My New Teacher [Interactive Story]

"I think I'll just go home." You replied. "I'm kinda tired." 

"I see, maybe next time, I'll walk you home. Well if you want?" He asked.

"Sure, why not. Thanks." I smiled at him we started to walk it was getting kinda cold. It was already 6:30, time went by so fast. I was starting to shiver, I looked at him and he didn't even look like he was cold, I mean he was wearing a sleeveless shirt. 

"What?" He asked, he must've noticed I looked at him.

"Nothing, it's just that aren't you cold?" I asked him.

"Nope, why are you?" He asked.

"Yeah, kinda." I replied, I just noticed fog was coming out of our mouths when we talked.

"Do you want my jacket?"

"No, it's fine." I answered hugging myself to  make myself warmer.

"No, I insist. You're going to get a cold." He said as he took out his jacket from his bag. "Here." He smiled.

"Are you sure?" He nodded. "Thank you." I smiled as I zipped up his jacket, his jacket smelled like his cologne. Wait...Why am I even thinking like this? 0_o Haneul stop....You're so weird lately....I know I like him but, I don't know..I glanced at him. "Are you sure you're not cold?" I asked again. I don't want to take his jacket especially when it's this cold.

"Yes, I'm sure." He smiled as he put his arm around me. "Don't worry, I'm still warm from the dancing." He smiled.

"Okay, but tell me if you are." I replied and continued walking while his arm was around me, this made me feel much warmer. We walked for a while in silence, this was at the point when it was getting akward. Should I start a conversation? Yeah, I should. "So, how's life so far?" I asked.

"Life's okay, kinda compilcated I guess." He replied as he put his hands in his pocket. He soon started to look through his pockets.

"Are you looking for something?" I asked.

"Yeah, I'm looking for my house keys, I don't think they're in my pocket..." He replied looking worried. "Of course." He opened up his bag. "Crap...I must've left my keys at home." He whispered.

"You lost your keys?"

"Yeah, I guess I'll have to knock on the door today." He sighed. 

"Okay then..So how's your life complicated?" I said.

"Well, my life isn't complicated like physically, like bankrupt or anything. I just have mixed feelings, that's all." He replied.

"How? What about?" I asked. "Sorry, I don't want to e nosy or anything sorry."

"No, it's fine. I never really talked to anyone about life except you." He answered. "Plus, you're a easy person to talk too." He smiled at me.

"Really? Thanks." I smiled. "So, why are you having mixed emotions?" I asked.

"Well, that's hard to explain, like this friend of mine I want to have, then I don't, then I just want to forget the since I know they would never accept my feelings." He sighed.

"Oh, I know how you're feeling." I replied. "I feeling the same ways about this guy as well." I looked down.

"Yeah, the downside to mine is that she just rejected one of my offers and I just met her."

"I know this guy I like I just met." I added.

"Yeah..." He said and sighed. We walked infront of my house. "Bye Haneul." He waved at me and walked towards his house. 

"Bye Jongup! I'll see you on Monday." I replied and walking into my house. As I walked in I saw my umma.

"You bought a new jacket?" She asked.

"No, I borrowed this from my friend." I replied. "Oh, my friend I better give this back to him." I said and ran towards the door.

"Okay then." I heard my umma say while I was closing the door. As I jogged to Jongup's house I saw him sitting on the bench infront of the door.

"Hey, why are you sitting out here?" I asked.

"Well my parents aren't here yet, so I have to wait here." He replied as he hugged himself, I knew he was getting cold.

"I brought you you're jacket back." I said as I handed him his jacket.

"Thanks." He smiled as he put it on.

"Hey, since you're still waiting you must be hungry, it's dinner time already, you wanna have dinner over my house?" I asked.

"Thanks, but it's fine. I don't want to bother your family." He replied.

"It's fine, we love company." I smiled.

"You sure right?"

"Positive, now c'mon. You must be freezing." I smiled at him as we walked towards my house. As I opened the door I saw my umma putting out the plates for dinner. "Umma, is it okay if my friend Jongup stays for dinner? He got locked out of his house and his parents aren't here. So can he stay here until they arrive?" I asked.

"Yeah, sure." Umma smiled. "Come in."

"Okay c'mon." I said as I pulled his hand while we walked to the living room and sat on the couch.

"Thanks again." He smiled.

"No problem." I smiled.

"Hey, can we exchange numbers?" He asked nervously.

"Sure, why not." I replied as we gave each other our numbers. I could kinda tell he was shy at sometimes, I mean I am too.

"You guys dinner's ready!" Umma announced.

"Okay, we're coming." I replied as I walked towards the dinning room with Jongup following me. As we sat he sat next to me.

"Thank you for letting me stay for a while." He said to my parents.

"You're welcome, and aren't you Haneul's friend that lives a few houses down?" My umma asked.

"Yes, that's me." He smiled.

"That's great, so do your parent know you got locked out?"

"Yes, I have already called them they said they would be back home at 9 today. I'm sorry I took up your time." He apologized.

"No don't worry you're not. Atleast we met a new neighbor." 

"Yes, I did too." He smiled and ate. After we finished Jongup and I decided to go up my room.

"Haneul come over here." My appa said.

"Okay." I replied I hope I wasn't in trouble Jongup stood by the staircase.

"So, you're taking a guy up your room, you two better not be doing funny business up there." Appa said.

"Don't worry." I smiled and walked back to the stairs where Jongup was waiting and walked up to my room. As we got up to my room I sat on my bed as he sat in a chair.

"So...." I asked akwardly.

"Yeah, ummm." He said. "What kind of music do you like?" 

"I like any kind of music really." I replied. "Umm, just not country." 

"Yeah I know right." He replied as we continued talking about each other.


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Chapter 45: I loved this interactive story a lot :DD I'm so sad to see it go :( Thanks for creating the story anyway author-nim! ^^ (P.S. I'M NOT A ERT *cough-cough-I-ended-with-chapter-37-cough-cough*)
FallenAngel671 #3
Chapter 42: Sigh.... if only real school put SHINee's Ring Ding Dong... it would be so awesome
sezzzz #4
Chapter 39: whats the next chapter after 34? if it has already been written though...oh btw love the story :)
Chapter 39: ahhhhhh!! so sweet~ thanks for the update <3 cant wait for more ^-^
Chapter 29: ahh whats after 27? the link isnt working x.x
Chapter 35: I love you!! Hahahah yess!
Chapter 35: *bangs head against the wall* Omo Haneul it means I like you Dx
Chapter 29: Omg why is Angel such a ? I just want to punch her myself. I had a best friend who was named Angel and now she's kinda a now.
Chapter 24: It's great but what chapter is after 22 and please reply to me as fast as possible because I'm confus and I really want to read what's next! >_<