Chapter 26

Protecting Me


                Leeteuk felt himself being shaken awake by someone “Leeteuk wake up. Please wake up.” Leeteuk moaned as he opened his eyes “K-kibum?” Suddenly he was being crushed by Kibum “Oh thank God you’re alright!” Leeteuk didn’t dare to move an inch “What happened?” He felt Kibum shake his head “I have no idea I just remember feeling a lot of pain in my head then the next thing I knew I was waking up here.

                Leeteuk looked around as his heart dropped “Where exactly are we?

Kibum let Leeteuk go so he could stand up “I don’t know Teukie the last thing I know for sure is that we were on our way to meet Emily in the attic.” Leeteuk smacked Kibum lightly “And you wanted to come alone!” Kibum flinched at imagining how frantic Leeteuk would have gotten if he had found him unconscious on the floor.

                Kibum gave him a small smile “Sorry Teukie. Now to figure out where we are?” 

They looked around the small room which only contained a couch, a small tv and some paintings hanging on the wall; no door or window was visible anywhere. Kibum was suddenly struck with an idea “Start taking down the painting maybe there is like a door or at least a window.”

One by one the paintings were being pulled off as Kibum was taking one down Leeteuk was struggling with a bigger one. Finally when he got it down he nearly screamed for joy he quickly opened it and step through it cautiously not wanting to alert Kibum just in case there was something much worse inside the room.

“Did you find anything Teukie?” At not hearing a response Kibum was about to turn around only to hear Leeteuk’s scream “Kibum!”

Kibum made a dash to the open door as he burst through it he saw Leeteuk on the floor with his knees against his chest as his breathing got even more ragged. “Leeteuk! What’s wrong?” With a shaking finger Leeteuk pointed at the wall next to him. A gasp escaped Kibum’s lips as he saw it, the whole wall was covered with pictures of Leeteuk. Kibum felt his heart thump even more loudly as he took in all the photos.

He himself was feeling light headed as he saw pictures that where fan taken with Leeteuk with another member in it but what was more disturbing was that there was a big angry red ‘X’ on all the members except Leeteuk. He was brought back to his senses when he heard heartwrenching sobs coming from his boyfriend.

“Teukie? Hey it’s going to be ok.” Kibum was afraid Leeteuk was going to start hyper ventilating if he didn’t calm him down soon. “Hyung look at me. It’s going to be fine I’m here and I’m not going to let anyone come near you that will harm you.” Leeteuk gripped Kibum’s arms with bruising force “But who could…K-kibum…”

Leeteuk buried his face in Kibum’s neck just as a cold breeze hit Kibums back, Kibum stiffened knowing Emily was behind him. He slowly turned around knowing that they were completely at Emily’s mercy. “What the hell is this!?” Kibum felt his rage on the verge of spilling at any moment. He was tried of having Leeteuk scared and crying most of the time.

Emily gave them a sad smile “Sorry I had to show you this especially like this. But you had to see it.”  A sob escaped the terrified Leeteuk who was now almost completely plastered to Kibum’s back afraid to let him go. “And what the hell are we looking at? Your sick obsession with Leeteuk!”

A skin crawling laugh escaped Emily’s white lips “Not mine.” Kibum swallowed hard trying to keep his composeure that was quickly slipping “Then whose?” Emily smiled as she floated closer to Kibum “I think you already figure that out.” Kibum felt his skin crawl as Emily let her hand glide down Kibum’s cheek.

Kibum turned his head not liking the ice like hand against his skin at all “Don’t touch me.” Emily laughed as she backed off “So handsome.” Her eyes flashed red and suddenly Kibum was hurled across the room. Leeteuk screamed as Kibum was ripped from his arms and slammed against the wall. Leeteuk felt like a hand gripped his heart when Kibum didn’t stand back up.

Emily gasped as she clutched her head “She is mad you guys better go.” She walked closer to Leeteuk and handed him something, another envelope. “Sorry for this sweetie.” Leeteuk wanted to scream but before he got the chance once again everything went black.


Hope you like this chapter ^^ I have no clue where the story might end up heading anymore I keep changing it :D

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Great read!
arista_kyuu #2
Chapter 7: suddenly i miss kibum and hangeng.. huhuuhuhu... great story... *thumb up*
I'm so gunna read this!
Thnaks for the great story!!
Okay so such a crazy twist. But a happy ending. This story is like a movie. So interesting I couldn't stop reading
I'm only up to Chap11 but your chaps are good and not y at all. You keep second geussing yourself but it's good. And YA! Stop scaring me. My poor SuJu. Lol