It was nice knowing you

Bulletproof love
I looked at the two bodies on the ground. Blood stained the carpets and walls, as I hear them take their lasts gasps of air, as their souls leave their body. I turned to my the beast I summoned, crouching in a corner. Her feathers were painted red with blood, her claws sticky with the flesh of her victims.

" You can leave now. Go back to your hell."

The siren bowed, as a hole opened up and shadows wrapped around her. I crouched next to one of the assassins to examine his body. I needed to know why he was here, and who else is here. I pat the body down, taking note of everything he owned and wore. That's when I saw the logo on the sleeve. * Son corporation.* These guys again. Gunshots broke my reverie as I snap back into reality. Gunshots and screams could be heard, and they were getting closer and closer. The doors blasted open as my men were flung out into the corridor. They were shooting and fighting four men, but they were unmatched. These guys, they're unnatural. Watching them fight, I could sense the overwhelming bloodlust from all of them. Especially one of them. His aura, it was nearly as menacing as that of a demon. The power and strength he emitted, it made me falter. I could feel it. I've met my match.


I looked at the guy squirming on the floor. Raising my gun up to his temple, I smiled from ear to ear. My eyes didn't even flinch as his brains burst right into the wall behind him. I looked around the place as I straightened myself. Dongjun hyung was still dealing with the other guards in the other room, so its better not to disturb him. I took three steps forward, walking towards the mess in front of me. This was where the sudden wave of energy came from. So I'm guessing the two bloody piles in front of me must be Kikwang and yoseob hyung. I couldn't help but feel disappointed. I raised my gun at their bodies, shooting them relentlessly.

" ing worthless hyungs."


My breath was hard and heavy. If I hadn't push myself into ths room, that guy would have seen me. My mind was spinning as I hear him shooting his own companions bodies, calling then worthless. Such bloodlust. This guy is crazy! Fear was quickly choking me as I realise I'm facing mad men. I had to get my family out of here! I scrambled out of the room, taking the shortest route to mine.

I burst into my room, fearing the worst. I expected my room to be ravaged already, so I wasn't surprised why I found myself facing the barrel of a gun. But, I was surprised to see Taeyeon holding up the gun.

" Jinki! Oh god I'm glad you're safe!"

She flung herself at me, crashing into mine. For a moment, my mind forgot about the danger we were in as I savoured her lips. But, I couldn't enjoy too long as she broke the kiss first.

" We have to get you out of here. We have to keep you and Taemin safe. Go pack some stuff while I call someone. Go!"

I pushed her away, making my way to the room next door. I sat on a chair, the charm in my hand. A sudden chill went down my spine, warning me of his presence.

" Aaargh, what do you want Jinki! I was having a nap!"

I stood up and turned to face him. The demon stood in front of me in his human form. He looked like and ordinary teenage kid. Only thing different about him was his exceptionally good looks and the pale skin.

" I need you to do something for me."

" You're not contracted to me remember? I don't have to listen to you orde-"

" I know! But I need your help! I'm requesting you to help, begging for your help not as a demon contracter, but as an old friend."

The demon looked uncertain, his face unable to hide the conflicting thoughts in his head.

" Please Myungsoo-ah."

At the mention of his real name, he softened a bit. Giving tired sigh, he nodded his head.

" Thank you! Thank you Myungsoo ah!"

" Just get to the point. What do you need?"

" Take my family somewhere safe. Take Taeyeon and Taemin somewhere away from here and watch over them. I don't think I can protect them from now on so please, watch over them."

Myungsoo looked at me with a stoned expression. Finally, he nodded his head and walked to my room. I slumped back into the seat, feeling as though a big problem was eased off my shoulder. Suddenly, gunshots rang and screams echoed in my room. I rushed out, my mind scrambling to understand the situation. What I saw made me snap. An assassin was impaled on one of the walls while another was being choked my Myungsoo. I could see his life force being drained out, his body turning into a pile of dust. But what made me snap was Taeyeon, lying on the ground in a pool of her blood. She was gasping for air, trying to call out my name. I Sprinted to her, my throat choked with words that refused to come out. I didn't know what to do, I didn't know what to say. I picked her up, craddling her in my arms. I tried to stop the bleeding by applying pressure but it was no use. The blood just kept flowing, escaping her frail body.

" Jinki..... I..... I'm sc.... Scar... red."

Her eyes was red and I could see the fear in her eyes. Her face was quickly turning pale yet I couldn't do anything.

" There there, you'll be fine babe, you'll be fine. Myungsoo will take you to a hospital okay? Just hang in there. Just.... Just hold on okay darling?"

I held her closely, trying to console her. I could feel the tears streaming down my face as I caressed her face. She looked at me one last time as her life faded away. She smiled one last time before breathing her last. Her smiling face remained etched in my mind as I buried my face in her chest. I cried out loud, hoping she'd hear me and wake up. Yet her smiling face didn't move, her eyes remained shut. I couldn't remember anything else, and I didn't think about anything else. Only her smiling face and laughter remained in my mind as I sat in front of my fathers room. I was waiting for the assassins. Revenge. That's all I want now. Revenge.


I walked down the corridor, towards the master bedroom. Time to end this mission. I got separated with Dongjun hyung but it doesn't matter. I can handle the old guy myself. I pushed the doors open, and found a surprised waiting for me. A man was sitting in front of the doors to the master bedroom, staring at me on the other side of this living room. The anger and hatred in his eyes was intimidating, and that only excited me even more. I could feel a large energy coming from him, and his bloodlust was immense.

" Well then..... I have a job to complete. So lets finish this quickly yea?"

I whipped out my knife, as we approached each other. Next thing I knew, we were both at each others necks.


I walked away from the mansion, holding Taemin close to me. I looked at the baby closely. He had his mother's eyes and mouth. Well, too bad he won't know that. Such a poor kid. I looked back one last time. It was nice knowing you, Jinki-ah.
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Ydvvfjkch #1
Chapter 35: Wow!!! Thumbs up?.....
Please more taeun ❤️
Chapter 34: hmmm to be honest from the start i read this, i can't really guess which one the ending is, the sad one or the happy one, because the plot is very dark and unpredicted. And i dont really surprise when it comes with sad ending. But afterall, this is a good stories and different from others, i appreciate it :)
myria71 #3
Chapter 34: Oh's a sad ending....i was hoping for a miracle that they wl be together but i guess that's life. Not all love wl end with happiness but indeed it was a good story. I luv it very much. Thanks..i'm going to miss this story.
dilaery #4
Chapter 34: so sad authornim..this is sad ending btw thanx 4 the update
Chapter 33: Next chapter pleaseeeeee ^^
Chapter 30: Is it near the ending yet? Seems like this story almost reach its
raebinnie #7
Chapter 29: waahhh now it's more intresting,what will happen to tm n ne ?? hope this story hve happy ending
keep writing,we'll wait fro the next chapter
author nim fighting!!!