So Near...

Im not her!


*This is my second update for the day. Hahaha. The most awaited meeting in the next chapter, hang on! I have to give Jiyong his moment first.kekeke.

Jiyong POV


I stirred my sleep as I was awakened by the rays of sunlight. I moved my body a little and felt I wasn’t alone in the hotel room. I shot my head up and saw bodies of woman on my both sides.

I glanced in the clock to see the time ‘7:05 am’. I got up my bed and went straight to the bathroom to take a shower.



I was busy fixing my hair in the mirror when one of the girls spoke, “Jiyong, last night was great right? So, you want to meet up again?” She smiled seductively as I look at her reflection through the mirror.


“Maybe.” I shortly replied.

“Come on, why maybe? Do you have a girlfriend? Is she as great as me in bed? I bet she couldn’t do half of what I did last night.”

My face reddened as the temperature of my head bolted up. I am pissed with the ’s statement. I shifted my hands towards her jaws and squeezed it threateningly.

“You are nothing compared to her!” I shouted as the other girl woke up staring at me with fear in her eyes.

“Both of you are es! Yes, I f***ed you, but that doesn’t give you the right to have a say in my life or whoever is in my life! Don’t show your faces to me again or I’ll have you …” I glared at both of them and released her jaws. She scurried away from me while tending her jaws. “…for weeks.”


“They were right about you, you’re a monster!” She shouted.

I smiled at her, “Baby, I’ve been called worse than that!” I shut the door and went on my way to the lobby of the hotel. I took my phone out as I dialed my driver.

“JoongKok, where are you? I’m on the lobby already.” I ended the call as I saw him wave through the glassed hotel door.  

I sat at the car. My thoughts drifted again to the face I saw last night. I clearly remember though I saw that face for seconds only because TOP nudged me and as I look back, I saw no one. “SunHee’s face” I mumbled to myself. But it can’t be her. I saw her dead body as they took her out of the emergency room three years ago.Though her face was full of bruises, blood and almost unrecognizable, I know it was SunHee's body. She was wearing our Cartier bracelet that I gave to her a week before the accident so I know it’s her.  Does she want to give a message? I know I acted like an from the day of her funeral, my friends didn’t stop me but I know they thought it’s my way of coping up. 

They’re right about it.

I almost killed myself in front of her grave if it wasn’t for the guy who stopped and talked to me that day.  He told me about his daughter who died but he can’t tell her wife and son about it. It will kill her wife. He said he had done a lot of stupid unforgivable mistakes in his life because of his wish for a better life for his family. But he has to be strong because he’ll lose the other important people in his life who are alive and well. That woke me up from my depression, yeah, but still doesn’t take away the pain I’m feeling. So I dressed up that very same night headed to a club, drown myself with alcohol and it worked. I was able to forget for a little while, the stinging pain in my heart. I did the same thing the next night and the night after that. It became a routine.


I snapped out in astonishment as the car stopped in front of our house door entrance. I’m spacing out the whole trip I didn’t notice I was already here. “Is mom and dad here?”

JoongKok replied and he bowed to me nervously, “ Ah neh sir. They arrived last night… but”

I knowingly looked at him expecting the rest of his statement. “They took off during the dawn right?!”I blurted out. He nodded.

I can’t remember the last time I saw them, I guessed they’ll be surprised to see me all grown up. I messed my blonde hair as I walk my way to my room.

“Get my car ready in an hour. I’ll be off to school! Arasso?”

I shut the door of my room and went straight to a drawer located in the lowermost corner of my cabinet. I took out all the old things in there and saw the remaining picture in the bottom of the drawer.

“SunHee.” as I caressed her face with my fingers.

“I thought I forgot what you look like but I saw this face last night. What do you want from me? Are you that cruel? Do you want to experience that pain again?”

I didn’t notice the tears in my eyes until one of them dropped in her picture. I wiped my eyes and return the things back to the drawer. I locked it and throw the key inside my cabinet. I prepared myself as I called Seungri if his in the school already.






-o-                                   -o-                                   -o-                                   -o-                                   -o-                                   -o-                                   -o-




Dara POV


I woke up because of the continuous ringing of my alarm. I got up and headed to the bathroom to take a shower.

All in all, it took half an hour to prepare myself for school. The apartment is only walking distance from the University so I need to leave the house 15 minutes earlier to arrive on time.

I look at my reflection on the mirror, casually dressed in pants and white shirt. I let my hair down put on a cap and some powder.




 A lot of guys in my old school tried to court me but none succeeded because i was focused on studies and regaining back my memories that time.

But now, I don’t need to remember the past because I’m contented.

And though I really can't remember anything, a lot of my classmates explained that I used to date a certain Lee Minho, a very popular guy in school but we broke up a month before the accident because he suddenly transferred school.

I’ve seen our pictures together, yeah, apparently we dated. Everybody said i took the break up badly and even went to school drunk and ranting on my heartbreak.

I shook my head as I whispered to herself, “Aigoo Dara!  You don’t even remember the guy.

But what I did was really embarrassing. I must’ve been deeply in love to act that way. Good thing I don’t remember anything about him. Guess that is God’s way of helping me.”

I smiled as I look up to the ceiling of the apartment and prayed, “Guide me today! Fighting!” I hurriedly went out of the room and locked the door. “AJA!” and continued my way to the door.



@myjoyce1986: there goes your another fanboy request. kekeke. expect the two in the succeeding chapters (making a certain leader jealous).

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Icequeen31 #1
Chapter 46: ❤️
Icequeen31 #2
Chapter 46: ❤️
Lette1022 #3
Chapter 16: Omg i thought it was jiyong hmmm my gosh
Chapter 47: What a cute story..
Chapter 46: Hahaha bominator will never not be funny!
Chapter 32: Chill dee... I mean sunhee 〣( ºΔº )〣
Chapter 10: This is better than school 2014 (⊙.⊙)
Chapter 46: It wasn't a heavy story. It was ok. Thumbs up for the author :)
Chapter 15: Awww Dara crying got me teary eyed too :'(
prettychez #10
Chapter 46: Very nice story. I really love the ending it's so sweet. I give you