Chapter Twenty-Eight

Living With An EXO Member

You were quite nervous since this is your first prom . Finally arrived at entrance of the main hall , you took a deep breathe . "Let's just get this over it ." you then slowly entering the main hall which many students have arrived before you .

You look around admiring the decorations , "Sushin did great with the decorations ." you smiled . Few eyes were staring at you . Girls and boys , seniors and juniors , just stared at you . Watching your every moves and whispering to each other .

You cough feeling a little uncomfortable . You like it better when everyone just ignore your existance . Walking towards the food and beverages sections and just awkwardly took a bite of a chip . 

"Yaah !" someone tapped your shoulder . You almost choked on your chip and turned . "Yaah Lee Sushin ! You almost choked me ." 

"Ahh miahe ." she apologized and handle you a drink . You drink it and felt a little relieved . "Waaahhh ! You look really beautiful ! Like really beautiful !"  she scan from head to toe . 

You just scoffed . "Like your mom ." she said that made you look at her . She smiled at you . You can feel your eyes teared a bit before shrugged it off and said "Thank you . You look gorgeous ." 

She smiled "Thank you ! I worked hard to fit in this dress ." she spun a litle . You chuckled . "Hey , sorry but i have this performance problem i need to sort out ." she said .

"What do you mean ?" you took a bite of another chip .

"The band that were suppose to perform tonight bail on us and some unknown group decided to just fill in for them ." Sushin explained sighing . "Is the unknown band good ?" you asked .

"I don't know . Not much information was revealed about them . But they better be or i'll be the one that take off my heels and performed Crayon Pop's Bar Bar Bar on that stage ." she answered that made you chuckled . 

"Talk to you later . Have fun alright ?" Sushin hold your hand tightly before she left . You just smiled and sigh after she's no where is sight . 

"Now what ?" you sigh heavily . 

"Eunjoy yourself ." you got startled to see it was Chanyoung in his suit . He really does look good in suit . Well , all man does but his tall height made it more perfect . 

"How can i when theres nothing to be enjoying with ?" you replied lightly . 

"Do you not realized i'm wearing a suit ?" he asked raising a brow . You look at him and scan from head to toe , you nodded , "Not bad ." 

He scoffed , "I know i look good . I don't need your approval ." You just rolled your eyes , "Good then . " 

"But ofcourse , you look way better than me ." he said that made you startled and look at him . 

He smiled , "You look beautiful ." that somehow made you smiled . "Thank you ." He just nodded and you both just pay attention to the stage where the MC , who is also the President of the Student Council , gave some opening speech welcoming the students .

He was about to introduce the opening performers when the a big curtains cover the stage including him and the lights are all out . Everyone started to get confused and trying to find their friends so they won't hit something since its too dark . 

"What's going on ?" you said . 
"Well , geesh , if i can see anything i would have know would i ?" Chanyoung sarcasticly replied . You can feel him getting closer to you as your arms touched . You just rolled your eyes at his answer .

Suddenly , the lights back on and the big curtains covering the stage fall . Everyone gasps in suprise to see who's on the stage . 

"We can't have a prom without a performance by EXO can we ?" Baekhyun with the mic spoke . 

You scoffed in disbelief as you saw the EXO members on the stage with some instruments . Baekhyun , D.O , Chen and Kris with the mic . Lay with the keyboard . Chanyeol with the drum . Luhan and Tao with the bass and guitar . The rest were unseen .

"Do you miss us ?" Chen asked the getting crowded dance floor infront of the stage .

"DAE !!!" mostly girls replied . 

"Well then , let's get this party started !" Kris yelled and they all started to play their intruments . The crowd screams and started dancing as soon as the music starts .

You shook your head at the scene you're seeing now but smiling . Happy seeing the EXO boys back . Well , some of them .

You were about to say something to Chanyoung when he's no where to be seen . You look around to search for him but still not sign of him . You sigh and just nodded along to the music . You gotta admit , eventhough D.O have a sweet , soft voice , he can sure make people excited with his singing . Kris's rap was amazing . The others rocks too .

"Care to dance ?" you heard someone say . You were about to reject him when to your suprise it was Suho in a suit standing behind you . 

"Suho..." you only managed to say . Not believing what you're seeing right now . 

"Suho ? What happened to oppa ?" he asked . You chukled , "You're actually here ." 

He nodded , "Ofcourse . I can't just let those 11 idiots come back alone ." you both chuckled at his remark . 

"As i was saying , care to dance ?" he held out his hand . You look at it and nodded before taking his hand . He lead you to the dance floor where everyone are . 

Its an upbeat song but you both did your own dance . With one hand holding each other's and his free hand on your waist while yours on his shoulder . 

"How are you ?" he asked . You raised brow 

"What ?" he got confused .

"You couldn't asked that few months ago ?" 

He cough , "Yeah , sorry about that . I wanted to but you know . I still felt awkward after that night . So , i just can't . Sorry ." he explained .

You shook your head , "Forget about it . Its already in the past ." "Thanks ." he thanked you .

"How's the tours ?" you asked . 

"Well , it was tiring and hard but we ended it pretty well ." he nodded . "Ended ? You mean , you guys will stay here ?" you asked curiously .

He nodded , "Yup . We have to make a comeback as soon as new year arrive but still , we got to rest for now ." he explained . You somehow smiled . "Good ." 

"It is ?" he raised a brow .

"Not 100% good but still , its good to have you guys back ." you tried to cover your little happy feeling inside . 

He chuckled at your answer but nodded "Good to hear that ." you both just continue to dance when he said "Ohh i almost forgot ." he then took something out from his pocket and show it to you . 

Your eyes widened , "Thats-" before you could even finish your sentence , he already put it on for you . 

"Now , you look perfect ." he smiled . 

You touched the necklace and look at him , "How did you-" "I found it on the day we were moving in few years ago . I wanted to give it to you but we were fighting at that time . I just didn't know what to do , so , i kept it ." he explained .

"It been with you all these years ?" you asked still touching the necklace . 

"Yeah . its yours right ? Cuz i'm pretty sure my mom doesn't have those kind of necklace ." 

"Its my mom's ." you look at it . Suho's eyes widened , "Jasmine-ah , i'm so sorry . I didn't know . I thought it was yours and i just decided to keep it away from you since you make me mad at that time and i didn't know and..i'm sorry ." he kept apologizing . 

You chuckled , "Its okay ." He froze , "Really ? You're okay with it ?" 

"To know that this necklace was kept safe with you , its just a relief ." you smiled at him . He smiled back feeling relax a bit at your words . You both then get back to your dance before someone tapped Suho's shoulder . 

It was Kai .

"May i have the dance with her ?" he asked Suho . You were suprised and didn't know what will happened next . Suho just smiled at him and nodded , "You may ." Suho then give your hand to Kai .

Suho smiled at you and were about walked away when he said "Ohh and Kai ," Kai turned to him .

"Please take good care of her . She's my sister ." Suho continued . You were startled by his words and actions .

"I'll keep that in mind hyung ." Kai replied and with that Suho shot you a winked and left to go to his other members who apparently enjoying the food and dancing at the same time .

"Shall we ?" he said . You smiled and nodded .

The prom ended as soon as it strikes 12 a.m . And you gotta admit , you're glad you didn't leave early . 

You're now waiting for Sushin on the main gate . People passed by keep saying you look pretty tonight . You just praise them back and thanked them . 

Sushin finally in sight walking with Chanyoung . You raise a brow looking at them but then chuckled ar you noticed they were having a little quarrel . As they got closer , you noticed they were each carrying a big hamper . You assumed it was the prize of Prom King and Queen . 

Yes , the both won the title . No one expected that actually . Unlike any other prom , the pick for the Prom King and Queen were chosen randomly with a spotlight . and the spotlight chose them who were having a fight at the food section about Chanyoung finishing all the dip for the chips . They were both surprised but fakely smile as they made their way to the stage and take the prizes . 

Eversince then , they both blamed each other for it because they had to carry the big hamper each .

"Sorry Jasmine-ah . I have to head straight home . Thanks to a certain someone , i had to carry this big hamper all the way to my car ." Sushin said . "Well , excuse me . You were the one who keep on blabbering about that stupid dip ." Chanyoung shot back .

"It already happened . So let it go ." Sushin rolled her eyes at him . Chanyoung just sigh deeply . You chuckled at their bickering and said "Hey , since you brought a car and Chanyoung sunbae live near your house , how about you guys just go home together ?"

They both look at each other . "Hell no ." Sushin disagree . Chanyoung scoffed , "Yaah , you should atleast owe me that after putting me in so much trouble with this big thing ."

Sushin just look away . "Come on Sushin-ah . Its already late anyway . It'll be safer if you have someone to accompany you home ." you pleaded her .

Sushin sigh , "Fine...I'm doing this because of you okay ?" you smiled , "Thank you Sushin-ah ." 

"Let's go ." Sushin said not looking at Chanyoung and left to her car . Chanyoung thanked you before heading towards her car . You can still hear them bickering even when they already started leaving . 

You and Sushin were suppose to hangout at this 24 hour cafe but since Sushin had to leave , you just decided to go home . You forgot to bring your phone and now you can't call Mr.Lee to pick you up . Somehow , you don't feel that sad and just continue walking home . 

"Hey , wait up !" you heard a familiar voice from behind . You turned to see Suho jogging towards you . 

"Why didn't you wait for me ?" he asked as soon as he's right infront of you . 

"Omaigad , i'm sorry . I forgot you're here ." you replied .

He scoffed in disbelief , "Yaah , i just came back from all those tours and excited to see you but just after a few hours i'm here , you forgot about me ?" 

You rolled your eyes , "Don't be such a melodramatic ." you then started walking . 

"Yaah..." he called you and walked next to you .

"Aren't you cold ? That dress doesn't seems warm ." he asked . 

"Why ? Are you gonna offer me your jacket ?" you . He rolled his eyes . You noticed it and just chuckled . It is a little cold but you just ignore it .

Suddenly , you felt a warm jacket wrapped around your shoulders . You turned and saw Suho tucking his hands in his pockets without his jacket and just look like nothing happened . 

You smiled at him but ofcourse he didn't notice it . 

You both just continue walking with silence until you broke it . 

"You know what , this isn't so bad ." 

He raised a brow , "What is ?"

You just look infront , "At first , i thought i'll hate it ." 

"New members living with me and my dad , being not so single child , being a step-sister to a member from an idol group . I thought i'll hate it ." you continued .

"But you don't ?" he asked .

"Not really . I think its okay living like this ." you replied .

"Like what ?" he raised a brow .

You look at him , "Living with an EXO member ."

He got startled and you smiled at him . You then continue to look forward .

He chuckled and shook his head trying to stopped himself from smiling .

"But , i think you'll hate it soon ." he said making you look at him . 

"What do you mean ?" you asked raising a brow .

"Well , living with an EXO member , doesn't mean i can't act like a proper brother should ." he replied . You just look at him .

"I'll always make sure you come home early everyday , what time you should wake up every morning , doing my chores , bullying you and make you feel annoyed every single day ." he finished his words with a smirked and continued walking happily .

You froze for a moment imagining what kind of life you'll be living soon . You shook your head and thought of something . You then walked next to him .

"I don't think you would dare to do all that if Wasabi is with me right ?" you said .

He stopped walking and look at you , "You wouldn't dare ." 

"Try me ." you smirked and took off your heels before walking quickly to arrive home fast so you can take Wasabi .

Suho got suprised with your sudden actions and yelled "Yaahhh ! Park Jasmine ! Are you crazy ?! Yaah ! Becareful , there might be broken glasses on the ground ! Park Jasmine ! " he then chased after you . You both technically had a race home .

And even after that night , you never hate it . 

Living with an EXO member , turns out to be okay after all . 


Jjann ! Double update ! Omg , its the end . I just can't believe this . I've started this fic November last year and now on 12/6/14 , I finally did it . I'm sad but at the same time happy that this fic comes to and end . I had a great time writing this . To be honest , this is by far my best fic out of all my old ones . i almost got 200 subscribers with this fic and i got 15 votes which is for me the highest i have ever receive . Its all thanks to you all readers ! I enjoy so much reading the comments . Some are funny and i like how you people react to every scene that happened XD You guys are my inspiration . To my loyal commentators (you know who you are XD) , thank youuu ! 

Also , i'm starting my college life this Saturday away from home T.T its a new beginning . But i'll try my best to work hard and try to create more fic when i have the free time . "My Lifesaver" is still updating tho XD Thank you thank you so much everyone . I love youuuu and take care alright ? I'll be back soon :) Love youuu xoxoxo 

p/s : You guys can imagine whatever you want with Jasmine and Kai's relationship XD 




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squeal? pls?
Chapter 24: So jelly of your b-day date.
allenmitch #3
Chapter 29: Author-nim I Really LOVE this sTory.I Finished this in just 2-3 hours
jongenini #4
Chapter 29: I finished this in one night. Great story authornim ^^
flowergirl137 #5
Chapter 29: wowww i love it! But i was wondering if Jasmine like kai too ? Naahh whatever. but this is one of my favourite story. Good job authornim !!
ExoLkpop #6
Chapter 29: OMG!!! That story is so awesome!! XD *squealing*
Paulinekim #7
Chapter 29: Omg I finally finished reading it after couple of months literally .. I've been in hiatus reading but I'll promise myself to finished this before this year end n I'm really determined to finshed it as if I'm racing with the time haha ,, I felt really touched when I read this last chapter I felt like I wanna cry or something ,,Im like crazy dunno what I feel ..btw I really like this fanfic unnie Ive been always wanting to comment but I promise myself to write it all in the very last chapter thats why its that long :D it is the first fanfic that I read n Im really happy that I didnt feel disappointed ,n besides Kai is my bias ,I feel happy reading everytime he appear on a chapter ,,youre really a good author unnie I hope u'll continue writing more fanfics keep it up unnie :* I hope I'll be like U too hehe Happy new year :)
Chapter 29: i finished this in one night and it. was. so. amazing!! great job ^^
b1a4fighting201 #9
Chapter 29: omg! finally finished reading it! so worth it!