Hyuna invades the scene

Tell Me Why



Yoonmi’s POV


“WHAT IS THAT GIRL DOING IN YOUR HOUSE?” Hyuna asked darkly, her nose flared and was staring at me like a drug addict. Sehun tried to shush her down but she won’t stop mumbling. “Sehun you’re my fiancé blah blah blah…” she’s talking nonstop for about five minutes and I just let her talk. It’s pretty awkward to be standing right behind Sehun and his fiancé’s scolding him about sleeping in a house with a girl. It’s like a scene in a book or movie where the wife saw her husband cheating on her. I’m kind of the villain in their love story. How pathetic it sounds? I tried to keep myself calm and try to understand that this girl has a serious problem of possessiveness. I waited for Sehun to tell her that this is my house and I am his girlfriend. But Sehun just wanted to keep shut.


“Calm down Hyuna. Could you please stop? Have a shame!” Sehun angrily shouted at her. She immediately stop but still not perfectly calm. “I’m going to tell my father about this!!” she walked out of our house with a bang. I was startled by it but I recovered quickly. That girl really has some manners.


“Wow. What was that?” I asked sarcastically trying to hide my annoyance.


“I’m so sorry about that Yoonmi. I don’t know, I didn’t…never mind,” Sehun felt so sorry for what had happened in our morning. Hyuna must not be here. How could she know that Sehun’s living here? Some sort of detective she must be. Radars. That’s what I thought. I know Sehun wouldn’t take the risk of telling her the address of this house because these things or maybe even worst could happen. But fate is so good, unfortunately.


“Let’s go to school,” I said as firmly as possible. We didn’t eat breakfast because some lunatic entered the house which made lose our appetite. The ride to school is so silent. Sehun tried to start a conversation but I answered him with so dismissive answers. He gave up.


When we got to school I walked away without waiting for him. He must guess that I’m quite pissed about what happened. I understand it wasn’t entirely his fault but still he has something to do with it. I know I’m over-reacting but try to understand me. 


The math lecture was so boring. Our tall bald teacher was talking about logarithms and exponents. I only half listen to him and glanced to Sehun. I caught him staring at me. He smile but I didn’t smiled back, I turned to the front making him feel disappointed. Lunch came still I didn’t talk to him. Mr. Kim called me to his office because of some unknown reasons. I thought maybe he wants to talk about the school festival since it’s only two weeks away. I texted Hae Jee telling her that I won’t be having lunch with them.


After a few minutes my phone beeped.





I replied,



I’m at Mr. Kim’s office. He called me because of who knows what.



I’m glad you’re talking to me now.



I smiled at his text. Sehun can be irresistible sometimes. But I want to spoil his happiness.


No, I’m not talking to you. I’m texting you.



Texting and talking are the same :P



No it’s not. The spelling says it all.



Define texting.



You define that.



Our conversation through text is enjoyable but then Mr. Kim cleared his throat. I put away phone to my bag and look at him.


“Do you know why I have called you again?” he asked in a strange manner. He sounds excited and happy at the same time which I find it weird.


“I don’t know Mr. Kim. Is it good news?” a smile flashed in his old face.


“Yes, a very good one. Have you ever heard of a name Mr. Lee?”


Now I know what this is all about. Hyuna will be transferring in our school. Mr. Lee donating very big amount just to make sure his spoiled brat daughter will be well taken care of. I have been expecting this to happen but it feels so wrong. With Hyuna in school, the chance of meeting Sehun alone will be very little. I hope Sehun will do something about that. I’m scared. Yeah, I’m scared to lose him.


“Yoonmi?” I haven’t realized Mr. Kim was waving his hands in my face. “Oh sorry about that sir. Yes, I have heard of him.”


“Well, his daughter, will be transferring him. They’ll be here in a minute and I want you to welcome them. You’re the most outstanding student here.” This can’t be happening! I don’t want to see Mr. Lee! Hyuna can be endurable but Mr. Lee… A knock came into the door.


“Oh it must be them. Come in,” I sat to the chair that was near to me. My heart was pounding, my hands were sweating. The door opened revealing a fine tall man with a formal suit and a girl on his side. Hyuna was raising her eyebrows. But I didn’t mind her, I’m looking at Mr. Lee, my dad.  Even though I hated him throughout my life, even though I told everyone that I have forgotten him, I still love him. I wanted to cry. To hug him. To ask him what really his reason for leaving us. I controlled my emotions and put on a straight face. I bowed and greeted them formally. I wondered if my father recognizes me.


“Good noon Mr. Lee and Ms. Lee. May you have a seat?”


“That won’t be necessary. I’m just dropping off my daughter and to sign some papers.” Mr. Lee talked.


“Who’s this Mr. Kim?” Hyuna pointed to me as she asked Mr. Kim. I know she’s up to no good now.


“Oh, this is Park Yoonmi, the student body president and the most outstanding student here.” Mr. Lee looked at me as Mr. Kim said the words Park Yoonmi. He must have remembered me now—or not. He just went back on reading the papers Mr. Kim handed to him.


“Park Yoonmi, what a beautiful name. I’m Lee Hyuna by the way,” she extended her arms and I grab it. We shook our hands like we can start a great friendship soon. But then, “Daughter of Mr. Lee the owner of Lee enterprises and the fiancé of Mr. Oh Sehun. Nice to meet you.” She added.


“Nice to meet you too.” I said as politely as I can.


“Since you’re the student council’s president, have you ever saw Sehun dating or seeing someone in here?” I know what she’s up to. I decided to lie to her since I can’t tell everyone in this room that I’m Sehun’s boyfriend. That would create a disastrous scene.


“I don’t know. Why?”


“Oh well, never mind. Do you know where Sehun lives?”


“I’m not--” Mr. Kim cutted me off.


“I guess you’re going along pretty well. That’s nice.”


“Yeah, Yoonmi is very good.”


The school bell rang indicating the start of the first period in the afternoon. Mr. Kim told me to give the class schedule to Hyuna. I have observed that we’re classmates for all her classes. I know why, she have told Mr. Kim to have the same classes as Sehun.


“Yoonmi can you bring me to my room? I don’t know where it is.” Hyuna commanded like I’m sort of her servant.  I nodded.


“Do you know where Sehun lives Yoonmi?”


“Yeah, sort of. Why?”


“Is she living with his girlfriend?”


What should I answer? Think Yoonmi, think!

“N-no. He’s living with his mother’s friend.”


“Oh. What a relief. I thought he’s living with his girlfriend. I know he had a girlfriend here but I don’t care. I’m his fiancé, I’m more important right?”


I’m speechless. I thought Hyuna saw me with Sehun this morning, but no. She didn’t recognize me which is a relief.




“We’re here.” I opened the door. My classmates stop at what they’re doing and stare at us- no, they’re staring at Hyuna.


“Yeobooooooo!!!!!!” Hyuna shouted and went directly to Sehun. I want to puke at the scene and the students look at me and to Sehun and to Hyuna weirdly. I know what’s in their mind. Especially those who know that me and Sehun are dating. I gave them a look that saying to keep quite. They’re confused, I know that feeling.


“Let go of me!!!” Sehun was trying to push Hyuna.


“Ohhh, you’re so sweet Yeobo!!!!!” she pouted and then turned to everyone in the classroom.


“Hello classmates. Sorry for that, I just missed my yeobo. I’m Lee Hyuna by the way, daughter of Mr. Lee, the owner of Lee enterprises and the fiancé of Oh Sehun. Take care of me. Thank you.” She sat ext to Sehun which was my seat.


“Yah! Somebody owned that seat!” said Sehun.






“Oh, is it alright for you Yoonmi if I’ll seat next to my yeobo?” I was taken aback so I just nodded even though it’s against my will. I placed my bag to the seat behind Sehun. Atleast we’re still close but now things will change I can feel it.



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Hey everyone! you always made my day :) i'm going to try my best in updating tomorrow :) i'll try :)


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Chapter 37: Please update
Chapter 16: Sehun is so sweet
This fic is sooo good just to be abandoned. Pleaseee do finish this story, author-nim. Hwaiting!
shafarf #4
Author please update;(((
Chapter 37: OMG i read this whole story in juz 1 day.Its srsly so perfect! Update soon author nim TT TT! Jebal~
Jedifer #6
Chapter 37: Update soon pllzz ^^
Jedifer #7
Chapter 37: Dear author
plzz update soon
i love dis fanfic.. <3
tanyanru #8
Update please ^^
Chapter 37: Yoonmi you better tell your father that sehun is your boyfriend and to cancel his wedding with hyuna T_T
bacon9 #10
Chapter 34: I can't wait for the next chapter.
Hope you update soon , dear author.