
Bulletproof love
Darkness. Shadows everywhere. It was surrounding me, swallowed me up. It was endless, going on and on. I tried to breathe but the darkness was choking me. My lungs were empty, void of oxygen. I couldn't feel my face. My body was numb and my heart was slowly fading. Suddenly, a man emerged from the shadows. He was imposing, intimidating. He approached me and stopped in front of me.

" Hold on a little longer boy. I'm almost here. I'll find you soon, so get ready."

He smiled, a menacing smirk. His eyes were dead and had no emotion. He produced a gun from within his jacket and pointed at me. I was staring at the barrel of the gun, when a loud bang woke me up. I looked around, trying to readjust and collect my bearings. I looked to my right to see Naeun sleeping, curled up in a foetus position. Only now did I notice her body properly. Her legs were long and smooth. They were snow white while her body had curves in the right places. A part of her shirt was pulled up, and I got a glimpse of her milky smooth belly before L's knocking snapped me out of my reverie. L was knocking on the door furiously.


I took another look at Naeun before she stirred awake. She looked dazed for a few seconds before regaining her senses. She looked at me with sleepy eyes and gave me a smile so beautiful, my heart skipped a beat or two. I stood up, her hand in mine, and dragged her out to eat. The smell of meat filled the air. I couldn't wait to dig in. L hyung's cooking is arguably one of the best in the world. He could open up a restaurant if he wanted too. As I Wolfed down the meat, I couldn't help but watch Naeun eat as well. She must have been hungry too cause she was inhaling her food. Her eyes had a sparkle as she ate the meat. Her cheeks would puff up with food inside, making her look like a cute squirrel. She didn't notice me looking at her, and I didn't notice L watching the both of us. My mind was only filled by Naeun and only Naeun. Why? Why am I falling for her?

I walked down the pavement while Naeun trudged beside me. She seemed sad after leaving my apartment.

" Hey, why are you looking all gloomy? Something wrong?"

She turned to me with sad eyes. Her pout made her look cuter than humanly possible.

" I miss L oppa's cooking already."

I couldn't help but chuckle at her answer. I just continued walking towards the campus. I suddenly stopped a few blocks in front of the campus, causing Naeun to bump into me. I quickly held her hand, our fingers interwined. She looked at me with a confused look, her cheeks turning a quick shade of pink. I leaned in closer to her ear to whisper to her.

" The students at campus think we're dating remember? So just stay by my side and only look at me understand."

If someone were to see us from afar, it would have looked as though I was giving hard a kiss on her cheeks. At least this would help with the lie. I walked on in front of her, our hands linking with each other. I looked back at her, and smiled. She was looking at the ground, her face red from blushing.

" You do know we're not dating for real right?"

I didn't know why I said it, but I felt as though I had to. She was speechless, looking quite flustered. As we entered the campus, I could feel the gazes of a hundred men and women glaring at us. Some looked at us with envy and other with happiness. They were genuinely happy at the thought that we were 'dating'. I felt proud with Naeun beside me. I felt as though I had to show off to everyone I was with her, even though I wasn't dating her. The irony of it all.

Class started without a problem. The jerks that were harassing Naeun that morning were nowhere in sight. Noone dared to go near to Naeun since I was constantly around her. The only people who managed to approach her were some girls from our class, krystal anger group of friends. I knew who they were, and we were on good terms, but we aren't very close. Watching Naeun interacting with krystal made me realise how beautiful they were, both of them. It could just be me, but I felt as though Naeun's beauty made others look good too. Either that or I have never looked at krystal closely before.

" Ehem! Can we start now?"

Professor Changmin's arrival caused everyone to rush back to their seats. Krystal quickly went back to her seat after a small chat with Naeun.

" Now, today I won't be talking about history. Well not the technical part of history anyway. We are currently learning about the Persian and Greek war now. Now, who here watched the movie 300?"

Three quarters of the class raised their hands, me included. It was a good movie, but typical of an action movie.

" Good. Now, 300 is roughly based on the war. The battle of thermopylae, or the battle of the hot gates, really did happen. Though it wasn't really 300 soldiers, Sparta did send soldiers to try and halt the oncoming army of Persia. Now, these band of soldiers were clearly outnumbered, yet they willingly stepped forward and risked their lives to stop the Persian army here. Can anyone answer me why?"

" For fame?"

" Cause their king told them to?"

Changmin's questioned brought a lot of answers from the other students, but I wasn't paying much attention. I was only looking at Naeun beside me. She was engrossed with the lesson.

" All those answers.... Aren't wrong. But I want a more fulfilling, more satisfactory answer. Naeun? Do you have an answer?"

She looked surprised after being called out, and she was hesitant at first. I was starting to get curious of her answer too. She looked at me, as though asking for help. I merely nodded, telling her to answer.

" Umm.... Love?"

Her answer brought laughter from most of the class. I was pissed. She was giving her sincere answer and these guys are laughing at her.

" Love? That's an interesting answer. Why? Remember, there's no right or wrong answer."

She was hesitant again, afraid of being laughed at again. This time, I held her hand and squeezed it. This gave some strength to her, allowing her to answer.

" Love for the country and his family?"

" Good! That is a fantastic answer! Love! Love for his country and his family. Now, what does this love lead to? Care! They care for their families and don't want them to get hurt. So by going up to the Hot Gates and confronting the Persian army, they are protecting te people and country that they love. And when they die, they die without regrets. Now, thus applies to other historical battles, and it happens even now. Now for homework. Find the thing or person you love, and present it to the class. Explain why you want to protect it and why it is so important to you. Due by next week. Is that okay? Good. Class is dismissed."

Everyone quickly dispersed and left the classroom. Naeun was dragged out by krystal before I had a chance to even talk to her. I quickly ran out after them, chasing after Naeun. When I left the campus gates, I looked around. I saw krystal entering a car from afar. I cursed myself under my breath. Now I can't find Naeun and I don't even have her number. I turned around only to bump right into her.

" Taemin! I was just looking for you! Ummmm can I go to your house? I want to eat some of L oppa's cooking again. Is that okay?"

I gave a small smile while inside, I wa dying from happiness.

" I don't mind, and I don't think hyung minds either. But don't you have to go home?"

" Its fine. I already told my dad to fetch me later in the evening!"


I watched the two kids eat. Naeun, she's quite the girl. She's a beauty. She seems innocent and pure. No wonder Taemin is so infatuated by her. This seems nostalgic..... It feels like Jinki and Taeyeon all over again.
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Ydvvfjkch #1
Chapter 35: Wow!!! Thumbs up?.....
Please more taeun ❤️
Chapter 34: hmmm to be honest from the start i read this, i can't really guess which one the ending is, the sad one or the happy one, because the plot is very dark and unpredicted. And i dont really surprise when it comes with sad ending. But afterall, this is a good stories and different from others, i appreciate it :)
myria71 #3
Chapter 34: Oh's a sad ending....i was hoping for a miracle that they wl be together but i guess that's life. Not all love wl end with happiness but indeed it was a good story. I luv it very much. Thanks..i'm going to miss this story.
dilaery #4
Chapter 34: so sad authornim..this is sad ending btw thanx 4 the update
Chapter 33: Next chapter pleaseeeeee ^^
Chapter 30: Is it near the ending yet? Seems like this story almost reach its
raebinnie #7
Chapter 29: waahhh now it's more intresting,what will happen to tm n ne ?? hope this story hve happy ending
keep writing,we'll wait fro the next chapter
author nim fighting!!!