I'll take care of you

Rivalry 101


~ Friday, 6:30 AM
We were in class waiting for the instructor. Taeyeon-unnie and Seohyun just arrived. I waited for another girl to enter but there wasn't anyone else coming. I wonder where Yoona is. I glanced at Sooyoung and it seemed like she's waiting for Yoona too. Seohyun sat beside me as she wiped the water from the rain on her arms. It has been raining non-stop since last night which made it impossible for me to jog outside earlier.
"Where's Yoona?" I asked Seohyun.
"Ah, she wasn't feeling well when she woke up so we told her to just rest today." she answered.
"Really? Why? Did she go out in the rain or something?"
"Ne unnie, she met with her friend last night. She forgot to bring an umbrella and so she was totally wet when she got home."
"Ne. Her friend since she was in elementary."
"A boy?"
"Ani.. Unnie! Don't worry, she's not a threat to you. She's just really Yoona-unnie's friend." Seohyun answered, assuring me.
I nodded and Seohyun smiled at me. I can't afford to have another competition with Yoona. The way I see it, I'm already at a disadvantage against Sooyoung. I passed another glimpse at Sooyoung and saw her asking Taeyeon-unnie some questions. I'm pretty sure it's about Yoona. Ah, seriously! I scoffed. Just then, the instructor came in and started discussing. I took my phone from my pocket and started typing a message and sent it.
To: Yoona
Ditching classes, huh?
After a few moments, my phone vibrated and I saw the name I prayed to see on my screen.
From: Yoona
Haha. :D Sometimes it's pretty healthy to ditch. LOL
I laughed at her humor silently. Silly girl.. I thought. And then my eyes widened with shock. Wait a second! Does she even know it was me who texted her? I believe I forgot to insert my name on my text message. How can she not ask who I was? I don't remember exchanging phone numbers with her and this is my very first text message to her.
To: Yoona
Do you know who I am?
From: Yoona
Of course unnie! I don't reply to strangers so I wouldn't text you if I didn't.
To: Yoona
Are you sure you know who I am?
From: Yoona
Ne unnie. 100% positive :)
To: Yoona
Who am I then?
From: Yoona
You're the beautiful and talented Kwon Yuri. ;)
To: Yoona
How do you know my number?
From: Yoona
I just know. :) You may not feel it but we have a connection you know? Haha.
Her message made my heart skip a beat. 'We have a connection'. She thinks we're connected? The thought made me smile.
To: Yoona
From: Yoona
And that simple text message caused my heart to beat in crazy rhythms again. What could that heart symbol mean? Is there something special about it? I'm dying to know. 
To: Yoona
:") Aren't you sick? How can you still keep texting?
From: Yoona
Does it take too much effort to text? Haha. Crazy.
We kept texting that morning. We talked about simple and normal things. I hope we could talk like this in person, if only I had the chance.
~ 11:00 AM
"Seohyun-ah!" I called out. She turned to look at me.
"Ne unnie?" she replied, smiling.
"Can I visit Yoona at your dorm?" I asked.
"Of course you can! You can ride with us later unnie." she answered.
"I mean right now.." I said.
"Right now?! We still have classes. Are you ditching?" she scolded.
"Ssssh! Well, this is the only time I can see her without being interrupted by Sooyoung. Besides.. Someone told me it's pretty healthy to ditch sometimes." I told her as I winked.
She laughed and nodded. "Okay unnie, I understand." She grabbed a key on her bag and handed it to me. "You'll need this if you don't plan to wake her up."
I smiled and thanked her and then I left. I rode our van and asked the driver to drop me off to Yoona's dorm, without questions, he just agreed and started driving. We stopped by a supermarket to buy some fruits and then headed to their dorm again. I got so excited to see her. Finally, an alone time with her, a chance to take care of her, I smiled with my thoughts. We finally got to their dorm and waved our driver goodbye. When he left, I entered their dorm quietly. It was very nice and clean inside. I looked around and found the kitchen, I took the chopping board and a knife. I started cutting some fruits to give to Yoona.
"Yuri-unnie?!" she called out from behind.
"Ow!" I accidentally cut my finger when I heard her. I was so surprised when I heard her.
"Unnie! Are you okay?!" she asked as she ran towards me. She grabbed my hand and saw my finger bleeding. I looked at her face and saw how pale she was. She must be really sick.
"I'm fine.. Are YOU okay?" I asked her.
"Yes! Good heavens! What are you doing here?! I thought we were being robbed!" she yelled with so much effort.
"I'm sorry. I just thought I should cut some fruits for you first before... Wait a minute! Is that a baseball bat you're holding?" I teased and laughed. Her face got all red. She was blushing. I continued, "Seriously, you think you can protect yourself with that? You don't even look strong enough to kill a mosquito."
I laughed again as I took the baseball bat from her hands and placed it in the table. After a few NOs from her, she finally got on my back and I carried her in her room. She pointed which door leads to her room and I sat her gently on her bed and then supported her body in lying down. Her body temperature was burning hot. I realized how sick she was.
"Unnie!" she called out, just as I was about to leave her to get the fruits.
"Yes?" I replied, looking at her.
"Why are you here? Seriously?" she asked.
"I wanted to pay a visit to the sick woman." I . She smiled.
"Well, aren't you pretty early for a visit? Were you just using me as an excuse to ditch classes?" she said with a smile.
"Yes! I had to escape that boring place and thanks to you, I had a reason to excuse myself." I joked and she laughed with so much effort. "I'll be back, I will just go and get you the fruits I've prepared."
She nodded and I went out to get them. I headed towards the kitchen and continued cutting some more and went back to her room as quickly as I could. When I got back, she was already asleep and I didn't want to wake her up so I just walked silently outside again to place the fruits on their fridge. I went to their bathroom and found some face towels. I took one and washed it. I went back to Yoona's room and placed the damp towel on her forehead, being careful not to wake her up. I covered her with a thin blanket in case she felt cold. I stared at her while she was sleeping. She still looks so pale and... tired. How could she still look so pretty even when she's sick? 
I saw a rubik's cube on the table beside her bed, i took it and sat on the floor beside her. I started playing with it until I got tired and suddenly dozed off.
~ 1:00 PM
I woke up with the feeling of pain on my back. I realized I fell asleep while sitting, no wonder my back hurts like this. I stretched a little and turned to check on Yoona but to my surprise, her bed was empty. I quickly stood up and looked for her. I felt relieved when I found her in the kitchen, eating the fruits I prepared earlier.
"You could've just asked me to bring you these. Look at you, you still look so tired and sick." I told her with concern.
"I'm all right unnie. I don't want to stay in bed all day." she replied as she offered me a piece of apple which I gladly took.
I watched her as she continued eating. We were having a little conversation when she suddenly stopped talking and eating. "Yoona, what's wrong? Is there something hurting?" she didn't answer me. She just looked at me with her eyes full of pain which caused my mind to panic. "Yoona-yah! What's hurting? Tell me. If you can't speak, point it with your finger." she just kept looking at me and then she moved as fast as she could towards the bathroom, I followed her there and my heart cried when I saw her fall on her knees in front of the toilet bowl and vomit. My poor Yoona is in so much pain right now and I can't do anything about it. I came near her and brushed her hair away from her face and held it up as I rubbed her back while she was vomiting.
"Unnie.... Please... Go out..." she said weakly.
"Aniyo. It's okay, I'll stay here with you." I replied. How can I leave you here like this?
"I don't want you.. to.. see me.. like.. this.." she said again as tears started to fall from her eyes. I felt severe pain in my chest as I saw her cry.
"What are you saying? Don't worry about that. I came here to take care of you." I told her.
I stopped her and said "If you want me to leave, then show me that you're feeling better. Show me that you're really well. If you can't, I'm so sorry but you have no other choice but to let me stay here and take care of you."
I can see her surprised expression from her pale face. She just nodded at me for an answer and then she was vomiting again. I felt so sad seeing her like this. I felt my heart breaking into million pieces. I wish I could just have the fever instead of her. I wanted to cry but I know I shouldn't. I should be strong for her right now.
"Don't come out in the rain again, okay?" I told her as I kept rubbing her back to comfort her as she vomitted. "If you forget your umbrella, call me, I'll pick you up whenever and wherever. Do you understand?"
She nodded weakly and still kept vomitting. My heart was continuously tearing apart. I felt so desperate as I look at her and know I can't do anything to make the pain go away. Yoona, please feel better already, my heart hurts so much when I see you in pain.
After vomiting everything she just ate earlier, I brought her to their living room near the kitchen to rest her on the couch since she said she didn't want to go to her bedroom. I helped her drink medicine and then I took the towel that I used earlier and washed it again. I re-placed it on her forehead and gave her a head massage, hoping to help ease the pain she was feeling. After a while, she fell asleep again. I stood up and decided that I should cook something for her to eat when she wakes up. After cooking and changing the towel into a newly damped one on her forehead, I sat on the floor beside the couch where she was again and touched her face.  Her temperature was still hot but not as hot as it was earlier. It was good to know her fever is now dropping little by little. I held her hand and lightly kissed it.
"What am I supposed to do when you're like this? Are you trying to worry me to death? Don't be sick again or I might go crazy when I see you in pain like earlier, alright? Stop trying to break my heart this way, I might die of desperation just thinking about how I can take the fever away from you. Please be well soon, it torments me to see you hurt like this.." I told her silently while she was sleeping. And then I closed my eyes, still holding her hand, and let myself rest for a while.
Hi!! It's been a while! I'm so sorry for another late update, something just came up. I'm so sorry. Anyway, I hope you like this new chapter. Please feel free to message me your suggestions or comment your insights. I'd appreciate every single one of them :)) Please keep supporting my story. Thank you everyone!
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awe.. this is bad. i think my story is getting boring or something. my readers have stopped commenting on my updates.. why? :(


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Chapter 34: Woah!!! This is so good. Love the yoonyul ff, my babies are so cute and sweet. Thank you so much author for this amazing ff. Lots of love for you nd of course for my yoonyul<3
RavensHaven #2
Chapter 34: Waaaahhhh! hahaha. This fic brought me here at AFF seven months ago (I know it's kinda late for me to post a comment), honestly this is my second time reading this and yet it still made me cry so hard. Really Kudos to you Author! I will never forget about this story, it is so great and many Twin Troopers should read this like really. hahaha okay, I'm just so happy to find this and reread it. Thank you for making this story and Fighting!
Rica_24 #3
Chapter 1: Please update this st0ry and finish what y0uve started,its really great st0ry,please
Chapter 34: i wish yoonyul is real .. I really love the story .. Saranghae yoona ,,
Yucrystal #5
Chapter 25: Update !! Update !! Update !! Please. :D
F1e_4pple #6
Chapter 34: thanks for this very sweet story :)
they're just cute and sweet @___@
heden_chloe02 #7
Chapter 34: Hey author! Do u know author "phufphuf"by any chance? Not that i think u are related but i think you Have the same perfect blend for writing fanfic stories... especially wid yuri in character. Anyway i just remembered that author while reading this story.... it`s so amazing how ur lines reminded me of her words of wisdom too. Coz u two ar really good writers... anyway, i hope u too cross each others paths... and maybe team up???hwaiting author! I've come to like yoonyul because of ur writing. :-)
if you have time Author, update this one too. :)