My New Teacher [Interactive Story]

"So you guys are in a group you formed called B.A.P?" I asked.

"Yeah, B.A.P stands for, 'Best. Absolute. Perfect.'" Yongguk replied. "I am also the leader of the group itself."

"Really? That's interesting, you should show me one of you're routines or songs." I suggested smiling.

"Why not, but we don't know if you'll like it though." He replied.

"Well we don't know that until I actually hear it." I answered.

"True, true. Okay then, so tomorrow afterschool?" Yongguk said.

"Yes." I smiled. "Are you guys okay with that?" 

"We are, we don't really tell people about our group yet. We all have an interest in music that's why we decided to form this group and maybe audition."

"Really? Well I bet if you guys do audition you'll get in." I smiled.

"Hopefully." He replied.

"So Haneul." Zelo asked. "Can I ask you something in private?" He asked seriously.

"Ummm..Okay." I replied as we got up and walked away from the table. I noticed Jongup glanced towards up with a worried face. I wonder what Zelo's going to ask.

"So Haneul, I want your opinion truthfully, what do you think about my friend Jongup?"

"Jongup? Well I think he's a reat guy, he's really nice, he's a good dancer. He's also very quiet but he can be funny, he's easy to talk to. He's the full package if you ask me." I replied.

"Okay, okay." Zelo smiled.

"Why'd you ask that?" I asked.

"Nothing, I was just curious Zelo replied as he looked at a worried looking Jongup.

"Okay then." I replied, that was weird. Why'd he even ask me that? I walked behind Zelo back to the table, he sat next to Jongup. I noticed Jongup whisper him something.

"We'll be right back." Jongup announced as he and Zelo got up and walked away. I glanced at them and saw Jongup hit Zelo on the back of his head. He was saying something, his expression looked mad. Zelo was only chuckling, he answered something back but I couldn't tell what he said. What are those two talking about. They finally came back smiling, the same time the bell rung.

"We better get to our classes." Youngjae said. "It was nice meeting you." 

"It was nice meeting you too." I smiled as Youngjae, Daehyun, and Zelo left to their classes."

"We'll see you tomorrow." Yongguk smiled as he and Himchan walked together. These guys must be really good friends, you can tell by the way they act. Jongup was the only one next to me.

"Let's get going to class then." He smiled at me. Our next class go the same direction so were walking together. While we walked together we talked and laughed until we got to my classroom.

"Here's my stop." I'll see you later." I smiled. "But before you go can I get a hug?" I smiled.

"Why not?" He smiled and hugged me, it was a long warm hug. I enjoyed it. "I'll see you later." He smiled and walked to his next class.

As I walked into mine I saw Yuri smiling at me, signaling me to sit next to her.

"I saw you were with Jongup and his friends. His friends are hot." She smiled.

"Aha, they're all good looking." I smiled.

"I know, if you had to choose, who do you like the most? I like Junhong the most. He looks so adorable."

"I admit he is. But I would pick Jongup." I smiled.

"You like him huh?" Yuri grinned.

"Me like him? Yes." I replied, I saw yes as I lowered my head.

"I knew it, when I saw you guys walking together I knew there was something, I can tell he likes you too." 

"What? Him like me? That's impossible, that would never happen in a million years." I replied.

"Haneul, you over exaggerate." Yuri said as she rolled her eyes and laughed.

"No I don't I know that as a fact that he never will." I replied as I look out my notebook and pen. Our lesson today was easy I already knew how to do it, so I just doodled in my notebook as time went by. Time went by so fast today. Next thing I know the ell rung already, we could go home now! I packed up my things and saw Jongup waiting for me by the door where the other girls huddled up around him, who he didn't pay attention to at all. Then he looked up at me and smiled, he walked towards me.

"Kim Haneul?" One student said and walked away.

"Hey." He smiled. "Can we walk home together?" He smiled.

"Why not?" I replied as we walked out the school. While we walked we decided to play truth or dare.

"Do you want to start?" He said.

"No you start." I laughed. "Truth or Dare?" I asked,


"Okay, I dare you to walk up to those students over there and say hi." I laughed.

"Wh-what? That's so embarrassing." He pouted.

"That's why you choose truth." I laughed as I pushed him towards the students.

"Okay, okay fine." He said as he walked next to the students, they had familiar faces, I think they went to our school. He walked next to them. "Hi." He smiled.

"Oh, hi Jongup." One of the girls said shyly.

"Hi." He replied and walked back to me, he had such an embarrassing face on when he walked back to me. "I never went up to someone and randomly said hi.."

"I can tell." I laughed, "I pick truth." 

"Truth, okay. Do you like someone?" He asked. Me like someone? Well he's right here, won't that be embarrassing.

"Yes." I replied. "Now what about you? Do you want to do truth this time?" I laughed.

"Yes please." He replied.

"Do you like someone as well?"

"Yes...." He replied looking away.

"Who!" I begged.

"A friend of mine that I just met. But I doubt if I confess to her she'll even accept my feelings."

"Why? Like why do you like she won't like you back?" I asked.

"I don't know, it just feels like it." He replied we as we grew closer to our houses. We stayed quiet for a few minutes. I heard him sigh. "Haneul can I tell you something?" He asked.

"Go ahead." I replied.

"I really li- never mind." He said.

"C'mon tell meee!" I begged.

"Umm...Maybe next time," He said. "We're in front of your house."

"Oh yeah, I didn't notice."

"Well I'll see you tomorrow morning?" He asked.

"Okay just text me okay?" I replied as I waved at him and walked into my house. Huh, I wonder what he was going to say, I'm really curious now. I went up to my room and did my homework, homework was a piece of cake. After I did my homework I went on my laptop and did my chores.

~Skip to tomorrow morning

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Chapter 45: I loved this interactive story a lot :DD I'm so sad to see it go :( Thanks for creating the story anyway author-nim! ^^ (P.S. I'M NOT A ERT *cough-cough-I-ended-with-chapter-37-cough-cough*)
FallenAngel671 #3
Chapter 42: Sigh.... if only real school put SHINee's Ring Ding Dong... it would be so awesome
sezzzz #4
Chapter 39: whats the next chapter after 34? if it has already been written though...oh btw love the story :)
Chapter 39: ahhhhhh!! so sweet~ thanks for the update <3 cant wait for more ^-^
Chapter 29: ahh whats after 27? the link isnt working x.x
Chapter 35: I love you!! Hahahah yess!
Chapter 35: *bangs head against the wall* Omo Haneul it means I like you Dx
Chapter 29: Omg why is Angel such a ? I just want to punch her myself. I had a best friend who was named Angel and now she's kinda a now.
Chapter 24: It's great but what chapter is after 22 and please reply to me as fast as possible because I'm confus and I really want to read what's next! >_<