Chapter 15

Our Times Together

It was around 5pm when I woke up.

I slowly opened my eyes, realizing that SeungHyun was still beside me, fast asleep. His arms were still wrapped around me, and I enjoyed the moment while it lasted. I looked up at his face. He looked so innocent when he slept. His eyelashes were pretty long for a guys', and his skin was so flawless, not a pimple marking his smooth face. 

Suddenly my phone rang, catching me off guard. 

 naega michyeogayo, naega michyeogayo 

In my attempt to turn around and reach for my phone, I woke up SeungHyun. 

"" He mumbled as I grabbed my phone from my nightstand.

"Yeoboseyo?" I answered.

"Sung Hyun?" It was my mom.

"Oh, eomma, what is it?" I replied.

"Are you feeling better?" She asked.

"Yea, I'm okay now. My muscles don't hurt as much."

"Oh, okay, good. Umm, honey, I have to work overtime today, and I might not be able to be home until later tonight. Your dad also called me and told me he'll be delayed today. Do you think you'll be alright?"

I comprehended what she said for a moment, lying back down next to SeungHyun. Aish, what would I have for dinner?

"Umm, yea mom, my friend's here right now, so I'm not alone..." SeungHyun looked at me, silent, but smiling.

"Oh, that's great! Do you think they could stay for awhile?"

I looked at SeungHyun, covering the phone. "Do you think you can stay for awhile?" I whispered.

He looked away for a moment, scrunching his face up. "Yeah, I think I can." He whispered back. He got up from my bed and walked around my room, looking at my posters.

I took my hand away from the reciever. "Yup mom, he can!"

"Ohh, it's a boy? Your new boyfriend?" My mom asked excitedly.

"What?! Mooomm, he's just my friend..." I groaned into the phone.

"Ahh, okay, okay. Just make sure you have something to eat okay? I'll be back later tonight. Love you!"

"'Kay, 'kay, love you too, bye," I closed my phone, sitting on the edge of my bed. SeungHyun was in front of my calendar now.

"Hmm..." he said. "So your birthday is next any plans?"

I sat there on the edge of my bed, frozen. "'s a school day anyways, I'll probably have homework," I said, sighing.

"Ahh..." He replied, his gaze still fixed on November. I expected him to ask me more, but he changed the topic. "You feeling better now?"

I moved my limbs one by one. My arms were fine, but when it came to my legs, I flinched. "My legs...they still hurt." I moaned, rubbing my calf muscles.

He looked at me, thinking for a moment. Then, he turned around, squatting down in front of me. "Get on."

I stared. "What?"

"Get on, I'll carry you downstairs." 

"A..are you sure?" I asked, still stunned.


I jumped on and he stood up. "Hey, you're pretty light." he adjusted his arms, laughing. "So where to now?"

"Didn't you say downstairs? Wait, why did you wanna go downstairs in the first place?" I asked him skeptically.

"I dunno, I just thought we might watch some TV or something." He shrugged.

"Ahh, okay, let's go then!" He headed out of my room, walking really fast.

"YAH! Not so fast, I'm going to fall off!" I exclaimed.

His laugh echoed throughout the hallway. "Weee!"

He slowed down once we reached my stairs. After we were halfway down, I asked him, "Hey, do you think you can stay with me till about...let's say, 9?" I rested my chin on his shoulder.

"Hmm...sure! But what will we have for dinner?"

"That's what I was wondering earlier..." I sighed.

He was silent for a moment. As we approached the living room, he said, "Is your fridge stocked?"

I stared at the side of his face. "Yea...why?"

"How about I cook for the two of us?" He grinned, turning to me. Our faces were inches apart. 

I looked into his eyes for a moment, lost in them. Snapping back, I replied, "Are you sure? We could just order take-out or something..."

"Nah, take-out is unhealthy. You'll get pimples on your pretty face," he grinned at me jokingly.

I blushed, looking away. "Okay, okay. Go ahead."

"Any requests?" He asked as he approached my living room couch, letting me down.

I sat down on the couch, pulling the blanket around me. "Ummm, whatever is fine."

He nodded. "Got it." He turned around, walking towards the kitchen, which was on the left side of the room. I could watch him cook as I watched TV.

Grabbing the remote, I smiled to myself. He better not be a bad cook.


Writer's Note:

Sorry for not updating for so long! I've been busy this week >< 

Enjoy the new chapter! :)




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NO! Sung Hyun! T_T //head
wow.. yes almost a year now hahaha!! :)

aw T_T why Sunghyun? why'd you say that? I believe SeungRi will fight for Sunghyun no matter what. thank you for the update! ^^
Oh wow! I was not expecting that. I thought his parents would actually warm up to the fact that Sung Hyun was Ri's new girlfriend. But of course, as a reader, I fall into cliches and squeal to high heavens, but my writer side praises you for not heading into that direction. I'll just have to wait and see how things'll turn out.

I LOVED that last line: "And that was when I knew I couldn't have him." Good job! Don't keep us waiting for too long!
I just read this entire thing again, and I'm dying with anticipation. Please, please, please update! <3
StrongBabyVI #5
Waa I love this story
Update soon please!! >.<*
This is a good story.. I hope you update soon :)
AHHHH ! It's been about a month since you updated ! TT w TT
Sweetsailish #8
Yaaa! Update soon please? Hahaha<br />
I'm done reading your fanfic just in hour.<br />
Hahaha!! Hope you'll update soon! ^_^
KYAAAAAAAAAAAAA!! =)) she'll meet Ri's parents!! :D i hope she'll get better soon :3 fighting!