My New Teacher [Interactive Story]

"Okay sure, I just hope I won't get in trouble on the first day." I laughed.

"Don't worry I'll make sure you won't." He replied smiling. "So are you new here? Or have you been here the whole time?" He asked.

"I've been here the whole year, I just never really joined clubs." I replied.

"Why not? You could have joined dancing a while ago." He laughed.

"Well I don't know afterschool I just wanna go home or go hangout with friends." 

"True, I haven't really done that in a while when I started going to dancing at school." 

"Really? Well maybe sometime we can hangout if you're not busy." I offered.

"I'd like that." He smiled. Even though I just met him he's cute.

When we finally arrived in a classroom he walked towards a stereo and rolled it out the classroom. "Do you need help?" I asked.

"Aha, no it's fine I got it." He smiled as he rolled it out.

When we finally arrived at the gym he plugged in the stereo and walked towards me.

"Do you wanna warm up before class starts?" He asked.

"Sure." I replied. We did a few stretches, I felt much better I haven't stretched like that in a while.

He smiled at me and walked towards the front. 

"Okay guys, class is gonna start!" He yelled. What was he doing he's not the teacher, or...Oh....no wonder the class didn't start when he didn't arrive yet. He's the teacher everyone's talking about. Wow, I've been with the teacher the whole time, that's why he told me not to worry about being late. -_- I feel so dumb I never thought about what he said.

Jongup started to do a few moves. "Okay, follow me." He did a few moves smoothly, professionally, with feeling. i was so amazed when he danced. I danced there like an idiot in the back, I saw him look at me and chuckle and smile sweetly. Some other students noticed him smiling and looked confused.

"Okay class, let's do one more routine." He announced. We danced for 30 more minutes, for other students it was fun but for me, it was torture. Should've done acting, but if I didn't do dancing I wouldn't be able to meet Jongup. I sat down on the benches exhausted and I gulped down all my water, if I needed water I had to buy some from the vending machine I don't want to waste money for that. As I sat there regaining my breath I saw Jongup chuckle and walk towards me. While he was walking towards me I heard girls whispering.

"Omg, he looks so hot sweating through his shirt." A student whispered.

"I know right omg look at those abs..EEEE!" Another squealed. I admit he was hehe. 

"So how was it?" He asked sitting next to me.

"It was okay. It was tiring but atleast I did some of it." I replied while drinking all my water up.

"Yeah atleast, do you need more water?" He asked.

"No it's fine."

"You sure, you look drained. Here." He offered me his water bottle.

"Thanks." I smiled at him.

I started to drink some of his water and gave it back. I felt much more energized.

"So I saw you had some trouble there." He said.

"I know, it's embarrassing." I looked down.

"You know, if you want I don't really do this but I can help you with dancing. I mean if you want." He offered.

"Sure, thanks."

"Umm, no thanks."

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Chapter 45: I loved this interactive story a lot :DD I'm so sad to see it go :( Thanks for creating the story anyway author-nim! ^^ (P.S. I'M NOT A ERT *cough-cough-I-ended-with-chapter-37-cough-cough*)
FallenAngel671 #3
Chapter 42: Sigh.... if only real school put SHINee's Ring Ding Dong... it would be so awesome
sezzzz #4
Chapter 39: whats the next chapter after 34? if it has already been written though...oh btw love the story :)
Chapter 39: ahhhhhh!! so sweet~ thanks for the update <3 cant wait for more ^-^
Chapter 29: ahh whats after 27? the link isnt working x.x
Chapter 35: I love you!! Hahahah yess!
Chapter 35: *bangs head against the wall* Omo Haneul it means I like you Dx
Chapter 29: Omg why is Angel such a ? I just want to punch her myself. I had a best friend who was named Angel and now she's kinda a now.
Chapter 24: It's great but what chapter is after 22 and please reply to me as fast as possible because I'm confus and I really want to read what's next! >_<