Admit that you LURVE me LUHAN!!!!


Authors POV


Jieun sat up on her chair and yawned stretching her arms creating a loud noise. Everyone in the class gazed at her direction staring at her including the teacher.

“Ms Lee, is it me or does it seem that you find my class uninteresting. Is it alright for you to come to the front and entertain us please since you seem to be very bored?” Mr Park instructed looking at her sternly while crossing his arms.

She stood up and looked around the class trying to buy time for her to think of something smart to say. “Um, I am just tired Mr Park…… I didn’t really sleep well for these past few days. I am truly sorry if I have disrespected you and your ways of teachings. For a matter of fact I personally adore this class, it is better than some classes.” Jieun smartly replied with as much expression and feeling into her words getting laughs and chortles from her fellow classmates.

“Okay then Ms Lee, you may sit down now.” He said making her nod at him. “Also, thank you for your praises Ms Lee.” He added smiling at her. He turned his body towards the board and starting teaching again.

Jieun faced Kris and gave him a cheeky smile as she sat down on her chair.

“Nice one.” Kris mouthed giver her two thumbs up and a wink.

 Luhan on the other hand did not look pleased at how she acted. He thought it was disrespectful and annoying how she stopped the class and made a fool out of herself. He just shook his head disappointingly.

The class finally finished and everyone got out of their seats and headed home but Luhan stayed until both Kris and Jieun would leave. He pretended that he was sleeping so he can eavesdrop on the two.

“So are you ready?” Kris asked standing up from his chair looking at Jieun.

“Um, yup…. I just need to pack my stuff. Wait for me outside will you?” She asked packing up her stuff.

“Sure.” He replied walking out of the class.

“Thanks oppa.” She said waving at him.

Just as Kris was out of sight Jieun faced Luhan who seemed to be “sleeping”. She knew he wasn’t sleeping since he was fully awake during class and she saw him “sleep” when the bell rang. She just looked at him and walk out of the door closing it behind her. As soon as he heard the door closing he jolted up from his seat and looked at the door. Sighing, he stood up and walked out of the class.





Kris and Jieun hopped inside Kris’ car and drove off to her house. When they got there Kris parked his car in front of her house and they got out of the expensive car. Jieun opened the door and she welcomed him in.

“This is my house.” She stated grinning at him as they walked around the living room. Kris followed her while looking at her nice looking and comfortable abode.

“Jieun-ah, is that you?” Her mother yelled from the kitchen.

“Umma, it’s me and I have a guest with me so can you please pipe it down?!” She replied back smiling at Kris.

“Who is it? Is it a boy? Her mother asked sounding very happy.

“Um, yes it’s a boy.” Jieun replied rolling her eyes.

“Well, let me see him. Come to the kitchen and introduce me to your friend.” Her mother said.

Jieun led Kris to the kitchen and introduced him to her embarrassing mother.

“Umma, this is Kris Wu. Kris this is my mother.” Jieun said.

“Nice to meet you Mrs Lee.” Kris greeted holding out his hand for a hand shake.

“It is nice to meet you too.” She replied taking his hand and shaking it. She eyed him from head to toe then quickly winked at her daughter.

“Okay that is enough. You are embarrassing me mother.” Jieun said grabbing both their hands and making them let go of each other’s.

Kris quietly laughed at her actions thinking it was very cute.

“Umma, can I talk to you in private for a second please?” She asked taking her mother’s arm and pulling her along with her across the room. She smiled at Kris and told him to wait for a few seconds.

“Umma, Kris is taking me to the mall today. Is that alright? I promise I’ll be home before 8.” She cautiously asked her mother.

Her mother’s eyes widened in surprise and agape looking at the beauty behind her, before he could notice Jieun tugged on her mother’s shirt to get her attention.

“So can I?” She pleaded.

“Of course you can, how can I say no to that.” She replied eyeing the attractive student from head to toe.

“Umma, that is disgusting and thank you!” Jieun said rolling her eyes at her mother then kissing her on her cheek.

Jieun ran to Kris and told him the great news.

“My mother said yes so wait in the living room, I just need to change my clothes.” She informed him pulling out a smile from him.

Kris nodded and followed Jieun to the living room and waited as she went up to her room and changed. After a few minutes, Jieun came down from the stairs wearing a beautiful deep purple summer dress with floral patterns at about knee high length making Kris awe in astonishment.

“So…… do you like it or is it too over the top?” She asked playing with the hem of her dress.

“N-o no n-no…. don’t change. You look amazing.” He said looking at her in awe.

Jieun blushed at his comments not being able to hide it. They stood there for what they thought was forever but was actually a few mere seconds when Jieun finally cut the tension in half.

“Come on, let us go.” She said freeing him from his thoughts.

“Oh, right.” He mumbled.

They walked to the kitchen and told her Mrs Lee their goodbyes.

“Umma, we’re going. I might not be able to eat dinner with you so don’t bother waiting, neh?” She informed her mother who was cooking dinner.

“Oh, alright then. You two have fun, but be careful I don’t want grandchildren yet.” Her mother playfully said winking at both of them.

Jieun face palmed herself and pulled Kris out of her house along with her.

“Don’t mind my mother. She is bit out there.” She said.

“Hahaha, yeah. I thought that too.” He replied smiling at her.

“Wait.” He said. “I was supposed to ask your mother if you could come but you did it. Can we go back so I can ask her?” He added.

“Hahaha, no.” She said. “I’m not going back inside. She might say weirder things to us.” She added.

They got inside the car and Kris started it. They drove away to their destination. The mall, where things happen.






“What do you want to do?” Kris asked facing Jieun as they walked to the entrance of the mall.

“Hmmmmm, I don’t know. You were the one who asked me here and you still have to buy your clothes for that party thing you have to go on.” She said.

“Oh yeah, I forgot about that. Well, let’s go.” He said.

Kris and Jieun walked inside the mall normally like other normal people but it wasn’t very nice when girls started ogling at Kris. Jieun got really insecure at how the other girls looked at her. They were glaring and shooting imaginary lasers at her. For Kris he just ignored them since he always get attention from girls everywhere.

“Kris, I think this was a bad idea.” She whispered to him as they walked around the mall looking for a shop that sells suits.

“Hey, don’t worry about them. They’re just jealous of you.” He reassured her.

Jieun nodded and kept walking with him, very close to him being very cautious of her surroundings since girls might start attacking her.

They finally reached the shop that sold suits. Very expensive looking suits made with very expensive materials. Jieun looked at the shop in awe as they headed inside the shop. Apparently it was only for VIP and guessing that they got in without any hindrance she guessed that Kris was a VIP.

“Wow.” She breathed.

“It’s not that bad.” He replied.

“What do you mean not bad? This shop is ing huge!” She exclaimed.

“Alright, calm down. I still need to find a suit.” He said.

“Right.” She mumbled.

They walked to the desk and were met by a lady, about early 20’s wearing a very short skirt and her blouse was too revealing for all. Just as the desk lady saw Kris she started fixing herself up and ed one more button from her shirt showing her cleavage.

“Hello, sir. Hello ma’am.” She greeted smiling at Kris then glaring at her.

“I need to buy a suit for a gathering. Is my tailor here?” He asked.

“Let me check, please wait a moment.” She replied winking at him making Jieun gag at her actions. Kris just chuckled.

The desk lady grabbed the phone and pushed numbers and waited for the person to talk on the other side. They talked for about 30 seconds when she put it down.

“Mr Wu, he is here today. Please follow me.” The girl instructed walking out of her desk and to the door. They soon followed her smirking at the way she was walking.

“Is there something funny?” She asked facing the both of them.

“Of course not.” They lied. She then faced forward and walked again.

“Of course there is something funny. You bloody walk like a duck.” Jieun whispered to Kris. There and then they guffawed.

Finally after a few minutes of walking they were led to a room. Inside was an old man standing in front of dozens of suits. Expensive lookingbones too. The desk lady then left.

“Here you are Mr Wu.” She said winking at him before closing the door.

“Here you are Mr Wu.” Jieun mocked making Kris chuckle.

Kris then walked up to the tailor and talked to him. Jieun just stood there awkwardly waiting for instructions on what to do.

“Jieun-ah, come here. I need your help with my suits. I want you to tell me which one is the best. Arasso?” He said.

She nodded and watched Kris and the tailor get one of the mannequins and put it inside a little room where Kris was so he could change into it. Jieun waited until Kris came out wearing the suit. He smiled at her waiting for her verdict.

“Wahhhh……… NO!” She harshly said. He walked back inside.

He came out again wearing a different type of suit with a smile waiting for her.

“Nope…” She said shooing him away. He groaned and walked back inside.

As Kris went inside the room she looked for a chair to sit on since she knew that they were going to be there for a very long time considering that the 2 good looking suits were not up to scratch on her list. She finally found one and took it. She placed it in front of the room where Kris was and sat down crossing her legs looking almighty.

After one hour of saying no to the suits Jieun finally made a choice. It screams simple but also screams I’m rich so don’t come near me vibe to the suit which she liked since she thinks Kris is like that too.

They left the shop with Kris nagging at Jieun.

“Thank god you finally made a choice. It was so boring and I grew tired of putting on suits.” He groaned.

“If I didn’t help with the picking and you just let your tailor grab all the suits and gave it to you, we would’ve been staying there overnight. So don’t mope and groan, thank me for what I did.” She said wanting Kris to praise her.

“Whatever.” He replied rolling his eyes at her. Jieun looked at him then stuck her tongue out at him.

“Oppa, I’m hungry. Can we eat somewhere please? My stomach needs its feeding.” She whined.

“Fine, fine. Where do you want to eat?” He asked facing her.

“Let’s go somewhere where they sell food.” She dumbly said.

“Let’s go to the food court then, it seems that you don’t know what your stomach wants.” He sighed shaking his head at her.

They walked down to the food court laughing and having fun with each other like always but Jieuns smile faded away as she saw them.

Jieuns eyes widened as her cousins lips met with Luhans. She was speechless and frozen on her spot. She didn’t know what to do, the tears were b from her eyes and she couldn’t contain them anymore. She let them drop as she ran away not wanting to see any more of the scene with Kris chasing her.

“Why do I feel like this? I should be happy right? I should be happy that he’s with her, like he always wanted. Why am I crying for? Jieun-ah, babo. Jieun-ah babo.” She thought as she ran away with tears streaming down her face.

NO!!! Luhan why you kiss the enemy? This make things go crazier now and I have to write what happens next. Why do I make it harder for myself? I don't care as long as I make you guys all happy!! Hope you like this chappie. 

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Heys guys!!! I will be making a new fic, the link will he up soon with chapter 16. Please support me!! Saranghae!!!!


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Lovelypandabear #1
Chapter 39: this whole story was a roller coaster of FEELS, but I loved it <3
honeyfree #2
Chapter 6: ur fic is going to make me crazy cus i think the story line of urs so far so good.. im really enjoy it.. thanks authornim..
krishunxoxo #3
Chapter 39: laf laf laffff <333
it's really nice to see yun here :D it's just really hard to find any lunafly-related fic :/ jieun is so weird lols
mellodie #5
Chapter 26: Wae author-him wae you make me want punch her badly
music4ever #6
Chapter 39: I read this story in one day!!! Yay!!!
What an amazing story!!!!!
Chapter 39: Complete Win, this story was! Soooo goood!
Lawl........ Reminds me of an ecchi anime x3 mwahahahahahahaha
Chapter 18: Haha this chapter reminds me of special a... good times...X'D
Chapter 39: LMAO I CAN'T IMAGINE LUHAN ROLLING IN THE SAND WHILE CRYING.... or is it just me thinking it too literally..... BUT JUST UGH I CAN'T

btw great story (Y)