One Day as Taemin's Tutor.

One Day Series

“Baby~~” I called out for Taemin.

“… ne (yes)?” he’s answering from another room. Right now I was on their dorm to see how his preparation for the following exams. It’s not like I need to do this according to my job desk, but I feel like wanting to do it. Taemin is like my 3rd younger sibling after my real ones.

Remember back when he said something bothering his mind? yes, it’s about his study. These days, actually highschoolers already went for their summer vacation, but not for Taeminnie. Since he skipped some classes, and then even cannot go to the exam days before the holiday, he has to attend the extra classes and of course, pass the exams.

Since the day he went back home while all the hyungs had fun in the karaoke, and on next Monday, it’s finally the exam he really worried about; social studies. To my surprise, not like many students, he doesn’t flunk at math or science. But his geography.. . History, I caught him sleeping with the textbook on the backstage.

Then he said to me a week ago,”Onew Hyung already told me to answer these practice books. Unless I have someone to really make sure that Im gonna sit and study, I will just gonna bail out to the practice room, Noona. And Hyungs didn’t want to do it, they said I need to be responsible. Tsk, responsible my as-“ then I covered his mouth to prevent the Baby to say all the bad stuff. In my mind he’s still 10 years too early to know those words.

Dammit. I kept telling myself that he’s not 7 years old, but every time look at him, I just failed.

So that’s why im here. I know I may not look like a caring material kind of girl, but as much as I hated it, I grew up as the oldest sibling of the family. This kind of stuff actually something I’ve been familiar with.

I missed those days when my little brother and sister kept bothering me when they had some questions about their homework, because both of my parents were working since we’re still kids. But of course, like all the siblings in the world at first I just feel so annoyed. Although in the end, I ended up drop by to their room and stood in the doorway with their book in my hands to start reading or trying to solve the problems.

Im not praising myself, but I think it’s definitely a wrong way of think if someone thought that people whose goes to a fashion school is someone who doesn’t have the brain to pursue another academic career. I can prove that.

Back to what happen in the moment,
“what do you want for the sandwich?” I asked Taemin from the kitchen, while he was on his room that he shared with Onew and Kibum. Im going to make him some snacks as I knew, study can make you really hungry –it’s like an alarm to tell you that your brain might gonna explode in a minute.

“.. I’ll eat anything that’s on the fridge.” He replied as then I laugh. Who would believe me if I said that Taeminnie actually eats like a little monster? His lean posture comes from the crazy dance routine, and because he’s not really into building his figure so it’s like he got no formed muscle, unlike his Hyungs.

But he does eat in the same amount –sometimes even more, as them. Oh, wait, Kibum is the one who really care about calories and stuff, actually. But except him, the rest doesn’t really care. They got their training and exercise, they said.

“lemme see..” I said as I looked into the big refrigerator. Wow, there’s definitely a lot of food here. Well, I’ve been here to their dorm for a couple of times, but this is actually the first time when I do something in the kitchen more than just to grab a glass of water.

After I remembered what’s inside the fridge, I walked to the room.

“there’s a chicken, bacon, and salmon. Which one do you like? other than that, I will add something more like eggs and cheese and stuffs.” I said to Taemin from the open door. I ate a tangerine as I speak.

He turned his chair and said, “bacon~~~ I love bacon and cheese!”

“okay, bacon it is.” I said as then he smiles and spread his right arm, “gyul (tangerine)!!”

I laughed and then I handled him 2 whole tangerine that I held, “finished the task as I made the sandwich, okay?”

“.. yye (yes).” he nods and when I turned to walk to the kitchen I heard him calling me, “Noona..?”

“hm?” I looked at him again.

“you know you look cool but you’re just as warm as my mom.” Minnie said with this grin on his face.

At first, I don’t know how to react. It was like between I want to pinch his cheek because of his cheeky ‘superior’ act, but also want to squeeze him with a sisterly hug because he seems longing for his family so much.

Although in the end I just laughed from where I stand, “aww come on, Minnie, I just make you some simple sandwich.. it’s not special.”

But he ignored my statement and said, “gomapsumnida (thank you very much), Noona~~”

“yye yye, pabo ya (yes, yes, silly).. and what’s with the sudden formality.” Im still laughing as I walked to the kitchen to continue what im doing.

I took the bacon from inside the fridge, and then two eggs, cheese, milk, then some lettuce too. I looked up to the clock and it shows 10.15. I wondered whether the other members already eat breakfast.

As I went here, there’s only Jjong and Taemin. Key already in the practice room, while Onew went to do his musical stage stuffs, and now Jjong went to the studio to write down some songs. I know Minho was out from early morning to go to his therapist.

Today they didn’t have schedule until about 5 o’clock in the evening.

“Minnie, does your Hyung eat breakfast?” I asked to him loudly as I begin to heated up the pan to fry the bacon.

“.. ne. We all did. Kibum Hyung made ramen.” He answered.

“you did too?” I frowned. My hands busy with the lettuce right now.

“.. ne (yes).” he replied shortly. I smiled, see, like I said, he eats a lot.

Then about 15 minutes later, the sandwich are ready, but as I also wanted to make the egg ‘pancakes’ that Taemin loves, I still working in the kitchen.


“an dwaeee (you cant)!” he shouted loudly from his room. I turned my head and then run to his room.

“Minnie, what’s wrong?” I asked as I stepped into the room. He stood up and facing the laptop monitor. When he heard my voice, he turned his head to me but finger pointed to the screen.

“Noona~ otokke (what should I do)?” his face frowning.

“what is it?” I walked to him and he sighed.

“Emma Watson cut her hair short! Short like a little boy! An dwae yo, an dwae (you cant)!” he exclaimed and then sit back on his chair and shook his head in desperately.

“mouh (what)??” cant believe it after I found out what makes him really upset, I laughed really hard as then when I walked to him I stumbled on something on the floor and fell after my leg hit the bed, so I laughed even louder.

“Noona, kwenchana (are you okay)?” he turned and squat beside me as he helped me by grabbing both of my upper arm.

Im still shaking from the laugh but also feel a bit sore in my leg. He laughs too but then he said, “ah, mianheyo (im sorry).” he pushed the small exercise equipment so it’s roll under the bed.

Im not really familiar with those stuffs, but I know it’s for strengthening hand and arm muscles. Whoa. I took back my words earlier. It seems that our Baby now want to look manly too, huh?

Then I shook my head and Taemin pointed out, “shoot! Your leg!”

I looked and then I saw a small cut, ouch, and it’s redden. But it’s not the cut that feel a bit hurt, but I bet the bruise will appear because I feel pain. Of course, I just hit my calf to a wood.

“ah.. jjinjja (really), now I cant wear shorts for a couple of days.” I joked but then I look Taemin is pouting.

“mianheyo, Noona.” He repeated again.

“no, it’s not your fault, silly. Im the one who clumsy.” I messed his hair up but then I apologized by fix the yellow hair clip that pinned his bang up like a cute water fountain, “besides, I can see that your Hyung doesn’t like it every time I wear shorts or mini skirt.” I said as I put a finger on my lips like a secret just to make him amused and not focusing on my small injury anymore.

“wae (why)? I like it when a pretty girl wear a cute and SHORT dresses.” He frowned and his lips twitched slightly forward like usual when he speaks excitedly.

I laughed again, dammit, Baby you’re just as cute as button. “well, just wait until the day you got her as your girl and you became annoyingly protective.”

He shrugged, “I just think it’s good if people envied me because my girl is too pretty and they cant take their eyes from her. Besides, I will be by her side so she shouldn’t be worry if she wears something y. No one is gonna try to mess up with her.”

“aigooo.. uri Taeminnie (oh, look.. our Taemin).” I said in motherly tone.

He smiled sheepishly, “Noona~~ stop teasing me!”

“im not teasing you!” but yeah, I did. I walked out from the room as he helped me walk because the small bruises still feel annoyingly painful.

“you really are a big sister I never had.” he said as he supported me by holding both of my arms from aside. “too bad Minho Hyung already stole your heart.”

“huh?” I asked him. I always thought he’s the one that happiest the most when Minho and I finally together.

“yeah, because it would be a good deal if you can be with my brother.” he said, but then he laughs, “so that’s why Minho Hyung is so lucky to have you, Noona.”

“ouch, Taem.” I said as we sat on the sofa.

“eh? is that really hurt?” he looked at my leg.

“no, it’s you. you’re painfully cute today.” I pushed his shoulder slightly as he answered, “I thought you said I look cute every day.”

I laughed again, “yeah, yeah, my bad.”

He shook his head, “no, it’s a good thing to be cute every once in a while, but I always want to look cool everyday.”

“silly little Taemin.” And then I try to stood up but he said, “wait! where the hell you want to go?”

I looked at him, “to grabbed my bag and find a bandaid. Beside, I still havent finish cooking the egg. Ah, and do you want some kimbap? Minho might want it so I want to make it for him.”

Taemin smiled as then he just get my bag and gave it to me, “here you go.” but he still doesn’t answering my question.

In my make-up case, I always bring bandaid and ointment so then I took it and while I put it on my small cut, I asked him again, “so..?”

“okay, here’s the deal. As my gratitude, I will make you Taemin egg pancakes special,” he helped me get up, “while you’re sitting here,” and then made me sit on the kitchen chair, “and making kimbap for all of us.”

I amused but then remember, that Taemin is actually the boss of the group, so it’s practically, he would make everyone do thing he wants, but the good thing is, he doesn’t do that for his own sake, but it’s for everyone’s.

Because im still dumbfounded, he tilted his head while squatting in front of me, “don’t worry, I’ll help providing the ingredients from the fridge to you.”

“okay.” I smiled as I mumbled jokingly, “I never said Im going to make kimbap for all of you, I just want to make it for Minho.”

He laughs really hard and said, “aww~ so now you do became to like my Hyung to that content, huh Noona?”

Shoot. “mouuhh (what)? yaa, Taeminnie!”

He covered his head with his arms pretending as a shelter from my fake attacks. And when we begin to prepared the food, he pulled his short sleeves and said, “okay, be ready for the world’s famous egg pancakes! Yes, as that’s the only thing I can cook and still can be eaten by a human being.”

I laughed as I said, “yes, because maybe it’s just you who will eat ramen with milk and honey!” while I cut the carrots and cucumber.

Taemin turned around and showed his shock face, “Noona! So you’re telling me that im not a human being? What the hell.” But then he chuckled, “ah, but Minho Hyung ate that ramen anyway, so you’re dating with one from my species too.”

Between my loud laughter I managed to say, “yeah.. b-but he swore at you, didn’t he?”

“yeah, he did actually.” and so he laughs too.


Finally, all the food is ready after like 20 minutes. It’s almost lunch time but the other members still hasn’t come back. Taemin went to the living room with his phone and said, “Kibum Hyung and Jonghyun Hyung went out to have lunch, they asked whether we want to have some take out or anything.”

“nope, Im good. you?” I turned around and leaned to the back of the sofa as I talked to him, “ah, but something cold and sweet wont hurt.”

Taemin pointed out, “ice cream!”

“or watermelon!”

“ Dammit Seoul is just too hot nowadays.” He squatted behind the sofa.

I laughed, “yes. and it makes me really want to go to the beach.”

He looked like he’s dreaming too, “ah~~ the beach. Holiday. Vacation.” He sighed, “I wish we could go.”

“hey hey.. come on. Now it’s not the time to daydreaming, Baby!” I pointed him as he texted Kibum, “after this, you really should start to study and answer those question sheets.” Then I messed his hair.

He grumbled as then he said, “ne~~”

“just called me if you need something, but if you couldn’t answer some questions, just leave it and move to the next one. Later we will discuss it together. Okay?“

“ne~” he nodded.

“ah, take this I poured it for you.” I took the glass of milk on the table and handled it for him.

“gomawoyo (thank you), Noona.” He sipped the milk as he walked through the corridor, and told me, “just leave the empty plates there, we can used it again when Kibum Hyung back from the restaurant.”

“hm, arasso (I get it).” I nodded although he doesn’t see. And so I turned around to face the television. Turned it on but turn down the volume so I wont bother Baby. At this time of the day, television usually doesn’t have any interesting show. But there’s news, so I watched it.

In about an hour later, Kibum and Jjong still hadn’t back. So as then there’s no interesting to see on the television I just turned it off.

“Baby~~” I called him. There’s a pause but then,

“.. ne (yes)?” I heard his reply.

“is everything okay? you didnt fell asleep, right?”

“no..” he answered, “…almost.”

I laughed. “good, now continue.”


“and no browsing on the internet.” I told him and there’s a pause again before he replied,

“… ne.” and his tone seems like someone who get caught.

“Taeminnie.” I pretend like I was threatening. “your Hyungs trusted you to me. Don’t make me come over there and turn to be an annoying teacher.”

“araso araso (I get it).” he replied and then im not bothering him anymore. As it became silent and somewhat peaceful, then I just took out my sketchbook to do some random design while Im also listening to my Ipod.

After a couple of songs played randomly from a shuffle, then I begin to sing the current one,

[..seon i si ryeo wa sa rang i gi eog i cha gab ge da ga wa
aryeo on da i je neun deo i sang neo rul bu jeong ha go siph ji anheun na reul al go itjiman

ga kka i itt neun neol sa rang hal su eob nun geol al go i gi ye
nal ba ra bol su eob nun neol gi da ri mi neo mu him deureo
i jen gyeon dil su eobseo i reuo jil su eob gi ye..]

(My hands become cold, The memory of love coldly draws near
It becomes painful, I don't want to be unfair to you any longer

Knowing that I can't love you, Who is close to me
Who can't look at me, It's too hard to wait
I can't stand it anymore, Since it won't be achievable)

It’s Onew’s song featuring Kim Yeon Woo. I actually never realized the song until I was like.. ‘what song is it?’ when the boys watched last episode of Hello Baby together with the staffs. And so I loved the song since then.

[..nae ga sa rang haet deon geu i reum bul leo bo ryeo na gal su rog neo mu meoreo jeotteon
geu i reum i jen jeog eo no go na ul meogyeo nae an e sum go sipheo jyeo
neol sa rang hal su bakke eobseot deon geu na reul i jen ara jweo yo
i rul su eobnun sa rang do sa rang i ni kka..]

(That name I loved Became too distant as I went out to call it
I now write that name down I'm on the verge of tears
I want to hide within myself
Remember that day now Where all I could do was love you
Because an unachievable love is still love)

“ah, jjinjja (really).” I said out loud to myself while I fast forward the song into the next one. It’s definitely a beautiful song, but doesn’t seem right at least for now. Why the hell I have to hear such a sad song like this?

I looked to my playlist and then decided one song, ‘I will give you everything’ by Clazziquai. I love Alex and Boram, their voice? don’t even ask. It’s too good even on live performance. But as one of my sunbae (senior) took me there and introduced me, they’re really nice in person and I liked them even more. Not to mention Alex from Canada, and I also lived there for a couple of years back then.

Cant help it to sing, this is one of my favorite song.

[..You know I will give you everything
I believe my love to you now is filling in the air
I see I will give you everything
this moment we're together it's like a dream come true

Will you give your life I want to have it all
if you listen what i say the memory will take us to there
I've been ever missing you so sadly
we'll never be apart now I know that I'm into your soul..]-

“uwah!!” I shrieked because there’s a pair of hands wrapped my shoulder from behind, “Baby! don’t do- omo, Minho?” I was surprised as I saw a pair of doe eyes staring at me.

Minho rested his head on my shoulder and his face changed 180 degrees as he said, “mouh (what)? you just said Baby, and it means.. Taemin, not me?”

I laughed embarrassedly, “of course, it’s him. Since when I called you Baby?”

“and by that,” he released his hug and put both hands on his waist, “you mean Taemin still flew here and there to hugging you around like a 7 years old brat- yaaa~~ Taeminnie!”

“.. ne?” Taemin replied as then he appeared on his bedroom door, “oh, Minho Hyung, you came?”

Minho walked to him and say, “Noona is here to tutor you and I let it happened, because I take this as a nice gesture an older brother could give to his dongsaeng (junior), but what the hell are you doing?” of course, Minho is just joking, but if you can see Taemin’s face right now, you’ll be as entertain as I am.

“me?” he pointed at my nose, “what did I do?” then he try to peek at me behind his Hyung’s shoulder –he even tiptoeing a bit because Minho still taller than him, “Noona! I admit it I browsed for a while but that’s all,” then turn to Minho, “ah Hyung, wae (why)??”

I almost cried because I held my laugh as then I walked to Minho, “you’re so silly.. don’t bother him. Taemin is doing his best not to fell asleep over those history books Onew gave him. You can show your support at least for a bit.”

“I did.” Minho laughs too, and he said, “that’s why I bought him fried chicken for him.”

“chicken??” Taemin’s face suddenly becomes brighter and then he ran to the kitchen.

“I thought you’re Umma’s son. But you’re also Onew’s son.” I said.

Taemin grabbed the chicken and said, “with this, I can be Minho Hyung’s son too in no time.” then he added, “oh, is that mean now you’re my Umma, Noona?”

“mouh??” both Minho and I were exclaimed as then feel embarrassed right after that.

“booya (what the hell is that).” I said.

As then Taemin patted Minho’s shoulder, “you acted really weird earlier, but I forgot it because of this. thanks Hyung.” before he went to his room.

“yaa~ this kid-“ Minho acted like his mad but then he laughed while turning to me, “he’s really the boss, isnt he?”

I nodded as then he noticed something, “chagamman (wait). what happened to your leg?”

“hm?” I looked and then I told him what happened earlier with a clumsy smile.

He looked at me and then shook his head, “who would have thought that you’re this clumsy, huh?”

I laughed as I walk to the sofa and sit down, “what do you mean?”

“well,” he sat beside me and say, “you’re cool and not talk too much.. but not so many people knows that you would trip because of something on the floor every once in a while.”

“isnt it normal? It’s not I fell everytime.” I replied as both of us said, “like Onew.” But he added ‘Hyung’ behind the leader’s name and then we laughed together.

We just leaned our back to the sofa but then he said, “why don’t you continue the song?”

“hm? Did you hear me singing?”

He nodded, “yeah, I was walked in when you sang Onew Hyung’s song. But I put stuffs on the kitchen and when I want to run to you, I heard you enjoyed so much singing the next song so I feel like I don’t want to bother you.”

“but still, you surprised me by strangled me from behind like that.” I said.

“strangled?! Noona! Isnt that too harsh?” he chuckled as then I replied, “just joking.”

He looked at me and say, “I cant help it! I was too happy I want to hug you as soon as I saw you here.”

I frowned, “what is it?”

“guess what the doctor said?..” he said.

“..” then I remembered, “he said that you can performed this week??”

He nodded, “yes, so I can join everyone on the recording tomorrow!”

“Minho!!” I beamed as I open my hands but he embraced me first.

“God. Im so relieved!” he said closely to my ear. And from his deep voice I can easily tell how happy he is.

Rubbing his back, I said, “it’s a great news, isnt it?”

“yes!” he even kissed my cheek before he pulled back to see me.

But then,

“wae (why)?” he looked at me, while I was frowning.

“are you sure.. that this is okay? I mean..” I said, “it’s not that im not happy for you, believe me, I am. But.. is your leg really fine?”

His hand fell a bit as he chuckled. I know I ruined the moment, but hey, I cant help to questioned that.

“Im being like this only because I care. You know that perfectly, Minho-ah. Im not a busy body and I don’t ask questions if I don’t care about the person so much.” My tone sounds a bit annoyed.

He sighed, “I know. It’s just that.. can we forget for a moment about me being injured just for a while? It’s like that issue always stick around with me and Im getting sick of it.”

“it wont happened if it was found out early.” I mumbled as then I saw his jaw tighten and it means he IS really annoyed.

So now I sighed. Fine. I lose this time. Im the older one so it’s natural to be like this. “okay, okay. Im sorry. I was wrong.”

He looked at me and then rested his head on my shoulder. “but you’re right. Although it’s much much better right now, it’s still feels a bit hurt every time I try to dance.”

I didn’t say anything, and then he looked up to see me. When he did he said, “Noona. You looked.. scary.”

“you bet I am! Ah. jjinjja (really)! It still hurts? And-and.. what’s with you trying to dance? Does it even allowed before? No, it doesn’t, right? Yaa Minho, you really are something, you know that!” I turned to look at him as his head almost fell because he lose my shoulder he used to lean on earlier.

But then I threw my back to the sofa in a rough way and chuckled, “molla yo (I don’t know). molla (don’t know).”

“Noona.” He try to make amends by saying, “I don’t know that you care about me that much.”

Oh, wrong move, Minho. I folded my hands and said, “long before all of this, I worked almost 24/7 with you. And then soon after that, we became friends, get along with each other quite well. And then finally as Im now accept being your girlfriend, or whatever the name is.. how can you say that I don’t care?”

He sighed again as he realized he’s so inconsiderate. Ignoring the fact that I seem don’t want to be near him, he pulled me close to him and because he’s bigger –and stronger, than me, I cant break from his grip so easily.

“mianheyo (sorry).” he said as he rested his chin on the top of my head, “jeongmal mianhe yo (im really sorry).”

“yeah, you should.” I said. Ah. I don’t know. I felt so happy too because now he can be together with the group –I know just by the look on his face every time they performed or even when Minho cannot go to perform because of his condition, he always wanted to join them. But me, myself, I was surprised to know that I was really worried about him to this content.

“mianhe.” He said again but this time, before I realized, he’s already nuzzled to my hair. And then kissed my cheek.

“booya~ (what the hell)?” I said so he stopped doing whatever he’s doing right now, “is this your way to apologise?”

He stared back at me, “you hate it?”

I chuckled, “I don’t hate it, even to my standard, hate is such a strong word, silly.”

“so it means you like it.” he said with a smirk and bent closer.

“well, im not saying that.” I responded so he frowned, “what??”

Ignoring his word, I just grabbed his collar and kissed him right on the lips. Before I closed my eyes I can see his eyes widen and he looked surprised more than ever, but as he kissed me back I let laugh slipped from my lips so we break the kiss.

“you look really stupid just now.” I .

“you-“ but he didn’t say anything just scratched the back of his head.

“we’re both just the same, right? not so good with words.” I told him, “and.. the boys keep saying that you prefer to show it with your attention.. and action.”

He laughs because of my last word, but to my disappointment, he gets up from the sofa. I turned around and saw him walking to Taemin’s room.

“Taem, how’s it going? .. YAA! Wake up!” I heard Minho’s voice and I giggled because of the fact that Taemin was sleeping.

“yeah yeah. I got this.” Taemin replied but seems still half-asleep.

I can hear Minho’s voice again, “just listen to some music or anything. Continue your study.”


After that, I saw Minho appeared from the corridor and walk back to the sofa.

“spoiled kid.” He commented, but as he sat beside me, he’s just resting both of his long feet to the coffee table in front of us and pulled me to him.

“wow. You’re just 2 years senior than him but act so superior.” I chuckled, “don’t be too tough to Baby.”

He laughs, “tough? Tough is when HE treated us, his hyung like we’re his dongsaeng (junior).”

Then he just pulled both of my legs carefully, “is it still hurts?”

“no. but I bet tomorrow there will be a bruise and it will look ugly if I wear shorts.” I answered and as I might wont be comfortable to rest my feet on the coffee table –yes, because my legs unfortunately not as long as he is, of course, he rested them to his own.

“chagamman (wait).” I pulled away my feet, “are you crazy? Your leg-“

“relax, my left leg is fine. remember?” he cut my words.

I sighed and then followed what he said.

“so.. where were we?” he said before he leaned closer to me.

Im laughing while im preventing myself to fell deep to the sofa. He wrapped his arm around my waist and with one pull, I was back to the sitting position.

I showed him my point finger as it means, wait for a sec, and then I called out, “Baby~~ is everything fine?”

There’s no answer, and it’s Minho who’s answering instead, “don’t worry, he’s fine. but he wont hear you.. or hear anything, he put on his Ipod Headphone.” As then I laughed because he nuzzled to my nape.

“and please don’t call him like that.. it’s like hearing you calling your other boyfriend.” He even said it before I poked his back playfully and he kissed me again.


“yaa yaaa~~~”

I heard someone’s voice. And when I opened my eyes, Kibum’s standing in front of me. In front of us, I mean, Minho and I.

“wake up..!” Kibum said to us followed by his dramatic head movement, “ah, really. Both of you were sleeping in the sofa, not knowing that Taeminnie just bailed out to the practice room, and he didn’t even finish his study yet!”

After saying that, he shouted, “Jonghyun Hyung! we need to get ready before 4.30!!”

“yes, I knew that already!” Jjong replied from his bedroom.

Kibum sighed, “really, people.” and walked to the kitchen as he took out his phone, “where the hell is Onew Hyung??”

I got up and Minho squint his eyes, saying to me, “did we fall asleep..” and look at his watch, “for like.. 2 hours and a half?”

“yeah.” I laughed but then stop my laugh. “shoot.”

Minho frowned as he yawned, “what is it?”

I pointed at him, and then to myself. Earlier, I just wear my sleeveless top. But yeah, after one two things happened after that, somehow I ended up wearing his buttoned shirt over it and that makes him just wearing his wifebeater.

“.. and my dongsaeng (junior) saw me in this kind of state. What kind of senior am I? not to mention it’s Key we’re talking about. oh Im just giving myself to be his mocking subject for the rest of the week.” I groaned.

Minho laughs, “Relax, he wouldn’t dare.” As I gave him his shirt back and after he’s done we walked to the kitchen.

And the first thing I heard from Kibum when he saw me is, “right.. it’s just too hot in here to wear Minho’s shirt, isnt it?”

My eyes grew bigger and then, “yaaaa!” I was going to run at Kibum as he laughs really hard.

Then I heard Minho mumbled between his laugh, “and yes of course he mocked you, Noona.”

“im older than you, kiddo.” I grabbed Kibum’s sleeves and tickle him.

“of course, of course Noona.” He laughs,”I apologized~~ stop it! Minho! Tell her, hahaha to stop!”

“well, im not her boss.” Minho just folded his hand and watching us.

Jjong appeared because of the noise and then just laugh as he grabbed a glass of water.

As Kibum is laughing to tears, then I released him. And it’s also I felt that he’s just unconsciously kicked my injured feet in the process.

He commented, “ah, really, Noona.”

Im panting and giggled because of him too, as then Minho just pulled me slightly, “your leg just got kick by him, doesn’t it?”

“yeah.” Im still laughing.

Kibum frowned, “eh, your leg? I didn’t-“

Then Minho just said, “chagya (honey), just forgive the stupid Kibum, he’s just jealous because he cant be like this with the one he want.”

“yaaa~ isnt it too much for you to say, Minho? Do you forget who’s your match maker-“ Kibum pointed out but got cut by Minho and I.

I laugh to Minho’s ‘chagya’ and just accepted his kiss in front of his two fellow members. Kibum who’s upset because of Minho’s mocking him earlier, and Jjong who almost spit out the water he drank.

"stop showing off!" Jjong shouted.

But then,




I broke the kiss and watch a mess in front of the doorway.

“-uuumphh~!!” Taemin’s struggling as Onew covered his eyes.. and mouth from behind, while he, himself just bumped his own feet to the cupboard nearby when he does that.

When Taemin finally breaks free, he said, “what the hell, Hyung, are you trying to kill me?”

Onew pointed at Minho, “no! but they’re ki- you cant see them kissing!”

“why not? im not 5 years old kid, it’s not I’ve never seen something like that before.” Taemin protested as then a paused creeping in.

But in the most freaking stupid way, is that right about 4 seconds after the silence, Jjong said, “oh, so..” to Taemin and he nodded a couple of times.

Onew laughed goofily, “Taemin-nie~~ uri Taeminnie (our Taemin). He grew up too fast, doesn’t he?”

Kibum put his hand on his head, “An dwae (you cant). This is too much. My son cannot be tainted. Not right now.”

“m-mouh (what)??” Taemin aware that everyone’s mocking at him as then I said to him, “so.. you dare to bail out, huh?”

“well.. Noona was sleeping.. and Minho Hyung too-“ he pointed at us, but then Onew exclaimed, “so!! As the gift on being a big boy and.. a punishment to bailed out, here, I gave you more of these.”

On Taemin’s hand right now there’s 2 other books. One is.. Korean History and the second one is.. World’s History.

“what the he-“

“and you need to do it during practice, and recording. With me as your second tutor.” Onew patted Taemin’s shoulder.

“noooooooo~~~” Baby exclaimed as then Kibum lifted both of his hands, “and that’s how today is gonna end for our little boss, Taemin.”

Then I looked at Minho and say, “see how ‘Baby’ is really suits on him?”

He laughed as he wrapped his arm around me from behind while watching Taemin argued, “I only two years older than him, but it’s true how I can feel that Taemin is not just the group’s baby, but he might also gonna be forever a baby.”


so how was it?

haha yeah, the first kiss. lol.

and another member are never failed to amuses us, arent they?

dont forget to drop your comment! thankss..



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Chapter 40: Zee~ I'm coming!!! :DD Sorry for super late comment..
Finally you're back, after a year and 3 months. (OMG
did I really count it? kkkkk) You do know that I really
miss ODS, rite Zee? ;))

Anyway back to story.
Oh my I love those little SHINee moment in the car
when Taemin called Noona. I can imagine what're they
doing there. Ah and Kibum in the dorm too.. :DD
WHAT??? Just like Kibum's, thats my reaction too when
Minho said those words. Why Minho, why?? Even
though it was Noona who say those 'break up' word
but we knew that actually it was Minho who suggest it. I
think there must be something wrong before Minho's
And I want to cry even though I already knew that
Noona and Minho might be break up. (oh no my
OTP!!! :'(()
Tbh I really never want they break up (I know you
know.. :D) but ofc, I'm just your reader and you're the
author.. :p
But I hope we'll see some happy moment (?) in next

Don't worry Zee, your readers will not ever tired of waiting. We'll wait patiently.. Just take your time dear.. :))

p.s thanks for coming back, Zee!! :))) *run*
chasethestars #2

I think it's pretty safe to assume at this point Minho's willing to shoot down his own ego, if not for the relationship, then something he can apply in daily life. He's humble, yes, but the fragility of his ego is so easily provoked when his competitive streak is touched on, whether it be performing, acting, or just simple [simple-complex?] relationship things that could be solved in a minute if he doesn't argue back... [Lemme stop before I go off a tangent again XD;;]

And, oh hi Changmin, hi~~~! X3 Why do you suddenly have a cameo here? *O* LOL. But Changmin cracking jokes about hitting on noona is a bit weird for me. I dunno, it's so... un-Changmin-like? ^^; Because no matter how Changmin likes girls [and checking them out LOL], he's the type of guy who backs off of his friends' girlfriends. Or at least from what I know of/observed about him based on 127172 interviews and what he himself has revealed in said 12772 interviews. I don't make much sense do I OTL

I'm not sure if you did it on purpose, but I think you just chucked in the possible ending of ODS somewhere in this update XD Unless I am overthinking it, then I could be wrong >.< I have to ask when you started writing this, though? And when you completed it, too ^^ Because the writing for this chapter seems a bit different from the previous chapter/s; kinda "fresh" as in recently written, because the voice in this update, even if it still sounds ike you, comes off a bit, erm, simple? As in simple-plain, not simple-eloquent, like what I'm used to reading from you. [Don't kill me ^^;]

A~nd, there we go! Wordvomit all over the place, I am so sorry ;____; I hope the inspiration for this story stays with you until the end ^o^ And like I told you, don't think too much about the absence. People who intend to stick with this story will stick to it no matter what, so even if you're gone a long time and come back with the next part, you will always find an audience in them ^^

Until the next update~! ^o^
chasethestars #3

Wah, wah, wah~, you're back! After a year and some number of months! XD It's crazy but I remember where exactly you left off, but maybe because of the gap between your last update and now, I had to skim the previous chapter to fill in the blanks. Regardless, I managed not to get too lost so yay~ 8D

Anyway. I think I saw the breakup coming from a mile away? Or maybe several chapters prior? What is probably surprising is how calm the entire setup is, from Minho taking noona to the corner to talk, and you know there's something going to happen, to the suggestion of the breakup, to both parties being so... well, calm about it ^^; I mean you left it at a cliffhanger [and Key, as expected, is the one who had a heart attack XD] and there might be more about it on the next chapter, but the feeling they both gave off spoke something akin to "Well, we've been dancing around the subject for so long so we might as well just face it" rather than the expected [?] "I hope you're not going to say it because I don't want it--and neither should you". A cool breakup of sorts. Unless there will be rage and tears and angst-ing in the future chapter/s, and then realize they can't really live without each other so they go scrambling back to each other's arms when not even three days have passed--or, heaven forbid, 24 hours. And. Well... ^^;

I like what noona said about dreams, though. It's not over until the dreamer him/herself says it's over. Just that the question here is, what holds more weight for noona? Is it her dreams, or is it her relationship? People have two hands but they can't hold on to two things at the same time, because those hands are meant to carry the entire weight of the most precious thing them. Or something. [Don't mind me going off a tangent here LOL T_T]
Chapter 40: WHAT??!!WAAEEEE???? *screaming with Key*
chasethestars #5
[2]<br />
<br />
Initially I was also unsure of why Minho would choose to tell noona the story behind Yuri; I mean, noona might have unintentionally triggered the memories he has of her so he chose to spill everything, but he could have either stopped and left it for another day, or simply did not touch on the subject of getting to know each other more at all. On another perspective, maybe it's time they broke the unwritten rule between them and try delving in deeper into each other's souls. They've shared a lot of things already that could make their relationship strong, but have they really fully given their entire selves to the other person? At the end of the day, no matter what happened to the other in the past or what [negative feeling] they felt about what they've heard, if the fact remains that love is still there, then nothing should really change much.<br />
<br />
If Minho's thinking of doing anything rash to Lee Oppa, that would be so not like him, but at the same time it would be fun to read about XD [I think the boy is much too respectful of his elders to even strike a fist at them, especially if they deserve it.] Minho might have been binded by his surge of emotions about whatever Taemin told him, so he had better not do anything that will compromise him, noona, their relationship, and the group as well. Remember Minho: there are plenty of eyes watching your every move, and in the world you live in, one mistake is more than enough to ruin everything, if not [continually] used against you ^^;;<br />
<br />
That was quite a long chapter, even if it only covered 2 journal entries ^^;; Oh yeah, just a heads-up: this line--"The boys caught the serious flu during Ring Ding Dong days last year, remember?"--should be fixed, because the 3 boys caught the flu in 2009, and since the diary entry is dated 2011, that should make it 2 years ago =3<br />
<br />
A~nd, that's it for now~. You've been busy lately so don't worry too much about updating; just do it when you have time to spare, okay? ^^
chasethestars #6
[1]<br />
<br />
I knew I told you in the past that I'd reveal if one of my guesses is correct regarding this entire "Who squealed on the secret relationship?", but for the life of me, I can only remember bits and pieces of that particular conversation .___. Although yes! I was alllllmost right about Taem being the source of it all [albeit indirectly + unintentionally]! 8D I worry for this boy; sometimes he's just too pure, and if we connect it to this predicament, it brings about unexpected trouble for everyone. But it's good he finally confessed to noona about what he had done--it's not easy doing so, considering that they have a pretty close bond, and poor Taem must've been stressed over how to come clean with it, if not losing sleep over it ^^;;<br />
<br />
I have to say I was surprised with the "Lee Oppa likes noona" plot twist; I didn't really see it coming since it wasn't that visible [even from earlier chapters], and although he was the nicer of the two assistants, I've only seen his actions as brotherly-like. [So it's either the hints weren't that strong to incite suspicion from readers, or they were subtly planted here and there but came off as faint instead; thus, the relatively weak delivery? ^^;;] On the flip side, re-reading what he had told noona from the past chapter, there seems to be some sort of underlying disappointment and, perhaps, a tinge of resentment that Minho and noona have managed to scrape through the big hurdle that is the almighty manager, albeit barely. [But that could just be me and looking into things too much, ahaha~ XDD;;]<br />
<br />
How ironic is it for Minho to demand honesty from noona with everything when it took him longer to do it? XD;; [And the nerve of him to get sulky, too! LOL.]
You make make anticipating your next chapter zeeeee,,OMG OMG what will happen?? >o<<br />
<br />
LOL i bet i shocked you in the middle of the night with Taeminnie pict,,he's pweeety xD<br />
<br />
my fave line in this chap --> “You deserve to be more than a hidden truth, Noona-ah.”<br />
:D :D :D<br />
<br />
good luck with work zeee :D
chasethestars #8
[2]<br />
<br />
Manager Lee's words make me assume something, but I dunno... it's a very "normal" assumption one would be able to make right away, so I shall wait for further development [or maybe think over more thoroughly] before saying anything ^^<br />
<br />
I think you were able to achieve your goal well with this chapter, but at the same time, there were lots of excess baggage thrown in that the chapter could have done without. There were also some parts in this chapter that gave me the impression you were either bored or disliked writing them because: 1) some bits of dialogue seemed to be dragging on and/or were completely unnecessary [they could have been trimmed out and the story would still be intact]; and 2) you just wanted to get to the good stuff [which is mainly noona's meeting of Minho's family]; thus, the impatience to finish the other parts ^^;; I'm not sure what your state of mind was during the writing process, but you might want to be careful about this in future chapters.<br />
<br />
Pushing that aside and the realization that about 3/4 of this chapter was more of filler than something connected to the original plot, small [?] problems continue to pile one after another. When will trouble stop following this couple? It's like their story is never-ending XD;; Continue writing and update again when time allows~! ^^
chasethestars #9
[1]<br />
<br />
The once-secret relationship is slowly being made known within the circle. I'm not sure if this is a good thing or not, provided they are still employee-client, and you don't really know what tomorrow might bring. Today it could only be 2 sunbaes and an entire family. Tomorrow you could get caught by stalker fans [can't forget these people and their ninja skills], and the day after that you'd find animal carcasses at your doorstep with death threats smeared all over your door in red paint. Disturbing .___. While having the secret out in the open is more comfortable, and it's admittedly one thorn out of Minho and noona's sides, they should map out their next game plan. The managers exercised their professionalism but that's only because Minho is their charge and noona is part of their staff, and schedules are packed so internal strife is the last thing they want to happen. But what about the others? And the days to come?<br />
<br />
As for Minho suddenly planning a meeting between noona and his family: really? Must it really be this way? I know he's anxious and can't wait to introduce the girl to his family, but there is a place and time for everything >> If I didn't know Minho any better, it's like this is his way of getting back at noona for telling the managers about their relationship without his knowledge. Can't really stand it, can he? Way to be petty, Minho; really. LOL.<br />
<br />
About Taemin and the jacket, that was a live performance for some event in Daejon back in August, not a rehearsal--unless I'm mistaken and we're thinking of different videos XD He's still acting strange but I already told you my first assumption regarding this, and I'm still waiting for something else to appear before I say the second thing on my mind. So yeah, still waiting~ XD