Chapter Thirteen

Living With An EXO Member

The next early morning , you heard some noises and woke up to see what it was .

"Did i wake you ? Mianhe . I just want to serve you breakfast ." Sushin said as she walk towards you with a tray of eggs and bacon with milk . You change to a sitting position and shook your head . "Aniya kenchana ." She smiled and put the tray on your lap . You said thanks and started to dig in the food , eventhough you haven't brush your teeth yet which you forgot because because food is right infront of you .

"Its good . Thanks ." you said while chewing . 

She smiled "Listen , about yesterday ," you look at her . 

"I'm a little upset that you kept your secret away from me for year but then again , it must have killed you inside that you have to protect yourself from revealing that you're Suho's sister and have to protect him by not telling your bestfriend who is an Exo maniac that you're related to an Exo member ." she continued .

You chuckled . "I'm sorry you had to go through all that by yourself ." you shook your head . "No no . Its my responsibility . I just don't want you to get hurt if people found out that you're friends with someone who have Suho as a step-brother ." you explained . She hold your hands "Don't worry . Your secret save with me . Thank you for telling me though . You're my best friend and i won't let anything come between us . Even when you're surrounded by 12 hot guys in your house ." she joked . You both laugh and hug each other .

"Thank you Sushin-ah ." you said as you both released the hug . She nodded and look at her watch . "Omo ! I'm going to be late !" she almost yelled and quickly stand up to grab her bag . You assumed she's late for school by looking at her school uniform .

"I'll visit you later okay ? Bye !" she said as she left the room . "Byeee !" you managed to yelled . You chuckled and continue eating your food . You then made faces "Oh god . I forgot to brush my teeth ." you said as you cough and went to the bathroom .

After a few hours , which is just after your parents left , you got bored . Your parents visited you for an hour before they left for work and brought you a fruit basket . 

You were just getting up from your bed thinking that you should go somewhere beside this room . Just when you thought you could leave , the door suddenly opened . 

"Where do you think you're going ?" you look up and saw it was Suho . You assumed he just got back from school because of his unchanged school uniform . 

You bit your lip and said "No where ." you sigh and sit back on your bed . Suho scoffed and closed the door behind him before walking towards you . He put a plastic full of snacks on the side table next to you . 

"Are these for me ?" you said and your face lit up seeing the good looking snacks . You never actually a fan of it but eversince you arrived at the hospital , you've been eating the same old hospital foods and fruits . A good snack would do good for your appetite . 

"No , its for the doctor ." Suho sarcasticly said . You rolled your eyes and just pretend to brushed off some dust on your hospital clothes . 

"Anyway , wae are you here so early ? I thought the visiting hour is in the next few hours ?" you asked looking at him who is picking a fruit from the fruit basket you got from your parents earlier . 

"Relatives can come early . Don't you know that ?" he lightly said and he took a bite of his apple and sat on the chair next to you . 

"No , i don't . How did you , know that ?" you asked reaching for the snacks .

"I used to visit my dad at this hour before ." he said as he took another bit of the apple . 

You stopped from taking the snacks and look at him . He just chewed on the apple without even looking at you . You tried to to find his gaze but its seems like he was hiding it . 

"Your dad ?" you slowly said . He nodded slowly . "Why would you visited him here ?" you bravely asked trying not to sound rude or too curious about it . He look at you . He noticed your curious look . 

"He got sick and i had to take care of him when my mom is busy ." he opened up . You nodded slowly . "How long was he sick ?" you asked . You felt guilty to asked him about this , but you think that you should atleast know something about him that you never bother to ask about .

"2 years ?" he said , you furrowed your brow . "When i was 6 until 8 years old ." he continued . You nodded slowly "What actually happened ?" He look at you . "Why so curious about it now ?" he suddenly asked . You got taken aback and cough "Ani . You're the one who brought it up . i just wanted to know . Thats all.." you said lowering your voice by each sentence . 

He smiled a little and said "He had a blood cancer ." you look at him with a surprised expression . "Dae ?" he sigh a little . "He uhh..he knew he won't live that long . Its a disease family thing . Generation to generation ." he explained . You felt a little heavy in the heart . "Sorry about that ." you said looking down . 

He look at you and tried to smile "Ani . I'm just glad that he's peaceful now and atleast i got something from him that i'll know i'll cherished forever ." You look at him weirdly . "Wasabi , i mean ." he replied . You nodded remembered that he once told you that he got Wasabi from his dad . 

You noticed the atmosphere is getting awkward so you just said slowly "I've could've buried that thing years ago ." "What ?" he said with a curious expression . You cough "I mean , i once was angry at you at that time . But i decided to not buried it since that thing seems so precious to you ." you said slowly while lowering your head down . "I'm dead ." you thought .

He scoffed and leaned on the chair . "You're really unbelievable , you know that ?" he said . "But i didn't buried it ." you said looking at him . "But you almost did ." he shot back . You sigh in defeat . "Alright . I'm sorry . I'll never have that thought again ." He nodded "Good ." he then took a bite of his apple . 

"Do you miss her ?" he suddenly asked . You look at him weirdly . But by the way he looks , you knew he was talking about your mom . You nodded slowly . "A lot . Do you miss him ?" you asked him back . He smiled "More than anyone can ever imagine ." you both smiled at each other and you took one of the snacks to eat . 

Eventhough its just a small talk , but you're glad you had this talk . He seems to be in pain like you do when your mom passed away . To be quite honest , he seems to be a lot more like you as you got closer to him .

That evening , the EXO boys , Chanyeol , Sehun , Chen , Baekhyun , Tao and also Suho were with you . They brought some sandwiches as if they're having an evening tea in your room . You thanked Chen as he gave you a cup of tea . You drink it and eat the sandwiches too . You're suprised at how delicious the sandwiches was .

"Umm , it delicious ." you said . They chuckled . "Ofcouse it is . D.O made them ." Baekhyun said proudly like he made them . You chuckled . Sehun come sit next to you and said "Say ah~ Jasmine-ah ." you said "Ah~" and he suddenly  feed you a sandwich . You got surprised but just took a bite of it . "Thanks ." you said with a mouthful of sandwich .

He smile sneekily and took a bite too . "Aigooo this kid . Really cheesy ." Tao whined . You chuckled but Sehun smirked satisfiedly . Suho just eat the sandwich .

"They are really good . Thanks guys ." you thanked the boys . They all nodded happily . "You are most welcome ." Baekhyun replied . "The sandwiches are the best right ?" Chanyeol asked excitedly with his round eyes . You nodded and smile "Agreed . Atleast , his sandwich is better than a certain someone who can't even differentiate between a bun and a sandwich bread ." you sarcasticly while glancing at Suho .

Suho got chocked and caugh . The members laugh . You look away trying not to laugh . "Aisshh chincha . You're lucky we're in a hospital ." Suho said and rolled his eyes . You just scoffed at his childish action . The boys just laugh at you both . 

You then noticed a plastic bag full with a pack of vitagen . "What's that ?" you pointed at the plastic bag . Chanyeol reached for the bag and took out a pack of vitagen . "Ahh its a vitagen ." Chanyeol said . Your eyes widened as you noticed its just the white flavours . 

"Mwoya ? Why are they all white ?" Tao complained . "I don't know . Kai asked me to brought it here ." Chanyeol replied . You got startled "Kai ?" they nodded . You then remembered how you asked Kai to bring you some vitagen yesterday . 

You didn't mind about him bringing you it . You're just suprised at how he knew that your favourite flavour is white flavour . 

The same flavoured vitagen you got for 3 years in your locker on every Wednesday . 

You didn't get the one you want in your locker . But you did get a whole packet of them . 

You were about to say something when the door opened . "Kai-ah , you're here ?" Suho asked .

You turned and saw Kai closing the door behind him . He smiled as s and he turned to look at you . 

Your eyes met . And something weird happened . 

"What's happening ?" you thought . 


Helloooo ! how are you ? sorry for the late update . here you goo ! thank you for reading and do keep reading :) xoxoxo


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squeal? pls?
Chapter 24: So jelly of your b-day date.
allenmitch #3
Chapter 29: Author-nim I Really LOVE this sTory.I Finished this in just 2-3 hours
jongenini #4
Chapter 29: I finished this in one night. Great story authornim ^^
flowergirl137 #5
Chapter 29: wowww i love it! But i was wondering if Jasmine like kai too ? Naahh whatever. but this is one of my favourite story. Good job authornim !!
ExoLkpop #6
Chapter 29: OMG!!! That story is so awesome!! XD *squealing*
Paulinekim #7
Chapter 29: Omg I finally finished reading it after couple of months literally .. I've been in hiatus reading but I'll promise myself to finished this before this year end n I'm really determined to finshed it as if I'm racing with the time haha ,, I felt really touched when I read this last chapter I felt like I wanna cry or something ,,Im like crazy dunno what I feel ..btw I really like this fanfic unnie Ive been always wanting to comment but I promise myself to write it all in the very last chapter thats why its that long :D it is the first fanfic that I read n Im really happy that I didnt feel disappointed ,n besides Kai is my bias ,I feel happy reading everytime he appear on a chapter ,,youre really a good author unnie I hope u'll continue writing more fanfics keep it up unnie :* I hope I'll be like U too hehe Happy new year :)
Chapter 29: i finished this in one night and it. was. so. amazing!! great job ^^
b1a4fighting201 #9
Chapter 29: omg! finally finished reading it! so worth it!