Chapter 36

Our Times Together

It was time. I had to show him Yu Ri's true side. He needed to know as soon as possible, and now was the perfect moment. I took a deep breath, biting my lip.

"Seungri...I...have to tell you something."

"Eh? What is it?" He asked, perplexed.

" know that day we first bumped into Yu Ri?"


I told him about how she completely changed in an instant, and how her true character wasn't innocent at all. And how she claimed that Seungri was a player.

"Did...did you really go through a girl a week?" I furrowed my brow.

He took in a breath. "Yes. Only back in middle school though. After she broke up with me, I...I don't know. I sort of lost it for a bit. It was like I was in a bit of a shock. There were girls everywhere, and I guess I sort of...used them to ease my pain." He sighed in frustration. "I really regret doing that. It was really cruel of me to be dating girls and breaking up with them left and right, and I hate myself for being so stupid back then." I heard his feet stomp the tiled floor a few times.

I was shocked. I never knew Seungri was like this before. Blinking a few times, I closed my open mouth and regained my composure, swallowing. "O-Oh."

Wanting to change topics, I was about to then tell him about Yu Ri's "true intentions", but I hesitated.

"Um... you see, Yu Ri, she also...she also..." I turned away a bit.

"She what?"

"She...threatened to steal you from me," I mumbled.

He was silent for a moment. 

"Are...are you sure?"

"Yes." I stressed.

Silence once again.

"Seungri," I sighed and searched for his hands, grasping them. I pleaded, "I know she seems all innocent on the outside, and in your eyes she would never do all those things that I just told you. But please, believe me when I-"

"I believe you."

I blinked. Oh, if only I could see him. 

"To be honest," he continued. "I've seen that side of her before. When she broke up with me. Of course, she was all sweet and nice when we seperated, but just the fact that she started dating Dong Su right after told me that she wasn't as innocent as she seemed."

I cocked my head to the side. " come you're still nice to her?"

He sighed. "I don't know. I'm just...nice to everyone. I don't like keeping grudges. It's not a good way to live hating everyone around you."

I pursed my lips and nodded, understanding.

"But, are you sure she said that she wanted to steal me?" Seungri questioned. "I mean, who would run away from you?" He laughed and held my cheek.

I put my hand on top of his and smiled. And then frowned.

"You know," I started softly. "Ever since she made that threat, everday I've been worrying. Whenever I see you comforting her, and whenever you had to go tutor her...I...I was always scared that..." I grew quiet.

He put his other hand up so that he was holding my face. "That what?"

I blinked my sightless eyes. "That...she...would actually steal you." A tear escaped my left eye.

He didn't say anything. Instead, he answered me with his lips, softly pressing against mine. Surprised, I jumped back a bit, but his hands kept my face still. Slowly, I closed my eyes and leaned forward, deepening the kiss. All of my worries seemed to go away, and for once, in a long time, I felt warm. Everything else didn't matter at that moment. Seungri was here, with me.

He suddenly pulled away and I frowned a bit, making him chuckle.

"Just in case you didn't know, Sung Hyun, I love you. You. Not anyone else. Not Yu Ri, Sung Mi, or any other girl out there. No one can steal me from you, because, well, I love you too much. You're mine, and I'm yours. And no one can change that."

I sat there, speechless. And then I smiled, as wide as I could. And then I felt him lean forward again. But just as our lips touched, I grabbed his shoulders and stopped him.

"I love you too," I said softly. "A lot."

He laughed and kissed me.



Writer's Note:

I kept on giggling while I was writing this, ahaha xD It makes me squeal whenever I write these type of scenes (just my inner fangirl). YAY, 2 updates in a day :D LOL. Comment? I wanna see what you guys like/don't like about what's going on >:D Btw, since I updated consecutively, you might wanna read the last chapter if you haven't LOL. Anywayysss, annyeong! ^^

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NO! Sung Hyun! T_T //head
wow.. yes almost a year now hahaha!! :)

aw T_T why Sunghyun? why'd you say that? I believe SeungRi will fight for Sunghyun no matter what. thank you for the update! ^^
Oh wow! I was not expecting that. I thought his parents would actually warm up to the fact that Sung Hyun was Ri's new girlfriend. But of course, as a reader, I fall into cliches and squeal to high heavens, but my writer side praises you for not heading into that direction. I'll just have to wait and see how things'll turn out.

I LOVED that last line: "And that was when I knew I couldn't have him." Good job! Don't keep us waiting for too long!
I just read this entire thing again, and I'm dying with anticipation. Please, please, please update! <3
StrongBabyVI #5
Waa I love this story
Update soon please!! >.<*
This is a good story.. I hope you update soon :)
AHHHH ! It's been about a month since you updated ! TT w TT
Sweetsailish #8
Yaaa! Update soon please? Hahaha<br />
I'm done reading your fanfic just in hour.<br />
Hahaha!! Hope you'll update soon! ^_^
KYAAAAAAAAAAAAA!! =)) she'll meet Ri's parents!! :D i hope she'll get better soon :3 fighting!