HIS return

Bulletproof love
I her hair, pushing them out of the way. I only wanted to look at her face. She was still asleep, yet her face was glowing. The morning breeze blew in, giving me goosebumps. The sudden breeze had an effect on her too, as she snuggled up beside me. Her warmth was spreading all over my body. I held her in my arms, just relishing her presence. My thoughts drifted off, thinking about L hyung. It was normal for him to go off on a trip, but he'd usually leave a note saying where he was going and for how long. This time, he just disappeared without a trace. He's a demon, I'm sure he can take care of himself.


I entered the room, a knife in my hand. The room was filled with darkness, with no signs of life anywhere. Only the strong smell of blood gave any indication that there was someone inside. I flicked the light switch on, and the gore and blood in the room became clear. The floor and walls were stained with dried blood, and in the corner of he room, what seemed to be decaying flesh. Seated in the center of the room, my prisoner sat strapped to a chair. His body was battered and bloody, cuts and gashes all over his body. His hair was matted by his own blood, sticking to his face.

" Oi. Wake up punk."

I kicked the chair, waking him up. I circled him, watching his laboured breathing as he gained consciousness. His vision was obstructed by blood and his hair, but my mere voice was enough to make him stiffen up. I could smell the fear just emitting from him. I bowed down to eye level, our eyes locked.

" I must praise you. Three days of torture. Noone has ever survived three days of torture from me. Then again, most of them died by the end of the first day. None of them broke and gave away information. Just like you."

I could see the defiance from his eyes a burning desire to strike me down. But it was drowned by fear. Fear of death. I twirled the knife between my fingers. It was intimidating to him, having experienced the knife carving his body countless times now.

" Fourth day now. Can you survive the whole day? Will you break? Or maybe even...... Die?"

A grin broke out on my face. He was shaking in fear and anger. His jaw was locked, and it didn't seem like his resolve had broken down.

" Now lets go with the easy questions okay? What's your name?"

He looked surprise by the question. It was a different question from what I've been asking him for the past three days. It seemed like he didn't know how to speak, so I slammed the of my knife into his throat. The impact made him cough violently, retching and coughing.

" Min.... Hyuk. My names..... Min Hyuk."

He managed to sputter the words out, despite his throat in pain.

" Min Hyuk ah. Now..... Now its time I move on to the more.... Hard stuff. Trust me if you cooperate, it'll be much better, for your sake. So far I've only been inflicting flesh wounds, but now, now I'm serious. You don't cooperate, I'll seriously maime you. Now, why are you and your friends hunting people in my town?"

He looked at me dead in the eye, and spat at me. I was expecting it, but it was still irksome. To teach him a lesson, I drove the knife into his kneecap, all the way to the hilt. His scream filled the room, possibly the whole building, but Noone would hear him.

" C'mon Min Hyuk ah! Don't make this hard for yourself. You don't answer, I'll pop your knee off."

I twisted the knife a little bit, just to make my point know. His scream grew louder, and he was thrashing on his seat, driving the knife further in.

" To.... To hunt a boy! We're hunting a boy!"

His voice was desperate and pleading pulled out the knife, fulfilling mg end of the deal.

" Who exactly?"

" A.... A guy named..... Taemin. Lee.... Tae....min "

Taemin? Why? Why are they hunting him?

" Why are you hunting him then? What does he have to do with you?"

" I don't know. My boss....... merely asked us to find a........ guy born from the Lee family. We found....... out later his name. ........was....... Lee Taemin."

People hunting Taemin? Has it already come? Has the time come? Is he really back to hunt Taemin?

" Who is he? Who's your boss!"

" That..... I cannot..... Tell you"

I drove the knife into his kneecap again, causing his agonizing screams echo out again. I twisted the knife even more, until his knee was on the verge of popping out.


" Then tell me where you work"

I growled that next to his ear, fully twisting the knife and popping his knee out. He cried out in extreme pain, sobbing.

" Son...... Son corporation....."

The words were inaudible at first but I quickly caught on.

" You've done your job. Well done. I'm must praise you. 4 days of torture and you endure. But now, yiuve outlived your purpose. Goodbye."

I transformed into my demon form, and tackled him, teeth sinking into his neck and claws ripping his flesh. His screams were drowned out eventually by the blood flooding his throat. As I feast in his body, my thoughts wander to Taemin. I need to find him and warn him, take him as far away as possible. The man has returned for Taemin, and his life is in danger. That man who killed my two friends. Son Dongwoon.


The day came and went uneventful. But a day with my girlfriend was exciting enough for me. Night came upon us, and I lay in bed, with Naeun by my side.

" Don't go to bed yet love, don't you think its too early?"

I stared into her eyes, my fingers brushing her smooth skin. She leaned closer to me, till her face was mere inches from mine. Her face was calm and relaxed, but her eyes betrayed her, showing me the love and affection she had for me.

" Next time. Next time we'll have all the time in the world to ourselves. I promise."

She gave me a peck on the tip of my nose, before laying her head back onto my shoulders, snuggling her face into my chest. I could only smile as I her hair before I embraced her in a hug tight.

" Goodnight, my moon"

My eyelids closed, as I fell asleep with my juliet in my arms.

" Ahh.... Young love. Such an innocent and pure emotion. However..... I'm afraid this won't last. I'm afraid this relationship would only end on tragedy. Enjoy this while you can, Taemin-ah. I'm telling you this as a friend. The fates are not so kind, and one of you won't be coming out of this alive. Hahaha... Oh well. More souls for me. Goodnight. Sleep tight, don't let the dead bite!"

L's presence disappeared, leaving behind a grave warning forever etched in my mind. embrace.
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Ydvvfjkch #1
Chapter 35: Wow!!! Thumbs up?.....
Please more taeun ❤️
Chapter 34: hmmm to be honest from the start i read this, i can't really guess which one the ending is, the sad one or the happy one, because the plot is very dark and unpredicted. And i dont really surprise when it comes with sad ending. But afterall, this is a good stories and different from others, i appreciate it :)
myria71 #3
Chapter 34: Oh author-nim...it's a sad ending....i was hoping for a miracle that they wl be together but i guess that's life. Not all love wl end with happiness but indeed it was a good story. I luv it very much. Thanks..i'm going to miss this story.
dilaery #4
Chapter 34: so sad authornim..this is sad ending btw thanx 4 the update
Chapter 33: Next chapter pleaseeeeee ^^
Chapter 30: Is it near the ending yet? Seems like this story almost reach its
raebinnie #7
Chapter 29: waahhh now it's more intresting,what will happen to tm n ne ?? hope this story hve happy ending
keep writing,we'll wait fro the next chapter
author nim fighting!!!