Sorry and What?

Tell Me Why


Yoonmi’s POV


I was awakened when I suddenly felt the sun’s rays in my face. I groaned and let my hands find some pillow to cover my face. Then I realize I was sleeping in the couch. It hits me, did Sehun went home last night? If he did, why he didn’t bother to wake me up? I was sleeping in the couch for heven’s sake! That’s why I felt very cold last night. That Sehun knows no mercy or pity or conscience. Aish!


Without any words, I decided to make a breakfast. Not so long later the great Sehun come downstairs. I greeted him as politely as I can even though I want to throw him the pan in his face for not waking me up. Instead of greeting me back, he just walked away without leaving any word. He’s so full of himself. I scoffed. Who does he think he is? An important person? I mentally rolled my eyes and continue cooking.


Honestly, I was bothered by the change of attitude of Sehun. Normally, he would tease me or annoy me. But not this time. Something bad happened, I knew it! Did he got into fight? Is it because I fell asleep while waiting for him? Or is it because of what I said? I shook my head to remove the thoughts.


Guilt started to come over me. It’s been bothering me throughout the whole morning, so I decided to say sorry. But a simple sorry won’t do for a stubborn guy like Sehun.


Pathetic as it may sound, I searched in the internet on what things to give when you want a certain person to forgive you. Google suggests the following:


·        Give that person a peace offering. E.g. Cookies, Ice cream, Lollipop – hmmmm, it’s a good idea .

·        Kiss that person and say sorry – Not a good thing to do!!

·        Give whatever he wants – No way! He’s going to make me suffer!

·        Write a letter saying sorry – He will just burn or throw away my letter!


------------------LOADING OTHER POSTS-------------------


An hour later I just planned to bake a “sorry”cookie. To achieve it, I need to cut classes. This is the first time I’m going to break the school rules! And it’s all because of Sehun the jerk. I don’t even know why I have to do this. Nah, My Guilt is just higher than my Pride.


I sneaked out of the school campus when the bell rang indicating the first period in the afternoon. Like a crazy dog, I ran as fast as I can. I reached my house in no more than 10 minutes. I feel like I’m the FLASH.


I now started baking the precious cookies. I’m not good at cooking so therefore it is natural that I’ll burn our house. Kidding. Instead of my house being burned, I injured my hands. It’s only first degree burn thought. Not too serious but noticeable.


At exactly 4:00 PM my precious cookies were successfully done. After five chaotic trials, I made the perfect ones. I stared at it proudly that I got the urge to eat it. No, it’s for Sehun the Jerk. I hope he’ll accept my peace offering because I poured all my efforts towards it and sacrificed the most important time of my life. Yeah, school is really important to me.


I searched Sehun around the campus. I even asked some students if they have seen him but they didn’t. No other choice, I need to roam the campus and find that Sehun.

As I was walking hopelessly, I saw Sehun. My eyes got wide, my body got excited but part of me was nervous. I cleared my throat before calling him.


“Yah! Sehun!” I shouted causing the students to look at me. Sehun turned around but just rolled his eyes. Really? Just like that? I gave the students an awkward smile and followed him.


Sehun made many turns. Not decided to be caught. I furrowed my eyebrows because I got tired from baking and now I’m tired again because of chasing this stupid jerk. Suddenly a heavy rain poured. Fortunately we’re in the middle of the soccer field. Just note the sarcasm. I cover my head with my left hand and shouted at Sehun.


 “Yah! Sehun! Listen to me first!” I ran towards him without noticing the stone in my way. I accidentally tripped over it. How can I be so unlucky! Aish! I cried in pain as I saw blood on my knee part. That’s the only time Sehun went to me.


“Why are you even following me?” he asked coldly.


“I just want to say sorry!”


“What for?” he asked as he knelt down beside me.


“For what I said?” I answered him.


Sehun shook his head and carried me in a bridal style leaving my poor cookie in the rain.


“Yah! I baked those cookies!”


He doesn’t say anything. I pouted as the raindrops keep falling on my face and body. I understand that tomorrow I’ll get cold. For sure.


Finally we reached our house.


“Go change.” Sehun said with a straight face.


“Uhmm, am I forgiven?” I questioned him giving him my puppy eyes. He just shrugged.


“Maybe?” I pout then everything went black.


I felt my body lying in my soft bed. I remembered I fainted! I’m like that actually, when I’m going to have a cold, I faint. I don’t know where I got that syndrome but fainting has been my symptoms if I will going to have a cold or a fever. I opened my eyes and saw Sehun entered my room with a hot porridge! He made me a soup! I smiled at him.


“Is this means that I’m forgiven?”


“No. I called your mom and told me to make you a soup.”


“Oh.” I replied. “Sehun-ah! Forgive me already!” I pleaded.


“No.” he said. No more, no less.


“Please I’ll do anything.” I have no other choice but to do what google had suggested.


“You sure?” he raises an eyebrow and I nodded.






“Be my girlfriend.”


*clears throat*


to my precious maknae
the graceful dancer
the loving brother
the adorable bubble tea lover
the shy-typed boy
the lisp guy
my cute sunshine
my hot boyfriend
my thehun
my ababy sehunnie


Stay healthy oppa, stay strong, stay handsome, stay cute, stay adorable. Hwaiting!

one of the moSt adorablE and Handsome gUy i've ever known iN my life.

to my dear readers, please greet our maknae <3
And i updated! Yey xD
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Hey everyone! you always made my day :) i'm going to try my best in updating tomorrow :) i'll try :)


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Chapter 37: Please update
Chapter 16: Sehun is so sweet
This fic is sooo good just to be abandoned. Pleaseee do finish this story, author-nim. Hwaiting!
shafarf #4
Author please update;(((
Chapter 37: OMG i read this whole story in juz 1 day.Its srsly so perfect! Update soon author nim TT TT! Jebal~
Jedifer #6
Chapter 37: Update soon pllzz ^^
Jedifer #7
Chapter 37: Dear author
plzz update soon
i love dis fanfic.. <3
tanyanru #8
Update please ^^
Chapter 37: Yoonmi you better tell your father that sehun is your boyfriend and to cancel his wedding with hyuna T_T
bacon9 #10
Chapter 34: I can't wait for the next chapter.
Hope you update soon , dear author.