The Acceptance and Rejection

Im not her!



It’s Sunday and Dara decided to look for a part time job to save and send the money to her family knowing that her dad's job is really tough and the company he is employed is having a hard time. She is aware that she has to study during her free time but she can't help but worry about them. She already had part time jobs in the past and it greatly helped in their finances.

It really is a difficult time for her family and she would really like to help, now that she wasn't with them and especially with Sanghyun’s school needs.


She was walking in the streets of Hongdae with a paper filled with shop addresses which are seeking for assistance. She was busily looking and checking out the place when she saw a familiar figure. She blinked for several times before she finally called out a name.

"Han Byul-ah!". The girl stopped walking and turned to her direction. She smiled as the girl also called her.



Dara forwarded as she hugged Hanbyul, her friend in senior high.

"Oh my God! I missed you!"She released the girl as she continued, "Why are you here?"

Han Byul sadly smiled, "You know I can't afford to go to College. I had to work right after graduation because of Dad's illness... But enough about me. How you've been?"

"Im fine, still in one piece!" Dara joked.

"You've been the talk of our town since you got accepted to YLP. You're so lucky Dara!"


"I know right?!" She forcibly smiled but retorted in a small voice, "But that school isn't really that great, you know, a lot of pathetic losers are scattered in that school"


"What do you mean?"Han Byul asked.

"Oh don’t mind me! Forget what I said. So where are you going?"

"To the grocery, I’m gonna buy some stuff." She pointed out a store as she answered.

"Let's go then, I have so much to tell you..." Dara squealed.


"Then better start now rabbit!" Hanbyul exclaimed. Dara then started to tell her stories and experiences in the University.








Hanbyul's apartment



"Ooh, your room is quite spacious. Do you live alone?" She asked Hanbyul as she eyed the apartment.

Hanbyul was busy taking out the things she bought from the paper bag. "Yes, it’s spacious and cheap. My boss is the owner of this building, employees get discounts. It’s also very convenient since this is a block away from my work."

"Is that so? Where do you work?"

"A club." She said with slumped shoulders, and then she looked over Dara's direction. "And don't give me that look. It's a high end club for rich people and not that dirty club clouding your mind right now."

Dara smiled. Hanbyul really knows her. She always knew what is going on Dara’s mind. "You're a mind reader now huh?"

"One doesn't need to be a mind reader to figure out what you’re thinking. It's so obvious in your face.  
…The pay is great too, if that is what you are about to ask."


"Really?!"Dara's eyes twinkled with the thought of money.

"Please help me Byul-ah, is there vacancies there? I badly need a part time job. Please. Please. Pretty please?!"

Hanbyul was shocked at Dara's pleads.

"Dara, you're in school! Just focus on your studies!" She reprimanded.

"I can manage the two, school and work. I did it in senior high so I can definitely do it again."Dara assured her.

"But Dara! I don't want your parents to worry about you, it still a club.” Hanbyul said worriedly.

"You said it yourself, that it’s a different kind of club besides they don't have to know. I’ll just tell them I saved it from my allowance. Come on, don't be a scaredy cat!"


She sighed in defeat. "If you say so, I really can't win against you but don't tell me I didn't warn you. Also, you can't let that famous temper of yours in the way or I'll lose my job too since I recommended you. Dara nodded enthusiastically.










Jiyong POV



'Aiisht.' I exhaIed deeply as air puffed out of my cheeks moving my fringe out of my eyes. I am seated in my car for almost two hours as I wait for a certain girl to come out of a building.


I happen to pass by Dara's apartment early this morning...



Okay… I'm lying.



 I didn't just pass by;



I intentionally went there to check on her. But I was surprise to see her dressed up. I saw her ride a cab and followed her.

She made her stop at Hongdae.



I closely watched her in my car as she took out a piece of paper and pointed at different buildings as she mumbles to herself.

‘What is she up to?



And then she suddenly shrieked in excitement as she hugged a girl and talk to her. They went to the grocery while chatting and proceeded to the building in front of me.

 'I am breaking all the rules now with me following her.'

" sick drooling puppy!" Bom's words echoed on my mind.




 It was almost a week since the last time we talked which really didn't turn out exactly good.



[Flashback at Bigbang room]



"Be my girlfriend." I blurted out without looking at her.


Silence followed my statement. I couldn’t stop myself but peek at her reaction so I slowly turned my face to her.


She looks pretty stunned for a while but catches on when she saw me looking at her.

"Tsk." She smugly smiled and then her laughter filled the room.

"You really are sick in the head!" She continued laughing while sitting to a chair. "I have just proven that you're really nuts. Do you like me that much already? hahaha. Aigoo, my stomach!" She clenched her hand to her stomach but she didn't stop from laughing.


"You just met me today Kwon and now you’re proposing to be my boyfriend? Even a retard would know you sound ridiculous!" She managed to say as she stops herself from laughing.



I close my eyes and purse my lips as I block her laughter from my ears. 'She won't understand me as much as I don't understand myself. Bom knew I would do this, but I didn't listen to her. Think Jiyong.' I ordered myself as I think hard of an excuse.


Idea pooped out of my head and it was my turn to start laughing.  I felt she suddenly stopped, "You thought I was proposing to you. I'm sorry to burst your bubble of thought. But it wasn't a question, it’s an order." I looked at her as she staring at me with a visible frown.

"Here some piece of ty advice, if you want to stay and study here peacefully like you said then you should stay close to me. Especially with the fit you just threw earlier in front of the school. I doubt you'll last more than a month here. “She gulped as she watches me with furrowed eyebrows.

"I don't order my followers around, they move on their own to please me. Hyun Joong's case is a perfect example. They knew I won't be exactly pleased with him turning up that's why they hunted him right after he stepped at this school. You're case won't be different."I warned her.

"But they won't touch you with me around. So you stay close to me and save yourself from all the bullying and in return for giving you peace, you'll do as I say." I said suggestively.

She didn't answer as she looked down the floor. I smiled as I smelled victory.




"You're right!" She stood up and brightly smiled at me.





'Is she agreeing?' I can't stop myself from smiling widely as I bit my lower lip.


But that smile immediately vanished as she suddenly turned her back on me and proceeded to the door. I was about to follow her but halted at her next actions.



She opened the door but threw a hateful stare at me.




 "You’re right about one thing. Your advice really is ty! Thanks, but no thanks!"She said as she slammed the door close leaving me astounded in my spot.





[End of Flashback]





 Thanks so much everyone for loving this story.


I know a lot of you are curios about Dara and Sunhee. But you will find out more information about them in the upcoming chapters. Can't answer questions regarding them coz they are the enigma of the story. kekeke.


But before that, i might still confuse you with things like Dara remembering things in the next first few chapters. Does that makes sense? Aigoo. Please hang on.You all are in for a bumpy ride. kekeke.


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Icequeen31 #1
Chapter 46: ❤️
Icequeen31 #2
Chapter 46: ❤️
Lette1022 #3
Chapter 16: Omg i thought it was jiyong hmmm my gosh
Chapter 47: What a cute story..
Chapter 46: Hahaha bominator will never not be funny!
Chapter 32: Chill dee... I mean sunhee 〣( ºΔº )〣
Chapter 10: This is better than school 2014 (⊙.⊙)
Chapter 46: It wasn't a heavy story. It was ok. Thumbs up for the author :)
Chapter 15: Awww Dara crying got me teary eyed too :'(
prettychez #10
Chapter 46: Very nice story. I really love the ending it's so sweet. I give you