Chapter 27

Our Times Together

I arrived at school the next week in a tired and grumpy mood. It was the day that Yu Ri was transferring to our school. Instead of entering through the main entrance like I usually did, I decided to go through a side door. I didn't feel like facing SeungHyun. I don't know why. I just wasn't in the mood to see him.

I still didn't know about his and Yu Ri's past because I'd never gotten the chance to ask him. I arrived at my locker, sighing. Today was going to be a long day.


After my first two blocks (which were the classes that I didn't have with Seungri), I was still in a crappy mood. My friends could tell that something was wrong, but I didn't want to talk.

"Sung-ie, what's wrong? Why so down?" Jung Hyo had asked me during my second block Socials class. It was a study period and I'd been staring into space, leaving my textbook untouched. Worrying about Seungri.

I sat up straight, a bit startled. "Eh?" I turned to look at her. "Me?"

She looked at me with suspecting eyes. "Did something happen between you and Seungri...?"

I blinked. "A-Ani..." I looked down at my textbook.

"C'mon, it's obvious that something's bothering you. Just tell me! Am I your friend or not?" She pouted her lips and put on a cute face, blinking dramatically.

"Of course you are, but...AISH it's really nothing!" I suddenly exclaimed, rubbing my left temple with my left palm.

"Su-" Jung Hyo started, but luckily for me, the bell rang and I quickly dashed out of the classroom.

I still felt bad for leaving her there. But now it was lunch, and I headed to the cafeteria, apprehensive about facing Seungri after avoiding him this morning. But to my surprise, when I arrived at our usual seats, he was nowhere to be seen.

I place my tray down on the table but remained standing. "Where's Seungri?" I turned to Ji Hyo.

He shrugged. "I don't know either. Haven't seen him since first block. What about you guys?" He addressed the rest of the group, and all but Ri Young shook their heads.

"I think I saw him walking in the halls with this new girl that was in our first block." Ri Young admitted, then, after realizing what he just said, quickly clamped his hand over his own mouth.

The whole group turned to look at me. I just sighed and sat down, defeated.

Jung Hyo put an arm around me. "Ayy, it's okay. He's probably just being a gentleman like always and touring her around the school." I looked up at her with a tired face and she slowly put her arm back down.

Either way, this was no good news to me. I started to wolf down my food in order to comfort myself. Thinking back to this morning, I regretted not meeting Seungri at our usual place. Now Yu Ri would probably be acting all cutesy with him and he probably hasn't even thought of me once today.

Right after I finished my lunch, I quickly got up and left the group. I wanted some alone time before my break ended. And I definitely didn't want to bump into Seungri.

I let my feet wander by themselves. I didn't focus on where they carried me, and I walked around the school like a brain-dead zombie until I got tired. Looking up, I realized I was in the school lounge. The higher grades were on field trips, so it was basically empty today. I sat on a bench in a corner and pulled my hood over my head, concealing my face.

I thought of Yu Ri's threat. "SeungHyun's heart was mine to begin with, and I'm here to get it back," her words echoed in my ears.

That's it. My hands clenched into fists. I shouldn't be like this! I should be fighting back! Seungri is MINE, and he's in love with ME...right? Aish, Sung Hyun, stop doubting him. I hit myself on my head several times with my fist. Wake up! You should be defensive over him. Now go find him!

I stood up from the bench, about to pull my hood back when I heard laughter from the other side of the lounge. My hand froze, lingering on the edge of my hood until I let it drop.

I recognized one of the voices. I would know that laugh anywhere. I scuffled over to a pillar and peeked my head around the corner.

There they were, walking across the lounge, laughing over something that I hadn't heard. Seungri looked genuinely happy, as if he was doing better off with Yu Ri than with me and our group of friends. Yu Ri looked pretty in a tank top and short-shorts, her hair in a high ponytail. I couldn't help thinking how drab I looked in mmy simple hoodie and sport shorts. I felt a painful knot start to form in my throat and so I tore my eyes away from the sight and slid my back down the pillar until I was seated on the floor, facing away from them.

As I tried to blink back the tears that were forming in my eyes, I heard their laughter suddenly stop. I could hear Yu Ri's voice, but I wasn't close enough to make out her words. 

Then the lounge became eerily quiet. No footsteps, no talking. For a second, my heart feared the worst. That they were...kissing.

But I knew he wouldn't cheat on me...right? Right. But, just to make sure, I slowly peeked out from behind the pillar again.

And I clamped my hand over my mouth to keep myself from gasping.



Writer's Note:

HEY :D Long time no update, I know T_T...I've got a basketball program to attend to over the summer, but I'm trying to write the next chapters on my ipod notes and then type 'em out here :). By the way, just in case you guys didn't know, the Yu Ri in this story has no reference whatsoever to SNSD's Yuri...just...the same name...

Anyways, hope you guys like the update! Saranghaeyo, yeorobun! <3 ^^

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NO! Sung Hyun! T_T //head
wow.. yes almost a year now hahaha!! :)

aw T_T why Sunghyun? why'd you say that? I believe SeungRi will fight for Sunghyun no matter what. thank you for the update! ^^
Oh wow! I was not expecting that. I thought his parents would actually warm up to the fact that Sung Hyun was Ri's new girlfriend. But of course, as a reader, I fall into cliches and squeal to high heavens, but my writer side praises you for not heading into that direction. I'll just have to wait and see how things'll turn out.

I LOVED that last line: "And that was when I knew I couldn't have him." Good job! Don't keep us waiting for too long!
I just read this entire thing again, and I'm dying with anticipation. Please, please, please update! <3
StrongBabyVI #5
Waa I love this story
Update soon please!! >.<*
This is a good story.. I hope you update soon :)
AHHHH ! It's been about a month since you updated ! TT w TT
Sweetsailish #8
Yaaa! Update soon please? Hahaha<br />
I'm done reading your fanfic just in hour.<br />
Hahaha!! Hope you'll update soon! ^_^
KYAAAAAAAAAAAAA!! =)) she'll meet Ri's parents!! :D i hope she'll get better soon :3 fighting!