.. We’re arrived.” I called ChangJo when we already arrived and entered the building.

“Ne.. I’ll wait at the elevator.” With that I hung up and held up NaHyun in my arm, heading inside the elevator. It headed to the level where they stayed and the moment when the door slide opened, NaHyun immediately stood down and went to ChangJo’s embrace.

“Appa~~~” she excitedly called him in his arm. I headed outside the elevator, followed them inside the dorm. “I miss you appa.” NaHyun said as she hugged his neck.

“Appa too.”

“NaHyun?” from the voice, I knew it is Niel. He stood up from the couch and approached us. ChangJo brought her to the living room which I followed suit and same goes to Niel. “NaHyun-ah.. It’s me Niel ajusshi.” Niel said as he sat on the floor, where he can match their eye level.

“Niel ajusshi~” NaHyun moved toward Niel arm, hugging his neck as what he does to ChangJo just now. I took my seat beside ChangJo while the others are busy with NaHyun.

“NaHyun-ah.. Do you remember us?” Ricky asked her.

“Changhyun ajusshi.. Chanhee ajusshi.. Minsoo ajusshi.. Byunghun ajusshi..” she said as she looked at each of them.

“We miss you, NaHyun-ah~” ChunJi oppa said as he held NaHyun hand. I giggled at the sight of them. They also can be cute sometimes in front of kids.

“NaHyun miss ajusshi too. Really really miss you.” NaHyun said which earned joy responses from them.

“Jonghyun-ah.. I’ll cook for you guys..” I said and he nodded. “NaHyun-ah.. Play with appa and ajusshi.. Don’t make them too tired.” I warned NaHyun and she just nodded. I ruffled her hair before heading to the kitchen, preparing for their lunch.


All the foods already finished which now I just need to prepare it on the table. As I was taking the plates on the shelf, hand was wrapped around my waist.

“Need help?” he rests his chin on my shoulder, whispering next to my ear.

“Ya~ Let go.” I tried to loosen his grip but he hugged me tighter. I gave up with a sigh. “Help me to put the plates on the table.” He finally pulled away and did what I asked him.

“Guys.. Let’s have lunch.” I called the others whose busy playing with NaHyun but they stopped at the mention of lunch. They’re probably very hungry right now. They all rushed to the kitchen and took their seat while Niel carrying NaHyun in his arm.

“Niel-ah.. Bring NaHyun here.. You can eat your meal.” I said as I stretched out my hand to take NaHyun from him so that he can enjoyed having his meal instead of carrying NaHyun. I took NaHyun to sit on my lap, joining the others having lunch.

“NaHyun-ah.. What do you want to eat? Appa will feed you.” ChangJo said as he sat next to us.

“NaHyun want that chicken.” She said, pointing to the fried chicken. ChangJo took it immediately without concerning that it’s still hot. He hissed when he felt the hotness.

“YA!! It’s still hot and you just take it with your hand? You can use the chopstick.” I scolded him for being careless.

“Ne.. Mianhae..” he took the chopstick now and grabbed a piece of chicken for NaHyun. He took a small pieces, blew on it before feeding NaHyun. “You should eat too. Let me hold NaHyun.” ChangJo took NaHyun on his lap and happily feeding her. I ate my lunch comfortably with the laughter and some talks we haven’t shared for a long time. And the thought of NaHyun having a really fun time made me happy enough for the whole day.

“Omma~” NaHyun was holding a small piece of chicken in front of my mouth. “Aahh~~” she motioned by opening , asking me to do the same, so she’ll get to feed me. I did what she wanted until she fed me.

“Thank you, NaHyun-ah..” I said while munching on the food she fed. She giggled as she succeeds what she wanted.

“Byunghun ajusshi too~” L.Joe oppa said in a cute tone toward NaHyun. NaHyun eventually took a small piece and fed him. “Thank you, NaHyun-ah.” He ruffled NaHyun hair after he got what he wanted.

“Appa eat too..” NaHyun said to ChangJo as he haven’t taken his lunch yet and just kept feeding NaHyun. I giggled at how NaHyun managed to instruct ChangJo and eventually he obeyed her. I continue to eat my lunch and once a while feeding NaHyun.


“Appa! Appa! Can you dance for me?” NaHyun urged ChangJo. All of us gathered in the living room after finished with our lunch.

“Dance? What dance you want appa to dance?”

“That song.. Rocking.. “

“Free step?” NaHyun nodded and which ChangJo stood up and went to the centre of the living room, preparing himself. Ricky playing the music and fasten to the free step part. NaHyun excitedly watched his dad dance the free step and kept bouncing up and down on the couch, supporting her appa.

“Appa jjang!” NaHyun thumbed up at her appa while he took his seat. “Appa~ NaHyun sleepy..” she yawned and indeed she’s sleepy right now.

“I’ll take her to the room then.” ChangJo pulled up NaHyun into his arm and brought her to his room.

“Noona.. Did you see our comeback?” Ricky asked me.

“Ne.. I saw it with NaHyun.”

“We’re sorry that we can’t contact you often.” Niel said.

“It’s fine.. You’re busy so it doesn’t matter. I understand.”

“Are you still going to work, NaEun-ah?” ChunJi oppa asked me.


“Then, you brought along NaHyun?” he asked again.

“Ne… I can’t let her alone at home. It’s weird to tell my workers that I’m actually married. But I felt relief to tell them the truth.”

“That’s good. I thought they would be bad at you.” he said again..

“They’re kind.”

“Don’t have a thought to stay here again?” L.Joe oppa asked, wriggling his eyebrow in a teasing way.

“No!! I won’t!! There’ll be trouble again.” I said, remembering at how worse it’d be to stay with these 6 guys and plus with a child.

“Or you can move to the dorm across us.” CAP oppa said.

“It’ll be a waste of money. I can’t leave our house.” I denied the decision even though they’re just joking.

“Ne.. You’re right…” Niel said. “Ah! Did you already visit Mark hyung?”

“Not yet.. Maybe next time. He’s practising right now, I guess.” Mark oppa just live next door but I think he’s not at home right now. At this time, he’s usually practice.

“He sometimes came here and we get close now.” ChunJi oppa said. I didn’t think that Mark oppa would approach them. He’s usually a shy person to approach another person. Maybe, becoming an idol change himself.

“The other members?” they didn’t mention about other members of GOT7 just now. They aren’t that close except for Mark oppa?

“Others too but all of us close to Mark. Some of us close with some of them.” ChunJi oppa answered me

“So… That’s mean there some of them that you aren’t close with?” they nodded at the same time. “And awkward?”

“No.. It’s not awkward.. It just like.. We’re just friend. Not a best friend.” L.Joe oppa explained. I get what he meant by. I nodded as I understand what he said.

“We got close to Mark hyung because he’s Jonghyun’s friend.” Niel said.

“Ne.. He told us little information about Jonghyun that we didn’t know.” Ricky said as he felt excited about the information that he knew.

“What’s that?” I felt curious about the things that they knew.

“He used to send love letter to you every day.” Ricky said. “And gifts at on special day.”

“YA! Mark oppa told you that?” they nodded. “I’ll kill him when I meet him later.” I set in my mind.

“But.. It just that.. He won’t tell more..” Ricky showed how disappointed that he can’t get more information. But, thankfully that Mark oppa just reveal that information. If he tells them more, I’m surely will make him regret. Just in times, ChangJo just got out from his room, silently closed the door before approaching us and took his seat beside me. NaHyun probably already sleep right now.

“What are you talking about?” he asked us.

“About what Mark told us about you.” L.Joe said in a teasing way.

“I told you to forget about that.” He warned the members. Even a maknae dare to scold his hyung. Brave maknae. That’s how they kept bickering about that matter until I can just watch the sight of them fighting with word. It’s not anyone fault here. I’ll meet Mark oppa and warned him. Even it’s not about me, I also need to secure information about ChangJo. He’s probably getting teased by the others about that.

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Chapter 34: i hope to see more soon !
Chapter 33: Who kidnapped nahyun? Is that person know that jonghyun already married with naeun?
Chapter 30: AWWWW so adorable!! KAWAII!!
Chapter 29: author nim.. PLEASE update soon. I cant wait for it. xD
Chapter 29: yeahh .. finally the baby ! how bad changjo was not there .
Chapter 29: The BABY'S HERE!!!!! That's like so messed up on different levels since Mark was there and not Changjo. But thanks for the update ><
S2nancy #7
Chapter 29: The baby is finally here!!! Haha Mark come instead that's funny! Thanks for the update
Chapter 28: kyaa ! changjo so sweet >.<
Chapter 27: kyaaa ! this story so cool >.< i love this story . they're so cute ! oh my changjo <3
update soon juseyo author-nim ^^