Inner Turmoil

Im not her!



Dara’s POV


A month went on smoothly after Bom’s birthday. Me and Hanbyul are still staying at Bom’s house. Jiyong and I surprisingly are still together and I know Hanbyul and se7en are already making progress.

We constantly fight since our decisions don’t really match up all the time. Sometimes I win, sometimes he wins. Like today, we just fought in the morning since the study time with Joongie and Minho doesn’t really thrills him, he argued that I stop my study sessions with them but this annoyed the hell out of me and I disagreed telling he was being jealous for no reasons.  I have been friends with them even before this relationship thus it or he won’t stop me from still being friends with them. He knows he can’t force me this morning so he furiously left me in the car and headed to his building.  But besides these childish fights nothing really came out our way much to my relief. Though we rarely had our alone time since school works piled up this past few weeks, we are still trying our best to squeeze out time for dating. The whole school knows about “us” now since Jiyong basically threatened every guy, and I mean every guy, that went a meter near me. This also one of the reasons of our fights he’s being overly jealous for no reasons but deep inside it kind of made me a little giddy considering how protective he was with me. Anyways, I plan to talk to him again later after lunch knowing his pride still isn’t gonna waver in the morning and in no way I’m agreeing to his plead but I know I can soften him up.

I smiled thinking of this not minding if I’m staring at the same sentence for the umpteenth time pretending to read it.


Ring..ring… ring…




“What?! What hospital?”


“Okay, I’ll go there right away… How is…?”


The line went out as the battery of my phone emptied. ‘Aissht, not now!’


“Dara is everything okay?” Hyunjoong disrupted my thoughts. I started gathering my things.

“No… I have to go home to Busan right now.” I breathlessly said not looking at them.

“Why? W-What happened?” I sensed Minho standing up. I finally looked up to them and stutteringly explained,

“A-Appa.. Appa h-had a..a.. heart attack…” Scenarios played on my mind. ‘No,not my dad…’My knees started to tremble thus making me lose balance. Minho rushed to my side to support me from staggering down further.  

“Dara, stay calm… I’ll drive you back to Busan… Come on…”

“Thanks Minho-ah…” I steadied my breathing as I pushed out all the bad thoughts out of my mind. We rushed to the parking lot not minding the people throwing looks at our strained faces.  I quickly went to the car’s passenger seat but fidgeted in my seat as I nervously bit my finger.

“Dara everything is gonna be okay, don’t think too much neh?”  Hyun Joong relaxed my shoulders after checking my seatbelt. “I’ll stay here to talk to the professors to excuse the two of you out.”


Omo Jiyong!I still haven’t talked to him …’ The car door closed and his head peeped on the window to bid us goodbye. “Drive carefully Minho… Call me when you get there.” He backed away from the car as I heard the engine of the car. “Tell Jiyong I’ll call him…” I shouted before we finally went on. I don’t know how he’ll tell Jiyong considering they still aren’t in good terms but I trust he will do so. His figure got smaller and smaller until I finally looked away from the school’s direction.




However my stomach started to churn and I felt like throwing up. “Minho, could you pull over for a moment?” I quickly went out as soon as the car stopped.  I held on the cemented pavement and started vomiting.


“Dara…” I felt his hand caressed my back. “I’m sorry Minho but I think the news right now stressed me out already.” I immediately wipe my mouth as I finished. “But I’m okay now… I think… Let’s go?!”


“Are you sure you’re okay now? We can go to a pharmacy ri-”


“No. I want to see Appa already. I’m all good now.” I assured him though I still don’t feel good. I get nauseous these past week but maybe it’s just nerves. I went to the car and quickly sat on it. “Let’s go.”









Jiyong’s POV



“Hyung, where is Dara?”


“I don’t know and I don’t care…” I maintained my game face on.


“Really?...  If you’re not shaking your hands nervously, I would’ve believed you. You fought again?” Bom pointed at my hands to prove her point and the group stifled their laughter.


“Again?! You broke Bom and TOP’s record now. There isn’t a day when I can hear or witness the two of you fight. Now tell me why the two of you are still together?” Taeyang mockingly added.


I massage my head in response controlling the rising heat building in it right now. “If she wasn’t as stubborn as a stone and just stops involving herself with the two losers, then there is nothing to fight about.”


“You mean, Minho-shi and Hyun Joong-shi? Come on Jiyong, she’s been friends with them even before the two of you started going out. I don’t see anything bad with that.” CL reasoned out causally.


“You don’t understand, you’re a girl Chaerin. This is a man thing, I know how that Hyun Joong looks at Dara and don’t even get me started with that Minho, I know Dara see them as a friend but the two clearly doesn’t feel the same freaking way.” I said through gritted teeth.


“Oh I see… This isn’t about Dara but you being stupidly jealous. Seriously Jiyong, even from watching the two of you, you’re really choking her up with all this unreasonableness. Let her breathe…geez” I was speechless at her retort. ‘Am I being over the top?’ I just don’t want to lose her. I heave a deep sigh and I knew I’m defeated at this conversation. I went up and started to walk.


“Where are you going Ji?”


“I’m going to find her to apologize, happy?”


Bom stood up and spread her arms, “I never knew I’d live to witness a miracle. Jiyong is gonna apologize…you will actually say sorry…Dara is really doing something right …” She mocked at me.


“Yeah yeah, whatever I’m gone…” I shook my head as I headed out of the cafeteria to head to the library. I know I might not like whatever I may see in there but what the heck, I need to talk to her.


I walked up to her usual spot but saw it with a group of people I can’t recognize. I looked further towards the every corner of the library but no signs of her even the two losers. I didn’t see her in the cafeteria earlier that’s for sure so I headed to her class. There is no way she won’t be there but my heart started to race already. I called her like a few times already but I’m always directed to a voicemail. Something is up, I could feel it. I entered the room in panic and eyed every single student in there but failed to spot her.



‘Where are you Dara?’




Hi there, I know its a short update... *hides 

But, the next chapters...hmm... anyways...






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Icequeen31 #1
Chapter 46: ❤️
Icequeen31 #2
Chapter 46: ❤️
Lette1022 #3
Chapter 16: Omg i thought it was jiyong hmmm my gosh
Chapter 47: What a cute story..
Chapter 46: Hahaha bominator will never not be funny!
Chapter 32: Chill dee... I mean sunhee 〣( ºΔº )〣
Chapter 10: This is better than school 2014 (⊙.⊙)
Chapter 46: It wasn't a heavy story. It was ok. Thumbs up for the author :)
Chapter 15: Awww Dara crying got me teary eyed too :'(
prettychez #10
Chapter 46: Very nice story. I really love the ending it's so sweet. I give you