My New Teacher [Interactive Story]

You wake up fresh, you get ready and run downstairs to eat some breakfast. You ate really quick.

"Woah, someone's in a hurry." My umma laughed.

"Yeah, I'm waiting for someone." I smiled.

"Is it your friend?" She asked.

"Maybe." I replied.

"Okay then." She smiled and left to to upstairs. I walked up to my room and waited eagerly for Jongup to knock on the door or send me a text. While I was waiting I was looking through my laptop.

"Hey, I'm here you ready?" ~ Jongup

"Yeah, I'm be there in a sec." ~ Haneul

I grabbed my backpack and said goodbye to my umma and ran downstairs and opened the door where I saw Jongup waiting.

"Hey." He smiled. "You ready for school?" 

"Yup, are you?" I asked.

"Yes." He chuckled. "No shall we."

"Yes we shall." We walked together sharing laughs knowing more about each other.

"Jongup!" I heard a girl yell. We turned around and saw the school brat Angel call out from her car. Don't let her name fool you.

"What?" He replied.

"Hop on I'll save you from embarrassment!" 

"Me be embarrassed? Why?" He asked with anger growing in his voice.

"Well, you're walking with it." She said looking at me. "What Hanuel? Nothing to say?"

"Actually I would say something but I just down want to have to look down on you. I pity you for being a selfish brat." I replied.

She looked at me in disgust. "Bye Jongup." She said and drove away.

"Good job! You just burned her!" Jongup laughed,

"I know, thanks." I replied.

We walked until we got to school, when we walked inside the school people whispered and looked at us. Ugh I hate it when people look at you all weird for being with someone. Jongup looked around and saw people whispering and looking at us. He took my hand and intertwined them. Everyone looked at us in shock.

"What are you doing?" I whispered.

"We need to get these people off our backs." He whispered back.

"Okay." I agreed and we continued walking to our classrooms.

"Hey, I'll see you afterschool." He yelled and smiled at me. 

"Okay!" I replied as I sat in my desk.

"Hey." ~ Jongup

"Hi, aren't you going to get in trouble if you have your phone out?" ~ Haneul

"No, aren't you?" ~ Jongup

"As long as the teacher doesn't see." ~ Haneul

"Okay, good...Keep texting me. Hehe I'm bored." ~ Jongup

"Okay, umm hows life?" ~ Haneul

"It's going great, I met a funny, nice, pretty girl yesterday." ~ Jongup

"Omg really? Who is she?" ~ Haneul

"Wow, okay I'll give you hints..I live two houses away from her. I'm texting her right now." ~ Jongup

"Hmm....Ohhhh...Aha I see it's me..I'm so dumb sometimes." ~ Haneul

"But it's cute...." ~ Jongup

"Erm...I mean it's funny how you react." ~ Jongup

"Okay then..Thanks =3" ~ Haneul

"Haneul! Give it up." The teacher said.

"Give what up?" I asked.

"Give me the phone." 

"I'm not even using my phone." I replied.

"I saw you, fine one more chance you better put it away." She threatened. I looked down at my phone again.

"You're welcome. I mean you are." ~ Jongup

"Awww, you're really handsome yourself, you're like the full package, trust me. I almost got my phone taken away T_T" ~ Haneul

"Do you want to keep going?" ~ Jongup

"Yeah, I already know what the teacher is teaching anyway, so I don't really need to pay attention." ~ Haneul

"Okay, can you keep a secret?" ~ Jongup

"Sure.What is it?" ~ Hanuel

"You're the first girl that I gave my number to...And you're the first that I got close to, I never talked to someone this easily and that quick." ~ Jongup

"There's a first for everything. I'm the same here, you're the first guy." ~ Haneul

"Like you said there's a first for everything hehe." ~ Jongup

"Haneul!" The teacher yelled my name again. She looked at me signaling me to put my phone away. I

~Put the phone away

~Keep texting Jongup

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Chapter 45: I loved this interactive story a lot :DD I'm so sad to see it go :( Thanks for creating the story anyway author-nim! ^^ (P.S. I'M NOT A ERT *cough-cough-I-ended-with-chapter-37-cough-cough*)
FallenAngel671 #3
Chapter 42: Sigh.... if only real school put SHINee's Ring Ding Dong... it would be so awesome
sezzzz #4
Chapter 39: whats the next chapter after 34? if it has already been written though...oh btw love the story :)
Chapter 39: ahhhhhh!! so sweet~ thanks for the update <3 cant wait for more ^-^
Chapter 29: ahh whats after 27? the link isnt working x.x
Chapter 35: I love you!! Hahahah yess!
Chapter 35: *bangs head against the wall* Omo Haneul it means I like you Dx
Chapter 29: Omg why is Angel such a ? I just want to punch her myself. I had a best friend who was named Angel and now she's kinda a now.
Chapter 24: It's great but what chapter is after 22 and please reply to me as fast as possible because I'm confus and I really want to read what's next! >_<