
Bulletproof love
My hand trembled, the gun shaking in my hands. I could feel my blood pumping, my heart beating fast. I'm facing my enemy, the one that has been hunting me, haunting my dreams and sleep. I was feeling fear, but this fear was different. It wasn't paralyzing, like most people say. This was invigorating, pumping me with adrenaline. My mind was racing, despite being in the sights of five guns. I could feel it in my veins, the fear and determination mixing together inside of me.

" You know, you're like a brick tied to me. You've been a burden to me for the past 20 years, fueling me with anxiety. Finally meeting you tonight, I sure hope I can get rid of these anxieties."

Dongwoon approached closer to me, his gun still aimed at me. My eyes darted to the four people around me. They were stone- faced, absolutely expressionless. They were young, probably around my age. Yet, they're all so dead, lifeless and glum. Their eyes were dark and misted, as though they have never experienced happiness before.

" Dad? Taemin?! What's going on here, why are you guys pointing Gus at each other?!"

That voice. A chill went down my spine, as my blood turned cold. Dongwoon and I turned towards the stairwell next to us, our guns still aimed at one another. I looked at Naeun, the stunning angel. She was dressed in just her jeans and shirt, yet she looked flawless. My grip on the gun loosened when I saw Naeun.

" Why do you two have guns pointing at each other? Dad? Taemin? SOMEONE ANSWER ME!"

Her voice pulled me back to reality, and I tightened my grip on the gun. I turned to look at Dongwoon, who had also turned to me. Our eyes met, and I could see a flash of annoyance in his eyes.

" Listen Naeun, and listen well. This boy here is dangerous. I've been looking him for a long time. He is a danger to me and you. My whole company and our family is at jeopardy because of this man right here."

Naeun turned to look at me. Her eyes showed fear, but I could also see doubt, hope that what her father said was false.

" You killed my parents...... Of course I'd be a threat to you. That's why you've been hunting me for 20 years. Coming to kill you is the least I could do to repay you."

Now it was her father that Naeun faced. Her legs were shaking, her knees weak from what she's learning. Leaning against the stairs, she looked at her father wearily.

" Is it..... Is it true? Did you really do that? Tell me you're joking. Both of you! PLEASE TELL ME THIS IS ALL A JOKE!"

Suddenly, Dongwoon's eyes changed. Instead of an innocence, his eyes turned evil and sly. It was dangerous, the bloodlust exiting from him was intimidating. " Fine, Ya caught me. No point hiding it anymore. I was never the man you thought I was. I'm a mafia boss, and Its true, I killed his parents. They were in the way. If they had just moved along, they wouldn't have died. Now, their darned son is grown up and trying to kill me."

A grin crept on his face, an evil glint in his eyes. He cocked his gun, ready to shoot.

" Now, say your prayers! Try to let all your good memories roll. Who knows, maybe god won't show them. Good bye."

I cocked my gun as well, ready to shoot. If I was going to die, at least I'd bring that bastard along with me.

" Wait no!"

A figure suddenly appeared between th two of us. Her scent filled my nose, as I looked at Naeun standing in front of me, shielding me from her father.

" I won't let you shoot! You can't shoot my boyfriend!?"

Her voice was hard and defiant. Though her legs were shaking and weak, her face was hard and determined.

" Naeun. I am telling you, get out of the way. You don't want to get hurt, do you? I certainly don't. Now let me do my job."

" No! Please dad, we can settle this in a more civilised manner right? You don't have to kill him! You'd be branded a murderer! Please!"

" Don't worry. I won't be branded a murderer. I'll cover it up carefully. Now get out of the way. In war, love gets broken. Get over it."

He spat out the last few words, anger filled his words. I could see the anger rising on his face. His patience was quickly running out.

" You're a monster if you shoot."

That made him snap. The last strand of sanity in the guy snapped, and I could see his eyes turning wild.


He started screaming, his eyes wild with fury. His arms slammed onto a table, and swung the contents onto the floor. His breathing was hard and heavy, grating through gritted teeth. Naeun wobbled on her feet, her strength quickly escaping her. I stepped forward to help her, but the four men stepped closer, their guns at the ready. I forgot about them. My eyes watched the four men closely, before turning back to Dongwoon. He was back on his feet, massaging his temples. He looked trouble, but not mad. It seemed as though he had regained his senses. He looked at the four men around me, and waved his hand. At once, they retracted their guns and stood at attention.

" I'm sorry daughter, but your father's not the same. You can look into my eyes, and I'll swear that I will change. But Tomorow Is Tomorow, so forgive me when I say I can't let him live."

He looked at her hopefully, as though expecting her to change her mind at the last minute. But Naeun stood defiantly, not moving an inch.

" No. I won't forgive you."

" Fine. Remember, you brought this upon yourself Naeun- ah."

He raised his gun and shot straight, the gunshot ringing in the room. My eyes turned hazy as I lunged forward. Blood stained my shirt, my breathing becoming short and Sharp. I dropped to my knees, as I held her close. Naeun leaned on me, as she lay on the floor, blood staining her shirt where the bullet pierced her. Her eyes were getting heavy as tears flowed down her cheeks. ! I looked up at Dongwoon, my hatred for him growing, but instead, I was staring down th barrel of his gun.

" ing finally got out of the way."

" You're a monster."

I spat out the words, venom coating them.

" Both of us are. Both of us are broken from the start. However, even if I may be a monster, it doesn't matter, so long as you are dead."

He shot again, as darkness overwhelmed me.
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Ydvvfjkch #1
Chapter 35: Wow!!! Thumbs up?.....
Please more taeun ❤️
Chapter 34: hmmm to be honest from the start i read this, i can't really guess which one the ending is, the sad one or the happy one, because the plot is very dark and unpredicted. And i dont really surprise when it comes with sad ending. But afterall, this is a good stories and different from others, i appreciate it :)
myria71 #3
Chapter 34: Oh's a sad ending....i was hoping for a miracle that they wl be together but i guess that's life. Not all love wl end with happiness but indeed it was a good story. I luv it very much. Thanks..i'm going to miss this story.
dilaery #4
Chapter 34: so sad authornim..this is sad ending btw thanx 4 the update
Chapter 33: Next chapter pleaseeeeee ^^
Chapter 30: Is it near the ending yet? Seems like this story almost reach its
raebinnie #7
Chapter 29: waahhh now it's more intresting,what will happen to tm n ne ?? hope this story hve happy ending
keep writing,we'll wait fro the next chapter
author nim fighting!!!