black hole

Bulletproof love
I walked out of the restaurant, my stomach full on Korean beef. Sometimes, human do things right and beef is definitely one of them. I glanced back and looked at the two lovers. Its was starting to get awkward in there so I decided to leave. Now those two were practically in each others arms. My eyes lingered on Taemin. Its the first time I've seen him smile so widely, so happily. Its satisfying, to raise him up and see him smile like that. You're missing out on this, Jinki ah.

A sudden disturbance interrupted my thoughts. It felt close. Too close. Why are there so many assassins in the town nowadays goddammit. Keeping Taemin safe is starting to become a hassle. I walked briskly to the alley, sticking to the shadows. My eyes flashed red before turning black. My skin became pale and my veins pulsed with my dark, black blood. My teeth grew longer and sharper, so did my nails. My senses heightened to supernatural degrees. I could smell everyone's blood, the whole neighbourhood being mapped out in my mind. It took me just a few seconds to identify the assassin. His blood, it was distinct. Bad blood. That's what I called them. I ran straight into the shadows, disappearing into the night.

I stepped out of the shadows. My footsteps were light, and my breathing was nearly non-existent. I spot him, leaning against the wall, watching a teenage boy enter a shop. The assassin was good, keeping his presence hidden from everyone else. My eyes flashed red. I checked whether he had any weapons, any ways to defend himself. My lips raised into a grin as I confirmed he was defenceless. He's merely an observer, a scout for someone higher. I glided up behind him. He couldn't hear me, not till the last second. My hand reached out and grabbed his neck. Flinging him behind, He landed on the hard floor, his eyes bulging from the shock. He was clutching his neck, as though checking if it was still intact. He crawled away from me as I walked closer to him.

" Hello there. Nice to meet you. My name is L, the local demon in this town. I am acting on a hunch here, but I am sure you've heard about the missing people in this town? They are, or were, your colleagues, am I right?"

The guy was pinned against the wall now. His face was if pure terror and shock. His eyes were glazed over while his breathing was ragged. I could hear his heart beat at a furious pace.

" Now now, relax! Calm your heart down! I don't want you dying from a heart attack. You're important to me alive, not dead. Well not yet."

My voice turned into a growl as I lunged at him. The shadows opened up behind him as I tackled him into the darkness. His screams were swallowed by the darkness like a black hole.
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Ydvvfjkch #1
Chapter 35: Wow!!! Thumbs up?.....
Please more taeun ❤️
Chapter 34: hmmm to be honest from the start i read this, i can't really guess which one the ending is, the sad one or the happy one, because the plot is very dark and unpredicted. And i dont really surprise when it comes with sad ending. But afterall, this is a good stories and different from others, i appreciate it :)
myria71 #3
Chapter 34: Oh's a sad ending....i was hoping for a miracle that they wl be together but i guess that's life. Not all love wl end with happiness but indeed it was a good story. I luv it very much. Thanks..i'm going to miss this story.
dilaery #4
Chapter 34: so sad authornim..this is sad ending btw thanx 4 the update
Chapter 33: Next chapter pleaseeeeee ^^
Chapter 30: Is it near the ending yet? Seems like this story almost reach its
raebinnie #7
Chapter 29: waahhh now it's more intresting,what will happen to tm n ne ?? hope this story hve happy ending
keep writing,we'll wait fro the next chapter
author nim fighting!!!