I GROWL as a Warning

Baby Oh Sehun

The days following the field trip was fun for Mrs.Shin and the kids. She got to see many neat photos and even printed some of them out to add into a scrapbook to remember the year she spent with the kids. Sehun kept insisting they play animal, being wolves, and Jongin and Chanyeol were ecstatic about the idea. Jongin was finally transitioning from his domestic animal phase onto more ferocious, dangerous animals and he was loving every single moment of it. 

"Rawr!" Chanyeol crawled on his hands and knees towards Jongin who sat as he pretended to his paws.

Once the younger heard the sound, he turned to Chanyeol and bared his teeth and let out a low growl under his breath. 

"Wolves don't go "Rawr", Chanyeol," Jongin spoke up, "They growl, like what I did." 

"Grr." Chanyeol tried the growl himself, trying to look as intimidating as the other did by baring his teeth as well. 

"Good job," Jongin complimented as he patted Chanyeol on the head. 

Jongin went back to pretending to his paws, now gaining a new disciple named Chanyeol who tried to copy his movements. While the two sat there and tried to fix up their posture, a little deer stumbled along with his own colorful wolf. 

Ever since Sehun mentioned that he wanted to be a colorful wolf, the youngest had started to dress himself in flamboyant pieces of clothing and opted to change his soft pastel colors to neon, eye catching fabrics. 

When the two approached the duo on the floor, Chanyeol used his hands to block his eyes, "Sehun-ah, you're blinding me with your clothes." The older commented. 

Sehun looked down at his own neon yellow tank top with Spongbob Squarepant's face on it, and the white shorts that were recently bleached by his mom to reach his satisfaction. The fabric was so white that it seemed to glow with the regular flourescent lighting of the room along with the sunlight streaming in. 

"Sorry." The baby said, but his voice told Chanyeol an obvious "I don't care" as the baby shrugged his shoulders. 

"What are you two doing?" Luhan asked as he sat down and pulled Sehun along with him. 

Jongin turned his body to face the boys, "We're being wolves. Chanyeol hyung is learning from me." 

Luhan's eyes brightened as he remembered the animals they all saw the other day, "I wanna play! How do you play?" 

Jongin just shrugged his shoulders, "I'm just pretending to be one. I'm cleaning my paws." Jongin showed Luhan the hand that he just finished pretending to . 

"I wanna play! I'll be that big wolf we saw and I'll protect all of you guys since I'm the oldest!" Luhan exclaimed with his smile was going from ear to ear. 

Jongin paid Luhan no attention as his eyes surveyed the area for Kyungsoo while Chanyeol and Sehun let Luhan thinks as he pleased.

- ♥ - 

"Mommy! Hurry up! Luhan is waiting!" Sehun screamed at the door of his house. 

The woman in her early thirties came down the stairs in slow footsteps, as if taunting her son even more, "Calm down, Sehunnie. Luhan won't leave without us and we're not late. Not even close." 

Sehun frowned and crossed his arms over his chest, "Mommy is taking too long, Sehunnie wants to see Luhan hyung." 

Seyeon came towards the two by the door, with a lollipop in , "Sehun-ah, you make it seem like you love Luhan." 

Eyes going wide at her words, Sehun responded, "But Sehun does love Luhan, Luhan is so cute and nice and he's very, very fun to play with." Sehun's eyes gleamed as he listed off Luhan's good traits. "He also cares for Sehunnie a lot. He'll always wait for Sehun and share toys or food with Sehun." 

"If he's so nice, why don't you give him your lollipop?" Seyeon shot back.

Sehun looked down at the lollipop in his hands, the orange color yelled back at him through the clear wrapper. He has gotten this from Seyeon's teacher when he visited her the other day for her class presentation of The Nutcracker. The teacher seemed very fond of Sehun and also snuck him one of the lollipops she handed out to her class as a present for putting on a great show. 

"Sehunnie will!" Sehun's eyes brightened up at the thought to give Luhan a present and tell him about the teacher that fancies him. 

Seyeon and Mrs.Oh's eyes widened at the baby's words. Oh Sehun wasn't raised to be selfish but the kid only had so much good in him and would always put himself before others if it was something that there was only one of, therefore only one person could have. It was natural for most kids not to give up their only candy after all. 

Once the car stopped in front of the familiar house, Sehun dashed out of the car and ran to jam his finger onto the doorbell. Not a minute later and Luhan's smiling face greeted Sehun as he pulled the door open wider. The younger gave Luhan a quick hug before taking off his shoes. 

Luhan was all ready to leave while his mom was getting read. His outfit was simple, too simple to be for a photoshoot and Sehun noticed. 

"Hyung, aren't your clothes too simple?"

Luhan took in Sehun's outfit and realized the baby isn't wearing his usual overalls and t-shirt but instead opted to wear a dress shirt with shorts to his knees and a fedora on his small head. 

"No, I change into the clothes they want me to wear at the place." Luhan answered. 

Sehun and Luhan sat in the backseat of Mrs.Lu's car as the four of them drove off to the photoshoot location along with Luhan's uncle, also known as manager. Jackie was fluent in English, Korean, Manadrin and Cantonese which Mrs.Lu thought was important to manage the business side for Luhan's long term modeling career. 

The place that Sehun was introduced to seemed very ordinary from the exterior. Just an office complex with many levels and rooms built upwards. The polished floors on the inside were a nice contrast to the limitless pictures hung inside of frames on the walls. Luhan walked beside Sehun with his head faced forward and arms swinging by his side. Mrs.Lu and Jackie conversed together in Mandarin behind the kids and Sehun was completely lost in what they were saying; until Luhan spun around. 

"What?! I am not doing a photoshoot with him!" The artificial chestnut brown haired boy protested.

Sehun's eyebrows furrowed in confusion, he wanted to ask who but deemed that the situation wasn't one to be sticking his nose into. 

Mrs.Lu and Jackie stopped in their steps, "Luhan, we're not shooting with him. He's already in there and when he's done, you're going to go on." She explained.

Luhan glared at his mother, "I heard you say that I'll be causing a ruckus like last time. I wouldn't have a problem unless he's there and not leaving right away." 

Sehun's eyes rounded to be hearing the new tone of voice Luhan was using. The harmless baby deer that he was used to see was now replaced with a cautious fox. 

"Han, he'll probably stick around the building since he has a shoot again after your session. Don't worry, we'll only be there for an hour or so. He might not even linger around anyways." Jackie spoke up this time. 

Sehun grabbed onto Luhan's hand with his small fingers and held on tightly, "Who?" The baby squeaked out. 

Mrs.Lu took the opportunity to stop Luhan from refusing to do the shoot, "Luhan, Sehunnie is here. You don't want to disappoint him and not do the shoot, do you?" 

Luhan turned his head and stared into Sehun's curious eyes, weighing his options. He thought back to the many questions Sehun had about his modeling career and how his answers to them would be wait until this day to see them with his own eyes. Luhan didn't want to disappoint his baby, he couldn't. 

"Fine." He muttered as he turned back around and picked up the pace he originally had. 

Sehun followed along, still holding onto the elder's hand and his mind still telling him to ask who the boy Luhan didn't like was. 

Once the four of them were inside the studio, Sehun had to momentarily shield his eyes from the bright lighting he hasn't expected. There was a huge white backdrop, studio lights surrounding it and a man holding a camera as he clicked away at many angles. Women were also scattered around the room doing clean ups and checking the wardrobe. A small table on the side filled with mineral water. Sehun's attention was on the little boy doing different poses every ten seconds standing in front of the white backdrop. His smile was radiant and his hair was a chocolate brown, the fringes fell on his eyes adorably and his eyes were twinkling as he laughed to whatever the cameraman said. 

Luhan was whisked away from his side by a woman holding clothes on hangers in her hands and one with a bottle of hairspray in her hands and a few clips in the other. "Luhannie! You look so cute today!" They complimented. 

Sehun took the liberty to stand where he was and watch the boy in front of his eyes bow to the photographer in thanks before leaving the set. A man came up to him and handed him a bottle of the mineral water which Sehun saw earlier. When the boy's eyes landed on Sehun, the baby blushed and turned his eyes toward Luhan who just finished changing into his clothes.

"Hello," The boy from earlier greeted Sehun. "I'm Ye Ziyu, nice to meet you." He held out his hand for Sehun.

"So when are you leaving?" Luhan reappeared and slapped Ziyu's hand away before Sehun could reach for it. 

Ziyu spared Luhan a glare as he let his hand drop back to his side, "Why don't you get working before the photographer change his mind and I get the gig too? Who knows how many I've already stolen from you." 

From the side, Sehun could hear a faint growl leave Luhan's throat when he caught sight of the boy previously being photographed. Luhan's clean mouth and pristine brain didn't offer a vulgar word but Sehun would imagine now to be an appropriate time to call said gorgeous boy that word. 

The intense glaring contest between the two was cut short when Luhan got called in to do his photoshoot. Sehun watched Luhan leave, wanting to go with him since Mrs.Lu and Jackie had disappeared off to the unknown and Sehun was alone in a hectic workspace. 

"Do you want to come with me to get snacks?" Ziyu's voice pulled Sehun back from running to Luhan's side. 

The baby looked at the smiling stranger and back to Luhan who had a forced smile on his face as he was being photographed. "Sehunnie can't leave Luhan." 

"Sehun? That's your name? That's a very cute name, Sehun. Just like you are." Ziyu complimented which brought a smile onto Sehun's face. 

Sehun nodded his head as confirmation, "Yes, Oh Sehun, hello." He returned Ziyu's greeted before Luhan interrupted them. 

"So, Sehunnie. Do you want to come with me to the snack machine down the hall? I'll buy you a snack if you come with me." Ziyu suggested. 

Luhan was looking into the camera like he was told to do while keeping half an eye on Sehun between clicks of the lenses. The friendly conversation between Sehun and Ziyu turned his mood sour and smile hard to seem natural other than just keeping his mouth muscles up. 

"Can I please have a break?" Luhan spoke up at last when he saw Ziyu smile at Sehun holding his hand out for the smaller to take before exiting the room together. 

The photographer lowered the camera before huffing an agitated puff of air, "Why, Luhan? You literally just got on set a minute ago." His patience was already going on low after having to deal with Ziyu, a truly cute kid, who was also an extreme diva and had nothing but demands. 

"I have to pee," Luhan lied. "Like right now." 

Seeing how the photographer retreated to his desk and already set his camera down, Luhan took it as a yes and rushed off to find Sehun and Ziyu. 

Sehun and Ziyu found themselves standing in front of a tall snack machine filled with candies to chips to granola bars beside a drink machine. 

"So, what do you want?" Ziyu asked the baby as he dropped some coins in and punched in the numbers for his skittles. 

Sehun stared at the machine. He had seen these before at his parents' work place but he was never allowed to buy anything. His mother had claimed that they were a waste of money and that the local convenient store sold the candies for cheaper. Sehun wished he had more chances to eat candy but that idea was also rejected with his mom saying he'll get cavities and bad teeth. 

"Sehunnie... Don't know." He admitted as his eyes scanned over the candies. 

Ziyu got closer to the baby, his hand slipped back down to hold Sehun's hand. Although the baby looked over at Ziyu in surprised, he couldn't bring himself to step away seeing how this older boy was about to buy him candy. 

"How about a chocolate bar? Do you like chocolate?" Ziyu asked. 

Sehun nodded, his eyes still on the machine with wonders to offer. In the middle of selecting the candies carefully in his mind, Sehun heard a voice calling him. 

"Sehunnie!" Luhan called as he walked down the hallway towards them. 

Sehun turned his head to the source of voice, not noticing how Ziyu rolled his eyes, and called out, "Hyung! Down here!"

Once he heard the reply, Luhan ran towards the boys by the snack machine as he immediately pulled Sehun away from Ziyu, "Sehun-ah, don't run off like that." Luhan scolded as he frowned down to Sehun. 

"Sorry," The baby muttered, remembering his mother's words of always listening to Luhan and Mrs.Lu. 

"Luhan, why are you here? Go back already." 

The two pair of eyes turned to the now dissatisfied kid to see his new friend get taken away.

Luhan chose to ignore the words as he grabbed Sehun's hand to tug him back towards the photoshoot set, "Let's go, Sehun." 

"Wait!" The baby called out, one hand reaching out for Ziyu, "Sehunnie didn't get candy yet." 

Ziyu quickly grabbed onto Sehun's extended hand and pulled the baby towards himself. "You heard him. He hasn't gotten his candy yet so why don't you go back before you lose your job?" 

Luhan glared at the other Chinese boy before turning to Sehun with a softer look, "Hunnie, I didn't bring any change. I can't get you candy." 

"Ziyu hyung can!" Sehun smiled brightly as he pointed to the now smug kid. 

Luhan's eyes widen, it had taken him weeks until Sehun was even comfortable enough to be around him, not to mention call him hyung. Ziyu here got the title not even after half an hour of being around the baby. 

"Sehun-ah," Luhan whispered for the baby's attention. "You can't just ask people to buy candy for you when you just met them." 

"He offered. He said if Sehunnie went with him, he would get Sehunnie candy." 

"That's called a bribe, Sehun." Luhan deadpanned. 

Ziyu rolled his eyes at the other Chinese, "Shut it, Lulu. Go back before you get fired and let me treat Sehunnie here like how a real hyung should."

Right at that moment, Mrs.Lu had came out of the room calling for Luhan. "Come back, Luhan. Your shoot is still going on!" 

Luhan tried to get Sehun to follow him with one more tug on his hand and a reassuring "Sehun-ah, come wth me. I'll buy you candy later." 

"Luhannie, Sehunnie will come find you later, okay? Don't get in trouble." The baby smiled at him before pushing him towards his mother. 

Luhan frowned once more at Sehun but he reluctantly let go of the small hand and retreated back. "Sehunnie, come find me right after." 

After selecting a chocolate bar by recommendation of Ziyu, the two kids made their way back to the photoshoot session featuring Luhan. Sehun sat down on the chairs by the table holding mineral water as he watched Luhan from the sides. Luhan's smile brightened instantly when he caught sight of the baby who was looking and waving at him. The session went on for another 15 minutes before a break was called and Luhan rushed over to Sehun, who was unfortunately sitting with Ziyu. 

"How was I, Sehun?" 

Sehun have him a double thumbs up, "Great! Luhannie hyung was great!" 

"Nothing special," Ziyu spoke up from the sidelines. 

Luhan's glare was back and this time deadlier than the last as he directed it at the other kid, "I didn't ask you." 

"I'm just giving professional advice to an amature, you should be thanking me." Ziyu spoke as he stretched his arm out to sling around Sehun's shoulder. 

Seeing the gesture of Ziyu with his arm around Sehun, his baby, was the last straw for Luhan. First he had to insult Luhan in front of the kid he was trying to impress by saying how he was getting his gigs stolen, then he had to steal Sehun away and ruin his lunch by feeding him unhealthy candies, then he had to touch Sehun. Luhan's blood was boiling with rage as he looked at Ziyu's smug face,

"Qù nǐde*," Luhan spat at Ziyu whose eyes widened. 

He stood up, arms extended towards Luhan, index finger pointed at him, "Luhan said a bad word!" Ziyu hollered. 

Sehun's eyes stayed wide, at first with amazement at Luhan's Chinese then in shock at the meaning behind it. 

Luhan's face immediately became flustered as what he just said dawned on him. He was a clean, pristine boy. Clean and pristine boys didn't swear! 

"Sorry," Luhan muttered as he was surprised with himself. "I didn't mean it." He bluffed. Of course he did but now was not the time to stick to his pride. 

"Luhan!" Mrs.Lu came forward and scolded her son as Ziyu's manager also came to see what it was about. 

Sehun stood up and hugged Luhan's side, afraid of why the room got quiet and everyone was looking at them. "Hyung, why is everyone looking?"

"Nothing, Sehun." Luhan whispered to the baby as he wrapped an arm around Sehun. 

Mrs.Lu was the first to reach the kids and placed a hand on Luhan's shoulder, "What's going on?" She asked the group. 

"Luhan swore at me. He said a bad word. He told me go away but he said a bad word for it." Ziyu informed Luhan's mother. 

Luhan hung his head without bothering to defend himself seeing that there was nothing to defend. He was going to set a good example for Sehun and own up to his mistakes instead of cowering away, "I said sorry after." 

A sigh left Mrs.Lu's mouth, "Luhan, that isn't the point."

"I know, I know. It won't happen again. I'm sorry, Ziyu," Luhan apologized as he bowed to show his sincerity. "I'm sorry."

Sehun watched from the sidelines as Luhan had to lowered himself to apologize to Ziyu and his heart tugged at him, telling himself to stop Luhan from bowing. "Lulu hyung." He whispered. 

Once Luhan finished his apology, he stood back up and gripped Sehun's hand to prevent himself from crying. "Sehun-ah," Luhan murmered.

The adults dispersed when they saw that it was nothing big and returned to their job. Luhan was given another five minutes to pull himself together with the request of Jackie. 

The two kids from the daycare sat down on the table. Luhan rested his chin on Sehun's shoulder and hugged the baby. "I'm sorry you had to hear that, Sehun." 

"It's okay, Luhan," Sehun answered. "Sehunnie has sometimes to make hyung feel better!" The baby brightened when he figured out what he could do. 

Luhan sat up straight and stared at Sehun. "What is it?"

Pulling out the lollipop from his pants pocket, Sehun held it in both hands and pushed it up to Luhan's face with a wide grin plastered on his face. "For you, please accept it." 

Wordlessly, Luhan plucked the candy out of Sehun's palm, "Is this what Ziyu bought you?" 

Sehun shook his head no, "No, Sehunnie got this from Seyeon's teacher yesterday. Teacher only gave Sehun one so Sehun wants to give it to Luhan." 

A grateful smile spread across Luhan's face, "Thank you, Sehun. I feel better already." 

Hearing this, Sehun giggled, "Luhan took Sehun's candy. Sehun wants something in return."

"Sure, what do you want?" 

"Kiss!" The baby clapped his hands together and smiled so big that his eyes formed crescents that Luhan loved. 

Luhan decided to tease the baby, "No!" He rejected, thinking back to when he bribed Sehun with bubble tea in the cafe for a kiss and was turned down. 

Sehun's smile flipped and his eyes widened, a second later and the corners turned red, tears lining the bottom waterline. His bottom lips jutted out and quivered. Sehun brought a fisted hand up to rub his eyes, smearing the tears all over. 

The elder Chinese kid panicked at the sight, "No! Sehun-ah, no! Don't cry. I'll kiss you all you want. Hyung was just kidding! Please don't cry. Hyung is sorry!" He grabbed Sehun's face to take the fists away and pressed his lips against Sehun's forehead. "I'm sorry, Sehun-ah, don't cry!" He repeated as he pecked on various places of the baby's face. 

"Just kidding, hyung." Sehun giggled from the ticklish kisses Luhan pressed around his face and the horror stricken face from earlier. 

Luhan pulled back, blinked multiple times before responding, "What?"

"Sehun-ah's just kidding. Sehun wasn't going to cry but hyung gave in." The baby laughed and stuck his tongue out before turning away to walk towards Mrs.Lu.

It took Luhan a whole 10 seconds before he caught onto what Sehun said before calling the baby back, "Yah! Oh Sehun!" 

I'm sorry that this chapter was so late, please forgive me. I hope you're satisfied with this though. There will be more jealous Luhan and Ziyu to appear soon ^^ Ye Ziyu is Chris, the Luhan lookalike that you can google to see what he looks like by the way~


*ps. The Chinese word means "shut the up/ off." I got it off off google so I'm not sure how legit it is. I'm sorry ): 

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New chapter coming soon :D I'm getting off my lazy bum to update for you guys!


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Chapter 32: I love reading your story <3, I hope you didn't forget about this story and will update this story one day:')
OP_Robin11 #2
Chapter 32: i really love reading your story,authornim and this is my second time already...like everyones else who reading this, i hope you didnt forget about this story and will update this story one day...
and ill be glad to be one of your reader, authornim
p/s: sorry my english not really good
Chapter 32: I love this story, baby exo is so cute! Imagine them being like this gosh i wanna squeeze them all. Hoping you'll still update this. Thank u for a cute, fluffy and great story!
hkmf2012 #4
Chapter 16: wow this chapter was awesome .
Stupid2Cupid #5
Chapter 32: this fanfic is so adorable, love baby shun, hope u update soon
41 streak #6
Chapter 24: They've grown up and they're still together make me feel touched . This is what we called #relationshipgoals .I like this special grown up chap because when I was reading kid chapters I feel anxious that they might break up once they grow up but now I know they won't . I feel relieve .
Luhanyo #7
Chapter 32: Love baby shun very much
Chapter 28: CAVITIES
Chapter 29: Still asking myself why the best stories are always left alone and not finished ㅠㅠ