
Bulletproof love
My fingers intertwined with hers, my thumb caressing her hands. We gazed at each others eyes, hers shining under the street lamp. There was a fluttering feeling rising up my throat and my head became lighter. Her eyes were mesmerising, and I was falling deeper for her. I swooped down again and kissed her. A small peck on the lips, and yet it gave me so much joy, so much ecstasy, just to give her a small peck on the lips.

" So, are we like really dating?"

I had to ask her. I needed to confirm it. When she nodded her head, her eyes still glued to mine, a smile spread across my lips. I must have looked like a grinning fool because Naeun started giggling at me. Her laugh was addictive and I loved hearing it.

" Lets go get something to eat before you go home."

I dragged her up and walked through the park. Our hands were still stuck together, and the warmth from her hands were comforting. Without thinking, I slid both our hands into my jeans pocket. My hands were getting cold and I did not realise I had slid her hands into my pocket too. The stares and look of envy from everyone was delightful to say the least. My heart grew watching the guys looking at me with jealousy. I had an angel together with me, and they knew it. I looked down at Naeun, looking at her face. She squeezed my hands before giving me a smile worthy of Miss Korea. We turned the corner and entered the restaurant when I saw him. He was just sitting there, looking blankly at his ram en. Noone was sitting with him, and he was just playing with this food. He suddenly looked up and saw me. A smile broke out on his face as he gestured to us to sit with him.

" Taemin! Over here! C'mon sit over here!"

L started waving and shouting our name from the other side of the restaurant. People started looking at us. I like showing off my girlfriend, but this kind of attention was different. I wrapped my arms around Naeun and brought her closer to me. We couldn't do anything else buy go to L's table.

" What are you doing here hyung! Why aren't you home?!"

I started asking him questions the moment we sat at his table. I took a moment to look at him properly. His hair was neat and slicked back perfectly, as usual. But it was his shirt that caught my attention. Some parts of his shirt had grime and dirt on it, and what looked like blood under this darned light on his sleeve.

" I just got back from meeting a friend and I felt hungry so I stopped by to get food. Why are you two here, acting even more lovey-dovey than usual. Or is it not acting?"

Both Naeun and my cheeks blushed red. I could feel the rush of blood tinting my cheeks. I don't know how but L always knows what's going on in my life can see through me like a book. Well I guess its partly because he's a demon, but still.

" Order anything you want. I'll treat you two for today."


As the two lovebirds looked through the menu, I took a napkin and started wiping my sleeve. I saw how Taemin was looking at me, and I was careless to leave such a stain on my sleeve. Another assassin down, and a satisfactory one too. He put up more of a fight than the previous one. My mind pondered a little. I'm finding more and more assassins frequently now. I've even caught the scent of two more close by. Why are there so many assassins in this town nowadays? I folded the napkin and tucked it into my pocket. I should find out more information, which means capturing one of the assassins. Hohoho I'm going to have so much fun.
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Ydvvfjkch #1
Chapter 35: Wow!!! Thumbs up?.....
Please more taeun ❤️
Chapter 34: hmmm to be honest from the start i read this, i can't really guess which one the ending is, the sad one or the happy one, because the plot is very dark and unpredicted. And i dont really surprise when it comes with sad ending. But afterall, this is a good stories and different from others, i appreciate it :)
myria71 #3
Chapter 34: Oh's a sad ending....i was hoping for a miracle that they wl be together but i guess that's life. Not all love wl end with happiness but indeed it was a good story. I luv it very much. Thanks..i'm going to miss this story.
dilaery #4
Chapter 34: so sad authornim..this is sad ending btw thanx 4 the update
Chapter 33: Next chapter pleaseeeeee ^^
Chapter 30: Is it near the ending yet? Seems like this story almost reach its
raebinnie #7
Chapter 29: waahhh now it's more intresting,what will happen to tm n ne ?? hope this story hve happy ending
keep writing,we'll wait fro the next chapter
author nim fighting!!!