Chapter Seven

Living With An EXO Member

"She's allergic to peaches ." Sushin told the boys . 

You got surprised that Sushin told them and just kept quiet . Suho look at you and his eyes widened . You noticed and just ignored him . 

"Just get me the ice cappucino . Thanks ." you said to Kris . Kris nodded and ordered it . Sushin keep holding your arm tightly because she's excited that EXO is buying her drinks . She told you that she wanted to stay in that cafe until the EXO boys leave but all you wanted is to just run away . The hell that ice cappucino . You couldn't care less about that drink but since its rude to leave just like that , you just decided to stay until you got the drinks . 

You and Sushin stood up from your sits when Kai and Tao handed you both the drinks . "Ice cappucino for you ." Kai said giving you the drink . "And strawberry milkshake for you ." Tao handed the other one to Sushin . You said thanks while Sushin stuttered and just smiled shyly while looking at her drink . You chuckled and pulled her with you before leaving the cafe .

"Sorry about earlier tho !" Sehun suddenly screamed that made you and Sushin turned . You can see Sehun with his guilty expression . "No worries . Thanks for the drinks guys ." you smiled at the boys and left the cafe after Sushin said thanks too . 

The boys waved at you both but ofcourse you both already left the cafe . Sehun sigh and drink his coffee before saying "Yaah hyung . Wae didn't you tell me that Jasmine is allergic to peaches ?" he gave an angry expression to Suho . The others turn to Suho . "We didn't know she's allergic to them ." Tao said . Suho look down Because i didn't know too . he thought .

He cough and said "Let's just go practice now." The boys look at him weirdly before following his steps leaving the cafe . Kai sigh He didn't know about her allergies . They all then headed to their practice studio .

That night , it was dinner time . You were eating with your dad and your stepmom sitting next to him while Suho sitting next to you . You all rarely have a family dinner because both of your parents always leaving the country . You couldn't blame them because they are busy people . The dinner was really quiet . Its still awkward for you to have a conversation with your stepmom and the same goes to Suho with your dad .

"So ," your stepmom started that made all of you look at her . "i heard there were a little chaos during breakfast this morning ? What was it about ?" she asked . Your dad raised a brow . "There is ?" Your stepmom just nodded while you and Suho got a little startled . Suho cough "Where did you got them from ?" he tried to fake a smile . 

You just waited for her to respond . "Well , butler Yoon told me ." she replied . You and Suho both sigh and look down . "Way to go butler Yoon ." you both thought before you smiled at her and said "Just a simple chaos . Nothing much ." Suho nodded and continued "yup . No one died or hurt ." "YET ." you continue his words and gave him a fake smile . 

Suho cough "Anyway ," he rolled his eyes at you and turn to the adults . "Its nothing much . You know , a simple , quarrel , between siblings . Isn't that right Jasmine ?"  he asked you faking a smile too . You scoffed "Ofcourse . Nothing much ." 

Both of you parents look at each other and nodded "So , no one got fired or anything like that ?" Suho's mom asked . You and Suho look at each other , "Nope ." Suho shook his head .

"Well , i was thinking of burning someone alive and made his 'fire' wish come true , but , i didn't do it . So , lucky for that certain someone ." you said while smiling . Suho bit his lower lip so he wouldn't jump on the table and choke you with the spaghetti on the dinner table . He then smiled at the parents .  Your parents just smiled and nodded "Good then ." they said in unison and continue eating . 

You both sigh in relieved . The reason why you both don't want your parents to know that you both caused a chaos is that , you and Suho once fought really bad few years ago . Let's just say , a maid got fired because of Suho and you almost broke the chandelier hanging on the ceiling . 

Since that , your parents gave you both a warning . If another big chaos caused in that house , one of you have to leave to America or somewhere outside Korea . That also means , Suho have to leave EXO , if he caused another big chaos . You both don't want it to happened , so , you both agreed to not let any big chaos happened , OR , atleast don't let it reach your parents ear . 

"Ohh , ahjumma , please don't let any peaches exposed around the house . I don't want Jasmine's allergie to strikes again . I'm sorry Jasmine ." Suho's mom apologized to you and told the maid . Suho lift his gaze to look at you . 

You smiled at her "Aniya . I'm okay . I haven't got the allergies since i was in middle school ." Your stepmom smiled and nodded . You noticed that Suho eyes wandered around his plate . "That kid barely even touch his food ." you thought and continue eating . 

Actually , Suho keep thinking about what happened this morning . 

"You're such a kid . Its a fruit . You can just rinsed them . Stop making this such a big deal ." 

"Fine . You rinsed this and eat . Because i'm definitely not gonna eat a dirty floor covered fruits . " he hold out the peach to give it to you . All the maids suddenly gasped and so does the butler . You look at the peach on his hand and gulped .

"Wae ? You're not going to eat it ?" Suho asked . 

Suho sigh heavily before continue eating his food .

After dinner , you already done shwoering and were suprised when you bumped into Suho on your way back to your room . Suho look at you and look away when you look at him back . You scoffed and walked passed him when he said "Sorry ." You got suprised and turn to look at him . He sigh and look at you . "I didn't know you're allergic to peaches . Sorry for making you eating it this morning ." he cough and look down .

You let out a small smile and said "Forget about it . but , did you had a dance practice earlier ?" He look at you weirdly , "Yeah , wae ?" 

You quickly cover your mouth and nose with your towel . "No wonder you smell like a beggar . Gross ." you said and walk away . Suho's eyes widened "Yahh ! You !" he yelled a little and sigh heavily . "That girl , chincha ." he then just headed to the shower unknowingly letting out a little smile on his face .

That morning , its Saturday , means , no school . You take a deep breath as you headed to the park near your house are to have a morning walk as usual . Its a little cold , but you didn't mind . You stopped by at a convenience store and got surprised when you saw a group of boys which you definitely recognize , hang out infront of the convenience store . They were smoking which made you cringed your face as you passed by them to go inside the store .

As you left the store , you decided to just passed by them without them noticing you but it was too late . "Yaah , Park Jasmine !" you closed your eyes in annoyed when one of the boys called you .

You turned to face the person and were greeted by a group of boys looking and smirking at you . "What is it Chanyoung ?" you said annoyedly at the person who called you . Who also , your dance leader and the one who almost caused a fight between Suho and him for mentioning about his mom remarriage thing , few days ago . 

He smirked and walked towards you "You're up early this Saturday morning ? Had a nice sleep ? " he asked . You rolled your eyes and said "yeah and seems like you guys didn't sleep at all . Bad night ?" He sigh in disbelief and so does his other friends . "Yahh , walking alone in this early morning , don't you think its dangerous ?" Chanyoung asked walking closer making you back away .

You cough "I'm gonna go now ." you were about to walk away when Chanyoung suddenly blocked your way . Your eyes widened in suprised . He smirked "So , how's your dad ?" he suddenly asked . You raised a brow "He's fine . Wae ?" 

He smiled "How's your new-not-so-new family members ?" he asked making you startled a little . "W..what are you talking about ?" you stuttered .

Chanyoung leaned closer to your ear "Is your Kim Jumnyeon , been treating you like a brother should ?" he whispered and back away after smirking at you . You almost dropped your yogurt . "" 

"Just remember that i'm capable of doing things , that involve you and your family's secrets ." he said slowly . Your heart started to beat faster and you can feel that his friends is surrounding you . You gulped and just didn't know what to do . As you opened you mouth , suddenly someone yelled .

"Lee Chanyoung ! Leave her alone !" you all turned and found that it was Chanyeol that yelled while walking towards you along with Xiumin , Tao , Sehun , D.O and Chen . 

Chanyoung sigh in disbelief and look at you "Your knights are here ." you just look down . "Just remember what i said and who knows , you might be able to save your 'oppa' 's life ." he whispered and smirked to you before leaving with his friends . 

You finally able to breath properly after seems like you just got drowned in water gasping for air . 

"Aishh those guys really ." Chanyeol said when he and the others finally reached you . 

"Yaah , kenchana ?" Xiumin hold both of your arms when he noticed that you almost fall to the ground with your pale face . The others quickly look at you . 

"Park Jasmine ?" D.O called you .

"What happened ?" Chen asked curiously .

You finally got back to reality and look at the worried expressions of the boys infront of you . "Ohh..hey guys ." you said letting out a force smile .

The boys look at each other weirdly . "Yaah , you looked like you just saw a ghost ." Sehun said .

"And all you said was 'Hey guys ?' " Tao continued . You chuckled a little and shook your head . "Sorry . I was...thinking ." you said .

"About what ?" Chanyeol asked . You just smiled at them "I'm gonna head home now . Are you guys here to see my brother ?" you asked . 

They all nodded . "Suho asked us to listened to some few songs he composed . So , we came early ." Xiumin replied . You nodded and said "Arasso . Just follow me ." you then lead the boys .

" 'my brother' ? Did she just admitted that Suho hyung is her 'brother' ?" Chen asked s with a low tone . The other boys just shrugged and followed you home .

You keep tucking your hands inside your jacket not because of the cold but because you can feel the uneasyness that you're about to overcome soon .


Hello hello ! sorry a little on the update . But here it is another update ! so , i would like to apologize becuase i noticed that i have many wrong grammars and sentence these days in my update because of my fever and flu but i'm getting better . Sorry for the flaws and this so not perfect fiction . But thank youuuu and keep reading :) xoxoxox 



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squeal? pls?
Chapter 24: So jelly of your b-day date.
allenmitch #3
Chapter 29: Author-nim I Really LOVE this sTory.I Finished this in just 2-3 hours
jongenini #4
Chapter 29: I finished this in one night. Great story authornim ^^
flowergirl137 #5
Chapter 29: wowww i love it! But i was wondering if Jasmine like kai too ? Naahh whatever. but this is one of my favourite story. Good job authornim !!
ExoLkpop #6
Chapter 29: OMG!!! That story is so awesome!! XD *squealing*
Paulinekim #7
Chapter 29: Omg I finally finished reading it after couple of months literally .. I've been in hiatus reading but I'll promise myself to finished this before this year end n I'm really determined to finshed it as if I'm racing with the time haha ,, I felt really touched when I read this last chapter I felt like I wanna cry or something ,,Im like crazy dunno what I feel ..btw I really like this fanfic unnie Ive been always wanting to comment but I promise myself to write it all in the very last chapter thats why its that long :D it is the first fanfic that I read n Im really happy that I didnt feel disappointed ,n besides Kai is my bias ,I feel happy reading everytime he appear on a chapter ,,youre really a good author unnie I hope u'll continue writing more fanfics keep it up unnie :* I hope I'll be like U too hehe Happy new year :)
Chapter 29: i finished this in one night and it. was. so. amazing!! great job ^^
b1a4fighting201 #9
Chapter 29: omg! finally finished reading it! so worth it!