Chapter Twenty-Seven

Living With An EXO Member

Its now just a few months away from being a senior in high school . Which also means a new year will arrived , plus , the biggest event of the year . School Prom . 

School prom is probably one of the event in school that you didn't actually pay attention to . Most people , especially girls , would look forward for this event . Like ofcourse they're looking forward to it . Who doesn't want to dress prettily , dance with each other partner and eat free food ?

Apparently , you don't .

Except for the free food that made you think twice about whether or not you should go . 

As soon as you arrived home , you made your way to your room just wanted to lay down on your bed . Today , you feel awfully tired . Not because of the homeworks but because the whole day , people have been buzzing your ears with prom coming up in  a week  .

You barely said anything today and apparently , Sushin didn't realized that since she's also spazzing about the whole prom with other students . Ofcourse , you did try saying something but you got ignored . 

But still , you rather got ignored than getting a flying paper balls or flour all over your head .

5 months , have passed eversince the whole you and Suho related exposed to the whole school thing happened . Each month passed , you got less and less bullied or being thrown with dusters . Also , got ignored by most of the students , but heck , you don't care as long as you got to keep your school uniform clean by the end of the day .

You were about to head to your rom when you stopped infront of Suho's room . You look at the door and take a deep breath before turning the door knob .

The first thing you noticed when you entered the room was Suho's perfume . He have things for cologne . You hate them but smelling it now , you realized you actually misses it .

You walked around the room and look at a few dvds and albums on the rack and also a few books which you were quite suprise to find out that he actually read books . Yeah ofcourse he's a smart but never knew he's fond of books since they were quite a number of them on his shelves . The books are quite dusty as it been a long time since he left .

You sat down on his neatly made bed and took out your phone . You scroll down through your contacts and stopped when you saw Suho's id . Fingers fiddling on whether or not to call him or texted him . At the end , sigh escaped your mouth as you stared at it .

"What's the point of having each other's number if you're not even going to call me ?" you said feeling quite angry how he just left and never told your anything why he suddenly have to leave . The reason how you found out about EXO were having a tour was when Kai and Sehun appeared for the porject presentation and they told you about the whole thing . 

Can't atleast as a family member he should have told you that he's going to leave ? 

One last look around the room and you left closing the door behind you . That's what you keep thinking .

The next day was hectic . People running here and there , back and forth to the main hall where the prom will be held . Lighting  curtains , stage and some other decorations . 

The teacher didn't even enter your class today . All busy with the preparations . Since Sushin is also a part of the prom decorations , she didn't even ger to talk to you . Except for that early morning where she apologized in advance since she knows she'll be busy the whole day , apparently the whole week . 

It was recess time and you decided to spend the time at the bleacher next to the field . The field was empty ofcourse . 

"Excited for the prom ?" 

You got surprised and saw Chanyoung sitting next to you .

You shook your head "Not really ."

"You're going right ?" he asked seemingly suprised by your uninterested in prom . Why wouldn't he be suprised ? You're a girl . Girls suppose to get excited over this kind of things .

"I don't know ." 

"Why ?"

"There's nothing interesting to see there . Let alone be there ." you replied . 

"Ofcourse there's something interesting to see there ." he pointed .

"Like what ?" you asked .

"Me . In a suit ." he cockyly said .

You chuckled , "You're so full of yourself ." 

He laugh , "I think you should think about coming ." "And why would i ?" you looked at him . 

He shrugged and look at the field , "Who knows , you might get to see what you want there ." You raised a brow . Confused .

"See you later kid ." he winked at you before leaving you sigh at his puzzle words . You just focus on the view .

"You still don't have a dress ?!?!?" Sushin screamed at the phone where you were both conversing . You cringed your face as your ear stings from the screamed . "I never said i want to go ." you replied flopping yourself on your bed .

"No wait , Jasmine-ah thats not fair . You have to come ." 

"I don't feel like going alright ?" you rubbed your temples .

" you know how hard i work with the decorations ? and you're not going to see it ? My own best friend ?" she sounded a little disappointed  or acting to be disappointed so you agreed to come . 

You sigh deeply , "Fine ! I'll go ." 

"YESSSSS ! THANK YOU THANK YOU !" you heard her cheered . "But ," you said that made her stopped cheering . "If its not going well , i'm leaving . okay ?" 

"Yes , ofcourse . I understand . As long as you just come for a few minutes is totally fine with me  . I'm just excited you're coming !" she continued to cheered . You just chuckled at her childishness . 

"Ohh wait ." she suddenly said . "What ?" you asked . 

"What about your dress ?" she reminded you that made you stood up from your bed . "Ahh . I forgot about the dress ." you sigh .

"I would accompany you to the mall tomorrow but the prom is tomorrow night and i have many last minute check up to do . Sorry ." she sounded really sorry . 

"No . Thats okay . I understand . Don't worry about it . I'll figure something out ." you replied . After a few more conversations , you both said goodnight and hang up . 

"Now , about that dress ." you thought to yourself and sigh thinking that you might have to buy a dress for a prom that you were force to go .

Its Saturday morning , and probably the whole students in your school would already be matching their shoes and accesories with their dress or suits . Meanwhile , here you are , at the mall , alone . Still going from store to store to find a dress that actually fitted your style . 

You don't want to look like you're going to a Royal Ball with a big fancy dress or something short that fitted a club style . No . You just wanted a dress you can just showed up to the prom for the sake of your best friend and left quickly . 

This is the last store at the mall with lots of dresses . If you still can't find anything , you swear you won't go to that prom . Sorry Sushin , but i have to disppoint you this time , what you thought incase you really can't find any dress . 

Rack to rack , closet to closet , everything was just to flowery or to shiny and just expensive . Actually , money was not the problem since your parents gave you the no-limit credit card , but still , you're not evil .

Suddenly , a dress caught your eyes . You walked towards it and touched the cloth . Its smooth as silk . The colour is not to bright or dull . Its simple , not too revealing . Not too fancy . Just simple and nice . You look at it and bit your lips before smiling . I guess you would do . 

"Unnie , can i have this one ?" you told the sales assistant . 

You walked home with that dress just feeling relief that you found a dress . Shoes and accessorries are the least of your problems .

An hour till the prom starts . You took a shower and put on the dress . You made your hair a little wavier than usual and put on some simple make up which you finally put on after years deserted in that make up drawer . You put on a bracelet and just stared at yourself infront of the mirror . 

"You look beautiful ." 

You turned and saw your dad leaning on the door . You smiled at him , "Thanks ." He walked towards you and made you stand up to face him . He caressed your hair and smiled . "If only your mom's necklace is here , it would be even more perfect on you ." 

There's this favourite necklace that your mom owned before she gave it to your father to passed it to you on your prom night . He lost it the day you moved in this house few years back . Even with your step-mom's help , you all still can't find the necklace . Eventually , you all started to slowly give up on it . Although , deep down , you really wanted to see that necklace again . But its just impossible to find it in this big house .

You smiled and hold his hands , "Its not your fault the necklace gone missing . We'll find it someday ." Your dad smiled , "Mr.Lee is waiting for your in the car . You should get going now ." 

You nodded and gave a hug to your dad . You then left after putting on a pair of heels which you haven't seen for a long time .


Hellllooo ! Sorry for the late update . Its really really nearing the ending . I would like to take this opportunity to thank you all of you for reading and keep waiting for me to update eventhough it takes months for to update just a chapter . Well , i'm back to finish this fic . Sorry for the flaws . I'm still learning . Thank you so much and do look forward for the ending :) Love youuuuuuu xoxoxo




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squeal? pls?
Chapter 24: So jelly of your b-day date.
allenmitch #3
Chapter 29: Author-nim I Really LOVE this sTory.I Finished this in just 2-3 hours
jongenini #4
Chapter 29: I finished this in one night. Great story authornim ^^
flowergirl137 #5
Chapter 29: wowww i love it! But i was wondering if Jasmine like kai too ? Naahh whatever. but this is one of my favourite story. Good job authornim !!
ExoLkpop #6
Chapter 29: OMG!!! That story is so awesome!! XD *squealing*
Paulinekim #7
Chapter 29: Omg I finally finished reading it after couple of months literally .. I've been in hiatus reading but I'll promise myself to finished this before this year end n I'm really determined to finshed it as if I'm racing with the time haha ,, I felt really touched when I read this last chapter I felt like I wanna cry or something ,,Im like crazy dunno what I feel ..btw I really like this fanfic unnie Ive been always wanting to comment but I promise myself to write it all in the very last chapter thats why its that long :D it is the first fanfic that I read n Im really happy that I didnt feel disappointed ,n besides Kai is my bias ,I feel happy reading everytime he appear on a chapter ,,youre really a good author unnie I hope u'll continue writing more fanfics keep it up unnie :* I hope I'll be like U too hehe Happy new year :)
Chapter 29: i finished this in one night and it. was. so. amazing!! great job ^^
b1a4fighting201 #9
Chapter 29: omg! finally finished reading it! so worth it!