first kiss

Bulletproof love
20 years later:

My eyes fluttered open. The sunlight stung my eyes, causing a pang of pain to vibrate through my brain. I struggled to sit up, my head throbbing. I glanced at the table, looking at the empty beer bottles littered all over it. I tried to stand up, hoisting myself up using the arms of the sofa. My sudden movements made me lose my centre of gravity and I fell over, face planting into the ground. The booze in my stomach made its way up after stomach lurched. The bile traveled up my throat and forced its way out my mouth. I groaned into the vomit-stained carpet, my throat burning.

" You're a horrendous mess you know that Taemin?"

I didn't even hear the demon enter when I see him crouching in front of me, shaking his head in disapproval.

" L! When did you come?"

" Been a few hours since I've been here, you bastard! I haven't seen you for a week and when I get home, I see you lying in your own vomit. Nice bachelor life. Now get up! You've got a lecture to attend in an hour!"

Next thing I knew, I was slumped on the toilet floor, the warm water cascading down my back. The steam soothed my headache while the warm water massaged and relaxed my muscles. Slowly, I could feel the hangover receding, and my mind started working again. My long hair stuck to my face, prompting me to decide to cut my hair today. Well at least I have something to do after my lecture right?


" I KNOW!"

A smile formed on my lips as I couldn't help think how naggy he is. Despite being a demon, L's been my friend, brother and guardian. He's been taking care of me since I was 1, or so he says. When I ask what happened to my parents, he never answered, always giving me vague answers. Well, it doesn't affect me anyway. I'm doing well on my own.

I walked down the corridor at campus, observing the students walking about. Most of them were just obnoxious jerks still trapped in high school. Just pathetic fools really. I've always been the loner, the outcast. But, it doesn't matter. I like being alone. At least I'm not affected or disturbed by anyone. Finally, I reached the oak tree in the garden behind campus. It was a quiet area, isolated from anything else. It was the main reason I like hanging there during my breaks. That and the spirits roaming around the area. That's the reason the place is so quiet. Everyone is scared of the rumours of ghost and ghouls roaming around the area. Truth is, they're only spirits, and they're benevolent spirits too. I leaned against the tree, closing my eyes. I needed a nap. The history lecture this morning really took a toll on my brain. I just needed a small..... Nap.....

My sweet nap was suddenly disturbed by a presence in front of me. It was a different kind of aura. Not a spirit or a demons but that of a human. I opened one eye, lazy to open both eyes fully. I was surprised to see a beautiful girl staring back at me, merely inches away front my face. Her eyes were round and large like saucers. Shiny and sparkling saucers. Her nose and jawline were perfectly shaped and sculptured. And her lips. Those plump and pink lips. The shock of seeing a girl so close to me made me jerk up. Oh how that changed my life drastically. My face jerked upwards towards hers, and something soft, smooth crashed into my lips. It took me and her a few minutes to realise what happened, but it was already too late. My lips was locked with hers. Electricity shocked through my lips. The nerves in my lips were tingling as my mouth started getting warm. Without warning, she pushed me down and touched her lips. The surprised on her face was obvious, and she kept touching her lips. Before I could say anything and apologise, she quickly grabbed her haversack and dashed off. I couldn't move. Heck, I didn't want to move. I could still taste her cherry lipstick on my lips. What's this feeling I'm having? I don't know what happened, but, I liked it. I just hope I could see her again.

I plopped down on my seat in the lecture hall. I was seated right at the back, away from everyone else, alone. I started doodling on my textbook before the lecture even started. I could care less about history. I mean, I have a freaking demon living with me! He can tell me everything!

" Ehem! Mr taemin! If you could be so kind as to LISTEN TO ME FOR A FEW MINUTES!"

A chalk suddenly flew by my face, catching my attention.

" Thank you. Now, class. We have a new student who will be joining our class. Her name is Son Naeun. Please teach her and befriend her. Now miss Son, if you could be so kind as too sit with Mr Taemin at the back."

The girl next too my lecturer bowed to him before making her way to me. I didn't care initially, intending to ignore her altogether. But, I couldn't do that anymore. Not when I know who the girl is. She sat next to me and shyly looked at me. She touched her lips, biting her lower lip. I couldn't help but bury my face in my hands. I was sitting next to the girl who stole my first kiss!
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Ydvvfjkch #1
Chapter 35: Wow!!! Thumbs up?.....
Please more taeun ❤️
Chapter 34: hmmm to be honest from the start i read this, i can't really guess which one the ending is, the sad one or the happy one, because the plot is very dark and unpredicted. And i dont really surprise when it comes with sad ending. But afterall, this is a good stories and different from others, i appreciate it :)
myria71 #3
Chapter 34: Oh's a sad ending....i was hoping for a miracle that they wl be together but i guess that's life. Not all love wl end with happiness but indeed it was a good story. I luv it very much. Thanks..i'm going to miss this story.
dilaery #4
Chapter 34: so sad authornim..this is sad ending btw thanx 4 the update
Chapter 33: Next chapter pleaseeeeee ^^
Chapter 30: Is it near the ending yet? Seems like this story almost reach its
raebinnie #7
Chapter 29: waahhh now it's more intresting,what will happen to tm n ne ?? hope this story hve happy ending
keep writing,we'll wait fro the next chapter
author nim fighting!!!