Chapter 16

Our Times Together

Like I (sorta) mentioned earlier, my kitchen is in the same room as my living room. If that makes sense.

So, I watched as SeungHyun looked through my refridgerator, taking out random items and placing them on the counter. I sat on the couch, wrapped up in my blanket, my attention divided between the TV and SeungHyun.

"What are you planning to make?" I asked him, looking curious.

"Well," he said, closing the fridge while placing a jar of pizza sauce on the counter. "I was thinking I might go for something more western today. You'll see what it is later." He turned around, smiling at me.

"Awww, why can't I know now?" I whined, pouting my lips.

"It's a surprise." He grinned, turning on the stove. "Just take a nap for now, or watch some TV. I'll be done in less than half an hour."

I sighed. "Okaayyy, but it better taste good." I jokingly replied.

I turned back to the TV, flipping channels. There wasn't anything exceptionally interesting on, so I decided to lie down and just rest. In 5 minutes, I fell asleep.


We were at school, in the lobby.

Jae Young stood in front of me, looking sharp in his black suit and white shoes. How strange. I stared at him, my eyes taking in his handsome form. 

He suddenly took my hand, pulling me down the hallway. I didn't resist because I knew he was too strong for me. We approached the school hallway with big windows on the second floor, the one with a wonderful view of the neighbourhood. 

He turned around, facing me. He grabbed my other hand, and I felt my heart race faster. He gave me a dazzling smile, one that only idols would have. My eyes took in his handsome features yet again, my feelings mixed up. 

Suddenly, he opened his mouth. But, before he spoke a word, I heard someone whisper from behind me. 

"Sung Hyun...Sung Hyun-ah..." The voice was ever so familiar, giving me a comforting feeling. It was so melodic, yet so soft. I turned around, letting go of Jae's hands. I followed the voice, slowly walking towards its direction.

My eyelids slowly opened. 

"Sung Hyun, wake up..." It was SeungHyun. He was kneeling in front of me, gently shaking my arms. Gosh, he was handsome. Even more so than Jae. 

I gave him a dazed smile. "SeungHyun..." I looked into his soft, brown eyes. 

He returned my smile. "C'mon, I bet you're hungry." He helped me sit up. "Are your legs better?"

I shook my legs. "Yeah, they don't really hurt anymore." I started to get up.

"Here, let me help you." He offered his hand.

I beamed at him, grasping it. "Thanks."

I got up, and we walked towards the kitchen table, hand in hand. My heart was bursting. The table was neatly set for two, with two steaming plates of spaghetti placed across from each other. 

We walked towards our chairs, me unwillingly letting go of his soft hand. As we tucked our chairs in, he said, "Sorry I couldn't make the setting any fancier." giving me a grin.

"No," I smiled again. "It's perfect." 



Writer's Note:

I'll end it there, I've gotta go :) 

Hope you guys like it so far! :D

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NO! Sung Hyun! T_T //head
wow.. yes almost a year now hahaha!! :)

aw T_T why Sunghyun? why'd you say that? I believe SeungRi will fight for Sunghyun no matter what. thank you for the update! ^^
Oh wow! I was not expecting that. I thought his parents would actually warm up to the fact that Sung Hyun was Ri's new girlfriend. But of course, as a reader, I fall into cliches and squeal to high heavens, but my writer side praises you for not heading into that direction. I'll just have to wait and see how things'll turn out.

I LOVED that last line: "And that was when I knew I couldn't have him." Good job! Don't keep us waiting for too long!
I just read this entire thing again, and I'm dying with anticipation. Please, please, please update! <3
StrongBabyVI #5
Waa I love this story
Update soon please!! >.<*
This is a good story.. I hope you update soon :)
AHHHH ! It's been about a month since you updated ! TT w TT
Sweetsailish #8
Yaaa! Update soon please? Hahaha<br />
I'm done reading your fanfic just in hour.<br />
Hahaha!! Hope you'll update soon! ^_^
KYAAAAAAAAAAAAA!! =)) she'll meet Ri's parents!! :D i hope she'll get better soon :3 fighting!