Chapter Twenty-Three

Living With An EXO Member

Finally , the school bell rang to end today's session . You felt relived as you don't have to make contacts with the haters you got . Apparently , you just raised a total of 50% haters just after a few hours . You're just thankful that the other 50% were mostly boys who didn't care much about all this and some were seniors who only focus on studying .

You walked towards your locker only when you saw no one was around . You opened your locker and to your surprised a small balloon filled with flour was hit on your face . The books you were holding dropped to the floor as you were too surprised . You heard some giggles and you didn't even bother to see who it was as your eyes were covered by the flour .

You shaked your head little to shurugged off the flour from your hair , face and also a little from your clothes . You look at the mirror inside your locker , damn your look uglier than usual .

You keep on rubbing off the flour when someone handled you your books that were dropped to the floor . "Thanks ." you just managed to say as your eyes are still too blurry to look who it was . 

"Are you okay ?" that voice who you recognized so much asked . "Yeah , i'm okay ." you replied lightly . Suddenly , you can feel a napkin wiping your face . Your eyes can see a little clear now . And you were right , its Kai . "I'm okay . Really ." you said taking the napkin from his hand . You wiped your face with it until the flour its not that visible enoughh and closed your locker before turning to him . 

"Thank you ." you gave him the napkin . He shook his head , "Keep it ." he said that made you nodded . 

"I also saw the whole flying duster thing ." he spoke . You nodded and started walking "Ahh , you saw that ?" you asked curiously as today , he wasn't in class at all . He and Sehun to be exact . They were both excused from the class to a football meeting held by the coach . 

"I was near the field when i saw you walked by . Does your shoulder hurt ?" he hold your shoulder . You smiled at him "I'm okay . Really . Don't worry ." He sigh , "You need to do something about this . This is only the beginning . I can't bare to watch things like this happen to you for the next days ." You look down and just continue walking . Kai decided to just keep quiet and he also said he will try to protect you before he left .

You just arrived home and you suddenly heard a gasps . You look up and it was your maid with her eyes widened while looking at you . "Suprise ? Me too ." you said and just went to your room . The maid watched you left and blink many times to process what just happened to you .

You put away your uniform to be wash and you head downstairs to grab a drink that night . 

"You okay ?" a voice suprised you while you were just taking a tin of Pepsi from the refrigerator . "Aishh you suprised me ." you said . He ignored it and just look at you with a worry look . 

You cleared your throat , "I'm okay . Don't worry about me ." you replied . He sigh , "Aren't you angry or stressed with all this that happened to you ?" he asked . You opened your drink and took a sip before saying , "It'll be over soon anyway . This can't go on forever ." at the same time you thought "Can they continue this forever ?" that creeps you .

"Anyway , i'm sorry that this whole thing got blown . I know you wanted to keep all this a secret until your graduation ." you apologized feeling bad for him . He look down , "Naah that's okay . Its already happened anyway ." he replied .

"But , you din't get bullied or anything like that right ?" he asked curiously . You look at him in surprised , he must have not known the things that happened to you earlier . The whole duster and flour thing . Besides , he didn't bumped into you after school . That means , he didn't see you covered with flour . Its better that he didn't know about all this .

You gave him a smile "No . Ofcourse not ." you convince him . He sigh in relief "Good . Just maybe you need to be closer to me after this at school . To make sure you won't get bullied and other stuffs like that ." he suggested . You raised a brow at his weird idea but you shook your head "I'm pretty sure its better if i stay away from you and the other EXO guys ." 

"But , if you're with us , they won't be able to do anything to you ." he explained .

You take a deep breathe so you won't raised your voice to avoid fighting with him . "Look , its nothing big . Don't worry about me and focus on your studies ."

You started walking away and turn back to him to say "And , if you really want to make sure i'll be fine , avoid me , and i'll avoid you ." that made him startled a little . You then continue walking back to your room . 

He sigh heavily and ruffled his hair . "Now what Kim Junmyeon ?" he said to himself .

The next day come faster than usual . Or is it just you ? Eventhough you feel like skipping school today because you don't want to face those haters or maniac fans , but you can't skip everyday . 

You dragged your legs to school after having breakfast . Surprisingly , you didn't see Suho at the table as usual . You thought he's either woke up early which is unlikely of him or he just woke up a little late . Somehow , you felt a little relieved not seeing him because that'll make you think about the things you will face at school today . 

As you walk towards your locker , eyes and words already attacking you . You felt their gaze on everything you do . Instead of looking at them back , you just ignore them and do your own thing . Its much better that way . You have to practice anyway since you know you'll be facing this everyday till you graduate . Suddenly you felt like you want to graduate fast .

This time at your locker , instead of opening it like yesterday , you opened it slowly and immediately go to the side . You know you look like an idiot but heck them , you need to atleast protect your uniform from the dirtyness today or atleast not until the school is over .

Since nothing exploded , you peek into your locker and sigh in relieved . You just took out your books and dust the flour off . You were about to close the locker when you saw that the pictures of you and your mom on the locker are covered with flour . You can barely see your face , most importantly , you can't see your mom's face . 

You quickly wiped the flour off each one of the photo with your sleeve ignoring the bell ringing as a sign of the first class have start . 

Unrealizingly , your tear started to fall . Just cleaning the pictures and see your mom face again made another tear fell . You have no idea why you acted like this . Maybe because thats the only visible memory you had left of her that got you caught up like this . 

Finally done with the last picture , you stare at it . Its the picture of when you first time entering middle school . Standing infront of the main gate with your school uniform , ponytail hair and backpack . Your mom put her arms around your shoulder and you hug her . 

Another tear fell and you just felt like dropping to the floor but you still can control yourself . 

Suho just entered the hallway . He decided to arrived school late today because he thinks thats what he should do atleast . He was walking towards his class when he saw you standing infront of your locker . You didn't realized his appearance behind you as he approached .

He didn't see your face but he manage to see what were you holding . A picture of you and your mom . He raised a brow and glanced at you , thats when his eyes widened . He saw your locker were full with white powder . Eventhough the powder is gone , the little dust is still visible .

He walked closer to you and finally able to see your face . Your face was red and a tear on your cheeks . 

"Yaah , kenchana ?" he asked .

You got startled and look at up . Your eyes widened . You quickly put back the picture and close your locker before wiping your tears . 

"Dae . You woke up late today i isee ?" you asked forcing a smile but Suho can see the sadness in your eyes . 

"Yeah i did . So , umm , you're okay ? You don't look so good ." he scan your face . 

You fake a chuckled "When did i ever look good to you ?" you just smile at him . "I'm late for class ." you said and without waiting for his repond , you just walked away quickly to avoid any more questions from him .

Suho was about to opened his mouth when you walked earlier . He glanced at your locker . "Did something happened ?" he said to himself and sigh before walking off to class . 

As usual , before the teacher came in for every subjects today , your classmates , especially girls will start trash talking you out loud on purpose and just make you swipe the floor . They added more trash as you keep swiping . You just rolled your eyes in annoyance but didn't argue back .

When you reached Kai's and Sehun's table , their place were spotless . Since Kai and Sehun again have a football meeting , they didn't get to witness any of this . Guess the fans take good care of their table for them , you thought . 

You throw out the trash again today . Lucky for you , the girls that threw you the duster yesterday weren't in class today as their class must have their session somewhere else . 

Instead of heading to class after throwing the trash , you sat down on the bleachers next to the field . You sigh as you thought what another tough day you're facing now . 

"No flying duster today ?" someone said that caught you off guard . You look up and saw it was Chanyoung sitting next to you with his hands in his pockets .

"D..dae ?" you stuttered . He turn to you , "The flying duster ." he raised a brow . You nodded finally understanding "You saw that too ?" you asked looking towards the field . "I was near here when i saw it happened . Kai saw it too right ? I saw him walking by ." You nodded "Dae , he did ." He scoffed , "Why didn't that rascal do anything ?" 

You just look down . He noticed your gloomy face and cleared his throat . "Be strong . This is just the beginning . You didn't even reach the half-way of the worst part yet ." 

You chuckled a little "Thanks . That's...good to hear . I think ." He smiled a little and look at the field "Now you sounded like the Park Jasmine that i know ." You just smiled . 

He look at you "Just remember that you're not alone in this . We're here for you ." he said "I'm here for you ." You look at him and nodded "Thank you sunbae ." you smiled . He ruffled your hair and stood up . "Now , let's get you to class . I won't save you from detention if you're caught sitting here ." you chuckled and nodded . 

You were about to stand up when you noticed his hand stretched to you . You look at him , "I'll you to class . I'm here ." he said and waited for you to respond . You smiled again before reaching his hand . He helped you stand up and you both walked to your class together . Somehow , you felt protected the whole walk to class . 

Not realizing , someone is watching the whole thing . 


Hellllooo ! Yehett another update ! How you like this chapter ? Anyway , THANK YOU SO MUCH for wishing me a happy birthday on 2nd May . Indeed i have the best readers ever :3 And yes , BamBam is my dongsaeun . He's a year younger than me T.T i feel old hahah . Anyway , thank you again and keep reading :) xoxoxo

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squeal? pls?
Chapter 24: So jelly of your b-day date.
allenmitch #3
Chapter 29: Author-nim I Really LOVE this sTory.I Finished this in just 2-3 hours
jongenini #4
Chapter 29: I finished this in one night. Great story authornim ^^
flowergirl137 #5
Chapter 29: wowww i love it! But i was wondering if Jasmine like kai too ? Naahh whatever. but this is one of my favourite story. Good job authornim !!
ExoLkpop #6
Chapter 29: OMG!!! That story is so awesome!! XD *squealing*
Paulinekim #7
Chapter 29: Omg I finally finished reading it after couple of months literally .. I've been in hiatus reading but I'll promise myself to finished this before this year end n I'm really determined to finshed it as if I'm racing with the time haha ,, I felt really touched when I read this last chapter I felt like I wanna cry or something ,,Im like crazy dunno what I feel ..btw I really like this fanfic unnie Ive been always wanting to comment but I promise myself to write it all in the very last chapter thats why its that long :D it is the first fanfic that I read n Im really happy that I didnt feel disappointed ,n besides Kai is my bias ,I feel happy reading everytime he appear on a chapter ,,youre really a good author unnie I hope u'll continue writing more fanfics keep it up unnie :* I hope I'll be like U too hehe Happy new year :)
Chapter 29: i finished this in one night and it. was. so. amazing!! great job ^^
b1a4fighting201 #9
Chapter 29: omg! finally finished reading it! so worth it!