Chapter 19

Our Times Together

SeungHyun's POV

I pushed the heavy doors open, sunlight blinding for me a moment as I stepped outside, making my way back to the basketball court. I spotted Jae seated next to Sung Hyun, having a conversation. Just as I was about to call out to them, I stopped when their conversation reached my ears.

"Why did you transfer here anyways?" Sung Hyun turned to Jae.

"You really wanna know?" Jae answered, face turned up towards the sky.

"Of course."

I winced a bit as Jae turned to her and leaned in close. "The reason why I came here...was because...of you."

For a while, I just stood there, frozen. The true meaning behind his words didn't hit me until a minute later. I took a step backwards.

"Sung Hyun," Jae continued. "Ever since you moved, I've missed you every day that we've been apart." My left foot slid back. "I didn't have the guts to personally tell you my feelings last year, but I've regretted it ever since. That's why I came here." Another step. "So that I could take a chance at us being together. But it hurts me to see you so close to another guy."

"...w-who?" From my position, I was unable to see both of their faces, but I heard Sung Hyun stutter.

"That SeungHyun." I shivered at the way Jae coldly spat out my name. Feeling intimidated, I slid my foot back yet again. "Who do you think knows more about you, me or SeungHyun? I bet you haven't told him a thing about your past." Jae's voice raised a bit. "Look, I know what you've been through. He doesn't." He took a deep breath, calming himself before continuing.

"Park Sung Hyun," his voice lowered, and I knew exactly what he was going to say. "Will you be my girlfriend?"

That's it. I just couldn't take it anymore. Spinning on my left heel, I quickly turned around, running quietly back into the school. I ran and ran, down hallways, up stairs, and around corners until I just couldn't run anymore. I finally slumped against the closest wall, my chest heaving. I slid down until I was sitting on the ground. Looking at my surroundings, I realized that I'd ended up in the school lobby. Then, in another heartbeat, I remembered that this was where we had first met.

Sung Hyun and I. It was the day that Sung Mi had told Ji Wan and I that she liked this other guy. I was sort of feeling depressed, and I'd bumped into Sung Hyun by accident because I wasn't focused. When I saw her face for the first time, my heart raced a bit since her face was so pretty, but I barely knew her so I pushed it aside. I've always been like that. Even if I see a pretty girl, I wouldn't truly like them if I didn't know them well enough. But, when she looked into my eyes with awe, I couldn't help but stare back.

I snapped myself back to reality, pulling in my knees so that I could rest my forehead on them. I closed my eyes, starting to feel them get wet. Why was it that every girl I liked had to be taken? Last time, it didn't hurt as much because I'd already known that Sung Mi didn't feel that way about me.

But...why now? Why do I feel like a part of me has just been ripped out?

A few of my tears slid down my cheek, but I hastily wiped them away before anyone would notice. C'mon SeungHyun, it's not the end of the world. Even if she did say yes, you'd want her to be happy right?

But wait. Did she say yes?

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NO! Sung Hyun! T_T //head
wow.. yes almost a year now hahaha!! :)

aw T_T why Sunghyun? why'd you say that? I believe SeungRi will fight for Sunghyun no matter what. thank you for the update! ^^
Oh wow! I was not expecting that. I thought his parents would actually warm up to the fact that Sung Hyun was Ri's new girlfriend. But of course, as a reader, I fall into cliches and squeal to high heavens, but my writer side praises you for not heading into that direction. I'll just have to wait and see how things'll turn out.

I LOVED that last line: "And that was when I knew I couldn't have him." Good job! Don't keep us waiting for too long!
I just read this entire thing again, and I'm dying with anticipation. Please, please, please update! <3
StrongBabyVI #5
Waa I love this story
Update soon please!! >.<*
This is a good story.. I hope you update soon :)
AHHHH ! It's been about a month since you updated ! TT w TT
Sweetsailish #8
Yaaa! Update soon please? Hahaha<br />
I'm done reading your fanfic just in hour.<br />
Hahaha!! Hope you'll update soon! ^_^
KYAAAAAAAAAAAAA!! =)) she'll meet Ri's parents!! :D i hope she'll get better soon :3 fighting!