One Day on the Plane.

One Day Series

Language and Terms
-Makdoongie: cute way to call Maknae (the youngest), and its Taemin’s nickname
-Dubu: Korean language for Tofu, its also Onew’ s nickname
-Sangtae: Korean language for Condition, the members used to say Onew Sangtae when he got mischievous or just dazed and doing something unusual
-Merong: a gesture to stick out your tongue to mock or tease somebody
-Selca: Korean abbreviation of “self-camera” picture


And so today, we’re all going to go to L.A.
The chartered plane is ready, and tickets are in our hand.
It was divided into groups; the crew –as the main men of lighting, stages and sound system crew, the staffs –Coordi and assistants along with the makeup and hairstylist, and then the artists themselves.

We came to the airport in almost the same time, but the artists are the last one walked inside the building. As the photographers take their pictures and stuff, crew and staff are lining in the check-in counter and also went straight to the immigration.

So after that the artists wouldn’t have to wait for too long.

I was already queuing on the immigration when I took a glance on the boys, who’s now posing in front of an official photographer for this. The fans are there too, but security has sets the lining. I can’t help but smile to see how much love they show to the boys.

Kibum and Jjong are wearing similar shirt with in different color so they really stand out and attract attentions from the fans, while Taemin is wearing a low profile grey shirt today. Onew as usual, took the importance of being comfort when it comes to personal clothes, he’s the only one who’s wearing jacket, but actually, he had to because his condition is not too healthy for the moment. Minho, he’s just wearing what he loves to wear these days, blue hues buttoned-shirt over white sleeveless white beater with a pair of comfortable straight cut jeans.

“Hey.” Suddenly someone taps on my shoulder while I'm still watching for the boys so I turn around. It’s Suju’s Coordi.

“Yes, Unnie?”

“Where’s your seat?”

I took my boarding pass and read. “In… 36 F. Why?”

She shook her head, then she smiled, “Well, then we’re on the same side.” As she shows her pass, and I can read 36 G.

I smiled back at her but I didn’t say anything. Well, I respect Suju’s Coordi Unnie, and we get along quite well, but not exactly click to be more than colleague workers.

Somehow I remembered about Minho telling me Heechul-sshi loves to come or even trades seat to be able to chat with the Coordi Noonas during plane trip and I can’t help but giggle because of the idea. He can be such girly sometimes… Or maybe he just loves to flirt? I don’t really know Heechul-sshi so I can’t decide which one.

When I passed through the immigration, the head of the groups tells us to be in the boarding lounge in about an hour, so now we have a short free time.

But I'm too sleepy to wander around by myself, so I just stick to my assistant, Mi Sun, who seems to looking around for a place to buy some magazine.

“Noona I want to buy-“She pointed to the bookstore nearby and I nodded, “Yeah, yeah, okay.”

I just followed her as I'm looking to my phone to change my profile, it’s been a while, and I get bored with the current one.

chARMEDLife changed profile name
Nu.Na changed display picture

I changed my name to just Noona, and my profile picture is actually the one that Minho took when I was playing on the swing that morning.

After that I just tossed it to my Proenza Schouler bag, but less than a minute after that, suddenly I heard my phone is ringing. A short twinkling sound; so it must be a short message coming to the application.

Makdoongie: Noona~ you changed your profile name
Makdoongie: And your picture too!

It’s Taeminnie. Well, all of the members got the same type of phone as mine, although Jjong and Key used another brand as their 2nd cell phones.

Nu.Na: Yeah feel kinda bored
Nu.Na: Where are you right now? Check-in

Makdoongie: Line up for the immigration I’m bored
Makdoongie: Suju Hyung made one long queue
Makdoongie: :D
Makdoongie: Where are you Noona

Nu.Na: Bookstore in front of the immigration

There’s a pause for a while before-


Makdoongie: Kibum Hyung ask whether you can buy him the latest Nylon

Nu.Na: The one with Shinee in it?
Nu.Na: I thought they sent you

Taemin might ask Kibum first because it takes a couple of seconds before he replied.

Makdoongie: Yeah but he haven’t read it and he forgot where it is back on the dorm

Nu.Na: Okay then
Nu.Na: Anything else? Drinks snacks candy foods
Nu.Na: I'm looking at a refreshment area right now

I know that our cute little monster always craving for something to chew.

Makdoongie: Wait I ask Hyungs first

I think everyone would want something except Kibum. Then before Taemin replied, there’s someone joins the conversation.

Makdoongie invited KimRoo to the conversation

KimRoo: Noona a pack of cig please

Nu.Na: Yaa, Kim Jjong!! Do you want to die

KimRoo: *merong*

KimRoo has left the conversation

Really, this kid. But then I laugh as I saw Jjong’s profile picture. It’s none other than his beloved puppy, Roo. It’s actually a gift from his girlfriend long ago before they dated, he told me.

Makdoongie: Eh where’s Jonghyun Hyung?

Nu.Na: Oh I know Baby for you I would buy a glass of milk

Makdoongie: Noona! I’m not a baby~
Makdoongie: T_T

Nu.Na: But I see there’s an ice cream booth

Makdonggie: ….
Makdonggie: Do you want to go to an ice cream date in this Incheon airport with me Noona

Nu.Na: kekeke
Nu.Na: awwww how cute

Makdoongie: T___T Minho Hyung just poked my head

I laughed as then I can see the girl band’s members, followed by Suju’s members one by one appears from behind the immigration area. Then I walked to find the magazine Kibum asked for as I still replying to Taemin’s message.

Nu.Na: He’s there?

Makdoongie: Yeah he looked over our conversation just now

I went to cashier and pay for it.

Nu.Na: Minho-ah I know you love Minnie don’t act like you didn’t

Makdoongie: But it doesn’t mean that I want to share everything

Eh? Once again I laughed. This must be Minho using Taemin’s phone.

Nu.Na: Hey stop intruding my talk with Minnie

Makdoongie: Really Hyung
Makdoongie: Noona it’s me again
Makdoongie: Now I already in front of the counter
Makdoongie: See you in a minute ^^

Then as Eun finished and buy a book, both of us joined the others on the waiting area nearby, before we go to the boarding lounge together.

Kyuhyun spotted between Suju’s manager and Donghae Oppa, with a laptop on his hand. His computer game must be on a pause mode right now. Then as he looked to my direction, I just nod slightly to make it less obvious. But he gets it and raises his eyebrows playfully although his facial expression still showing his –ignorant- coolness.

Siwon-sshi, as usual, always attracts attention as some girls from shops nearby are like screaming as he passes. Together with Leeteuk-sshi he greeted them by waving his hand in his cool attitude, while of course the leader shows his golden smile.

As Suju’s members gathered in one point with their staffs, then I heard heavy footsteps coming from behind me.


I turned around and smile to Taemin.

“Oh! You’re fast!” I looked at the ice cream on his hand.

“I used the super power.” He grinned as he passes me the ice cream he bought for me.

“Thanks, Baby.”

Now I aware that everyone –some of the girl band’s member and also Suju, are paying attention to me and Baby, I just try to keep it low. Of course I know that there wouldn’t be a rumor about me and Taeminnie, no, I guarantee you, it won’t, but still I’m not used to be in a center of attention.

“Here you go.” I just gave the magazine to Kibum. I smiled, but now that I don’t want everyone sees me as trying to be close to the boys, then I walked to Eun-ah.

“Noona, you’re not mad at me, are you?”

I heard Kibum said that so I have no choice than turn around and answer him as I’m laughing, “No, of course not.”

“Well, because of ‘that’ issue.” He emphasized the word ‘that’ and I know what that means. Lizzy’s rumor.

Minho is standing close to Kibum and Onew, he’s just listening. I can see Jjong is a bit far behind them, staring on his phone.

“No, Kibummie. I'm sorry if I was like ignoring you a couple of days back then, “I just try to clear this little misunderstanding then I patted, “But trust, I’m not mad.”

He’s smiling but still looked a bit bothered. It’s an expression that Kibum can’t hide, every time he felt unease.

“What did you do this time, huh, Kibum?” Suddenly one of A.M Oppa appeared along with Manager Oppa himself.

“Ah, nothing…” Kibum startled and so did I.

Minho calmly just said, “Kibum just said that Noona’s get too skinny these days she might break down into two pieces after 13 hours flight.”

What? Tsk. That’s what you think, Minho.

Both Kibum and I are staring at my boyfriend with the same thought, but maybe the same reason. Because after that Kibum just shrugged as he turned to Onew as if he said, ‘Minho is just trying to impress Noona by showing how much he cares’ while I was like ‘really, this kid’ and stared to Minho.

But because of that, actually Kibum and I, we’re laughing together so it’s a good thing.

Shinee is the last group –first ones who went to immigration is the solo artists along with their assistants, then seniors group, after that Suju together with all the girl groups, and the last one are the boys, so as now they’re here, we are walking to the boarding lounge.

Once again, the artist was taking pictures for the official, so we went first.

I was talking to two people from the stage art team as suddenly I heard a twinkling sound. I took out my phone but I’m still listening to the conversation. They’re siblings, I knew the sister from a year ago when I started to work in the company while I just got introduced to her brother.

ChoiMH: Why are you talking to a guy?

I laugh a bit, “Sorry.” I said to the siblings.

“Nahh, it’s okay.” She answered me as she talks to her brother but still let me listening to them while focusing on my phone.

Nu.Na: Why?

ChoiMH: Nothing
ChoiMH: Despite the fact that I don’t like him seeing you like that

I frowned.

Nu.Na: Like what, Minho?

ChoiMH: Like you’re his new potential date partner
ChoiMH: Can’t he see your ring finger?

I looked at my couple ring automatically.

Nu.Na: Well sometimes a ring in that finger could mean nothing too
Nu.Na: Remember Onew and his famous no-meaning ring in his ring finger?
Nu.Na: Besides, I’m glad that no one aware of your ring

ChoiMH: Many of my Hyungs notice you know


Nu.Na: Really and what did you tell them

ChoiMH: They had various comment most of them are just interest to its model
ChoiMH: But I remember ChangMin Hyung asked if it’s a couple ring

Nu.Na: and?

ChoiMH: I just smile

Nu.Na: Like the smile you’re smiling now?
Nu.Na: You know you have to stop being like that
Nu.Na: Or your Hyungs or Noonas will definitely think you’re talking to a girlfriend right now

I actually took a glance at him and he did smile, that’s why I told him that.

ChoiMH: But I’m really talking to her right now

I can’t help but laugh. Well, he got the point.

ChoiMH: Fine but in one condition
ChoiMH: Stop talking to a guy I didn’t know
ChoiMH: I don’t like the fact that he can talk to you like that while I can’t and I only can see what he’s doing but can’t do anything

I sighed. Again, he got the point.

Nu.Na: Okay
Nu.Na: I'm sorry, Minho
Nu.Na: Sorry Sorry..?
Nu.Na: LOL

ChoiMH: Kekekeke
ChoiMH: Hey when can I give you your IPod?

Nu.Na: Ah you’re right I almost forgot
Nu.Na: Can you ask Taemin to pass it to me?
Nu.Na: Then I will give him yours too

There’s a pause for a while since I saw from the glass wall –I’m walking on the boarding lounge bridge now while he’s still on the building, the artist are gathering around so the photographer can take their pictures.

When I reach the boarding lounge and pass all the stuffs to get inside, I read his reply as I sit on the chair.

ChoiMH: I wonder why it’s okay for Taemin to be sticking around with you
ChoiMH: While it would be weird if I’m the one who did that

Nu.Na: Because everyone knew that Taemin is always like that to me like a sister he never had

ChoiMH: I don’t have a sister too you know

Nu.Na: Yes but look at you guys
Nu.Na: You’re like a young father who take his 4 sons; Kibum and Jjong the twins Onew the oldest and Taemin the youngest baby
Nu.Na: Well we all know Taemin is the big boss here it’s just he LOOKS like he’s the baby

ChoiMH: So you’re like his mother

Nu.Na: Exactly so no one would thinking about anything else

ChoiMH: If you two really dating then it really a fortunate situation no one would get suspicious

I can’t help but laugh.

Nu.Na: Unfortunately I'm not

ChoiMH: But I'm the father
ChoiMH: I'm the one who’s dating you

Nu.Na: Exactly
Nu.Na: And your point is?

ChoiMH: Why I’m the isolated one??

Nu.Na: Really what exactly are we talking about here
Nu.Na: It’s getting weirder

ChoiMH: I don’t know
ChoiMH: I think my mind messed up due to lack of sleep

Nu.Na: Awww but you have 13 hours to sleep Baby

ChoiMH: So I’m the baby and Taemin is the father now?

Nu.Na: wth
ChoiMH: What on earth that I just wrote

Nu.Na: LOL

ChoiMH: I seriously need to sleep

Now I can see the boys are walking into the boarding lounge. This time, they’re the first group.

Nu.Na: Yeah although I wonder why did you can still look good in that kind of condition

Minho looked around, seems like he’s trying to find me. And when he saw me, he just grinned to react what I just sent to him.

ChoiMH: My IPod. NOW!

I looked at his message and because of that, I just act like what he said without being able to ask. I grabbed his IPod from my bag and at the same time,

“Noona, here’s your magazine.” I looked up and saw Onew with High Cut Magazine in his hand.

“Huh?” It’s not even my magazine.

He whispered to me, “IPod iPod.” He initiated me to get my IPod under the magazine from his hand.

“Oh, okay.” I whispered back at him.

Then he said louder, “Oh, you don’t want to read it?”


He whispered again, “Minho’s IPod.”

I handled it as we both still handling the magazine.

I just shook my head as then Onew said, “Okay then, can I borrow it?” in a normal voice.

“Well, yeah.” I nodded.

“Come on, Hyung.” Minho suddenly grabbed Onew’s arm from aside, “Before the other take those seats.”

I mouthed ‘thank you’ to Onew and he just grins slightly.

ChoiMH: I had to ask the actor among us to do that

I read his message as he sits on the corner along with the boys, Donghae Oppa and Jessica are there too.

Silly Minho. I just laugh a bit. They're always teasing Onew as the actor because he appears in musical stageplays.

“What’s with this IPod thing, Unnie?” Eun commented from beside me.

I answered her, “As we can’t communicate by phone on the plane, so to make it less boring we agree to do something. He will put a playlist on my IPod, contains by songs he chose for me, and I did the same thing too.”

Eun clapped her hands, “Uwaa.. so it’s like back then when we made a CD with you own choice of songs for a gift.”

“Yeah, but we think it’s more practical this way.”

“Of course! Why I never thought about this… Maybe I can do that to my boyfriend’s IPod.” She said, “Remind me to thank your boyfriend later.”

I laughed as I heard that. Then I open my phone and click a profile name to send a message. It’s Onew’s. I love his display picture, it’s him playing piano.

Nu.Na: Did I ever mention that you look great on that magazine photo shoot?

DubuSangtae: High Cut?

Nu.Na: Yep

DubuSangtae: Thanks Noona
DubuSangtae: The kids also look cool
DubuSangtae: Especially Minho
DubuSangtae: He’s the man

I seriously find it amusing how Onew always praising Minho when it comes to modeling. Well, he used to be a model so it’s not that surprising, right?

Nu.Na: And you’re his leader

DubuSangtae: Yeah maybe that’s why I’m good looking too
DubuSangtae: … Yeah it should be because of that right

What the hell..? I laugh really hard. This is definitely one of his conditions.

Nu.Na: Hey is Kibummie okay?

I sent message to Onew but he didn’t reply. So I take a look on him, and he’s already asleep on his chair.

Wow, that’s fast. So he typed his message on a sleepy state? That’s why it’s weird. Wait. No. Sleepy or not, it’s definitely Onew condition.

I saw Kibum and he’s staring at his other phone seriously. It looks like he’s contemplating.

Nu.Na   : Hey is your Umma okay?

Two seconds later,

Makdoongie: No, Not really

Nu.Na: Huh, why

Makdoongie: Seems like the twins Hyung got the same problem

I frowned.

Nu.Na: What did you mean Minnie?

Makdoongie: JongHyun Hyung kept yelling to his girlfriend on the phone lately
Makdoongie: And it seems that nothing is going to happen with Kibum Hyung and Nana Noona in the near future

I actually don’t feel right to talk about the boys behind his back, but I can’t understand why a guy like Kibum can be rejected. Well, he loves to nag, it’s true, but he’s full of charms too.

As if Taemin can read my mind, then he sent another message.

Makdoongie: I don’t know what happen because I don’t dare to ask them
Makdoongie: But you know how it be when Kibum Hyung is pissed

Usually, Kibum is the one who talks frequently with me, aside from Taeminnie. But these days, maybe also because of the misunderstanding, Kibum turns to be the quietest one to me.

And I don’t feel like bothering him, it would make everything worst.


ChoiMH: I'm on the 2nd level with Suju Hyung

Minho sent me a message as now the crew and staff gets into the plane. Of course, we’re on the economy class.

After I put my bag on where it should be over the seats, I sit down and just put the seat belt on.

Nu.Na: I sit with Suju’s Coordi

ChoiMH: Don’t forget to listen to the playlist

Like we agreed before, to make it more interesting, we shouldn’t see the track list until we have to turn off the phone and can see it after take-off.

Nu.Na: Of course
Nu.Na: Well, I don’t know if you like the song I choose or not
Nu.Na: But please listen well to it

I'm not really into hip hop but I do have some nice American hip hop R&B songs, and from Japan, too. I just thought that it might help him to practice his rap. I put some soul songs too. Total there’s 20 songs, almost like a real CD. And the last one is the song featuring Onew, Vanilla Love that I sang last time we went to karaoke.

ChoiMH: I look forward for it
ChoiMH: kekeke
ChoiMH: Hey maybe I would come down with Heechul Hyung later

Nu.Na: Well I like the idea but it’s risky
Nu.Na: I would prefer that you listen to your iPod and then just have a good 13 hours sleep

ChoiMH: I think you will just going sleep as soon as you play your iPod

Nu.Na: Yeah and why is that

“Ah, do you mind to trade seats, I like to sit near the window.” Suju’s Coordi said to me.

“Sure.” I said then I changed to the seat close to the hallway while I'm looking at my phone again.

ChoiMH: It's my lullaby kekeke
ChoiMH: Hey I think we have to turn off the phone right now

Nu.Na: See you soon
Nu.Na: Have a good rest
Nu.Na: :*

ChoiMH: You too
ChoiMH: kekeke

As I’m just going to end my message session, suddenly someone sent me a message.

Whereismylock: Noona
Whereismylock invited ChoiMH to the conversation
Whereismylock: And you bursting charisma

ChoiMH: Why am I invited
ChoiMH: I'm sitting next to you KimKey

Nu.Na: Yes Kibummie?

Whereismylock: Can you two stop doing whatever you’re doing right now?
Whereismylock: I feel like strangle Minho’s pretty head because of his stupid joyful grin in his face

ChoiMH: We were just about to end this when you suddenly intruding

Whereismylock: Oh
Whereismylock: Great then
Whereismylock: Bye Noona see you around

Whereismylock has left the conversation

ChoiMH: What’s going on with him
ChoiMH: Even you’re not that annoying when you said you got PMS or something

Nu.Na: HA HA good to hear that
Nu.Na: Just leave him maybe he has a problem with someone

ChoiMH: Yeah the last thing you want to do is to annoy the already annoyed KimKey
ChoiMH: Bye again Jagiya
ChoiMH: :*

I can see his status right now turn into idle it means he might turn off his phone. So then I also turned off mine and just closed my eyes.

I'm not afraid of flying, it’s just I tend to feel nervous during take-off. I hate the strange feeling in your stomach every time the plane goes off.

I can hear Unnie is yawning beside me, it seems that she will doze off soon. After about 20 minutes in vain, I heard the seatbelt sign is turned off.

I opened my eyes and saw Unnie already asleep. Across the hallway, Eun-ah buried her face on her novel nobody –or nothing, could ever bother her when she’s reading.

Then I took my iPod touch from my small sequin purse, and I turn it on an airplane mode.

My wallpaper is a picture of me, taken by Akira. I asked him to send me this particular photo because I love it. Nothing special, it’s just me facing the camera but somehow I look a bit different than usual.

I actually don’t keep the photos of Minho and I that we took together, of course we have plenty of selcas but we didn’t keep it in our phone because it’s too risky. He said he put in his laptop in a password-secured folder, while I put it in mine in a folder than set to be hidden.

But we do have this ‘method’; although in the he couldn’t appear in the picture with me for example like when he took my picture on the swing, he’s the one who will rename the picture so I will always remember what he thought about it every time I saw the picture. And I did the same thing for him too.

That’s enough for us right now.

Talking about Akira, now I remember he hasn’t called me yet since the test cam day. I wonder if his project is still on.

I just try to put the thought aside, and I try to find the playlist Minho made for me.

Later I found out a playlist that I never saved. I have 4 different playlists I made by myself, and this ‘plane entertainment’ playlist is must be the one he composed. I laugh at the name, it’s like not so creative but catchy at the same time.

I opened it, and there are 21 songs. But half of it, the duration is less than a minute. Wait. It’s a repetition?

Seems that the first 10 songs are full songs originally sang by the artists. There’s Korean songs, Western and 1 Japanese song if I’m not mistaken. The 11 songs after that is what I told you, it’s a shorter version. Even there are plenty of them just about 30 seconds or something.

I played the first track.

It’s called ‘Someone’ by Musiq Soulchild. I frowned, I know the song, and the group is Minho’s favorite.

So then I played the 12th track, which is also titled ‘Someone’. And then-
Minho’s voice greeted me.

[A woman that I can trust with all of my secrets
And even listen to all of my issues
A woman who never judge
Me or how I was
She deals with me strictly through love

Someone who will put up with the things
Loving me can bring
But still be there to see us through
Someone who would put up
With the strange and complicated things
Cause I would do the same for her too…]

He sang only that part.

And then I checked out Clazziquai’s Alex song, which he sang for Japanese rapper duo, M-Flo. I know the song as I heard the melody, so then I checked the shorter version. This time, JongHyun’s voice sang through my earphone.

[Watch me when the sky is dark and sun is sleep
Time is here for me to show you wait and see
Want to love you, give you just ’bout everything
Won’t you come see me after 12AM
That’s when I change…
I know you’ll love me after 12AM..]

Continued by Minho’s voice.

[I stood up as if I'm done with Scotch and cigarette smoke
I smiled with a feeling of uneasiness
When I thought of you with someone else

It’s true, it’s uncomfortable
Being screwed, I walk up to you
With my trembling lips
Hope you set yourself free from him]

As his voice faded and the song stops, I begin to guess. Is he singing just the part he likes to most in the song? Or the part he thought as it’s match with his feelings when he listen to it? I have many questions as I was thinking, Minho can be mischievous too by not telling me beforehand.

JongHyun included in one song, I wonder whether in the other song, 3 others might appear too.

So I played one by one. There’s a ‘Drunken Truth’ that he sang on karaoke, and then there’s Hot Potato’s Confession that he sang in one radio show. A plenty more, until I reach to Shinee’s Your Name.

I was right. Onew’s voice appeared as he’s also the one who wrote the Korean lyrics of the song.

[Those red lips, those sweet red lips of yours
My heart flutters, I tremble more and more
Every time I see you
I want to have you]

Wait, there should be a sentence, but Onew stops there and then of course, it’s Minho’s rap part.

[A kiss to your small ears
I stop because of one word
Dangling at the edge of your lips
I’ll lean on you at the center of the world
And I’ll whisper warmly]

Then there’s the ‘missing’ part, sang by Onew again.

[Shall we have a cup of coffee together and talk?]

But I’ve notice he deliberately changed the ‘tea’ into ‘coffee’.

… Is it because when Minho asked me out for the first time, he asks me for a coffee?

I gasped in awe.

This is… so.. I don’t know how to put words for this.

After that, there’s some other song, but as I saw Jason Mraz’s I’m Yours, I played it right away because at that time the boys sing this in a TV show, Minho wasn’t there due to his injury. I feel a bit sad remembering he might feel to be left alone.

[Well open up your mind and see like me
open up your plans and damn you're free
look into your heart and you'll find love love love love
listen to the music at the moment people dance and sing
Were just one big family
And it's our godforsaken right to be loved loved loved loved loved]

It’s Taeminnie’s voice. His English is really improving. And then it finished by Minho.

[So, i won't hesitate no more,
no more, it cannot wait i'm sure
there's no need to complicate our time is short
this is our fate
I'm yours..]

I sighed with mixed emotion. Happy, overwhelmed but also I was like.. Minho went through all the trouble to make this, while I just compile the songs and that’s it.

I look at the 20th song, which is my favorite song recently. It’s Taeyang’s connection.

And when I hit the ‘play’ button, it’s a familiar voice greeted me. Yes, it’s my favorite voice of Shinee among all the boys.
It’s Kibummie’s. He sang quite a lot compare to the others.

[It's true, I got a thang for you All of the things you do.
Got me feeling butterflies
I know You feel the same cause it shows
Trust me girl, I see the glow Every time I look in your eyes

I never thought it could be cause truthfully you should be
Living different than my dreams where I will never find you
But you're the real thing baby
Our chemistry is crazy And I'm really feeling this connection inside, yea

When I
See you from day to day
There's so much I want to say
But I try not to come up too strong
From now, I just say what I feel
Cause this connection is real
This just feels too right to be wrong]

Surprisingly, Kibum’s voice fits for the song. And then the song wrapped by Minho.

[Girl it's real it's my confession
Heaven sent, you're such a blessing
I feel All the connection
When I'm with you
All them girls, they keep me guessing
Had my picks, you're my selection
I feel All the connection
When I'm with you..]

Before I look the very last song, it’s already played. And it’s not really a song.

[Test. Test.] It’s Minho.

[It’s already on, Minho-ah.] I heard Onew’s voice from behind.

[Hey, that’s the last song, and your favorite one, right? See, I was kind enough to give Kibum so much part as I know, I know you love his voice.]

[I heard that from Minho. Is it true Noona? Noonaaa.. Noona neomu yeppeo~~] Kibum’s voice joined.

[Ssttt shut up!] Then I heard Jjong’s.

[Actually we’re on a break in the studio right now, so I just asked the boys to do this. Are you happy with the songs? Kibum is so noisy by telling me we should sing Noona Neomu Yeppeo, but it’s a farewell song so we just throw it away from the list.]

[Minho Hyung’s face is so red right now.] Taemin talked in a small voice, as if he’s whispering to someone nearby but I can hear it clearly.

[Yaa!] Minho exclaimed, but then he said, [Ah.. but who am I kidding, I owe you all, of course I won’t talk back. All of you can mock me all you want this time.]

I heard laughter but then suddenly it’s quiet.

[They’re gone now. I wouldn’t let them hear my message to you although I'm glad they’re willing to help me for this surprise. I can’t sing as good as the others, so I need them.] Minho laughed a bit.

No, Minho. You’re voice actually is really good. It’s improving. I just hope you can sing more in the future.

[I hope you like this, I made it really sincerely because I realized I never really give you a present or anything. Oh, by the way, you get the message, right? All the part the others and I sang is somehow reminds me of us. Like how the ‘tea’ changed to ‘coffee’? But I think you got it already.] He laughs again, and this time he does it heartily.

[Just like the meaning of Hot Potato’s song, I planned to make this.]

The part of the song that he sang, the lyrics is… I try to remember. To say ‘I love you’, not something cheesy like that, but I prepare something sweet.

God. I can’t stop smiling.

Suddenly there’s a click. A pause, but then Minho’s voice came out again.

[In this world
Let me only love you]

I swear as much as I know that he’s soooo overly embarrassed because of this part of the song ‘Life’, but I love his voice in here.

As then just 2 seconds after he finished it, there’s a burst of laughter. The first one I recognized as Jjong’s laugh. And then the other’s followed.

[When Minho Hyung asked us what we want as a treat for helping him with this, we said we don’t want anything.] Taemin’s voice speaks up.

[But we want him to do this!!! HAHAHAA…] Kibum’s voice finished the sentence.

[Really, you-] Minho’s voice once again appeared but then got cut.

There’s click sound once. Twice.

[I'm sorry, it became chaotic.] Minho’s laughing while the back sound is quiet again. Then he continued,

[So that’s it for today’s plane entertainment. This is Choi Minho reporting. Wait. Why it’s suddenly sounds like a soccer commentator?] As then there’s another click and it’s the end.

I was laughing but then feel so… I don’t know. All I want is just to hug him and say that this is the cutest present I’ve ever had.

I looked at my watch, and there’s 10 hours left to go until we arrive at Los Angeles.
Maybe Minho will come by, but as much as I want him to come down, I hope not, because it’s too risky. So then I just hug the cabin’s pillow and repeated the playlist from the first song then I closed my eyes.

He's right earlier. These are his lullaby.

I kept remind myself to thank the boys for this.
And also leader Dubu, can I borrow your song? This time is really as a confession song for my boyfriend.

My beloved Choi Minho.


Someone by Musiq Soulchild, Minho likes the band’s album, he mentioned it on some interview back then.
Drunken Truth and Confession, Minho sang some part of both songs in radio shows.
Your Name by Shinee, Korean lyrics was written by Onew.
I'm Yours by Jason Mraz, the boys (minus Minho) sang in a music TV show.

Love me after 12 AM by M-Flo feat. Alex Clazziquai, there’s a Korean version and English version as well
Connection by Big Bang’s Taeyang feat Big Tone, it’s a song from Taeyang’s international album

I inserted the song lyrics by its English translation, at first I posted along with the Korean lyrics, but as chasethestars suggested I should just put the English translation to make it more practical :) thanks my dear for the suggestion!

Heyyy, im back with a new update!
This chapter is one of the sets chapters of L.A (I planned to write one or two more, I promised not more than two). I hope you can enjoy this chapter as well. All the members has joined the message session, LOL

And although in this chapter there’s no drama, there will be on the next one! So stay tuned!

Im happy to see there's some of you who finally give me a comments! Thank you!

I will reply one by one as soon as i can,




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Chapter 40: Zee~ I'm coming!!! :DD Sorry for super late comment..
Finally you're back, after a year and 3 months. (OMG
did I really count it? kkkkk) You do know that I really
miss ODS, rite Zee? ;))

Anyway back to story.
Oh my I love those little SHINee moment in the car
when Taemin called Noona. I can imagine what're they
doing there. Ah and Kibum in the dorm too.. :DD
WHAT??? Just like Kibum's, thats my reaction too when
Minho said those words. Why Minho, why?? Even
though it was Noona who say those 'break up' word
but we knew that actually it was Minho who suggest it. I
think there must be something wrong before Minho's
And I want to cry even though I already knew that
Noona and Minho might be break up. (oh no my
OTP!!! :'(()
Tbh I really never want they break up (I know you
know.. :D) but ofc, I'm just your reader and you're the
author.. :p
But I hope we'll see some happy moment (?) in next

Don't worry Zee, your readers will not ever tired of waiting. We'll wait patiently.. Just take your time dear.. :))

p.s thanks for coming back, Zee!! :))) *run*
chasethestars #2

I think it's pretty safe to assume at this point Minho's willing to shoot down his own ego, if not for the relationship, then something he can apply in daily life. He's humble, yes, but the fragility of his ego is so easily provoked when his competitive streak is touched on, whether it be performing, acting, or just simple [simple-complex?] relationship things that could be solved in a minute if he doesn't argue back... [Lemme stop before I go off a tangent again XD;;]

And, oh hi Changmin, hi~~~! X3 Why do you suddenly have a cameo here? *O* LOL. But Changmin cracking jokes about hitting on noona is a bit weird for me. I dunno, it's so... un-Changmin-like? ^^; Because no matter how Changmin likes girls [and checking them out LOL], he's the type of guy who backs off of his friends' girlfriends. Or at least from what I know of/observed about him based on 127172 interviews and what he himself has revealed in said 12772 interviews. I don't make much sense do I OTL

I'm not sure if you did it on purpose, but I think you just chucked in the possible ending of ODS somewhere in this update XD Unless I am overthinking it, then I could be wrong >.< I have to ask when you started writing this, though? And when you completed it, too ^^ Because the writing for this chapter seems a bit different from the previous chapter/s; kinda "fresh" as in recently written, because the voice in this update, even if it still sounds ike you, comes off a bit, erm, simple? As in simple-plain, not simple-eloquent, like what I'm used to reading from you. [Don't kill me ^^;]

A~nd, there we go! Wordvomit all over the place, I am so sorry ;____; I hope the inspiration for this story stays with you until the end ^o^ And like I told you, don't think too much about the absence. People who intend to stick with this story will stick to it no matter what, so even if you're gone a long time and come back with the next part, you will always find an audience in them ^^

Until the next update~! ^o^
chasethestars #3

Wah, wah, wah~, you're back! After a year and some number of months! XD It's crazy but I remember where exactly you left off, but maybe because of the gap between your last update and now, I had to skim the previous chapter to fill in the blanks. Regardless, I managed not to get too lost so yay~ 8D

Anyway. I think I saw the breakup coming from a mile away? Or maybe several chapters prior? What is probably surprising is how calm the entire setup is, from Minho taking noona to the corner to talk, and you know there's something going to happen, to the suggestion of the breakup, to both parties being so... well, calm about it ^^; I mean you left it at a cliffhanger [and Key, as expected, is the one who had a heart attack XD] and there might be more about it on the next chapter, but the feeling they both gave off spoke something akin to "Well, we've been dancing around the subject for so long so we might as well just face it" rather than the expected [?] "I hope you're not going to say it because I don't want it--and neither should you". A cool breakup of sorts. Unless there will be rage and tears and angst-ing in the future chapter/s, and then realize they can't really live without each other so they go scrambling back to each other's arms when not even three days have passed--or, heaven forbid, 24 hours. And. Well... ^^;

I like what noona said about dreams, though. It's not over until the dreamer him/herself says it's over. Just that the question here is, what holds more weight for noona? Is it her dreams, or is it her relationship? People have two hands but they can't hold on to two things at the same time, because those hands are meant to carry the entire weight of the most precious thing them. Or something. [Don't mind me going off a tangent here LOL T_T]
Chapter 40: WHAT??!!WAAEEEE???? *screaming with Key*
chasethestars #5
[2]<br />
<br />
Initially I was also unsure of why Minho would choose to tell noona the story behind Yuri; I mean, noona might have unintentionally triggered the memories he has of her so he chose to spill everything, but he could have either stopped and left it for another day, or simply did not touch on the subject of getting to know each other more at all. On another perspective, maybe it's time they broke the unwritten rule between them and try delving in deeper into each other's souls. They've shared a lot of things already that could make their relationship strong, but have they really fully given their entire selves to the other person? At the end of the day, no matter what happened to the other in the past or what [negative feeling] they felt about what they've heard, if the fact remains that love is still there, then nothing should really change much.<br />
<br />
If Minho's thinking of doing anything rash to Lee Oppa, that would be so not like him, but at the same time it would be fun to read about XD [I think the boy is much too respectful of his elders to even strike a fist at them, especially if they deserve it.] Minho might have been binded by his surge of emotions about whatever Taemin told him, so he had better not do anything that will compromise him, noona, their relationship, and the group as well. Remember Minho: there are plenty of eyes watching your every move, and in the world you live in, one mistake is more than enough to ruin everything, if not [continually] used against you ^^;;<br />
<br />
That was quite a long chapter, even if it only covered 2 journal entries ^^;; Oh yeah, just a heads-up: this line--"The boys caught the serious flu during Ring Ding Dong days last year, remember?"--should be fixed, because the 3 boys caught the flu in 2009, and since the diary entry is dated 2011, that should make it 2 years ago =3<br />
<br />
A~nd, that's it for now~. You've been busy lately so don't worry too much about updating; just do it when you have time to spare, okay? ^^
chasethestars #6
[1]<br />
<br />
I knew I told you in the past that I'd reveal if one of my guesses is correct regarding this entire "Who squealed on the secret relationship?", but for the life of me, I can only remember bits and pieces of that particular conversation .___. Although yes! I was alllllmost right about Taem being the source of it all [albeit indirectly + unintentionally]! 8D I worry for this boy; sometimes he's just too pure, and if we connect it to this predicament, it brings about unexpected trouble for everyone. But it's good he finally confessed to noona about what he had done--it's not easy doing so, considering that they have a pretty close bond, and poor Taem must've been stressed over how to come clean with it, if not losing sleep over it ^^;;<br />
<br />
I have to say I was surprised with the "Lee Oppa likes noona" plot twist; I didn't really see it coming since it wasn't that visible [even from earlier chapters], and although he was the nicer of the two assistants, I've only seen his actions as brotherly-like. [So it's either the hints weren't that strong to incite suspicion from readers, or they were subtly planted here and there but came off as faint instead; thus, the relatively weak delivery? ^^;;] On the flip side, re-reading what he had told noona from the past chapter, there seems to be some sort of underlying disappointment and, perhaps, a tinge of resentment that Minho and noona have managed to scrape through the big hurdle that is the almighty manager, albeit barely. [But that could just be me and looking into things too much, ahaha~ XDD;;]<br />
<br />
How ironic is it for Minho to demand honesty from noona with everything when it took him longer to do it? XD;; [And the nerve of him to get sulky, too! LOL.]
You make make anticipating your next chapter zeeeee,,OMG OMG what will happen?? >o<<br />
<br />
LOL i bet i shocked you in the middle of the night with Taeminnie pict,,he's pweeety xD<br />
<br />
my fave line in this chap --> “You deserve to be more than a hidden truth, Noona-ah.”<br />
:D :D :D<br />
<br />
good luck with work zeee :D
chasethestars #8
[2]<br />
<br />
Manager Lee's words make me assume something, but I dunno... it's a very "normal" assumption one would be able to make right away, so I shall wait for further development [or maybe think over more thoroughly] before saying anything ^^<br />
<br />
I think you were able to achieve your goal well with this chapter, but at the same time, there were lots of excess baggage thrown in that the chapter could have done without. There were also some parts in this chapter that gave me the impression you were either bored or disliked writing them because: 1) some bits of dialogue seemed to be dragging on and/or were completely unnecessary [they could have been trimmed out and the story would still be intact]; and 2) you just wanted to get to the good stuff [which is mainly noona's meeting of Minho's family]; thus, the impatience to finish the other parts ^^;; I'm not sure what your state of mind was during the writing process, but you might want to be careful about this in future chapters.<br />
<br />
Pushing that aside and the realization that about 3/4 of this chapter was more of filler than something connected to the original plot, small [?] problems continue to pile one after another. When will trouble stop following this couple? It's like their story is never-ending XD;; Continue writing and update again when time allows~! ^^
chasethestars #9
[1]<br />
<br />
The once-secret relationship is slowly being made known within the circle. I'm not sure if this is a good thing or not, provided they are still employee-client, and you don't really know what tomorrow might bring. Today it could only be 2 sunbaes and an entire family. Tomorrow you could get caught by stalker fans [can't forget these people and their ninja skills], and the day after that you'd find animal carcasses at your doorstep with death threats smeared all over your door in red paint. Disturbing .___. While having the secret out in the open is more comfortable, and it's admittedly one thorn out of Minho and noona's sides, they should map out their next game plan. The managers exercised their professionalism but that's only because Minho is their charge and noona is part of their staff, and schedules are packed so internal strife is the last thing they want to happen. But what about the others? And the days to come?<br />
<br />
As for Minho suddenly planning a meeting between noona and his family: really? Must it really be this way? I know he's anxious and can't wait to introduce the girl to his family, but there is a place and time for everything >> If I didn't know Minho any better, it's like this is his way of getting back at noona for telling the managers about their relationship without his knowledge. Can't really stand it, can he? Way to be petty, Minho; really. LOL.<br />
<br />
About Taemin and the jacket, that was a live performance for some event in Daejon back in August, not a rehearsal--unless I'm mistaken and we're thinking of different videos XD He's still acting strange but I already told you my first assumption regarding this, and I'm still waiting for something else to appear before I say the second thing on my mind. So yeah, still waiting~ XD