Chapter Nineteen

Living With An EXO Member


"As usual , the next morning at school , you would be at your locker looking through your books . You were so focus with your books that you didn't even notice that someone was standing infront of you the whole time watching you .

You suddenly felt weird and look up from your book . You almost had a heart attack as it was Xiumin was staring at you while leaning on the locker next to yours . "Aissh oppa wae are you doing that ?" you said while trying to calm yourself down . 

Xiumin scoffed , "You deserved that after lying to me yesterday ." You sigh , "What are you-" you stopped as you remembered that you lied to him about coach yesterday so he can meet up with Chanyoung . You look at him as he raised a brow as a sign 'you-know-what-i'm-talking-about' . You cough and said "Well..that , i could ex-wait ! You should thank me !" 

"For what ?" Xiumin said . Just as you were to answer , someone suddenly cut it . "Yaah , Kim Minseok . Why are you bothering my brown eyes ?" you both got surprised and turned to see Chanyoung who is now standing next to Xiumin .

"YOUR brown eyes ?" you asked while folding your arms .

"Most importantly . WHY brown eyes ?" Xiumin look at Chanyoung weirdly . 

You snapped your fingers . "See ! Thank you ! Finally someone finally agreed with my 'WHY brown eyes ?' question ." Both of Xiumin and Chanyoung chuckled before Chanyoung said "You didn't noticed she have brown eyes ?"

Xiumin made a weird face and look at you closely in the eyes . You got startled and back away a little . Xiumin broke into a smile . "Ahh you're right . Its beautiful ." he said that made you cringed your face while Chanyoung nodded proudly but then realized something .

"Whoaa hold up . That's the only line you can cross . This beautiful eyes is mine ." Chanyoung said to Xiumin while putting his arm around your shoulder . Xiumin snorted , "In what world ? I knew her before you do ." 

You sigh in disbelief and said "Psshh please ." you pushed away Chanyoung's arm . You closed your locker and turned to look at them "No one is crossing any line . I like it better when you both were quiet ." They both laugh , "Too bad but still , thank you for yesterday Park Jasmine ." Chanyoung said while Xiumin nodded . 

You smiled "No problem . You two behave now . I'm leaving to class . See you around sunbaenims ." you bowed a little and left . They smiled at your actions and waved at you before they both started walking to their class .

As Chanyoung and Xiumin walk side by side , they also joked aroud and pushed each other . The scene was seen by the EXO members . "Mwoya ? Since when they started friends again ?" Baekhyun asked . The others shrugged and decided to walked towards them . 

"Hyung ." Chen called Xiumin . That made both Chanyoung and Xiumin stopped walking and look at the EXO boys . They all are now face to face with each other . "Ohh hey kids ." Xiumin greeted them while glancing at Chanyoung a little . Chanyoung just stood there but didn't made any eye contact with each of them . 

"You both are friends now ?" Chanyeol asked pointing at both of them . Xiumin glanced at Chanyoung and turned to them . "Ohhh..." he nodded . The boys nodded slowly . "Since when ?" Sehun voiced . "I thought you both hated each other ." Tao said while glaring at Chanyoung . 

"Mwo ?" Chanyoung look at Tao . Xiumin was about to say something but Suho beat him to it by saying "Isn't he a jerk for making your life miserable ?" That's the last straw for Chanyoung "YAAH !" he yelled catching everyone on the hallway attention . 

Xiumin quickly stand infront of Chanyoung to avoid him hitting anyone . "Yaa why are you guys like this ?" Xiumin asked with a calm tone . Chanyoung sigh in frustration and look away . 

The EXO boys made an annoyed face . "If you guys can't except the fact that i'm now okay with Chanyoung , that's fine . But please remember that he's still your sunbae . Respect him as a sunbae . Or don't but that will make me lose respect on you guys ." Xiumin adviced that startled the boys a little even Chanyoung . He didn't expect that Xiumin will be on his side instead of his teammates .

"But hyung..." Lay whined . "No buts . I'll see you guys after school ." Xiumin said and pulled Chanyoung with him while walked passed the EXO boys . The boys sigh in disbelief . "What ? He's going to start ignoring us and hangout with his old buddy now ?" Tao asked . 

"Let's just let them be . Why would his friendship a bother for us anyway ?" Kris suddenly spoke . The boys looked at him . "Yeahhh . besides , he knew Chanyoung way before us . I think Chanyoung is not that bad if Xiumin can be close to him ." Luhan agreed with Kris . Kris nodded .

"Mwo ?" Chen scoffed . He can't believe what he just heard and so does the other members . "Ahhh moulla moulla . Let's just let them be and get to class ." Chanyeol said giving up and start walking to class .

"Whatever . He just better not cancel any plans with us because of Chanyoung ." Baekhyun spoke getting nods from the others . They all then went to class . Good thing the two big hyungs aside from Xiumin is matured enough to except anything that happened . They just don't want anything happened to their group since they're now ontop of their popularity . 

During recess , you decided to spend the whole free time in the library to discuss the project with Kai and Sehun . Unfortunately , Sehun is so hungry that he can't join the meeting which just left you and Kai . Again .

"So , i think if we can collect the money on time , we can start the project soon ." you said earning a nod from Kai . "Cool ." You smiled and started to take out your other homeworks to finish them . Kai watch your every move and lean his head on the table while facing you . 

You felt a little uncomfortable with it so you just asked him "Can't you stop that ?" He smirked "Stop what ?" You sigh "Stop with whatever you're doing ." He chuckled a little "Wae ? Are uncomfortable ?" he teased . You rolled your eyes . "Whatever . Just do whatever you want ." you gave up and focus on you work .

He smiled and just watch you as if you're his movie or something . "Jongin.." you called him while still doing your work . He replied with a "Wae ?" "Before i graduated , i need to repay you with something ." you continued still writing not looking at him . Kai raised a brow "Why would you do that ?"

"What do you like most ?" you asked this time looking at him . He got a little startled and stood up properly looking at you weirdly . "Wae ?" You sigh , "So i can repay you back with it ." 

He raised a brow again "Repay for what ?" You bit your lip a little before saying "So i can thank you for taking care of me while i'm in the hospital before ." He chuckled . "Also ," you said making him stop chuckling "for giving me white vitagen for free every Wednesday for the last 3 years in my locker ." 

His eyes widened "How did you-" "Do you think i'm that stupid ? You're the only one who bought me a packet of white vitagen when i'm in the hospital . I didn't even tell you what's my favourite flavour is . Isn't that obvious ?" you explained .

He looked down feeling a little embarassed "Ahh..chincha ?" he said making you chuckled . You turned back to your work and said "So , tell me . What do you like most ? I'll repay you back with it ." 

Kai look at you and said slowly "You ." That made you look at him . "Dae ?" He sigh "You said you'll repay me back with what i like most right ?" You nodded . "Well , i like you ." he replied that made your heart started to beat faster . 

"What are you-" "So , Park Jasmine . I would like to spend some time with you after school today because that's what i like most . Can you repay me back with that ?" he stopped you before you could finished your words .

You felt like your heart about to burst out . You just couldn't let any words come out and your eyes wandered around somewhere else trying to think what should you say . Should you say yes ? Would that seems to easy ? If you say no , you're scared you'll disappoint him . But why is that matter anyway ? You let out a deep breath and look at him . 

But before you could even respond , he suddenly stood up from his sit . Making you look at him weirdly . "I'll wait for you at the school's back gate . If you didn't come , i'll accept your rejection . See you in class ." he said and with that he left . You were left stunned . "What the hell just happened ? Did he just confessed to me ? Get back to your sense Park Jasmine ! What will you do ?" you thought to yourself and keep hitting your head on the table .

"Whoaa . What's up with you ?" someone suddenly said while covering your head with his hand so you won't hit yourself again . You look up and saw Chanyoung smiling at you . "Ohh sunbaenim ." you said and fixed your hair a little . He chuckled "So , what's wrong ?" he asked .

You bit your lip not sure if you should tell him or not . You then sigh in defeat and turned you body facing him which made Chanyoung startled a little . "Umm , someone just asked me out ." you started . He smiled "So ? I thought you always have someone asking you out ?" 

You sigh "But this time , its different ." He raised a brow . "Dae ? Wait , do you like this guy ?" he asked curiously . You didn't noticed your face suddenly burn up a little and you look away . Didn't know how to respond to that . Chanyoung's jaw dropped "You like him ? No , wait , you actually can like someone ?" he said at the samae time teasing you .

You turn to him and hit his arm a little . "Sunbae !" you yelled a little but not that loud since you're still in the library . He chuckled "Arasso arasso . Mianhe . I was kidding ." he said making you sigh a little .

"Look , if you're not sure how you feel about him , just go ahead and try . You'll never know if you didn't try to get to know him ." he adviced making you look at him and nodded a little but still confused what you'll do .

"I'll think about it . Thank you sunbaenim ." you thanked him . He smiled and said , "I have to go . See you around ." He ruffled your hair before leaving . You cringed because he just messed your hair but at the same time you smiled because he actually helped you with something here .

After school , Kai waited for you at the school's back gate . He was holding a white vitagen in one hand . He stared at it before sighing heavily . Its been 15 minutes eversince school ended but you still haven't showed up . "I guess , you just got rejected Jongin-ah ." he said to himself . He tighten his hold of the white vitagen and was about to walked away when he heard footsteps behind him .

He turned and his eyes widened when he saw you running towards him . You stopped and hold your stomache while panting heavily . "Mianhe i'm late . I forgot i have to clean the class today ." you apoligized and stood up properly but still panting a little .

He smiled and handed you the white vitagen . You look at the white vitagen and took it before looking at him weirdly . "Let's go ." he said and suddenly hold your free hand . He pulled you with him and now you're both walking hand in hand . Your heart beat faster at this time and you look at him . He didn't look at you and focus on the front .

You smiled while looking at his side profile . "I guess making this decision isn't that bad after all ." you thought .


Hellllooo ! sorry for the late update ! here's a long chapter hihi . Thank you so much for waiting . lovee youuuu :) xoxo

p/s : I've started on my new fic hahahah . i was too excited XD here's the link :

Please read and tell me what you think . The main is You as Park Jenny and Baekhyun hohoh . I never made Baekhyun as my main but i felt like he's perfect for this new fic hihi . Do read ! :) thank youuuuu love youu xoxo

This just in , remember about the missing flight from my country (Malaysia) ? The MH370 that gone missing in early March ? My goverment have confirmed that the plane 'ended' in the deep Indian Ocean . Its a sad news for the family members and almost all around the world especially my country . My country are now gather prayers to pray for the 239 passengers and crews of the flight . Its sad but atleast the wait is over and we all will be at ease because atleast we know what happened to them . Lets all pray for the family members to be strong . My condolences goes to them . Thank you for your prayers and support #PrayForMH370 .







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squeal? pls?
Chapter 24: So jelly of your b-day date.
allenmitch #3
Chapter 29: Author-nim I Really LOVE this sTory.I Finished this in just 2-3 hours
jongenini #4
Chapter 29: I finished this in one night. Great story authornim ^^
flowergirl137 #5
Chapter 29: wowww i love it! But i was wondering if Jasmine like kai too ? Naahh whatever. but this is one of my favourite story. Good job authornim !!
ExoLkpop #6
Chapter 29: OMG!!! That story is so awesome!! XD *squealing*
Paulinekim #7
Chapter 29: Omg I finally finished reading it after couple of months literally .. I've been in hiatus reading but I'll promise myself to finished this before this year end n I'm really determined to finshed it as if I'm racing with the time haha ,, I felt really touched when I read this last chapter I felt like I wanna cry or something ,,Im like crazy dunno what I feel ..btw I really like this fanfic unnie Ive been always wanting to comment but I promise myself to write it all in the very last chapter thats why its that long :D it is the first fanfic that I read n Im really happy that I didnt feel disappointed ,n besides Kai is my bias ,I feel happy reading everytime he appear on a chapter ,,youre really a good author unnie I hope u'll continue writing more fanfics keep it up unnie :* I hope I'll be like U too hehe Happy new year :)
Chapter 29: i finished this in one night and it. was. so. amazing!! great job ^^
b1a4fighting201 #9
Chapter 29: omg! finally finished reading it! so worth it!