One Day With .... (part I)

One Day Series

A/N: This update is a long one, that's why it will be divided into two chapters. To avoid confusion: these 2 chapters contained one day of reminiscing so it sets as a flashback.




Yes, it’s almost 10 days had passed but nothing really changes from that day we were fighting in front of Taeminnie. Right now I was walking out from the studio with my sister, upset about everything although I can’t really show it in front of her. All of this because the same issue that I’ve been through with Minho for more than a week.

Well, a while ago it did seem that we reconciled, but then… Sigh, just say that I changed my mind.

That’s why, I went to the recording room, and although my sister is still in the conversation with Kibum, I told her that we were leaving.

“Unnie, is everything okay?” She asked.

“Yes, I'm fine. We just need to be hurry. My Boss just called me." We walked to the elevator as I took a glance at the corridor, and silently admit that deep inside my heart, I do hope that Minho would run here and try to explain everything to me.

But he didn’t. The corridor is remained empty.

And suddenly, everything came back to me into many slides of memories, playing like an old movie inside of my head.

I still pretty much remember everything.


Since that day we argued, the cold war between me and Minho still continue until a couple of days later, it’s the day they went to do the Hello’s concept photo shoot and also filming the MV –music video right before the Chuseok Holiday.

And because he successfully convincing in front of everyone like there’s happened to him –to us, I'm sure he can get the best rookie actor if he finally turns to acting. Only Taemin who knew about the fight, and I felt sorry of him, to get into any of this.

As usual, the boys gave all their best. Showing the adorable side of them, they had done very well to change the Lucifer image.

Like always, Baby Minnie sticks on my side as he took my hand and shows me around the set. Onew’s is going to be inside a simple classy looking corridor, and Taemin’s set meant to be his bedroom which just as adorable as the ‘owner’. The three others shared the same setting; a colorful street of townhouse downtown somewhere in foreign country.

For their individual shoots; I checked up on Onew’s jacket jeans and it suits him well. Key looked like an innocent young man with his parka that color matched up so well with his new hair done. I was also satisfied with Jjong’s wardrobe because it makes him look striking as ever. And despite anything happened the day before with Minho and I, it’s my job to make sure that his look is represents his character for this storyline.

We almost didn’t talk at all, only to the part where we should say something like “Are you okay with the shoes?” which of course he’s okay since I knew exactly his size and he’s just going to reply like, “Yes, thank you.” because it’s what he supposed to say to me as his Coordi Noona.

Just like that, when I thought he’d look great, as usual he would start to work and films his part; but the different is this time he did it without saying anything or giving me a slight smile.

And Minho is still Minho when it comes to performing or working in front of the camera. He’s just as charming as usual. And to get his character on the music video whose seems have the most confident among the other 4, he really portrayed the role so well.

I don’t know what’s on his mind when he showed the winner’s smile and also looks like he got the world in his hand as he’s going to propose to someone in the video. But in my mind, he’s just playing his own feeling. Over confidence about something that I barely even understand right now.

Yes, he rarely sent me random text, he just did whenever I have to go home so late, but I think it’s just becoming his habit. And no, he never called me. I still can’t cope about how angry he is to me, and I also feel so devastated because now… he gives me a distant feeling.

This is surely the lowest moment of our relationship. I know he’s hurting, and that’s why I want to make it up, but I still can’t figure how, especially when my calls were left unanswered and my apology texts were just got a cold reply.

I try to talk to him because of those rejections but whenever I saw his expression, forgive me my dignity somehow didn’t let me to do it. One part of me tells that I’ve done enough to beg on him. But then again, I still feel that I need to talk to him about everything.

I felt a bit desperate so then as one of my assistant came, I just left and went to the last one to film, Taemin.

Baby sits on the bed when I gave some bracelets and check his shirt. I was thinking about his simple look, while his Hyungs looks all set for their ‘upcoming’ dates when he suddenly speaks out, “You’re still sad about that day, aren’t you, Noona?”

“Hm?” I looked up to him because I still put on the blue wrist watch in his hand. “What makes you think so?”

He said, “Because you’re bad at hiding your feelings.”

I laugh cynically, “While I love hiding many secrets behind myself.”

To my surprise, Taemin responded, “How can you still acting that way while you’re actually bad at it?”

I was so off-guard when I heard that, “H-huh?”

Then he shrugged, “I don’t understand what happened that day nor about you two, but I think if you made him that angry, it means you hurt him that much.”

I almost think that Taemin attacks me because of what I’ve done to Minho, but then he took my hand and say, “Don’t let yourself into doing something that can make Hyungie upset, Noona, because I know you’ll end up looking like this thinking that you’ve hurt him.”

“I'm angry, Taeminnie. I'm not sad. He’s not the only one who’s hurt.” I said, and almost can’t believe myself I just bluntly told that to my Baby.

He looked up to see me as he still sit there and say, “see, didn’t I just say that you’re bad at it, Noona. I know that it seems Hyungie had made you angry, but I can see that you’re not upset only because of that.”

I looked at him when Taemin says, “You know Minho Hyung wouldn’t leave you just because he left like yesterday.”

“I really don’t care if he is.”

“Noona.” Taemin finally used his warning tone he often uses to his Hyung when he feels they did something that wasn’t right.

“What?” I talked back at him.

“You trusted Hyungie, don’t you?”

For a while, I was struck by his words, but then I shrugged as I release my hand from his grip, “Right now, I don’t know what to believe or who to trust, Baby.”

“Wow, Noona.” Taeminnie looked disappointed, but then he gave me a slightly sad smile, “Well, I thought you can trust me when I say that Minho Hyung does really loves you.”

Of course I trusted you, Minnie. And I still think that Minho does love me as much as I do to him. But the problem is… how far our feeling itself can protect us from anything else?


The next day is the first Chuseok; the day that I supposed to spend with Minho’s family if I did agree with him to go to Incheon, but like we all know, I didn’t.

And so I spend the whole day shopping by myself before I will meet my family for dinner.

It’s been a while since I have this kind of luxury, well, my times always involving clothes and so on, but I haven’t got the time to buy something for myself.

Makdoongie: Enjoy your day Noona ^^

Taemin sent me that message earlier, knowing I would have a shopping spree by my own; while I haven’t talk to Minho until now.

I'm not going to call or even text him. And it seems he has the same thing in mind.

On a second thought, it might just because he enjoys his time with his family. He rarely get 3 days break like this.

… What did I just say? Sigh. See? Even with the anger in me, I still refused to believe that he doesn’t care about me anymore.

To be honest, what makes me confused and really don’t know how to do is because I still remember his promise to me. He promised not to do an act something like the one involving Yuri-sshi in the past –remember the one he did to make me jealous? And the most important thing is he promised me on the day we finally said we love each other that he’s not going to leave me.

I know it’s naïve since I’m the one who kept saying that our relationship might go to reach the point where we would decide something that can cause damage to our hearts, but… I can’t help it. I can’t help to hold on to his promise. And also praying he’s going to keep his promises.

The more I want to get rid of him in my mind because I was upset, the more I will remember his convincing pair of eyes and his protective arms while he told me those words.

I tell you, that’s how dangerous and torturous so-called love can be.

So even though I'm glad I can spend some quality time by myself, I can’t enjoy it to the point that I want to.

After I bought some fashion items, I went to my brother’s apartment in the afternoon. And about an hour after that, my family came.

“I miss you so much, sweetie!!” My mother hugged me.

“I miss you too.” I smiled at her when we release the hug. And then my sister gave something out.

“What is this?” I said.

“It’s um… A really late birthday gift for Taemin-sshi. But I don’t know whether this is allowed or not…” My younger sister, that actually in the same age as Taemin, smiles sheepishly.

She’s really sweet and a bit shy in person, not like her older sister in this case. She never met any of the boys, of course, but when I called home and talk to her, she always asked about them occasionally. Although she never really did anything like this, well, until now. I actually was a bit surprised. “What’s inside?”

She answered immediately, “It’s just a beanie, nothing special. Because… I thought he looked good wearing it.”

I laugh, “Okay, although it’s a bit against the rule as I’m one of the staffs, a birthday present is a gift. I’ll give it to him secretly as soon as I meet him.”

She nodded as then she walked to help my mother with their bags. I thought she went there just because she’s too embarrassed right now.

“So, are you going to stay in Noona’s place or stay in the hotel?” My brother asked our parents.

“Well, my place isn’t that big enough, but I can manage.” I said as then my brother added, “Appa can sleep here, though.”

“Actually your uncle offered us to stay in their place so we can’t say no.” My father explains and my mother said as she patted both mine and my brother’s cheek, “But thank you for your offering, I raised you two to be a well-mannered grownups.”

“Umma~” My brother seems embarrassed but he couldn’t say anything more because he knew our mother.

“Ah, Oppa, when can I meet your new girlfriend?” suddenly my sister asked him.

To hear that, I was surprised, “You have a girlfriend now?”

“You didn’t tell her?” My mother asked my brother. Then the latter shrugged, “Noona is too busy, besides she never asks.”

“Yaa, you- little kid!” I messed up his hair, “How can I ask something that I don’t know exist?”

He chuckled and says, “I thought you wouldn’t care.”

My father defends me, “How can you said something like that to your Noona, she’s literally your Nanny when you’re a kid.”

I smiled if I remembered about it. Yes, back when my little sister was born, my mother is getting busy with her and so I was the one who’s chasing my cheeky but crybaby little brother around and look after him because he can’t be still even in a minute and always doing anything he likes –which I don’t; like climbing any tree he saw or pulling a toad from the ground.

I joked and said, “Well, it’s not that I want to do it, Appa. I won’t if Umma doesn’t tell me to.”

“She will come later, so you can meet her.” My brother said, “Everyone knows it, sorry to keep you in the dark, Noona, while you are the nearest one to me here in Seoul.”

I shook my head, “Naah, its okay.”

But suddenly it reminds me of my own issue. My mother actually had ask me about Hae Jin a couple of days ago on the phone but I just gave her a vague answer because I want to tell her in person, and now thanks to my brother, he reminds me to really do it. I'm not going to hide it from my mother anymore.

Although about Minho, I don’t think I can tell her or anyone in my family. Not yet. Because I don’t know how. More of it, wouldn’t it be awkward for me to say that my boyfriend is younger than my brother? Not that I'm ashamed of Minho, God, no. It’s just… Well, fine, I admit it. I feel embarrassed about his age. No, wait, maybe not his. The problem is me. I’m the one who’s older than him.

As then as we went to the restaurant, eats and talk and everything, I finally speak out.

“Um… Umma, did HaeJin Oppa ever call or come again?” Thanks to the seating arrangement, everyone can easily staring at me.

She laughs, “If he did, of course I would have told you since last week. Why?” Ah, yeah, I forgot that I talked more often with my mother lately because of this holiday.

I shook my head and then I just staring at my empty glass. My father sees it and he took it, asking, “Do you want more tea?”

“Huh, ah, yes, Appa. Thank you.” I answered so then my father ordered to the waiter.

My father was staring back at me after that, so then the attention was centering on me again.

“Actually… We already broke up.” I finally said it. With a small voice; I know I’m a coward.

All of the stares didn’t waver, but then my brother just nodded and starts eating again as if he doesn’t care, while my sister said with her soft but full of curiosity tone, “After he came to our house?”

Sigh. This is it.

“No. By that time… We have already breaking up.” I answered. And I already have Minho too; but of course I didn’t say it.

“Omo. Omo. Why didn’t you tell me anything, sweetie?” My mother finally is been able to say something. I looked at her but then shifted my stare. I felt like a little child that caught in doing some mistake.

“Because… I don’t know how. I was getting ready to tell you, but then I heard he came to our house and you sounded so happy about it-“

“So this is all about me?” My mother asked but then put her hand over mind, “Aww, my daughter. I'm sorry, I didn’t mean to ignore your feelings or anything.”

I shook my head, now why the hell she said something like that? It makes me guiltier even more. She should be angry with me because I’ve been keeping secret from her and keeping her in the dark, instead of blaming herself to be the reason why I did that. I felt guiltier also because I know that she have this little hope in her mind about seeing me and Hae Jin building a family in a couple years ahead.

“Umma, I’m really sorry.” I said.

My father and brother just sit there, continue to eat and also because the sitting arrangement –they’re the furthest from me, they let me and my Mother have this conversation.

“I even keep saying he’s a good son-in-law or something without realizing what you might feel about it. I'm sorry too, darling.” My mother then asked, “But what happened?”

I shrugged, “Things… didn’t go so well. And to end this is seems like the best decision. That’s it.”

Of course, my family knows that I’m the type who will talk when I feel like doing it, so as I gave her that answer, my Mother knew when to stop asking. I'm sorry, Umma, but I just don’t want to talk about something I already put away in the past; well, since the problems I'm facing right now is already make me feel so devastated.

And my fully understandable Mother would say exactly I thought, “I still think that he’s a good man, so I might feel a bit disappoint but my own child is far more important. What you feel, and what you think is good, I always pray that’s really are the best for you, darling.”

Umma smiled as my sister leaned her head on my mother’s shoulder while she looked at both me and our mother.

I thanked my mother and when I saw my little sister, sometimes I feel it’s really good to be her. She’s the youngest so she can lean like that to my mother and she’s still so young everyone will going to protect her; maybe even until she pass 20 years old because she’s our baby.

While I always be the first born child who always have to faced my problems on my own even since I was a kid. Well, no one told me to do so, but I just feel like I have to as an example to my younger siblings. And just like when it comes to my relationship with Minho, I feel obligate to be like that too.

I know Minho hated when I talked about our age, but I can’t help it. I live my whole life like this so I can’t do so much about it.

But if there’s one thing I could think right now, is that turns out my mother took this without any hard feelings because what’s important for her is my feelings. I really never think it would be this easy. That’s why I think… Maybe Minho would not be angry if I tell him the truth, maybe I was just thinking way too much.

Yes, Minho will accept me whoever I was. It’s just me who underestimate him, no wonder he’s so pissed right now.


So then, that’s why I called him on the second day of Chuseok on my way to my grandparents’ grave. Today it’s raining so hard around Seoul and the traffic is gone crazy.

I don’t hate the rain when it calms and soothing. But this is too much.

Not to mention, Minho’s phone is off for the rest of the day. No, actually it’s not the entire day, because my calls get through a couple of time, but the problem is, he doesn’t answer it.

It annoys me so much.

Nu.Na: Minnie, did you enjoy your holiday

About 2 minutes later, Baby replied my message.

Makdoongie: Of course ^^
Makdoongie: I ate my mother’s dish
Makdoongie: And I get to play with Eve
Makdoongie: Where are you Noona

Nu.Na: Stuck in the traffic jam
Nu.Na: Hey do you have plans for tomorrow

I actually wanted to introduce my sister to the boys, but I know she would faint if I just tell her my plan. So maybe I have to find another way.

Makdoongie: No why

Nu.Na: I want to give you something a gift

Makdoongie: A gift from you Noona ^^
Makdoongie: Well I actually plan to meet Onew Hyung to get some books
Makdoongie: We can meet up
Makdoongie: And do you have plans to go with Minho Hyung you almost never get the time to have a date

Well, yes, like its reaally hard to understand why I never going on a date with Minho before–just the two of us, I mean, went out for a movie along with Jonghyun or shopping with Key doesn’t count as a date.

Nu.Na: No do you forget that I actually don’t speak with him

Makdoongie: Oh right
Makdoongie: It’s just that
Makdoongie: I thought you two always like this but then one day after that everything seems normal again

Oh I don’t know about this time, Baby. I really don’t know. But I’m trying here because I kind of miss your Hyung. I missed him so much. Even though I still feel like poking his pretty head because of his haughty face recently.

But I don’t feel like talking about Minho with Baby, because I was pretty embarrassed after Minho and I fought in front of him. So please forgive me, Baby but I think I would end the conversation here.

Nu.Na: Tomorrow I will call to tell you where to meet okay
Nu.Na: And take a picture of Eve I want to see

Makdoongie: See you tomorrow Noona
Makdoongie: I wonder what the gift is~~


Okay, so here it goes, the third and last day of Chuseok.

I was standing in a bookstore, browsing for some fashion magazine when someone tapped my shoulder.

“Oh it’s you, Onew-sshi.”

The leader smiled and I can see behind him there’s Taeminnie looking all happy. I know why, because beside him there’s his beloved Hyung, his real one, I mean. If I’m not mistaken, his name is Taesun.

“Noona~ this is Taesun Hyung, and his girlfriend.” Taemin introduced me to him.

We bowed to each other respectfully, and he said to me, “Thanks for taking care of my kid brother.”

“Hyung~~ Noona is not my nanny!”

I laughed, “Well, sometimes he can be tough to handle, but most of the time, he’s a sweet baby.”

Taeminnie pouted as I know he doesn’t like to be treated like a child no matter how he wanted to be pampered sometimes, so then I said, “I'm just joking, Minnie.”

So then the 4 of us browsed inside the bookstore separately until Onew came to find me and say, “Tae got the textbook he needs so why don’t we go to find something to eat?”

Actually I kind of laugh a bit because now it passed lunch time, but the leader still wanted to find a place with foods. I nodded and 10 minutes later all of us were already ordering in one of the coffee shop inside the shopping mall.

“So… this is your gift.” I took out the blue box and give it to Taemin while the others are still in the counter.


“But it’s not from me it’s actually a birthday gift from my sister.”

Taemin looked at me with his eyes getting bigger in delight surprise, while I was smiling at him.

“Noona’s sister, the one that is in 11th grade like me?” He asked.

I nodded, “She said it’s nothing special though. Well, let’s open it!”

At first he took off the ribbon that tied the box, and then he opens it. “A beanie!”

I laugh as he just wear it instantly, I know how fond of him of that type of hat. He took his phone to see his reflection and ask me, “Do I look good?”

“Are you asking that to me as my sister’s Unnie or as your stylist?” I joked but then someone else said, “You look good in anything, Taemin-ah.”

I turn around although I knew who it was. There are some girls who held their shriek as this tall guy pulled a chair on our table. Well, there’s a couple more that literally turns their head just to get a better view ever since Taeminnie and Onew went into the coffee shop. Not that I found it weird, in fact I just too get used to it.

Minho sat down in front of Taemin and say, “So… where’s the occasion?”

I looked at Taemin as he shrugged –and he’s definitely has been lying about something to Minho, I knew that, “I cancelled my treat, Kibum Hyung cannot make it today.”

I rolled my eyes, of course he can’t, whatever that Taemin is planning, or lying about, Kibum is in Daegu for God’s sake. I just thought that Minho is not that gullible.

And looks like I was right, because Minho just sighed before he told Taemin, “Look, I know what’s on your mind when I heard that Noona is going to come too, but you shouldn’t do this, Minnie. It’s about me and her.”

“But Hyung-“ Taemin stopped somehow.

I can’t believe it. I looked at Minho as I felt like, oh I don’t know, he talked to Taemin as if I wasn’t there.

“Hey, I'm still here, in case you didn’t realize.” I was annoyed. He didn’t even look at me until now, but then he is, right after I said those words.

His eyes fixed on me, but he’s talking to Taemin, “You know I care about your Noona so much, Taeminnie, so you don’t have to worry.”

“You’re the one who start to argue in front of him, it’s your fault.” I said, as then I continued, “Look, can we just talk about this outside? I don’t want to involve Baby in this, nor Onew nor anyone.”

Minho looked around with the corner of his eyes and I got that, so then I said, “Right, this is a public space, you wouldn’t want to caught throwing tantrum on your girlfriend. And I don’t have any attention to do that too, so why don’t we just act as a good and decent civilian, like what you already did to me for the past couple of days?”

Taemin looked at me, but he seems still nervous on what his Hyung might say.

“Fine with me.” Minho said, as then he stood up, in the same time as Onew came, “Minho? What are you doing here?”

“Buy some coffee.” He answered, and then turn to me, “What do you want to order, Noona?”

“I got this.” I lifted my coffee from Onew’s tray.

Then Minho just shrugged before he turns and walk to the counter.

“Stupid Hyung.” I can hear Taemin swears under his breath and Onew asked, “Huh?”

“Umm, Nothing.” Minnie shook his head and looked at me apologetically. I gave a sign that I’m fine, but I think this is the last time Taemin would try to help me.

And Minho? Well, right after we finished our coffee session, all of us were looking around the department store while he took off by himself. Just like what happened recently, I know nothing about it.


On the next day, I saw from Kyuhyun’s twitter that Minho went to drink with him and his Hyungs, so at least I felt at ease knowing that Minho was with him. Not that I would act like a jealous girlfriend, but when I found out he’s with Kyuhyun, I know that he’s not going into a trouble.

It’s just a bit sad for me, I have to know what he’s up to from someone else. To make it even worst, it’s from a twitter. But if I think about this again, in my situation right now, this is more than enough.

Although, it seems that I still can’t sigh in relieve, because suddenly Kibum came to me that day and asked, “Noona, so did you or didn’t you go to meet his family?”

I shook my head, “No, I decided not to go. Why?”

He answered, “Nothing, I just want to know since you mentioned it to me last time. Well, I thought he finally convinced you knowing that he’s gone for ‘jogging’ almost every night since that day you told me about his plan, until the Chuseok holiday itself. He must go to your place, right?” He laughs a bit.

I nodded unknowingly, but I frown because of what I heard.

What did Kibum just said? Minho went out almost every night,… but what actually happened is he never even once come to my place; until now. So, where the hell he goes? More of it, what is he doing?

I almost can’t take this anymore.

I really need to talk to him.

Unfortunately again, the situation didn’t allow me to; for the rest of the day, he just stayed beside Manager Oppa all the time. And also, he has a meeting for a new broadcasting show with another idol. Not to mention he spent some times facing his fans too.

But to see his smiling face, suddenly there’s two different feelings came up into me; one, is how I missed his smile he usually shows to me, but other than that, surprisingly, I feel terrible towards him. Why?

You see, I know his angry with me and although he doesn’t seem to care, at least I know that he’s been acting to cover his true feelings. His job can’t allow him to show any uncomfortable feelings in front of the audience also he doesn’t really have the time to think about his feeling, even it’s normal to take a nap at a chair in the waiting room. I knew about all of that, I saw it with my own eyes, I happened to be there all of these times.

So why do I let him to go through all of this?

Sigh. It seems that my anger has been lost in this game. All I can think is that I need to stop this. Minho was getting used to act as if he’s okay for the whole time since forever, but since he got me, he didn’t have to do that anymore. Why I ever forget to my main purpose to be that someone for him?

And now the question is can I throw my pride to get him back?


Oh what the hell with the pride.

I was walking out from the studio with Taemin, Minho and Lee Oppa after the broadcasting is over. The three of us walk to the dressing room when I checked up my phone. I actually wanted to send an instant message for Minho so he can see it when he has his bag later, but then I saw something else.

Shoot. There’s a miss call from my Boss and I didn’t realize it. I swore to myself about how ignorant I am to my phone, although I can’t help it to be that way since I was working. But still, it’s from my Boss. And I cursed my mind that doesn’t seem to be able to work properly somehow.

I called my Boss back and apologies on my rudeness. He wants to talk about the project I assisted so he asked me to discuss with him later after work.

“So how’s your work?” Lee Oppa suddenly asked me.

“With my Boss? It’s fine.” I answered.

“Are you going to leave soon?”

I frowned, “Leave? Where?”

“I’ve heard from Manager Hyung that your Boss talked about taking you from the current staff.”

“Seongsaenim told that to Manager Oppa?” I even haven’t heard anything from my Boss.

Lee Oppa just shrugged and I was also can’t say anything.

Taemin who walked close to me and Kang Oppa, followed by Minho way back behind, suddenly said to me, “Noona~ I’m hungry!”

I’m laughing, “Me too.”

“I wonder what we had for lunch today.” Minho joined the conversation but it’s more to talking with Baby, instead to me. Then suddenly he stopped and says to Lee Oppa, “Hyung, I will catch up, I have to go somewhere first.”

“Hyung, where are you going?” Taemin asked but Minho just waved his hand before he took another corridor.

I sighed slowly and I think no one realized it. Now should I send him a message or not? Whatever, I just type a short message, hoping that he would see it as soon as possible and this time he’s going to reply it.

As I press enter to send it, I heard Taemin chuckled, “Tsk, Hyung.” as he turned to me and say, “Noona, how about we go to the cafeteria?”

“Taemin-goon-“Lee Oppa seems want to say something but Taemin said, “Hyung, in the cafeteria, they had the best lunch menu among all the TV station! It’s been a while so Noona and I are going to go there.”

Then the A.M Oppa just sighed, “Oh, alright! I'm craving for something too. But let’s be quick!”

I smiled to Taemin who’s definitely having the same thoughts in mind, that this A.M Oppa is our favorite one.

“But wait, I need to go to-“Baby pointed to the men’s room and just run before me or Oppa can say anything.

Lee Oppa laughs but he’s actually staring to the corridor where Minho walked to earlier.

“I told him about Manager Hyung’s order.”

“Hm?” I turned to Lee Oppa.

“Minho.” He said, “I told him about Hyung’s order to both of us, well, I said to him that you might doesn’t want to harm him either, but an order is an order, right? So not just to the manager, Minho needs to be careful in general. Don’t get into trouble.”

I looked at him, pretending that I know nothing about it. “Yeah?”

“Did you try to talk to him, too?”

I paused for a while and then I shook my head, “No… But I’m pretty much avoiding Manager Oppa too, because I don’t know what to do towards the two.” Well, I’m not lying about this.

Lee Oppa laughs at my statement then I asked him, “And… What did Minho say about that?”

He shrugged, “You know Minho. He doesn’t speak too much. But then he just said that he doesn’t want to burden me or you in this case as we both are the so-called spies. He said that he’s always been a good boy so why don’t we trust him?”

“You… trust him?”

Lee Oppa asked me back, “So you don’t?”

Somehow, the question sounds different when it was asked to me.

I said, “Well, Minho is a smart kid. I know he wouldn’t do anything careless.” Who am I kidding? Saying those words with a casual manner; as if it has nothing to do with me.

He laughs, “I agreed. But… Sometimes when you’re young, you want to prove yourself and then you ended up act carelessly.”

I didn’t say anything as we saw Taemin came out from the men’s room and followed him to the elevator.

Lee Oppa said to me, “Right?... You’re still young yourself, didn’t you do something, and in the end you just realize that… it’s a careless act?”

I consciously nodded because I agreed. This A.M Oppa is smart. I wonder why even until now he still hasn’t found out about Minho and I… yet.

“That’s what I thought about Minho. You know that he’s been acting so loosely these days? I think after I told him about Manager Hyung’s suspicion, he started to act just to make Hyung think that he cannot be read.”

I frowned, “What do you mean?”

Taemin was walking inside the elevator and we followed.

“Well, you know… to distract Hyung into divided ideas.”

I don’t get it, but then again, we have Taemin in here, so it seems Lee Oppa doesn’t want to talk about this any further, neither do I.

So I try to get my mind into something else. Now Baby is wearing the beanie he took from my assistant, Eun-ah, and it somehow matched with the huge hoodie he wears for the show.

“You seem to like the beanie, huh? Thank you.” I said to him.

He smiled, “Yes, you know how I like to wear one.” And then he added, “Besides, it’s from Noona’s baby sister.”

I laugh, “And so what if it’s from her?”

He shrugged, “I don’t know, she seems nice… and cute too.” Taemin just looks like a little boy right now.

“Oh, you mean cuter than me.”

“Your sister?” Lee Oppa asked and I nodded, “I hope its okay for her to give a gift for Taeminnie.”

Lee Oppa just gave a sign with his hand, it means okay.

Then Taemin laughs too, “You said that she’s cuter than you by yourself, Noona, not me.”

We reached the 3rd floor where the cafeteria is, as suddenly Oppa’s phone is ringing.

“Hello?” He answered, “… Yes? I’m- yes? Oh, okay. Yes, got it.” He said briefly and then closed the phone before he turned to me and Taemin who’s waiting for him, “Sorry, Taeminnie, we can’t go to the cafeteria.”

“Why? Is that from Manager Hyung?” Minnie asked.

“Yes, we need to go back to the dressing room, the mothers came to bring you kids some lunch.”

“Mothers?” I asked.

Then Taemin clapped his hand, “Ah! Of course.”

Lee Oppa press the elevator button.

“As usual, after Chuseok all of our mothers would come to the dorm, bring all the stuffs we wants and also some foods. They went to our place this morning. They’re still there even when we went here, so now they might just stop by after they finished over there.” Minnie explained to me.

I havent say anything yet and then Taemin said to himself, “I wonder why my mom didn’t call me, ah, I forgot, my phone is in my bag.” So he asked our A.M Oppa, “Hyung, whose mother is coming?”

Of course we all know that Taemin is his Mama’s boy, although not in a negative way.

Lee Oppa answered, “Your mother and Minho’s. But it seems that Jinki’s mother also sent him some food.”

Taemin cheered, “Uwaa~ I bet our lunch is gonna be delicious, Noona!”

But I can’t focus to what he said after I heard Oppa’s answer.

Minho’s… mother? Great.



(To be continued to the part 2)


Hey! It's been a while... im finally back with the first of two chapters! currently the 2nd chapter is about 60% finished so I hope i can post it here soon :)
The title would be completed in the next installment. What would it be this One Day? With who? With what?
Is Minho still annoying? ignorant? or more like... saddening to watch?
And so what's Noona impression when she meets Minho's mother? and what is Minho's mother would think of her? Is she knew about everything? Stay tuned for the upcoming update to get the answer!
Taemin's brother made an appearance! Noona's younger sister would still appear in the next update.. as there might be a name for her :D
I took some real events for the chapter; Hello MV's filming, and KyuHyun's twitter with Minho in it.
See you soon on the next update! (I try to be as fast as possible, at least not going to let you wait as long as you did for this one hahaa) :)



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Chapter 40: Zee~ I'm coming!!! :DD Sorry for super late comment..
Finally you're back, after a year and 3 months. (OMG
did I really count it? kkkkk) You do know that I really
miss ODS, rite Zee? ;))

Anyway back to story.
Oh my I love those little SHINee moment in the car
when Taemin called Noona. I can imagine what're they
doing there. Ah and Kibum in the dorm too.. :DD
WHAT??? Just like Kibum's, thats my reaction too when
Minho said those words. Why Minho, why?? Even
though it was Noona who say those 'break up' word
but we knew that actually it was Minho who suggest it. I
think there must be something wrong before Minho's
And I want to cry even though I already knew that
Noona and Minho might be break up. (oh no my
OTP!!! :'(()
Tbh I really never want they break up (I know you
know.. :D) but ofc, I'm just your reader and you're the
author.. :p
But I hope we'll see some happy moment (?) in next

Don't worry Zee, your readers will not ever tired of waiting. We'll wait patiently.. Just take your time dear.. :))

p.s thanks for coming back, Zee!! :))) *run*
chasethestars #2

I think it's pretty safe to assume at this point Minho's willing to shoot down his own ego, if not for the relationship, then something he can apply in daily life. He's humble, yes, but the fragility of his ego is so easily provoked when his competitive streak is touched on, whether it be performing, acting, or just simple [simple-complex?] relationship things that could be solved in a minute if he doesn't argue back... [Lemme stop before I go off a tangent again XD;;]

And, oh hi Changmin, hi~~~! X3 Why do you suddenly have a cameo here? *O* LOL. But Changmin cracking jokes about hitting on noona is a bit weird for me. I dunno, it's so... un-Changmin-like? ^^; Because no matter how Changmin likes girls [and checking them out LOL], he's the type of guy who backs off of his friends' girlfriends. Or at least from what I know of/observed about him based on 127172 interviews and what he himself has revealed in said 12772 interviews. I don't make much sense do I OTL

I'm not sure if you did it on purpose, but I think you just chucked in the possible ending of ODS somewhere in this update XD Unless I am overthinking it, then I could be wrong >.< I have to ask when you started writing this, though? And when you completed it, too ^^ Because the writing for this chapter seems a bit different from the previous chapter/s; kinda "fresh" as in recently written, because the voice in this update, even if it still sounds ike you, comes off a bit, erm, simple? As in simple-plain, not simple-eloquent, like what I'm used to reading from you. [Don't kill me ^^;]

A~nd, there we go! Wordvomit all over the place, I am so sorry ;____; I hope the inspiration for this story stays with you until the end ^o^ And like I told you, don't think too much about the absence. People who intend to stick with this story will stick to it no matter what, so even if you're gone a long time and come back with the next part, you will always find an audience in them ^^

Until the next update~! ^o^
chasethestars #3

Wah, wah, wah~, you're back! After a year and some number of months! XD It's crazy but I remember where exactly you left off, but maybe because of the gap between your last update and now, I had to skim the previous chapter to fill in the blanks. Regardless, I managed not to get too lost so yay~ 8D

Anyway. I think I saw the breakup coming from a mile away? Or maybe several chapters prior? What is probably surprising is how calm the entire setup is, from Minho taking noona to the corner to talk, and you know there's something going to happen, to the suggestion of the breakup, to both parties being so... well, calm about it ^^; I mean you left it at a cliffhanger [and Key, as expected, is the one who had a heart attack XD] and there might be more about it on the next chapter, but the feeling they both gave off spoke something akin to "Well, we've been dancing around the subject for so long so we might as well just face it" rather than the expected [?] "I hope you're not going to say it because I don't want it--and neither should you". A cool breakup of sorts. Unless there will be rage and tears and angst-ing in the future chapter/s, and then realize they can't really live without each other so they go scrambling back to each other's arms when not even three days have passed--or, heaven forbid, 24 hours. And. Well... ^^;

I like what noona said about dreams, though. It's not over until the dreamer him/herself says it's over. Just that the question here is, what holds more weight for noona? Is it her dreams, or is it her relationship? People have two hands but they can't hold on to two things at the same time, because those hands are meant to carry the entire weight of the most precious thing them. Or something. [Don't mind me going off a tangent here LOL T_T]
Chapter 40: WHAT??!!WAAEEEE???? *screaming with Key*
chasethestars #5
[2]<br />
<br />
Initially I was also unsure of why Minho would choose to tell noona the story behind Yuri; I mean, noona might have unintentionally triggered the memories he has of her so he chose to spill everything, but he could have either stopped and left it for another day, or simply did not touch on the subject of getting to know each other more at all. On another perspective, maybe it's time they broke the unwritten rule between them and try delving in deeper into each other's souls. They've shared a lot of things already that could make their relationship strong, but have they really fully given their entire selves to the other person? At the end of the day, no matter what happened to the other in the past or what [negative feeling] they felt about what they've heard, if the fact remains that love is still there, then nothing should really change much.<br />
<br />
If Minho's thinking of doing anything rash to Lee Oppa, that would be so not like him, but at the same time it would be fun to read about XD [I think the boy is much too respectful of his elders to even strike a fist at them, especially if they deserve it.] Minho might have been binded by his surge of emotions about whatever Taemin told him, so he had better not do anything that will compromise him, noona, their relationship, and the group as well. Remember Minho: there are plenty of eyes watching your every move, and in the world you live in, one mistake is more than enough to ruin everything, if not [continually] used against you ^^;;<br />
<br />
That was quite a long chapter, even if it only covered 2 journal entries ^^;; Oh yeah, just a heads-up: this line--"The boys caught the serious flu during Ring Ding Dong days last year, remember?"--should be fixed, because the 3 boys caught the flu in 2009, and since the diary entry is dated 2011, that should make it 2 years ago =3<br />
<br />
A~nd, that's it for now~. You've been busy lately so don't worry too much about updating; just do it when you have time to spare, okay? ^^
chasethestars #6
[1]<br />
<br />
I knew I told you in the past that I'd reveal if one of my guesses is correct regarding this entire "Who squealed on the secret relationship?", but for the life of me, I can only remember bits and pieces of that particular conversation .___. Although yes! I was alllllmost right about Taem being the source of it all [albeit indirectly + unintentionally]! 8D I worry for this boy; sometimes he's just too pure, and if we connect it to this predicament, it brings about unexpected trouble for everyone. But it's good he finally confessed to noona about what he had done--it's not easy doing so, considering that they have a pretty close bond, and poor Taem must've been stressed over how to come clean with it, if not losing sleep over it ^^;;<br />
<br />
I have to say I was surprised with the "Lee Oppa likes noona" plot twist; I didn't really see it coming since it wasn't that visible [even from earlier chapters], and although he was the nicer of the two assistants, I've only seen his actions as brotherly-like. [So it's either the hints weren't that strong to incite suspicion from readers, or they were subtly planted here and there but came off as faint instead; thus, the relatively weak delivery? ^^;;] On the flip side, re-reading what he had told noona from the past chapter, there seems to be some sort of underlying disappointment and, perhaps, a tinge of resentment that Minho and noona have managed to scrape through the big hurdle that is the almighty manager, albeit barely. [But that could just be me and looking into things too much, ahaha~ XDD;;]<br />
<br />
How ironic is it for Minho to demand honesty from noona with everything when it took him longer to do it? XD;; [And the nerve of him to get sulky, too! LOL.]
You make make anticipating your next chapter zeeeee,,OMG OMG what will happen?? >o<<br />
<br />
LOL i bet i shocked you in the middle of the night with Taeminnie pict,,he's pweeety xD<br />
<br />
my fave line in this chap --> “You deserve to be more than a hidden truth, Noona-ah.”<br />
:D :D :D<br />
<br />
good luck with work zeee :D
chasethestars #8
[2]<br />
<br />
Manager Lee's words make me assume something, but I dunno... it's a very "normal" assumption one would be able to make right away, so I shall wait for further development [or maybe think over more thoroughly] before saying anything ^^<br />
<br />
I think you were able to achieve your goal well with this chapter, but at the same time, there were lots of excess baggage thrown in that the chapter could have done without. There were also some parts in this chapter that gave me the impression you were either bored or disliked writing them because: 1) some bits of dialogue seemed to be dragging on and/or were completely unnecessary [they could have been trimmed out and the story would still be intact]; and 2) you just wanted to get to the good stuff [which is mainly noona's meeting of Minho's family]; thus, the impatience to finish the other parts ^^;; I'm not sure what your state of mind was during the writing process, but you might want to be careful about this in future chapters.<br />
<br />
Pushing that aside and the realization that about 3/4 of this chapter was more of filler than something connected to the original plot, small [?] problems continue to pile one after another. When will trouble stop following this couple? It's like their story is never-ending XD;; Continue writing and update again when time allows~! ^^
chasethestars #9
[1]<br />
<br />
The once-secret relationship is slowly being made known within the circle. I'm not sure if this is a good thing or not, provided they are still employee-client, and you don't really know what tomorrow might bring. Today it could only be 2 sunbaes and an entire family. Tomorrow you could get caught by stalker fans [can't forget these people and their ninja skills], and the day after that you'd find animal carcasses at your doorstep with death threats smeared all over your door in red paint. Disturbing .___. While having the secret out in the open is more comfortable, and it's admittedly one thorn out of Minho and noona's sides, they should map out their next game plan. The managers exercised their professionalism but that's only because Minho is their charge and noona is part of their staff, and schedules are packed so internal strife is the last thing they want to happen. But what about the others? And the days to come?<br />
<br />
As for Minho suddenly planning a meeting between noona and his family: really? Must it really be this way? I know he's anxious and can't wait to introduce the girl to his family, but there is a place and time for everything >> If I didn't know Minho any better, it's like this is his way of getting back at noona for telling the managers about their relationship without his knowledge. Can't really stand it, can he? Way to be petty, Minho; really. LOL.<br />
<br />
About Taemin and the jacket, that was a live performance for some event in Daejon back in August, not a rehearsal--unless I'm mistaken and we're thinking of different videos XD He's still acting strange but I already told you my first assumption regarding this, and I'm still waiting for something else to appear before I say the second thing on my mind. So yeah, still waiting~ XD