My New Teacher [Interactive Story]

As we walked home together he dropped me of at my house and gave me a quick hug. “I’ll see you tomorrow, don’t forget to bring your dancing clothes.” He reminded.

“Yeah, I won’t.” I smiled. “Text me later.” I smiled.

“Don’t worry I won’t forget.” He laughed and walked towards his house as I walked into mine and greeted my umma and ate dinner. Then I washed up and went to bed and immediately fell asleep as soon as I got under the covers.

*Beep Beep*

I opened my eyes to the sound of my phone receiving a text message; I picked up my phone and saw a message from Jongup.

“Are you awake? Hurry, I don’t want to be late for school!” ~ Jongup

What! I looked at the time and I overslept for an hour. But my umma didn’t wake me up nor my appa. I looked next to me and find a note.


                Sorry, your appa and I have to go to work early today. I left you some breakfast in the fridge, we’re also going to be home late sorry.

                                                                                Saranghae Umma and Appa

I jumped out of bed and got dressed quickly, I ran downstairs and grabbed a bottle of water and saw Jongup by the door walking back and both. “Finally you come out!” He yelled as he grabbed my arm. “We only have 15 minutes!” He said as we ran towards school.

“Why didn’t you just leave me and go to school by yourself?” I asked.

“I didn’t want to; I thought you had to do something.” He replied as we stopped running and just fast walked.

“Thanks.” I smiled at him while he was still holding onto my hand until we arrived at school in time. We had 5 minutes to spare, did we really run that fast or walk that fast? “We got here earlier than we thought.” I chuckled.

“Yeah, hey you have your clothes for later right?’ He asked.

“Yes sir, they’re in my backpack right here.” I smiled as I patted my backpack.

“Okay great.” He smiled as we walked around school until we bumped into his friends. “Hey guys.” He smiled as he gave all of them a handshake.

“Hi Haneul.” Youngjae smiled.

“Hi.” I smiled back.

“Hey hyung can I ask you something?” Zelo asked Jongup.

“Yeah, sure.” He replied as they walked away from us and whispered something, I looked at Jongup and saw him rubbing the back of his neck and glancing at me and looked back at Zelo.

“So what did you think of our routine yesterday?” Daehyun asked.

“Oh, it was great! Believe me, I know you guys are going to be famous one day.” I smiled as the bell rang.

“Thanks Haneul.” Yongguk smiled as Jongup and Zelo walked back towards us. “We better get to class.” Yongguk said. “See you at lunch Haneul.” He smiled as all of them left me and Jongup behind.

“Well let’s get going.” He smiled as we walked towards our classrooms.

“Thanks for walking me to class.” I smiled.

“No problem.” He smiled. “I’ll see you at lunch.” He said as he walked inside his classroom after I did.

Lunch Time

I walk out the classroom with my new friend Nari. “I’ll see you later.” She waved at me as we went our ways. As I walked towards the cafeteria I bumped into Zelo once again.

“Hey Zelo.” I smiled.

“Oh it’s you Haneul.” He smirked. “Can I ask you a question?”

“Sure, go ahead.” I replied.

“Okay, do you have dance practice with Jongup later? Or maybe like a private dance class.” He asked.

“You can say that, why?” I asked how does he even know about this. Did Jongup tell him or something?

“Okay, thanks.” He smirked.

“Why did you ask?”

“Nothing, no reason. I just wanted to know, you know you might be shocked later.” He chuckled.

“What are you talking about?” I asked confused.

“Aha, nothing I’m just kidding.” He laughed as he patted my back. “Let’s go find the others.” I walked with Zelo while I noticed some other girls giving me dirty looks.

“Wow, now she’s with Zelo? How does she do that? I’m so jealous, but why did they choose her? She’s friends with all of them.” A girl said to her friend.

“I don’t know, she must be using some kind of spell, but I just got to say I really envy her. She’s friends with the group that has a lot of good looking guys. *sigh* How I wish I was her.” The friend replied. Wow, I never knew me being friends with them would affect girls this much. Even before when I was friends with an exchange student Luhan, now he moved back to Beijing. I miss him a lot, but we still keep in touch. That time a few girls hated me or got jealous, I mean what’s there to be jealous about?

As Zelo and I walked together I a hand pulled me away from Zelo. “Yah why did you do that for?” I yelled as I opened my eyes and say it was my friend Yuri. “Oh, hi.”

“Hi, I’m just really curious. Are you friends with all of them?” She asked.

“What do you mean by all of them?” I asked.

“You know, Yongguk, Himchan, Daehyun, Youngjae, Jongup, and Junhong.” Yuri answered.

“Oh, yeah why you asking?” I asked suspicious, I hope she’s not mad either.

“Nothing, I was just wondering. You know so many girls are talking about you like you know the time when you were friends with Luhan.”

“Yeah, I know. I hate this I mean I’m not even doing anything to make them my friends. I’m just acting like myself.” I replied.

“Hey Haneul we’re over here!” I heard Zelo yell as I turned my head.

“Okay, I’ll be there!” I replied as I turned my attention back to Yuri.

“You better get over there to your friends.” She laughed as she patted my back. “I’ll see you later.” She smiled as she walked away. I turned around and saw Angel behind me.

“Aww, even your best friend left you.” She pouted evilly.

“Well at least I actually have friends.” I said as I pushed her out of the way and to Jongup and them.

“What happened?” Jongup asked.

“Nothing there was just a stupid road block.” I replied as I sat down next to him and started talking to all of them sharing laughs.

“Ring ding dong Ring ding dong Ring diggi ding diggi Ding ding ding~ ”

“Woah did they just play SHINee’s Ring Ding Dong?” I asked.

“Yeah, I think so.” Jongup laughed.

“Hi it’s the student body president here I decided to change the bell to Ring Ding Dong since it’s like a bell hehe.” The president said as she talked through the speakers that were put on the walls. “Anyway get back to class.”

“I’ll see you guys later.” I said as I walked with Jongup to my class. “Thanks for walking me to class, again.” I laughed.

“You’re welcome.” He smiled. “I’ll see you at the gym later.” He smiled as he walked away. I walked to my chair and listened to the lecture just like always.


“Okay class is over, have a great weekend.” The teacher said as he sat in his chair and put his head down. I walked to the locker room and grabbed my clothes and walked to the restroom where I quickly changed and jogged towards the gym where I saw Jongup waiting.

“Hey you’re here.” He smiled.

“Yes I’m here!” I laughed as I jogged towards him.

“You ready for practice, again.” He said.

“Yes Mr. Moon.” I laughed as he the music.

“Try following me.” He said as he started to do a few moves. “You know I saw you have trouble with a few moves.”

“Yeah I did but Youngjae helped me.” I replied.

“Okay, let me see you try to do the moves.” He said as he stopped dancing and stood there watching me.

“Umm okay then I’ll try.” I replied as I started to do the moves. “Erm, I still need help on the moves though.”

“Okay, let me help you.” He said as he walked towards me and but his hands on my hips, the same stop Youngjae put his hands. “You have to move smoothly, listen to the beat of the music.” He whispered. I did as I was told, he helped me as he still had his hand on my waist and the other on my shoulder. After a few tries I finally managed to do the move perfectly.

“Thank you!” I smiled.

“Welcome.” He said as I felt his hands wrap around my waist. “Was it better than Youngjae’s teachings?” He whispered as he rested his chin on my shoulder. I felt his breath on my neck than made my face warm.

“Y-yes.” I whispered as I closed me eyes.

“Good, you know I saw you yesterday.” He whispered as I slowly opened my eyes.

“W-what are you talking about?” I asked, uh oh I knew something was up when he smirked. I knew it, I’m dead.

“No need to lie. You know I saw you while I was changing.” He replied.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” I stuttered as my heart beated faster and faster.

“Really Haneul, you want to play that game?” He asked.

“Fine, I’m sorry. You broke me.” I whimpered.

“It’s fine.” He chuckled as his hands never moved I closed my eyes as I felt him kiss my neck. Oh, is this the surprise Zelo was talking about? Because this sure is a surprise, I felt my body tingle as he kissed the same spot again. He turned me around and cupped my face in his hands. “You know how long I’ve been trying to endure this?” He asked as he went straight for my lips. I was in shock; I just received my first kiss. I wrapped my arms around his neck as we kissed.

We soon separated as he caressed my cheek and went back for my lips. I felt him my bottom lip asking for entrance which I granted. I felt his tongue slid into my mouth and explore my mouth. We again separated gasping for air. He smiled at me as he kissed my forehead. “Will you be mine?” He whispered.

“Why not?” I smiled as I kissed his lips tenderly. “Oh, is class over?”

“Class is dismissed.” He laughed as he put his arm around me as we walked out the school gym to my house. “Here’s your house.” He said.

“My parents are going to be home late.” I said. “Wanna come in?” I asked as I unlocked the door.

“Can I?” He asked.

“I’m asking you.” I laughed as he walked in after me and closed the door behind us. I opened the fridge and saw the dinner umma made. I took it out and put it in the oven and prepared the plates as Jongup went to the restroom. After I prepared the dinner I called him over as we ate together, I thought of this as our first date.

~After Dinner


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Chapter 45: I loved this interactive story a lot :DD I'm so sad to see it go :( Thanks for creating the story anyway author-nim! ^^ (P.S. I'M NOT A ERT *cough-cough-I-ended-with-chapter-37-cough-cough*)
FallenAngel671 #3
Chapter 42: Sigh.... if only real school put SHINee's Ring Ding Dong... it would be so awesome
sezzzz #4
Chapter 39: whats the next chapter after 34? if it has already been written though...oh btw love the story :)
Chapter 39: ahhhhhh!! so sweet~ thanks for the update <3 cant wait for more ^-^
Chapter 29: ahh whats after 27? the link isnt working x.x
Chapter 35: I love you!! Hahahah yess!
Chapter 35: *bangs head against the wall* Omo Haneul it means I like you Dx
Chapter 29: Omg why is Angel such a ? I just want to punch her myself. I had a best friend who was named Angel and now she's kinda a now.
Chapter 24: It's great but what chapter is after 22 and please reply to me as fast as possible because I'm confus and I really want to read what's next! >_<