Chapter Nine

Living With An EXO Member

It was recess time and you sit at your usual table with Sushin . You both talked and giggled . "But , don't you think its weird ?" Sushin suddenly asked . You just put a peace of your food in your mouth and said "What ?"

"Its weird how Kai said 'No' at the same time i did when Sehun suggested you the peach smoothy the other day ." Sushin chewed on her food . You look at her "What's so weird about that ?" you asked not understanding what she meant . Sushin sigh and look at you "Dude , i'm one of the few people that knows you're allergic to peaches . Its like Kai knew it too . Don't cha think ?" you raised a brow "Umm , maybe its just a guess ." 

"Okay . Whatever you say ." Sushin shrruged and continue with her food . Come to think of it , it does seems weird at how he suddenly responded to the whole peach thing . You just decided to not think about it and continue eating . 

Suddenly , someone sat infront of yo . You heard Sushin gasped and you look at from your food . You got startled a little when you saw Chanyoung and his friends standing behind him . He smirked "Eat a lot Park Jasmine ~" he sang while resting his chin on his hand . 

"Yahh , what's going on there ?" D.O said to s pointing to your table . Suho who were back facing you , turn to see what he meant . So does the other members . "Lee Chanyoung ?" Chanyeol said . "What's with this dude again ?" Sehun sigh in disbelief . Suho just focus on you .

You scoffed "What do you want sunbaenim ?" he chuckled "Suddenly , you turn respectful to me ?" you just rolled your eyes . "I'm just here to continue what i started this morning ." he said making you raised a brow . Sushin nudged you . You just gave her a reassuring smile and look at Chanyoung .

He cough "Kids ! Do you guys want to know something ?" he yelled suddenly . All students turn their attention to your table . EXO got suprised and Suho raised a brow . "Now what ?" Kris said annoyed as he trying to enjoyed his food . 

You got suprised and so does Sushin . "Sunbaenim ." you said trying not to be rude to your senior infront of everyone . He flashed you a smile and yelled . "I was suprised when i found we just got fooled by some people after all these years ." People started to bickered and EXO got confused too . 

"Lee Chanyoung ." you called his name now .

He chuckled "Do you guys know that your preci-" Suho started to stood up from his seat but stopped when you slammed your spoon on the table loudly suprising everyone . 

"Shut up and see me outside ." you then stood up and walked towards the door after telling Sushin that you'll see her in class . She just nodded . You walked passed through Suho who is trying to make an eye contact with but failed when you ignored him and left the cafeteria . 

Chanyoung smiled and smirked "Sorry kids . Looks like the drama is not happening today ." he said and left after giving a smirk to Suho . Everyone continue eating and so does Sushin who is confused but just will ask you later .

Chen pulled Suho to sit back down . Suho sit and sigh . "What the hell is happening ?" Tao asked whispering . "I don't know . But i have a feeling that i'm not gonna like it ." Baekhyung answered glancing at Suho . "Everything that have to do with Chanyoung is not good ." Luhan said . The others stared at Suho who is looking very confused and worried at the same time . He have no idea why would Chanyoung have anything to do with you . Unless..he knew . That's what he thought .

"Calm down hyung ." D.O patted Suho's shoulder . "Yeahh , just asked her later ." Lay continued . Suho nodded slowly and both he and Kai look at the door where you and Chanyoung passed through earlier ..

You were waiting for Chanyoung at a corner not far from the cafeteria . Chanyoung asked his friends to wait somewhere else and walked towards you . 

"What do you want ?" you asked him as soon as he is infront of you . He chuckled "What ?"

You sigh "Why are you bothering me ?" you asked .

He smirked "I'm not ." you scoffed . "You're not ? Then what the hell are you doing to me right now ?" you almost yelled annoyed at him . 

"I'm bothering Suho through you ." he said lightly . You got confused "Mwo ?"

He chuckled "Yaah kid . I'm only doing this because i want to get even with your 'oppa' ." he said . You got even more confused "Even ?"

He nodded and smiled "He did something to me few years ago along with s and now that 'EXO' is back , i'm gonna start my plan on them . Between you and me thing , its just the top of an iceberg ." 

You scoffed in disbelief . "You must be crazy ." He laugh "Dae . I am . Thanks to your knights ." 

"What have they ever did to you exactly ?" you asked trying to understand why is he doing all this .

His expression suddenly change and he look away "Its non of your business ." 

You raised a brow "Really ?" you said making him look at you "If its really non of my business , leave me alone ." 

He sigh "I can't ." "And why not ?" you shot back .

"Because..." he started "You're his weakness ." you scoffed "Don't kid yourself . He barely even care about me ." 

He chuckled "Thats what you think ." he said making you look at him weirdly .

"What are you planning ?" you asked . He smirked "Revealing his biggest secret ofcourse ." 

"The me and him thing ? Do you think people will attack him ? They will attack me !" you almost yelled .

"On the contrary my dear junior ." he said laughing .

You sigh because he can still laugh in this kind of situation . You felt like running away from him but you think it would be bad because he have his friends near you guys . 

"Don't worry . Your secret thing , about him being your step-brother thing , doesn't mean anything to me . Its not what i had in mind ." he said fixing his hair .

"Then what is ?" you asked curiously . 

He stopped and look at you . "So , you are curious ? Bet you didn't know about it too huh ?" You cough "Whatever it is . It have nothing to do with me ." you look away .

He chuckled "Its not but i don't think you want this to get around and ruining his carier would you ?" he said . You look at him weirdly . "What are you talking about ?" He smirked and leaned in to whisper to you .

After school , you just headed home . You barely said anything after recess and you told Sushin you would call her later . 

When you were about to open your door , you noticed there are many familiar shoes on your door step . You sigh and enter the house . You close the door and were about to head upstairs when you noticed that Suho is standing infront of you . You look at him and noticed that the boys of EXO were staring at you .

"What ?" you asked . "Did something happened ?" Chanyeol asked .

"What did Chanyoung want ?" Sehun asked .

"Did he do anything to you ?" Baekhyun jumped from the couch .

You chuckled at the boys questions . Suho raised a brow and all the boys look at each other weirdly . "Did we say something funny ?" D.O whispered to Chen .

"Is this funny to you ?" Suho said expressionless . You look at him and nodded "Dae ." he sigh . You turn to the boys "Its nothing guys . He's just a pain in the ." the boys chuckled and sit down at the couch and floor back . 

"I'll be in my room ." you said when you noticed the boys calmed down a little bit . The boys nodded and you were about to walk to the stairs when Suho hold your wrist "What happened ?" he whispered . You gave him a small smile and pushed away his hand from your wrist slowly . "Its nothing . I'll see you at dinner ."

You then headed upstairs . Suho sigh as he watched you go upstairs . He then sit down with s . "I know somethings wrong and i'm gonna find out ." he thought .

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squeal? pls?
Chapter 24: So jelly of your b-day date.
allenmitch #3
Chapter 29: Author-nim I Really LOVE this sTory.I Finished this in just 2-3 hours
jongenini #4
Chapter 29: I finished this in one night. Great story authornim ^^
flowergirl137 #5
Chapter 29: wowww i love it! But i was wondering if Jasmine like kai too ? Naahh whatever. but this is one of my favourite story. Good job authornim !!
ExoLkpop #6
Chapter 29: OMG!!! That story is so awesome!! XD *squealing*
Paulinekim #7
Chapter 29: Omg I finally finished reading it after couple of months literally .. I've been in hiatus reading but I'll promise myself to finished this before this year end n I'm really determined to finshed it as if I'm racing with the time haha ,, I felt really touched when I read this last chapter I felt like I wanna cry or something ,,Im like crazy dunno what I feel ..btw I really like this fanfic unnie Ive been always wanting to comment but I promise myself to write it all in the very last chapter thats why its that long :D it is the first fanfic that I read n Im really happy that I didnt feel disappointed ,n besides Kai is my bias ,I feel happy reading everytime he appear on a chapter ,,youre really a good author unnie I hope u'll continue writing more fanfics keep it up unnie :* I hope I'll be like U too hehe Happy new year :)
Chapter 29: i finished this in one night and it. was. so. amazing!! great job ^^
b1a4fighting201 #9
Chapter 29: omg! finally finished reading it! so worth it!