One Day with the Impact of Kyu Incident (part 1).

One Day Series

Makdoongie: Noona
Makdoongie: I'm soooooo sorry T_____T
Makdoongie: I almost spilled it out then goes blank and it’s the only thing came up in my mind
Makdoongie: I really really like you but as a kid to his older sister
Makdoongie: Please don’t misunderstood

That’s what Taemin sent to me after what I called as the ‘Kyu Incident’ on the practice room the other night. Two days had passed but I haven’t met my Baby yet after that.

I can’t help but smile when I replied his instant messages at that time.

Nu.Na: Don’t worry
Nu.Na: And thanks for defending me
Nu.Na: How on earth there’s a rumor about Kyu and me??

Makdoongie: Actually I’ve heard the one with Minho Hyung and Yuri Noona as well
Makdoongie: Tsk
Makdoongie: What’s on Minho Hyung’s mind??!

I chuckled.

Nu.Na: Gossips never stop

Makdoongie: That’s why I don’t want you to get involved on something called rumor or gossip
Makdoongie: It can be pretty harmful Noona

Aww, my Baby Minnie grew up to be a decent young man. And now I sounded like his mother.

Makdoongie: But I'm upset I can’t goofing around with you anymore
Makdoongie: At least for now

Nu.Na: Why, Baby

Makdoongie: Because it will raise more curiosity
Makdoongie: But who am I kidding it’s my own fault
Makdoongie: Although it’s good to know that you absent from work tomorrow
Makdoongie: So maybe everyone will stop making this big

He’s right. For two whole days I wasn’t working as Coordi, because my Boss’ called me regarding the project I have failure to participate, although like he said, I'm still going to help him on it.

And yes, when I was avoided at least by the question from A.M Oppas, unfortunately, that’s not what happened with Taemin.

Minho called me earlier and tells me how Taemin passed these two days. My Baby has been under his Hyungs’ attack. When the boys are having lunch that day, it’s been the main discussion. And from how Minho told me the story, I pictured it on my mind. Here it is;

Coming from Jjong, he kept repeating one definitely question; “It’s just a lie, isn’t it? You’re not really, I mean, No it’s not the truth… right??”

And Minnie said in desperation, “Yes, Hyung!! It’s not right! Stop it already!”

That’s from the 90er Jjong, but Onew acts totally differently; he did nothing but pointing out, “You shouldn’t tell lie, Taemin... Whatever the reason is.” and just let Baby Minnie pouted in the corner. But it’s not end there.

Kibum; known as Baby’s Umma, first thing he said is, “At that moment I thought you really like Noona. Well, because you kept brushing out my plan to play a match maker between you and Sulli.”

Baby just replied weakly, “This is last time I will tell you, Hyung. Stop talking about Sulli… She’s just a kid, and I just think of her as a younger sibling.”

“Oh come on, you’re still a baby too. And Sulli is like our own little sister…” Kibum was still pushing his main point, Minho told me.

“So then why did you being so hard to me while I practically have the same thoughts like you guys? I'm the Baby but can’t I be treated like you all too?” Minnie replied and when I heard that from Minho, I thought that if Kibum just keep that up a bit more then Taeminnie will definitely going to throw a tantrum over his naggy Umma.

Minho himself does seemed surprise on what Taemin blurted out at first, but then Baby Maknae came to clear up all the misunderstanding and faced his Hyung bravely.

“He even said to me that I shouldn’t do what I did relate to Yuri Noona back then. Well, though it’s stupid to be jealous at you and Taeminnie, but his admirations on you really are no joke.” Minho said it to me.

That’s why when he told me about how A.M Oppas responded to the ‘Kyu incident’, I felt like I want to take my Baby out from the place.

I mean, anything coming from the boys, I still can understand that it’s inevitable since them practically always together 24/7, but I don’t want Taemin to get all the unnecessary tease from the others.

When the two older guys are with the boys, Lee Oppa actually playing really brotherly in this one since every time I saw him, he’s just patting Taemin’s shoulder and once I heard him saying, “Is this your first love?”

And be responded by Taemin with just smiling bitterly.

While Lee Oppa is being nice to Taemin because he thought the group’s Baby is falling in love for the first time, on the other hand, Kang Oppa was secured himself as the most annoying A.M Hyung for Taemin. And for me too.

Because despite that I wasn’t there, Kang Oppa actually said to Taemin, “So... you got struck by Noona’s charms, huh? Don’t forget that you’re still 18, Taemin. You will get Noona into trouble if something happens between you two.”

Right after Minho told me that, I was grumbling. Saying how I want to kidnap Taeminnie, my poor Baby. When he finished telling me the story about the first day of my absence, he’s going to tell me about what happened today, but then Minho was called by someone so we have to stop talking on the phone.

I even haven’t asked him about what’s behind Taemin-Sully story that I’ve been dying to know recently.

I really can’t wait to see Taemin at work, but I also didn’t know how he will act towards me. Two days ago he said that he doesn’t want to make this worst than it already is and decide not to be near me for a while, but I think as we both know that he’s just joking –meaning that he really doesn’t have a special feelings for me, we shouldn’t care about any rumors. Unless, he felt that those rumor will impact to his reputation, then if it’s the case, I will not going to approach him. I mean, I think if people around making a rumor about us, it will make a big impact more to Taemin than to me, I’m no one while everyone knew that he’s famous as the youngest Sunbae on the management at the moment.

That’s why I want to at least talk to him.

Nu.Na: Baby Minnie
Nu.Na: Sleeping?

I sent him a short instant message because I know the boys haven’t slept yet, and I was waiting for a couple of minutes until my phone beeped when a reply came in.

Makdoongie: Hey Noona

Just that.

Nu.Na: I heard a bit from Minho
Nu.Na: How’s your day?
Nu.Na: I hope it was better than the previous one

Makdoongie: Yeah
Makdoongie: Everything’s fine
Makdoongie: So you will be back to work tomorrow?

I frowned. Maybe it’s just me, but it doesn’t seem like the usual Taemin.

Nu.Na: Not ‘tomorrow’ but in a couple hours!
Nu.Na: It’s 4 AM already
Nu.Na: Although I will be off again in a couple of days
Nu.Na: Your Hyung already complaint
Nu.Na: So don’t miss me too, okay
Nu.Na: Kekeke

Makdoongie: Okay Noona

His reply does seem different than what he sent to me two days ago.

Nu.Na: Taeminnie

Makdoongie: Yes Noona?

Nu.Na: Is everything okay?
Nu.Na: I have heard from Minho about A.M Oppas
Nu.Na: But I hope Manager Oppa doesn’t take this seriously

Makdoongie: No no Manager Hyung is actually kinda cool about it
Makdoongie: I'm just sleepy

Nu.Na: Oh sorry
Nu.Na: See you in a couple hours!

I decided to end this conversation as he seems… bothered.

Makdoongie: Bye Noona

And no 'Good night!' or any cheerful words like usual.


And yes, he did act differently. Taemin just smiled at me, but not exactly playing around as usual. He doesn’t talk too much even to everyone, plainly just do what he told to do without looking all interested and had this enthusiasm the way he always have.

While it’s not his turn or he has some free time, he would just sit by himself and buried his nose behind one thick textbook he brings, bought by the leader; it’s a guide about exam or something. Well, I'm not saying that Taemin never studies between his work, but today, even though he looks like he’s concentrating to read that stuff, in fact, to me it’s just makes him looks like he doesn’t read it at all, not even a line. He’s just hiding himself and when this happened to people like Taemin, one of the reason is that someone or something might had bothers him he doesn’t know what to do.

When I tried to ask Minho by message about this, he said that maybe it’s just me thinking too much.

So I just try to focus on today’s work; the boys are doing a photo shoot. Although of course, A.M Oppas are still teasing me some times, but from what I saw they don’t talk about it whenever Taemin was around.

I really felt uncomfortable with this so I texted Minho again.

Nu.Na: Seriously
Nu.Na: Taemin acts differently
Nu.Na: You haven’t told me about what happened on the second day of my absence

I try not to be obvious but I looked around to find Minho. He finished his individual shoot and now he’s eating his lunch with Kibum on the sofa nearby. I saw him taking his phone and it seems to me that he read my message.

ChoiMH: I think you should ask Taemin yourself

Nu.Na: Yeah how
Nu.Na: He doesn’t seem like want to talk to anyone

Then I looked up and I saw him are staring at me too.

Nu.Na: Please….?

ChoiMH: Noona said please to me?
ChoiMH: If I didn’t know about you two
ChoiMH: Then I might begin to believe that Taemin and you have something

Nu.Na: Come on its Taeminnie we’re talking about
Nu.Na: He’s your favorite Dongsaeng

He shifted his stare from me and texted again.

ChoiMH: When we heard that I thought its nothing
ChoiMH: But turns out that it seems annoyed him that much

I frowned.

Nu.Na: Really what is it

ChoiMH: Apparently one of the back dancer Hyung joking and ask Taem
ChoiMH: That maybe he approached a Noona just to find a new experience or something
ChoiMH: In this case the Noona is you

Nu.Na: What

ChoiMH: You know, as in 'experience'

Nu.Na: No... He doesn’t say that to my Baby

I know that it might just a joke between guys, and as much as I want to believe that Taemin is my little baby, the fact is he’s 18 years old; but knowing how he thought of me like his big sister, it must've been insulted him to be told like that.

ChoiMH: You don’t have no idea how big Kibum’s eyes when he heard that
ChoiMH: He didn't yell at the guy only because he’s a Hyung

Nu.Na: And how Taeminnie reacted

Taemin did willing to protect me from the harmness of rumor he told me that day, and now he got the impact instead. Sigh.

ChoiMH: What do you think he does
ChoiMH: Of course he just smiled

Nu.Na: He just smiled but not really smiling, didn’t he?

Then knowing that we sent the same thing, I just said to Minho.

Nu.Na: I want to talk to him

I gave him a sign by looking at him and then shift my stare to Taemin who’s sitting in front of him. But it seems Minho had a different opinion.

ChoiMH: Don’t think it’s a good idea
ChoiMH: Imagine if you just pointing that out to him

I sighed. Minho’s right. If I talk to Baby right now it’s just going to make him feel more embarrassed and awkward towards me than he already is.

Looking at me sighing, Minho sent me another message.

ChoiMH: Hey I told you about that not to make you feel upset too
ChoiMH: I didn’t see you for two days and I don’t want to your sigh
ChoiMH: Smile

I actually smile a bit because of what he sent me, but before I can reply, the door is open then I see Manager Oppa went into the room. When he managed to find me, he called, “Ah, You’re here?”

I nodded, “Yes, about an hour ago.”

“Good. Can I talk to you for a minute?”

It must be about another absent I propose for this week.

When we were sitting on the sofa in front of the elevator, Oppa is straight to the point, talking about his permission on my next absence.

I will be on my Boss’ office again for about three days starting from tomorrow and it means I couldn’t attend to the idol sport competition day. He said it was okay; since the wardrobe and everything would be taking care of by the event’s staff but he still hoped that I could at least appear to help my assistant.

I thanked him on behalf on my Boss too, and then he was suddenly laughing, “So... anyway I’ve heard about Minnie and his story-“

“First of all, I don’t know whether you already talk to him or not, but I personally think that it’s not what he really meant.” I know I was rude by cutting his words, but I don’t know, I just want to end this silly issue as soon as possible.

“Well, even if it’s true, then we all can’t do anything. No one can control his feelings, not even himself.” Oppa replied, “But the thing is, he should know his position, because I think, you already know yours.”

“I-I... of course, I do.” I answered.

“He’s still young, I know that with you or with anyone else, he would have this kind of experience but I think it’s not for now.” Oppa said to me, and he laugh a bit, “Although I think he might get the impression that it’s okay from JongHyun-goon, but you know… we never really approve Jjong too.”

Of course I knew that. That’s why I just took out my couple ring right before I left the dressing room earlier, Manager Oppa. Call me paranoid but I don’t want to raise any curiosity from you.

“Actually, when I heard about this, I don’t expect to be Taemin. Because recently, I felt that it’s Minho who might have been in a relationship with someone lately.”

I swear my heart felt like its stop beating for that second.

Did he know? He didn’t. I try to find the answer in Manager Oppa’s eyes, but I couldn’t. He can’t be read.

“I don’t know whether it’s really Yuri-sshi like other group’s kids are talking about or not, but I think Minho-goon are trying his best to juggle. You know, like how the kid loves to bail out but at the same time also trying to show his best at work so they make sure that everything went well.”

I try my best to act calmly and just said, “Yeah?”

“Well, Minho is never would be an extrovert kid like Kibum or Jjong, but I know what I knew about him. He’s like the prudent version of Taemin, and more independent too. And that’s why, when he tried to be careful, it’s actually the more I know that he’s trying to protect what he called his rights.”

He’s not the boys’ Manager for nothing, I knew that for sure. He’s right, both Minho and Taemin is the introvert of the group, but the former was tactical when it comes to analyzing situation while the latter was too naive. That’s what brings Taemin into his surprising lie.

“I'm not asking you to keep an eye on Minho or something, but I think you and Lee-sshi are close to the kids like they’re older siblings, so… Yeah, you know what I mean, we have to prevent any troubles happened to them.” Manager Oppa said to me.

“But actually they’re not really listening to everyone but you, Oppa.” It’s my humble opinion.

He’s laughing, “They just listened to me because I’m their Manager, so they should do that. That’s why, if I used the hard way, I know they would’ve just rebelled.”

Like what you use to Jjong.

Then now you’re using me and Lee Oppa to ‘persuade’ the boys in a nice way. Oh, I really don’t know what to say.

Maybe it’s only the Leader who never worried Manager’s Oppa because now I’m wondering how far he knew about Jjong, and maybe he already knew about Kibum’s new love interest. Or maybe about this unrevealed story of Taemin-Sulli, that’s why Oppa doesn’t really questioning about Taemin’s abrupt lie.

And I was too scared to think that Oppa might be, well, he could be, know about my relationship with Minho and so this is just some kind of test.

My heart beats so fast I was afraid that he could hear it by now. Really, Oppa is one of the men I knew that so cool he doesn’t need to show emotions in his face but he makes sure anyone would hear him. My father is also like this and only God knows what whenever he had a plan in mind.

“Okay.” I replied.

Then he smiled –I don’t know whether it’s because he’s good at acting or he’s just the usual Manager Oppa I knew, but his smile doesn’t look suspicious to me, and he said, “Relax, you’re the Coordi Noona, not a spy. Don’t be too serious… Lee-sshi actually was just laughing when I mentioned this to him.”

So now I really have to be careful not only to Manager Oppa himself, but also to my favorite A.M Oppa. This is such an irony.

“Oh, and just try to act normal to Taemin, he might be too embarrassed to face you right now.”

Of course I will. To be exact, I was upset because I can’t talk and express my gratitude to the Maknae because he’s on a state where he wanted to avoid everyone.

When Manager Oppa and I walked into the dressing room, somehow the atmosphere is different. Taeminnie sits beside Minho, although his expression still look bothered, but I can see that he seems better right now.

Then Manager Oppa just said to Baby, “Taeminnie, you have to be ready in 10.”

“Ah, yes Hyung.” He looked up and nod.

I took the clothes that he supposed to wear while my cell phone in my pocket vibrated. But I ignored it and say to Taemin, “Here you go. And after you changed I will help you with the necklace.” As I handled the wardrobe to him.

“Okay.” He replied shortly and then went to the changing room next door.

As he left, I checked on my phone and turns out that there’s an instant message, a short one coming from Taemin.

Makdoongie: Noona I feel so upset

Aw. My Baby.


“So… he knew that you had told me?” I said to Minho when he and I walked to the other studio along with Onew.

“You know I just can’t stand to see you like this,” he shrugged, “and also seeing Taeminnie looked all gloomy.”

I smiled but can’t do much because now we’re on the corridor.

“But at least Jjong and Kibum get smiley all day long.” The leader joined the conversation randomly. Minho is staring at him and then he looked at me, all looking ‘Does Onew Hyung can’t read the situation?’

I can’t help but laugh and then said to Onew in one exaggerating statement, “Yeah, there’s always a blessing in disguise. Just like how miraculously this heavy rain makes you recovered from you flu.”

Onew squinted in excitement, “Thank God now I really can sing for the musical!” and even before I can say anything, he already ran to greet the Producer or PD he knew who’s standing at the end of the corridor.

“Really, if I haven’t seen how good he is on giving solutions about the member’s problem,” I said to Minho, “sometimes he suits to be the Baby of the group.”

Minho laughed to what I’ve said and I don’t know, call me weird, but his laugh that I begin to love too much, reminded me about one thing I still cannot tell him in the eye.


Until the boys’ schedule for today is finished, I still haven’t talk to Taemin except about wardrobe and stuffs he should wear.

And so then at 2 AM, I bid goodbye to the boys’ as they were divided by the three different kind of expressions; Jjong and Key in the smiling section all thanks to their upcoming schedule with their girlfriend and crush, respectively, Minho and Hyung in the ‘I feel kind of satisfied on today’s work but dammit I'm so tired as hell’ section, the last one is Taemin, looked all lonely with his ‘I'm fine but just don’t talk to me’ expression.

ChoiMH: I will buy something in food stalls on my way to your place
ChoiMH: What do you want?

Those are the texts I got from him when I went into the staffs’ car that will take me home for now and I automatically typed what I just sent to him.

Nu.Na: I want you to just get some sleep Minho-ah

ChoiMH: Of course as soon as I get there
ChoiMH: Unless you have something else in mind kekeke

I sighed. Really. I want to prevent him to come, but if I just said no, or even if I said I was tired I don’t want anyone to bothers me, well that even makes him asking me a lot more question. So then I just replied with something come up in my mind.

Nu.Na: Buy anything you want to eat
Nu.Na: Be careful okay?

ChoiMH: Shouldn’t I be the one who supposed to say that
ChoiMH: One thing I like about leaving from work in this kind of hour is that you didn’t have to ride a morning bus by yourself

Tsk. Clearly he didn’t get what I mean by saying be careful. I don’t want anyone to recognize him walking around after midnight, more of that Manager Oppa to find out where the hell Minho is going to go. And saying that words he said to me, really, screw your male ego.

ChoiMH: Hey I planned to go find some pair of shoes when we have a short break
ChoiMH: Come with me?

I don’t know how many times I sigh already. Surely we can’t discuss about this by text, so I just reply it to end the conversation.

Nu.Na: We’ll discuss it later in my place okay

I leaned my back and close my eyes. Wonder why just after my 2 days absence there so much going on.
I hope everything’s going to be better tomorrow.

And once again, it appear again in my mind. The thing I still try to figure out whether I would tell my Minho or not. And if I would, when and how, I dont even know. How should I tell him that I was assigned by his Manager Hyung who he respected so much to have my eyes on him, protecting him from troubles related to someone whom he might dating right now. But then again, tell me how I’m supposed to do if that means the one I should protect him from... is myself?


Hey!! im backk here with the part one of two chapter of Kyu Incident's chapter.

I know this is a boring one, but i hope the second installment would be better. But at least, i gave you something new (yes, related to Manager Oppa).

Is Noona going to tell Minho or not?

And how about Taemin-Noona relationship, what will happen?

The next one will be involving the sport event, although I wouldnt write all about it. So prepare for some glimpes about Key's crush Nana and Jjong's gf, EunJung too :)

Thanks for all of you who commented, and subscribing my story! im so happy..

I will try to reply it one by one later tonight..!



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Chapter 40: Zee~ I'm coming!!! :DD Sorry for super late comment..
Finally you're back, after a year and 3 months. (OMG
did I really count it? kkkkk) You do know that I really
miss ODS, rite Zee? ;))

Anyway back to story.
Oh my I love those little SHINee moment in the car
when Taemin called Noona. I can imagine what're they
doing there. Ah and Kibum in the dorm too.. :DD
WHAT??? Just like Kibum's, thats my reaction too when
Minho said those words. Why Minho, why?? Even
though it was Noona who say those 'break up' word
but we knew that actually it was Minho who suggest it. I
think there must be something wrong before Minho's
And I want to cry even though I already knew that
Noona and Minho might be break up. (oh no my
OTP!!! :'(()
Tbh I really never want they break up (I know you
know.. :D) but ofc, I'm just your reader and you're the
author.. :p
But I hope we'll see some happy moment (?) in next

Don't worry Zee, your readers will not ever tired of waiting. We'll wait patiently.. Just take your time dear.. :))

p.s thanks for coming back, Zee!! :))) *run*
chasethestars #2

I think it's pretty safe to assume at this point Minho's willing to shoot down his own ego, if not for the relationship, then something he can apply in daily life. He's humble, yes, but the fragility of his ego is so easily provoked when his competitive streak is touched on, whether it be performing, acting, or just simple [simple-complex?] relationship things that could be solved in a minute if he doesn't argue back... [Lemme stop before I go off a tangent again XD;;]

And, oh hi Changmin, hi~~~! X3 Why do you suddenly have a cameo here? *O* LOL. But Changmin cracking jokes about hitting on noona is a bit weird for me. I dunno, it's so... un-Changmin-like? ^^; Because no matter how Changmin likes girls [and checking them out LOL], he's the type of guy who backs off of his friends' girlfriends. Or at least from what I know of/observed about him based on 127172 interviews and what he himself has revealed in said 12772 interviews. I don't make much sense do I OTL

I'm not sure if you did it on purpose, but I think you just chucked in the possible ending of ODS somewhere in this update XD Unless I am overthinking it, then I could be wrong >.< I have to ask when you started writing this, though? And when you completed it, too ^^ Because the writing for this chapter seems a bit different from the previous chapter/s; kinda "fresh" as in recently written, because the voice in this update, even if it still sounds ike you, comes off a bit, erm, simple? As in simple-plain, not simple-eloquent, like what I'm used to reading from you. [Don't kill me ^^;]

A~nd, there we go! Wordvomit all over the place, I am so sorry ;____; I hope the inspiration for this story stays with you until the end ^o^ And like I told you, don't think too much about the absence. People who intend to stick with this story will stick to it no matter what, so even if you're gone a long time and come back with the next part, you will always find an audience in them ^^

Until the next update~! ^o^
chasethestars #3

Wah, wah, wah~, you're back! After a year and some number of months! XD It's crazy but I remember where exactly you left off, but maybe because of the gap between your last update and now, I had to skim the previous chapter to fill in the blanks. Regardless, I managed not to get too lost so yay~ 8D

Anyway. I think I saw the breakup coming from a mile away? Or maybe several chapters prior? What is probably surprising is how calm the entire setup is, from Minho taking noona to the corner to talk, and you know there's something going to happen, to the suggestion of the breakup, to both parties being so... well, calm about it ^^; I mean you left it at a cliffhanger [and Key, as expected, is the one who had a heart attack XD] and there might be more about it on the next chapter, but the feeling they both gave off spoke something akin to "Well, we've been dancing around the subject for so long so we might as well just face it" rather than the expected [?] "I hope you're not going to say it because I don't want it--and neither should you". A cool breakup of sorts. Unless there will be rage and tears and angst-ing in the future chapter/s, and then realize they can't really live without each other so they go scrambling back to each other's arms when not even three days have passed--or, heaven forbid, 24 hours. And. Well... ^^;

I like what noona said about dreams, though. It's not over until the dreamer him/herself says it's over. Just that the question here is, what holds more weight for noona? Is it her dreams, or is it her relationship? People have two hands but they can't hold on to two things at the same time, because those hands are meant to carry the entire weight of the most precious thing them. Or something. [Don't mind me going off a tangent here LOL T_T]
Chapter 40: WHAT??!!WAAEEEE???? *screaming with Key*
chasethestars #5
[2]<br />
<br />
Initially I was also unsure of why Minho would choose to tell noona the story behind Yuri; I mean, noona might have unintentionally triggered the memories he has of her so he chose to spill everything, but he could have either stopped and left it for another day, or simply did not touch on the subject of getting to know each other more at all. On another perspective, maybe it's time they broke the unwritten rule between them and try delving in deeper into each other's souls. They've shared a lot of things already that could make their relationship strong, but have they really fully given their entire selves to the other person? At the end of the day, no matter what happened to the other in the past or what [negative feeling] they felt about what they've heard, if the fact remains that love is still there, then nothing should really change much.<br />
<br />
If Minho's thinking of doing anything rash to Lee Oppa, that would be so not like him, but at the same time it would be fun to read about XD [I think the boy is much too respectful of his elders to even strike a fist at them, especially if they deserve it.] Minho might have been binded by his surge of emotions about whatever Taemin told him, so he had better not do anything that will compromise him, noona, their relationship, and the group as well. Remember Minho: there are plenty of eyes watching your every move, and in the world you live in, one mistake is more than enough to ruin everything, if not [continually] used against you ^^;;<br />
<br />
That was quite a long chapter, even if it only covered 2 journal entries ^^;; Oh yeah, just a heads-up: this line--"The boys caught the serious flu during Ring Ding Dong days last year, remember?"--should be fixed, because the 3 boys caught the flu in 2009, and since the diary entry is dated 2011, that should make it 2 years ago =3<br />
<br />
A~nd, that's it for now~. You've been busy lately so don't worry too much about updating; just do it when you have time to spare, okay? ^^
chasethestars #6
[1]<br />
<br />
I knew I told you in the past that I'd reveal if one of my guesses is correct regarding this entire "Who squealed on the secret relationship?", but for the life of me, I can only remember bits and pieces of that particular conversation .___. Although yes! I was alllllmost right about Taem being the source of it all [albeit indirectly + unintentionally]! 8D I worry for this boy; sometimes he's just too pure, and if we connect it to this predicament, it brings about unexpected trouble for everyone. But it's good he finally confessed to noona about what he had done--it's not easy doing so, considering that they have a pretty close bond, and poor Taem must've been stressed over how to come clean with it, if not losing sleep over it ^^;;<br />
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I have to say I was surprised with the "Lee Oppa likes noona" plot twist; I didn't really see it coming since it wasn't that visible [even from earlier chapters], and although he was the nicer of the two assistants, I've only seen his actions as brotherly-like. [So it's either the hints weren't that strong to incite suspicion from readers, or they were subtly planted here and there but came off as faint instead; thus, the relatively weak delivery? ^^;;] On the flip side, re-reading what he had told noona from the past chapter, there seems to be some sort of underlying disappointment and, perhaps, a tinge of resentment that Minho and noona have managed to scrape through the big hurdle that is the almighty manager, albeit barely. [But that could just be me and looking into things too much, ahaha~ XDD;;]<br />
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How ironic is it for Minho to demand honesty from noona with everything when it took him longer to do it? XD;; [And the nerve of him to get sulky, too! LOL.]
You make make anticipating your next chapter zeeeee,,OMG OMG what will happen?? >o<<br />
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LOL i bet i shocked you in the middle of the night with Taeminnie pict,,he's pweeety xD<br />
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my fave line in this chap --> “You deserve to be more than a hidden truth, Noona-ah.”<br />
:D :D :D<br />
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good luck with work zeee :D
chasethestars #8
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Manager Lee's words make me assume something, but I dunno... it's a very "normal" assumption one would be able to make right away, so I shall wait for further development [or maybe think over more thoroughly] before saying anything ^^<br />
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I think you were able to achieve your goal well with this chapter, but at the same time, there were lots of excess baggage thrown in that the chapter could have done without. There were also some parts in this chapter that gave me the impression you were either bored or disliked writing them because: 1) some bits of dialogue seemed to be dragging on and/or were completely unnecessary [they could have been trimmed out and the story would still be intact]; and 2) you just wanted to get to the good stuff [which is mainly noona's meeting of Minho's family]; thus, the impatience to finish the other parts ^^;; I'm not sure what your state of mind was during the writing process, but you might want to be careful about this in future chapters.<br />
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Pushing that aside and the realization that about 3/4 of this chapter was more of filler than something connected to the original plot, small [?] problems continue to pile one after another. When will trouble stop following this couple? It's like their story is never-ending XD;; Continue writing and update again when time allows~! ^^
chasethestars #9
[1]<br />
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The once-secret relationship is slowly being made known within the circle. I'm not sure if this is a good thing or not, provided they are still employee-client, and you don't really know what tomorrow might bring. Today it could only be 2 sunbaes and an entire family. Tomorrow you could get caught by stalker fans [can't forget these people and their ninja skills], and the day after that you'd find animal carcasses at your doorstep with death threats smeared all over your door in red paint. Disturbing .___. While having the secret out in the open is more comfortable, and it's admittedly one thorn out of Minho and noona's sides, they should map out their next game plan. The managers exercised their professionalism but that's only because Minho is their charge and noona is part of their staff, and schedules are packed so internal strife is the last thing they want to happen. But what about the others? And the days to come?<br />
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As for Minho suddenly planning a meeting between noona and his family: really? Must it really be this way? I know he's anxious and can't wait to introduce the girl to his family, but there is a place and time for everything >> If I didn't know Minho any better, it's like this is his way of getting back at noona for telling the managers about their relationship without his knowledge. Can't really stand it, can he? Way to be petty, Minho; really. LOL.<br />
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About Taemin and the jacket, that was a live performance for some event in Daejon back in August, not a rehearsal--unless I'm mistaken and we're thinking of different videos XD He's still acting strange but I already told you my first assumption regarding this, and I'm still waiting for something else to appear before I say the second thing on my mind. So yeah, still waiting~ XD