Twenty Four - The Beginning of Weird Dreams

The Legend of Infinity Love
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Sungyeol POV

The night air nipped my skin as I ran through a field of tall grass. The moon reflected off the river nearby. The air smelled like the fresh water and I could hear the stir of animals as I ran past them. I'm tired and cold, the only thing that covers my body is a thin pajamas. My feet are bare and hurt but I can't stop running. I'm looking for someone. I don't know who exactly that I'm looking for but I feel that he's the most important person in my life.

I tripped over my feet and fell down. "Ahh!" I yelled as I twisted my ankle. I ignore the pain and get up. I can't give up on him. I have to find him. My pace has slowed much more because of my ankle. I'm no longer run so fast. I have to limp my way through as fast as I can.

I reach the edge of the woods and stop. I'm looking around frantically, searching around, I hop up the woods and I began to scream. "Where? Where? Where are you?"

I scream over and over. I hear something and I fall silent to listen.

"Here!" I hear in the distance.

I run to the voice. I reach a small clearing on the other side of the trees. I see him standing on the large rock.

"Who are you?" I asked as I approaching him. But he stopped me. I narrowed my eyes toward him but because of a lack of light, I couldn't see him at all except his silhouette. He has height that reach mine. His hair was short. Even I couldn't see him but from his silhouette, I'm sure that he must be handsome.

"By this time, years afterwards I shall return."

His body slowly vanished away my sight. I don't know why but my heart felt so hurt while I saw him vanished. Seemed a part of me was gone away.

"Wait! Please wait." I yelled at him. Tears slowly fell down on my cheeks.

"Don't cry, please don't cry. Save your tears when I come back to you."

I wrapped my arms into space, felt his body which slowly vanished into the air. I was engulfed in total darkness.


"No... Don't go, please!!"

I yelled again as my eyes popped upon and I was sitting up in my bed. I was sweating and my heart is beating erratically.

It was just a dream. What a weird dream. I looked at my alarm clock and cursed under my breath as I wake up immediately. I glanced at my side, but I was definitely sure that Kris has already gone to work. And my mom was already back home after spent two days in our apartment, me and Kris's apartment. We had already live together for about one year. Sometimes my mom often visited us, at least twice a month. But let me make it clear, even we are in the same apartment, same bed and have dated for quite long, but we never slept together, making love for exactly. Even I lived in the 30th century when everything is liberal, but I could admit that I'm really odd. I'll never give my ity to someone who wasn't my husband legally. And thankfully I have a fiancée who really understanding about my choice. At least, he never force me to do that and so far we still fine all this time. I don’t know why everytime we have a chnce to do that, there’s always be something that seemed blocked us to do that.

I climbed out of the bed, grabbed my towel and quickly headed the bathroom. I went into the bathroom, stripping out of my clothes as the warm water ran. I climbed in, sighing in bliss as the warm water washed over my chilled body, rolling my head back and forth as my muscles relaxed. I reminded myself that I had to make the shower quick though. After get ready, I grabbed my backpack and made sure I had everything. I took a glance once more make sure that my look is perfect. Today I wore a white T-shirt, black and white stripe cardigan and black skinny jeans. After feel sure, I took the keys off of the kitchen counter and headed out.

I pulled up into my parking space at college and just as I expected, Sunggyu was standing there waiting for me. His light red hair blew in the wind and he looked at me with his cute hamster eyes.

"Yo, Yeollie-ah, what happen to you? Didn't get enough sleep last night? Or Kris had played wild on you?" Sunggyu asked me with evil grin plastered on his hamster face. I rolled my eyes at him.

"Ya, you ert hamster. I told you I've never do that with Kris."

Sunggyu shrugged, "Who knows. I just wonder if you had changed your odd mind. Who will believe that two love bird live in one place without doing anything. If I’m not your bestfriend, I wouldn’t believe it at all."

“Yeah... Yeah... Yeah... just shut your hamster mouth.” I said annoyingly and left him behind.

“Ya, you grumpy choding. Wait for me..”

We walked toward the building. The bell was rang. We rushed our path toward the class. Unfortunately, today I have a different class with Sunggyu. I groaned as I sat in my chemistry class. I mentally slammed myself for choosing this class in the first place. Science wasn't my favorite. I scratched my head, opening my book like the teacher instructed and starting to explain about the lesson. I wasn't paying attention at all for what she was explaining. My mind was wandering somewhere and suddenly the man who came in my dream last night appeared again. I sat there drawing the scetch of that man, wondering how his face looks like. I couldn't help but keep thinking about him. I even don't know why a dream could be bothering me this much. I don't want to admit that I'm kinda obsessed with him.


I walked in the place that looked like a palace. My cloth was change. I'm no longer wear my casual cloth.

I was wearing a creamy white tux. Some strange people were standing around me and give me applause. And from the appearance around me, looks like I was in a wedding ceremony, my ceremony. I looked straight ahead and there's a man standing a few distance from me. He wore a same creamy white tux with mine. I narrowed my eyes but his face was blur. Is that Kris? No, he isn't. From his silhouette, I'm definitely sure that he was the same guy in my previous dream. He stretch his hand towards me.

"Yeollie, would you be mine and shine by me forever?"

Yeollie, how could he know my name. Do I know him?

"Who are you? Why am I here?" I asked him curiously. But he remained silent. Suddenly the environment surround me turned dark. One by one the people arround me fell down and died. And what the most shock scene is when from nowhere there's a man running towards me and was about to stab me with his sword. I couldn't see his face either. But then the man who wore the same cloth with me helped me by shielding me with his own body. The sword stab right into his chest. His creamy white tux slowly become bloody red. I widened my eyes and held him. I don't know why but my heart felt so hurt like hundred knives were stabbing me.



I screamed and opened my eyes.

"You! The tall at the corner. Why are you screaming?" the teacher looked at me sharply making the entire class turned their attention to me.

"Um... Mianhe, Ms." I bowed and feel really embarrassed.

"I think a fresh water could refresh your mind. Please go and wash your face, Mr...."

"Lee Sungyeol imnida." I said slowly.

"Lee Sungyeol-ssi. Just go." she said sternly.

I bowed to her before quitely walk out from the room.

"Damn it!" I cursed slowly. How could I fell asleep and got a weird dream again. Who the hell that guy? Why he always disturbing me by appearing in my dream.

I pulled out my phone and texted Sunggyu. He is the one that always have time to listen to my problem. While I was busy typing, I bumped to someone and fell down. My phone was thrown away.

"Ouch..." I yelped as I touched my .

"Are you okay?" a deep voice was heard. I look up and saw a handsome man standing in front of me. I saw him with slightly open mouth. He bend forward til his face was a few inches from me.

"Did you get hurt?" he asked again as he waved his hand in front of my face.

"N.. Ne, I.. I'm okay." Damn! Why I stuttered.

He helped me up and handed me my handphone.

"Sorry for bumping into you, Mr.Myungsoo." I looked down and apologize. He chuckled lightly and patted my head.

"Aware of your way, young man."

Before I could answer him, he has walked pass by me, left me froze there.

I clutched my hand in front of my chest. What feeling is this?


Sunggyu sighed as he entered his Art class, glancing around and sighing once more in defeat when he didn't recognize anyone. He sat down when he found a seat open, a bit disappointed that Sungyeol and himself had different classes, but he reminded himself that this wasn't high school anymore. He wouldn't see Sungyeol as often. He stared at the white sheet in front of him as the students started to fill in the room, glancing at the seat next to him as he heard the chair move.

He blinked twice when he recognized the head of dark brown hair. He smiled big, recognizing the man from his first hour class. "Hey, you're in my first hour!"

The man looked at him with his black eagle eyes, eyeing his up and down before raising a brow, leaning back in his chair and getting comfortable. He eyed Sunggyu once more before looking at the paper sitting in front of him. "I have no idea what you're talking about. I've never seen you before in my life."

Sunggyu smile faded slightly, "Well, I sit way in the back. We have Sociology together with Ms. Suzy. He pointed out my friend today. But I recognised you that time. You sit on the corner, two blocks from our seat, right?" Sunggyu asked, tilting his head slightly as the rest of the room talked among themselves. The man was cute.

"No wonder, everyone easy to recognise a handsome man like me." He said with a confident, sending Sunggyu another glance as his mouth gave a wide grin. He watched as Sunggyu who was beside him laughed, shaking his head.

"What a confident guy."

His lips twitched upwards slightly, but he didn't want to become close friends with Sunggyu. He was there to get an education, not to make friends and get distracted by anyone. But for unknown reason, Sunggyu's smile make his heart felt warm, especially his cute hamster face really looks adorable.

"But your expressionless face really reminded me to Mr. Myungsoo."

"Because he's my older brother." he mumbled, looking at the teacher when she entered.

"What! He is? That must be awkward, having your older brother teach your class and grade your papers."

"Not really," he replied dully, tapping his pen on the desk.

"Oh," Sunggyu mumbled, feeling a bit stupid. "Well, with me it would be. My name is Sunggyu."

He tried to ignore Sunggyu, but he heard him mention his name and he made a note to remember it. He gave Sunggyu another glance before looking back at the teacher as she did role call. Sunggyu stared, giving him a big smile when he looked back at him, his eyes directly set on his. He didn't seem the harm in giving Sunggyu his name. He tilted his head, giving Sunggyu a smug grin. "Woohyun."


Sungyeol and Kris's apartment

Sungyeol stretched as he wandered into the house, closing the door quietly before locking it. He wandered down the hall, stopping when he entered the living room, watching Kris fill out paper work on the couch. His smile faded slightly.

Sungyeol took a step forward, his full smile coming back when Kris finally noticed him. Kris blinked in surprise before smiling back, moving papers aside and making room for Sungyeol. "Yeollie, how was your first day?"

"Could have went better," Sungyeol mumbled as he sat down next to Kris, leaning his head against Kris's shoulder as he closed his eyes. "One of the teachers, she's a big meanie. She's evil I tell you."

Kris chuckled, placing his papers down to wrap an arm around Sungyeol's shoulder. "You think a lot of people are evil at first." Kris said, kissing the top of Sungyeol's head gently. Sungyeol sighed, bringing his legs up to his chest as he cuddled closer to Kris. "But I was always right about my feeling."

"I think it's your imagination," he murmured, quickly signing a paper. Sungyeol saw and frowned slightly, snatching his pen away from his hand. "Yeo..."

"Kris, I can never have a properly conversation with you when you have your beeper, cell phone, computer, or pen and paper with you taking your attention away from me."

"Yeollie-ah, don't be childish. I have to work. You know that," he scolded softly, looking down at Sungyeol with a frown when Sungyeol looked up at him with his big owl eyes. Kris sighed when Sungyeol glared at the childish comment, pulling away from him to get up. "I'm sorry, I.."

"Well, if you're going to be focusing on work so much, maybe I should find a job too to occupy myself when you're not here," Sungyeol told him, wandering into the kitchen. 'Which is almost every day,' he thought, opening the fridge to look for any kind of junk food. Sungyeol smiled when he saw cold ice coffee that he bought yesterday.

Kris laughed, shaking his head, "Don't be silly. I support you. You don't need to work."

"Kris, I'm not going to attend college and come back home to an empty house. I need something to do."

"Spend time with your friends, you have plenty!"

"College, come home, friends. Doesn't sound too exciting, Kris. I'm getting a job, somewhere. I'll start looking."

"Oh, come on Yeollie. What job could you possibly want or get? You're such a klutz.." Kris stopped when he received a glare, getting the clue to keep quiet. Another change that Kris went through. He was open with his words, not saying the best thing most of the time when it was directed towards Sungyeol. Sungyeol stared at him briefly before looking ahead, making himself a bagel to eat.

Sungyeol sighed, his shoulders dropping when he felt two hands on his waist, a kiss placed on his temple. He stared down at his bagel, letting Kris wrap his arms around his completely, blushing gently when he felt Kris breath on his neck. "I'm sorry Yeollie-ah," Kris murmured, kissing Sungyeol lightly in the dip between his neck and shoulder. "Listen, how about I take you out to lunch sometime next week? I'll leave a day open for you."

"If something comes up?" Sungyeol asked innocently, looking at him with hope in his eyes.

"I'll ignore it," Kris told him, a bit unsure if he could inside. Kris smiled slightly, kissing his cheek. "I'm free right now actually. Let's go out to dinner instead of eating in. Go get ready and get dressed in something nice for tonight," Kris instructed, pulling away from Sungyeol as he turned around, raising a brow.

Sungyeol leaned against the counter, crossing his arms. "Dinner? For real?"

"Really," he told Sungyeol in a promising voice, forcing his smile to stay on his face. Kris truly wondered when the last time it was that they had dinner together. "By the time you're out of the shower and everything, my bit of paper work will be done. Promise."

Sungyeol gave him a big smile, a smile that could brighten up anyone's day, including his. "Alright."


College, Two Weeks Later

Sungyeol caught his breath as he reached his first hour class, inhaling deeply as he neared the door, peeking in through the window. He pressed his face against it, glancing around the room and hoping that they had a substitute or Ms. Suzy was out of the room. He saw that everyone was speaking, working on an assignment together and he opened the door slowly, stepping into the class.

"Mr. Lee Sungyeol, how nice of you to decide to join us fifteen minutes after class has already started," Ms. Suzy yelled from her desk, glasses on her face and hanging at the edge of her nose. Sungyeol froze, looking like a deer in headlights as everyone quieted down, looking at Ms. Suzy and Sungyeol.

Sunggyu groaned, shaking his head as he stared at his friend. Ms. Suzy and Sungyeol weren't the best friends and they made it clear. Sungyeol glared and Ms. Suzy embarassed him on purpose, sometimes for no reason at all. Almost the entire class disliked her immediately, except for the brown nosers and smarter students. Sungyeol smiled sheepishly, opening his mouth to apologize, but stopped when Ms. Suzy waved him off and told him to get to his seat. Sungyeol practically ran up the steps to get to his seat. He sat down, leaning back with his eyes closed as he calmed his breath.

"Get your morning excercise?" Sunggyu asked teasingly, sticking out his tongue and winking when Sungyeol opened an eye to glare.

"Actually, yes. I had a interview today at Je Me Souviens.”

"That awesome café! They have the best coffee and all the hot guys and pupular socialites were often there." Sunggyu  told Sungyeol, a sly grin coming to his face. Sungyeol laughed, shaking his head at his statement. Sungyeol placed his backpack down next to the desk, sighing as he looked over to Sunggyu with

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new reader here
Chapter 49: Nice one.u balance all the pairings' stories nicely.of cos I'm more into woogyu.haha but u made all the three pairings' stories interesting.non neglected nice
Chapter 49: Ahhh I read this story twice...I love it ...
loveforsin #4
Chapter 49: omg authornim.. when will you update this story.. i curious what will happen... the ending seems like forever fotlr them.. please come back with an update...
keijjang #5
Chapter 49: Please keep update author -nim!!! I want them have their happy ending...
su_j85 #6
Chapter 49: Author....please come back to this story...sob.. sob...
Chapter 49: When are you gonna update this story? ;____;
Chapter 49: chingu-ya, my dear, my lovely~~ please update>_<
evil_cute #9
Chapter 7: this is really great story,, i love it,,, >o<
Chapter 49: omona. so that mean myungchan actually still alive??? thank goodnesss.s