Chapter Sixteen

Living With An EXO Member

Next day at school in your class , you fell asleep while doing your homework on your table . It was during the free time and all the students in your class do their own thing . You feel so tired today and unknowingly fell asleep . 

"Yaah Park Jasmine ." Sushin  woke you up slowly . You got suprised and rubbed your eyes . "Ohh sushin ah ." you said while yawning . "What the hell happened to you ?" she asked pointing at your messy hair and tired looking face . You put your chin on your hand and said "Just having a sleepless night ." and remembered when you had to put the drunk Suho to sleep last night . 

"Wow you look bad dude ." she said while fixing your hair . "Thanks ." you sarcasticly replied . She sat infront of you "So , how's your project going with my dear boys ?" she asked with a smiley face . You scoffed "If they're really your 'dear' , why don't you just paired with them ?" She caugh "Well , like i said , i love them but not to the extend of having them failing my project . Just no ." she explained . 

You shook your head and yawned again . She chuckled a little "So ? How did it go ?" she asked again . "Ohh right ." you remembered her question . "Well , surprisingly , it went well ." you replied . She raised a brow "It did ? But how ?" Not believing your words .

You smiled remembering the ideas that the boys gave you yesterday and look Sushin . She look at you weirdly . "They were...full of ideas ." you said . Sushin made a weird face because the Kai and Sehun she knew , never actually paid attention the projects and were bad at making a teamwork in homeworks . So , she's surprised that you can handle them pretty well .

She nodded and smile "Good for you . I thought they're going to be a pain in the ." You chuckled and nodded "I thought that too but thankfully not ." she smiled and hold your hand tight before you both talked about other things .

During the recess , you decided to skip lunch since Sushin had to spend the whole recess at the library with project partners . You decided to walk towards the school fields and then you saw someone familiar seating on the bleachers looking towards the empty green grass field .

You walked closer and noticed it was actually Chanyoung . You made a weird face but walked towards him and sat next to him . He got surprised and turn to look at you . "Aissh you scared me ." he whined . You smiled apologeticly and said "Sorry sunbaenim ." He sigh and just look towards the field again . 

You then noticed how his expression changed . You felt like you're not seeing Chanyoung right now . Its like you're seeing a kid who have a lot in thoughts and sad in his eyes . You sigh and said "You're really weird you know that ." He just replied with a "What are you talking about ?" without even gazing away from the field .

"A month ago , i see you as a senior who likes to pick on juniors and threaten them to revealed their secrets to the whole world . I was really scared of you . But after last week ," you paused as he turn to look at you . You look at him "I see you as just a sad person who have a secret of his own ." He got startled by your words . 

"And someone who thinks he's strong enough to handle it alone by hiding it with violences ." you continued . He didn't noticed that his eyes turned red as he look at you . You got surprised as a tear suddenly fell to his cheeks . He quickly wiped it away and look at the field again . 

You sigh feeling guilty that you said something wrong but you know you're right . 

"I'm right aren't i ?" you asked him slowly . He just kept quiet . You pouted a little and look at the front . 

"Soccer..." he suddenly spoke that made you look at him . "it was my life ." he cotinued . You just listened to him . He sigh deeply "To be honest , i'm only doing all that to you not because i want to get back at Suho ." You got startled . He look at you "It was for Xiumin ." he said that made you raised a brow . "Xiumin-oppa ? Wae ?" 

He sigh again and look away . "Like i said , soccer was my life . And Xiumin was part of it . We used to bestfriends . Hanging out together , went to the field during night time and did all crazy things together . But , ofcourse that was before he became a trainee in SM ." he paused . You got even more curious as you just kept quiet and listen to his past with Xiumin and why he was doing all that mean things to you .

"We were friends eversince elementary school . We did almost everything together . Share secrets . There were no limits for us . But one day ," he paused and let out a scoffed "I found out he was trainee in SM after I followed him that night when he cancelled out hangout . He get inside the building and left at 2 a.m . with...them ." he said .

"Them ?" you asked . "The EXO idiots ." he continued . You want to disagree with the idiots part but then again , they are a bunch of idiots . You just keep quiet and continue to listen to him .

"After that night , i decided to avoid to him . Not because he was a trainee in SM . He can be a god damn ballerina for all i care . I'm just mad that he didn't tell me about it . You and me against the world my . One day , he decided to explained to me everything when i bumped into him at night with his trainee buddies ." he stopped for a while before continuing "He wanted to explained and apologized but i didn't give a chance and we fought . Suddenly , when i tried to get away from his grip i fell on the stairs near the park . Broke my leg ." your eyes widened .

"I have an audition for the captain of the school's soccer team . But thanks to that little accident , i missed the audition and Xiumin got elected  as the captain without even auditioning . His EXO members got in the soccer team thanks to him . We didn't talked after the incident and i haven't played soccer eversince ." he ended his story while looking down . Trying to hold in his tears you presume . 

You sigh heavily and felt bad that you mistaken him as a mean person when he just got lost after what happened to him and along the way , he lose his bestfriend and the sport he love most . You wanted to hug him but you think it would be really awkward . 

You couldn't say anything because you know , whatever you'll say is nothing compared to the things he had experience . Without a warning , you just leaned your head on his shoulder . He got surprised and was about to say something when you said "When my mom passed away , i felt like i lose the whole world ." He looked at you .

"It was just too sudden and i felt like no one would understand how i feel . I felt lost and wouldn't even go to school for weeks . I lost my signature smile and laugh . Atleast that's what my dad keep telling me after my mom passed away ." you paused while Chanyoung just listen to you .

"After months of crying over my mom's death , i finally decided to get back on my feet and just move on would my life . But ofcourse , I'm not the same as i was before . I don't laugh often , only smile when i needed to and my mind would be out of this world from time to time ." he nodded a little and you stood up to look at him . He look at you weirdly .

"Losing your favourite pen , lose your talent in playing the sports you love most , will never be the same as the feeling of losing someone you love . Ever . Beat it your parents or friends . As long as they're the people you love most , nothing is sadder than losing them ." you explained that made him look away understanding what you meant . 

You smiled a little and said "You're a really special person sunbaenim ." He look at you surprised at your words . "I don't care if you're going to be meaner to me after this but just know that whatever happens after this , the bad things you'll do , i don't care as long as i know why you're doing it and i know the real you ." you continued .

You smiled at him and said "You should try talking to Xiumin-oppa again ." his eyes widened . "I should be going now . See you later sunbaenim ." you smiled at him again before bowed at him a little and left . Leaving a stunned Chanyoung on the bleachers .

He sigh deeply and covered his face with his hands "Why the hell did i tell her everything ?" he complained feeling angry at himself also feeling a little embarassed . But then again , he also felt a little better after telling you that . He pulled away his hands and thought about your suggestion about talking to Xiumin again . 

"Would he ever talk to me again even if i wanted to ?" he thought and sigh .

You went home after school ended and while you walked passed the cafe near your school , you saw the EXO boys but not all of them there . You decided to slow down you pace and scanned for Suho and Kai but both of them weren't there . 

"Mwoya ? Did they really fought that bad ?" you said to yourself and just continue walking home . 

Helllooooo ! sorry for the late update . i was a little busy . I'll try to update faster since this fic is coming to an end T.T so sad but don't worry i got more fics in mind muahahahahhaha XD i'll focused on this fic first and how should i do the ending since i have no idea what will happened hahah mianhe . Thank you so much for the 100+ subscribers and i feel so grateful for those who still read this flaws fic . Thank you so much and do keep reading :')) xoxoxo





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squeal? pls?
Chapter 24: So jelly of your b-day date.
allenmitch #3
Chapter 29: Author-nim I Really LOVE this sTory.I Finished this in just 2-3 hours
jongenini #4
Chapter 29: I finished this in one night. Great story authornim ^^
flowergirl137 #5
Chapter 29: wowww i love it! But i was wondering if Jasmine like kai too ? Naahh whatever. but this is one of my favourite story. Good job authornim !!
ExoLkpop #6
Chapter 29: OMG!!! That story is so awesome!! XD *squealing*
Paulinekim #7
Chapter 29: Omg I finally finished reading it after couple of months literally .. I've been in hiatus reading but I'll promise myself to finished this before this year end n I'm really determined to finshed it as if I'm racing with the time haha ,, I felt really touched when I read this last chapter I felt like I wanna cry or something ,,Im like crazy dunno what I feel ..btw I really like this fanfic unnie Ive been always wanting to comment but I promise myself to write it all in the very last chapter thats why its that long :D it is the first fanfic that I read n Im really happy that I didnt feel disappointed ,n besides Kai is my bias ,I feel happy reading everytime he appear on a chapter ,,youre really a good author unnie I hope u'll continue writing more fanfics keep it up unnie :* I hope I'll be like U too hehe Happy new year :)
Chapter 29: i finished this in one night and it. was. so. amazing!! great job ^^
b1a4fighting201 #9
Chapter 29: omg! finally finished reading it! so worth it!