Peek a Boo, I See Ziyu

Baby Oh Sehun

After the ordeal of Luhan being mad at Sehun had died down along with Baekhyun taking Chanyeol off his friends' list, the kids went outside for recess. Zitao looked to his left and right for Kris who usually orbited around him but the tallest of the bunch was no where to be seen. Tao turned to Minseok, who was the closest and tugged on his arm,

"Hyung, do you know where Kris is?" 

Minseok furrowed his eyebrows before giving the room a once over before he turned back to Zitao, "Nope, sorry, kiddo. Maybe he's already outside?" 

Zitao frowned but nodded and thanked Minseok nonetheless. 

The kids were already in a neat single line up as they waited for Mrs.Shin to open the door and let them outside, Zitao stood behind Minseok, being the last of the bunch, he tried to stand on the tip of his toes to peek over Chanyeol's tall height for Kris. 

The Panda of the group scratched his head in confusion when he didn't see Kris within the line up to go outside. He approached Mrs. Shin when she sat down on the steps of the daycare centre to watch over the kids. 

"Mrs. Shin, where is Kris?"

The woman smiled gently at Zitao, "He went home. He said he wasn't feeling very well so I called his mother and she came to pick him up before recess," Zitao's face fell at the news, "You can come sit with me and we can draw if you like. Or play some other games." She offered immediately. 

Zitao sighed after he looked around and saw that everyone was already into groups and had started their game. He didn't want to interfere so he sat down beside Mrs. Shin and waited for the bell to ring.

By the swing set, Sehun and Luhan sat on the little bench as they watched their friends play. "Sehun-ah, are you still sad?" Luhan asked.

The boy shook his head, "Nope. Not anymore, Luhannie is talking to Sehun again." He beamed brightly at his friend. 

Luhan smiled upon hearing this. He grabbed Sehun's hand and helped the youngest off the bench. "I'll push you on the swings today, let's go." 

Sehun hopped onto the swing with difficulties due to his short, stubby legs but he managed when Luhan placed his noodle arms beneath the junction that connects Sehun's arms to his body and help lift the kid up. "Go, go, go Luhannie hyung!" Sehun pointed to the sky with determination in his eyes. 

Luhan stepped back and places both his hands on Sehun's lower back before he pushed forward, Sehun's happy shrieks could be heard as the kid picked up momentum. Luhan, who kept a consistent pace of his pushing giggled at the sounds coming from Sehun, which caused Sehun's mood to escalate. 

A black car pulled up to the side of the daycare, a woman opened her door and stepped out with the ends of her stiletto boots touching the pavement first. She sled off her sunglasses as a little boy in the back seat climbed out of his mother's car. 

Zitao nudged Mrs. Shin to inform her of the new guests they had. The woman got off the steps as she told Zitao to go to Joonmyun and Yixing. 

"Hello, Mrs. Shin?" The woman asked as she offered her hand a smile. 

The daycare sitter smiled in returned and shook the new hand, "Yes, may I ask who you are?" 

A chuckled escaped the woman as she pulled her hand back, "I'm Ziyu's mother, we spoke over the phone yesterday about his enrollment here." 

Realizafion flashed across Mrs. Shin's eyes. "Ah, yes. Mrs. Ye, please come inside with me and we can discuss the details. The kids are about done with recess now too." 

Ziyu stood beside his mother as his eyes scanned the mass of kids playing on the small field in front of his eyes. Shifting from head to head, the small Chinese's eyes finally landed on his target. 

Oh Sehun swayed his arms in the air happly as he giggled with Luhan, not yet noticing the new addition of heads to the scene. Luhan wiggled his nose as his laughter ended abruptly. His eyes left the back of Sehun's head and looked around the playground. Immediately noticing Ziyu's mother, whom he had only seen a few times on rare occasion but the sight of her still caused red alarms to go off in his head. 

"Sehun-ah, let's go..." Luhan tugged on the back of Sehun's shirt, indicated that he wanted the toddler to get off. 

Sehun's smile slipped off his face at the mention of leaving, "Why? Does hyung want to go on? Sehunnie can push Luhan." 

"No, no, let's just go play with Yixing and Joonmyun, okay?" 

Sehun's eyes moved from Luhan's face to behind them, landing on the duo who were under the slide and playing some sort of finger game where they tapped each other's fingers. "Sehunnie don't wanna..." Sehun argued with a pout on his lips as his grip on the handle of the swing tightened. 

"Come on, Sehun. I'll bring you candy tomorrow if you come with me." Luhan bargained. 

Sehun let the thought linger in his head, contemplating if any candy Luhan had was worth giving up his chances of reaching those fluffy cloudes high above.

"Two! Two candies, and I'll bring those cheese buns you like so much too!" Luhan was getting desperate as he locked eyes with Ziyu and a smirk appeared on the kid's face. 

Before Sehun can get off the swing, Mrs. Shin called them towards the door to go inside. 

"Does Sehunnie still get candy and cheese buns?" Sehun whispered to the jittery Luhan on their way in.

Luhan ushered everyone out of his way with mutters of pardon and sorry like every other day while he tried to pull sehun to a sink to wash his hands, but this time Luhan forgot to pump soap onto his own hands before he massaged them over Sehun's and would have left it out of the routine if Kyungsoo hadn't reminded everyone in a public announcement. Quickly pumping the pink liquid soap out of the despenser mounted on the wall, Luhan wet his hands and rubbed his hands together until the foam made an appearance then proceeds to grab Sehun's smaller ones and tangle their fingers together and try to get under Sehun's short fingernails as best as a could. With his hand still holding onto Sehun's soapy ones, he let the water run over their hands as he tried to scrub any soap residue off his own and the baby's hands. 

"Thank you, hyung." Sehun smiled as he ran across the room to get the paper towels for himself and Luhan, causing a trail of water droplets to fall on the floor after him. 

Once the kids walked back to the room, everyone took notice of the woman and a little boy sitting by Mrs. Shin's desk. 

"Who is that?" They murmured to one another, any attempts of being subtle gone when Baekhyun and Chanyeol bounced up to the kid and asked who he was. 

Joonmyun had a distressed look on his face as he realized that Baekhyun and Chanyeol had started going on about how everyone was wondering who this new boy was. Yixing placed a hand on the elder's shoulder before he led him to where they had their backpacks hung up on the hangers to get their snacks. 

"My name is Ziyu, and I'm Sehunnie's friend." Ziyu introduced himself at the front of the room with all the kids sitting on their in front of him on the carpet, very much like the first day the four Chinese kids came to the daycare. "I'm Chinese and I am five years old." He smiled directly at Sehun and resisted the urge to wave to the youngest.

Luhan frowned from beside Sehun and moved closed to wrap his arms around Sehun, pulling him away from Ziyu's direct line of vision in the process. 

"He's like Luhan hyung, Kris hyung and Yixing hyung!" Chanyeol's enthusiastic comment came. 

"Yeah! He's also really pretty like our Luhannie." Baekhyun added.

Luhan's soul dissipated from his body at the fast connection they made to himself and his rival, "Not as pretty as Luhan." He muttered to himself. 

"Sehunnie agrees." Sehun whispered to Luhan, giving him a small grin to cheer his best friend up. 

Once the commotion ended and Mrs. Ye had filled out Ziyu's personal information, she left with a kiss to Ziyu's forehead and a wave to Luhan who reluctantly returned it to be polite. 

"Why are you here?" Luhan scowled at Ziyu once the boy stood in front of him and Sehun. 

The Cheshire Cat grin stayed in place on his face, "Calm down, Luhan. I'm here for the daycare. No need to mark your territory," His eyes drifted to Luhan's hand around Sehun's waist, holding the baby as close to his body as possible. 

"Hi, Ziyu hyung!" Sehun beamed at his new friend. 

Ziyu directed his attention to Sehun once he heard the greeting, "Hi, Sehun-ah! It's been so long! You've gotten cuter!" Sehun flushed at the compliment, "Do you want to build a Lego tower with me?" Offered Ziyu.

Sehun nodded at this which left Luhan flabbergasted, "What?!"  

"Come on, Luhannie! Let's go build a tower!" Sehun pulled on Luhan's arm and towards the Lego boxes by the block tower. 

The three sat down and Ziyu dumped the Lego pieces out onto the colorful mat under their bums but Luhan crossed his arms across his chest with a frown on his face. Baekhyun and Chanyeol who heard the noise came out of their fort and looked at the newcomers to their section. 

"Sehunnie and Luhan usually lays down on the pillow at this time though." Chanyeol muttered. 

Baekhyun nodded his head, "I guess Ziyu wanted to play." 

"But Luhan doesn't look too happy about playing." 

"Then why is he there?" 

The two stares at the trio, Ziyu was picking up little pieces and putting them together while Sehun copied but was clearly clueless on what he was making. 

"I think it's because Luhan doesn't want to leave Sehun alone." Chanyeol pointed out. 

"But Sehun would have Ziyu to play with."

The two scratched their head as they tried to make sense of the situation. "Maybe Luhan wants to lay down with Sehun but Sehun wants to play with Ziyu so he doesn't want Sehun to leave him so he tagged along?" Baekhyun and Chanyeol finished at the same time. The two looks at one another before they broke out laughing at the coincidence. 

"Sehun-ah! Do you want to combine your tower with mine and we can make a really tall one?" Ziyu asked.

Sehun looked over to see Ziyu's tower with walls and an entrance and looked back at his own mess of plastic pieces piled over one another. "It would make yours looks ugly," he admitted. 

"Sehunnie, your tower is really pretty." Luhan interjected because Ziyu could.

Ziyu narrowed his eyes at the other boy who hasn't built a thing yet. "Where's your tower, Luhan?" he sneered. 

Sehun turned his head and body towards Luhan who sat with his hands in his lap. "Where's your tower, hyung?"

"I didn't want to make one." 

Sehun jutted his bottom lip out at the answer, "Hyung, what do you wanna do instead? Sehunnie do with you." the baby smiled gently as he left the tower by the ground.

Before Luhan or Ziyu could say a word, a loud alarm came towards the kids. 

"Wee-ooh, Wee-ooh, beep beep! Watch out for the hospital car!" Chanyeol shouted as he moved towards the trio on his knees and one hand planted on the ground and the other moving the toy car against the floor.

Baekhyun came after the tall boy with his own car in a similar posture, " Wee-ooh, Wee-ooh, police coming through! Move aside!" 

The two came to a complete stop with their cars by their side right behind Sehun.

"Wanna play with us, Ziyu?" Chanyeol offered. 

Luhan's eyes brightened at the thought of Ziyu playing with Baekhyun and Chanyeol, leaving him alone with Sehun once again. "Go, Ziyu." He urged. 

Sehun smiled at Ziyu, "Ziyu hyung, go. Sehunnie and Luhan has to go lay on bean pillow now." He pointed behind him to the lopsided ladybug bean pillow in the middle the the room. 

Luhan stoop up with a satisfied smile on his face, ready to pull Sehun over to their scheduled laying time as well, but a plastic toy bumped against his leg and gasps were heard. He looked down to see Chanyeol's ambulance truck a few centimeters away from his leg and looked towards Baekhyun and Chanyeol who gasped. 

"Sorry," Ziyu bit on his bottom lip to keep the corners of his lips from lifting. 

Baekhyun and Chanyeol immediately stood up before Luhan could tell what was going on as they pushed him down and held him back. Sehun stared back, just as confused. 

"Luhannie died! The ambulance killed him! I warned him but he didn't move out of the way! I am so sorry hyung! Please don't come and haunt me when you're a ghost! Ziyu was the careless driver who crashed into you!" Chanyeol started to fake sobs into Baekhyun's shoulder after his speech. 

Baekhyun soon joined in which got the attention of everyone, "Sehunnie! Cry! Luhan hyung died in a car accident!" He commanded the baby.

"But Luhan hyung's eyes are open..." Sehun pointed to Luhan who looked back at him and Baekhyun with furrowed eyebrows. 

Baekhyun and Chanyeol stopped their sobs and looked towards Luhan. "Pst! Hyung! Close your eyes! You're dead now." Baekhyun whispered harshly while Chanyeol tried to close Luhan's eyes with his palm over the elder's eyes. 

Ziyu's giggling from the sidelines broke Luhan out of his state of confusion. He swatted Chanyeol's hands away from his face and tried to sit up but was pushed back down by Baekhyun. 

"What? I'm not dead!" The glare to Ziyu shifted to a pleading one on Baekhyun to release him. 

"Ziyu hyung killed Luhan." Jongdae whispered in shock.

I am so sorry for not updating! But this is the final/crunch week(s) for everyone in school so it also applies to me. I'm sorry ):

DID ANYONE PRE ORDER EXO'S MIRACLE IN DECEMBER YET?! Omg I can't wait until mine arrives since I freaking love Christmas. Oh, there's also going to be a Christmas bonus/special like the Halloween one so I hope you look forward to it ^^ 

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New chapter coming soon :D I'm getting off my lazy bum to update for you guys!


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Chapter 32: I love reading your story <3, I hope you didn't forget about this story and will update this story one day:')
OP_Robin11 #2
Chapter 32: i really love reading your story,authornim and this is my second time everyones else who reading this, i hope you didnt forget about this story and will update this story one day...
and ill be glad to be one of your reader, authornim
p/s: sorry my english not really good
Chapter 32: I love this story, baby exo is so cute! Imagine them being like this gosh i wanna squeeze them all. Hoping you'll still update this. Thank u for a cute, fluffy and great story!
hkmf2012 #4
Chapter 16: wow this chapter was awesome .
Stupid2Cupid #5
Chapter 32: this fanfic is so adorable, love baby shun, hope u update soon
41 streak #6
Chapter 24: They've grown up and they're still together make me feel touched . This is what we called #relationshipgoals .I like this special grown up chap because when I was reading kid chapters I feel anxious that they might break up once they grow up but now I know they won't . I feel relieve .
Luhanyo #7
Chapter 32: Love baby shun very much
Chapter 28: CAVITIES
Chapter 29: Still asking myself why the best stories are always left alone and not finished ㅠㅠ