My New School


Author POV

That morning, Maya got to wake up the others. It's nearly 7.00 am. Manager already messaged her earlier that there's a meeting at SM ENTERTAINMENT's head office, on 9.30 am. She also made breakfast for all her dongsaeng before awaken them up. She doesn't want to wake up Kila yet, cause she knew Kila had arrived a while ago and she must be tired. There in her big room, she left Kila with her own sweet dream and plan to wake Nada. She knocked their room and went inside. Nada slept on the below the bunk beds.

"Nada saeng~ Ireohna." The fact is, Nada was the second older member among the group. Nada let out a small nod and said," Arrr, araseo"

" Tika, wake up, wake up. " Maya continued to wake up Tika on the above. She patted her arms but there's still have no sign of waking up.

" Yah, yah, Tika-shi! Wake up, wake up. We have a meeting to attend later. "

Nada was still rubbing her fluffy eyes, and stand up. " Meeting? Is today Wednesday already?! Aish." She went to bathroom.

Tika already wake up a bit, but she's still hadn't open her eyes, instead she grab her towel and sit on the corner of the beds and slept again.

" Tika, wake up. If you don't wake up, I'll eat all of your breakfast today, araseo?" Maya smirked.

"Hmm..... I'm waiting for Nada eonni, I'm not sleeping" Tika said. Maya went off the room and tried to knock Rina and ________ 's room. At the moment ske knocks the door, Rina opened it. " Oh, Maya eonni, good morning!"

"Rina, you scared me." Maya smiled. Then she said, " You've already wake up? wao.. daebak. Anyway, where's our maknae?"

"She's still in her own world. Look at her, sleep like a baby."

"Omo,,so cute.. " Maya pinched __________'s cheek. "__________-ah, it's time to wake up. Ireohna, ireohna. " Maya shakes ________'s body right and left.


I woke up with both of my eyes closed, and rubbed my eyes in a circular motion. I sat on my bed and felt someone pinched me cheek. It's Maya eonni.

"Baby, stop dreaming and get ready for breakfast, palli" Maya said, Rina eonni already left the room.

"Oh, good morning eonni, mianhae I'm so tired and I can't get up early."

"After shower, go to the table, we'll wait for you. Don't be late." You nodded.

Maya POV
> It's time for Kila~<
" Kila, ireohna, everybody is ready. You don't our manager mad at you, don't you? wake up,pleaseeeee~"

"Ohh, the meeting. I know, sorry."

Author POV
Kila arrived at yesterday lunch. Althought they've decided her duties and all, but she didn't complaint or make some excuses. She's a type that will do the best and didn't care about her task.  

It's already 9.30 o'clock. Manager Kang arrived and take the girls to the meeting.

~ Author's Note : It's in October right now, you're school for this year's over. I'm sorry for the previous chapter, cause it seems there's a mistake there. I do mention that you'll go attend school on Thursday, but the fact is, you're going to school for 'next year'. Ah, for now your age is still 15 years old. And your younger sister, remember Harin (OC) , she's still 14 years old for now, just for now. Mianhae~ but I've changed the mistake, don't worry.

"Manager Kang! Annyeonghaseyo~, good morning." you said and bows.

"So, ready girls?"

"Yeah! Meeting, meeting, meeting~" Tika said.

                                                        ****** A T   T H E   L I F T *******


"Manager, excuse me, but what is this meeting for? And I want to ask you why Manager Oh want to take in charge of our attidudes, I thought all of us were good girls ?" You asked and looked at your manager.

"That's so much questions you have there, young girl. Okay, I'm gonna answer it one by one."

All of them listen carefully to their manager, it's maybe because they want to know the reason too and not only you were wondering why.

"First, this meeting is about to introduce your group to the company, other idol group of this company or should I say, SM TOWN family it is. Second, about Manager Oh, she'll be around during your practices, your stage performances when you're already debut, she'll take care of your appearance such as; clothes, make-ups, and so on. But being and idol is not the same thing when being a normal person. You must know how to talk well in interviews, how to walk, how to smile, how to greet your fans, and that's her job. For a conclusion, Manager Oh is like an Image Consultant."

The conversation cut off when the door started to open, looking at your watch, and headed to the meeting room. "I can't wait to meet Seohyun eonni again. Lalalalalala~" You held Tika's right hand and sing through the way.

" Before I forgot, I have to warn you, don't update any private thing about SM ENTERTAINMENT on your twitter, facebook or anything you have. It' might cause our campany's secret revealed." The manager warned them. Standing at the door, > I can do it!<
It was a huge meeting room. From the door you can see Super Junior, Girls Generation/ SNSD , Shinee, F(x), and others. Minho smiled at you and waved. You smiled back and take your seat. Suddenly a boy group came and it was 12 of them. " Oh, Exo oppas! Bwara [ look ] eonni! " you said.
You was siting between Tika and Rina. Both of them were surprised too. " Mwo?!"

When all of them begin to introduce themselves one by one you the one who's VERY talkactive person said, "Manager Kang, they were here too? I mean the Exo?! Wow... so cool" Your manager put a quiet sign on his lips. You muttered, "Sorry"

"Tika eonni, why your eyes were watering? You seems like one of the guy, stop it eonni. Remember our contract first!"

Tika keeps staring at a tall guy and fuzzy hair, " Oh my, he's hot! " With a gulp, "Of course I remember, maknae-shi~ but sometimes, girls just have to clean their eyes like this ," Tika replied and laughed.

Rina eonni went off the toilet for a while. You was searching for Seohyun eonni and when you've found her, you stand up and bows. Meanwhile, Nada and Maya was talking and give a depressed look.

Nada POV
"Maya eonni, look there comes the Exo."

"Chakamma [ wait ] , isn't that the guy who staring at you that night? And beside him were the guy who bumped me, and return my wallet back."Maya give out a confusing look.

"So, they are Exo. And you've meet them that night. And...... one of them was satring at me . Well, I know I'm pretty. Anyway, who's him by the way?"

"Your guy is D.O. and mine was Chanyeol." Maya rubbed her temples.

"Ohhhh~, he's cute I thought. It's ever rare to find a big eyes idol like him."

"But what if they remember us? And what if we fall in love with them? What if they flirt us later?" Maya gave a depressing look at Nada.

"Don't worry, they're not even our friends, so no worries, eonni. Besides, if they flirt us, I'm calling the manager right away." I rolled my eyes.

Author POV
When Rina went back to the meeting room, and then there was a guy smiled at him. Not dare to look at his face, she look away pretended like she doesn't know he's smiling at her. DUP! DUP! DUP! her heart beats. After the CEO gave his speech, it's time to introduce 'SPARKLE' . Your manager describe your group. " This is a new trainee group of our company, SPARKLE!" . Everybody clap their hands.
From left, Maya - Nada - Kila - Tika - You - Rina bows at the same time. Maya said " Annyeonghaseyo~, we are the new trainee for SM ENTERTAINMENT and our group name is SPARKLE. Gamsa hamida because you've choosen us. We're very thankfull to the CEO . Please treat us well."
" I'm Maya, Sparkle's leader."

"Annyeonghaseyo, I'm Nada, Sparkle's visual."

"Annyeong, I'm Sparkle's lead rapper, Kila imnida"

"Annyeonghaseyo, I'm Tika, lead dancer in Sparkle"

"Annyeonghaseyo~ I'm Sparkle's maknae __________ imnida"

"Annyeong, Rina imnida".... " Uhm, I'm Sparkle's main vocalist"
Manager Oh whispered to Manager Kang, "Only Rina has a problems with talking, she's so shy."
"Give her time, Se Kim"

After the meeting you have to follow Manager Oh to the practice room. You learn new dance moves, and practice through it. You was thinking about Minho, even after the meeting, you can't even say hi to him and you heard some rumors said that they have to go to Japan that day. You miss him.

                                                     ******* N E X T     Y E A R *********

~ Author's Note : Now all of you are turning 16 for this year. Pardon me, all from the previous chapter is just a flashback that's why I use past tense and now, it's the real one. The one which is happening. Your new school.


January. First day of school. Monday. Seoul Art High School is your new school.

All of you members loosen up their hair, but not you. You tied up your hair and put a ribbon on it. You are different from the others, all of them wear make-ups, but you? completely not wearing any make-up at all. > Original is the best! <


Manager Kang drop all of you infront of the school. You were holding a yellow file and inside it is your personal details that you have to sent to the principal later. You and the others walk to the school , somehow everybody's staring at you like you were a savage. You try to smile at them but, they turn their heads away. > That was a rude attidud , you know, I wonder if our Manager Oh are here <
Manager Kang did say this to us, "The school provided music and dance classes. Only the grades decides whether you're in the first class ( Clever ) or last class ( Not Clever ), so don't be sad if you're not on the same class with the members."

" Eonni I think we should ask them were's the principal's office." You said.

"Ah, I think so." Nada said, at that moment Tika eonni already ask someone. " Annyeong, can I ask you..." The girl she interview run away. "It seems we have to search it alone." Maya ordered us to split in to teams and when one of us have found it, she said "Message". Rina & Maya, Kila & You, Tika & Nada.

I was running with Kila eonni and search the office high and low. When we heard a loud voice, I take her hands and run. > Oh, it was the result whether you're in the first class or not, why everybody is so noisy anyway <
" Eonni, I want to check on our name first." I said and went in the chaos. I text the others about the class. When I'm done, I went back where Kila eonni was. She's not there. I try to look around if she's still there. But there's no sign of her, " Kila eonni, Kila eonni. Where are you?" All I can see is student. Fashionable students, nerd, bullies, derp and even dork. I lost her. I walk away and decided to search the office myself. I look at the floor and feel so tired of this. Beep! Beep! Beep!, crap my battery must be low. Is this one of my unlucky day? Or maybe I'll find the office soon.

I spotted a stairs. Walking towards it to sit, I feel a shiver coming down my neck. It was someone talking a few centimetres away from my neck. " Hi young lady, are you lost?" I don't dare to look around because I knew it's a boy voice. I try to scream and run but he held my hand and shut my mouth.  It's dark and I can't see his face clearly.  I knew he's not alone. A guy behind him said, "Stop playing with the . She only waste our time."

I was so scared to look around. He said, "She's just a and that's why I like to play with her." I try to move his hands on my grip but it's hopeless, he's way to strong than me. "Where do you want to go, sweety?" He try to kiss me. I struggle myself to look away. I slap him. I did manage to slap his face. Suddenly the lights were on. It was six of them. He stare at me and cupped my face, "You sure a brave " I run, he pulled out my ribbon and I give a hurt voice, "Owh!" I run as fast as I can from that place. I heard his friends screaming," You bastard! Class is on, don't chase the , babo [ fool ] !"

Hello everybody!

Uwaaaa~ it's already chapter 5 and the last scene is the best I think. I forgot to mention about chapter 3. I've change the Manager Kang's pic , and the living room. What should I say for more? Ah, I accept any comments from you all even if you do comment ' :P ' like this or ' nice '  or  ' not good ' . Thank you, I'll update the next chapter next week, sorry but I think homework and study must be the first one. -No matured content-

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I'm still considering on writting the sequel or not


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I miss this and I miss you, authornim T_________________T
Smileonce133 #2
yeahhhh sungjong
janefelicia28 #3
Chapter 3: the manager's HAWT !
Chapter 45: finally I read the ending of this story.. actually I didn't want to read it because im afraid that I will miss the story if I finish read it. but I'm very curious about the ending so here I am finish reading the story.. thx author/saengi for the great story.. and I hope you will update the sequel as soon as possible. love ya
Chapter 44: i like your part n kila. :)
P/S : haha kidding b-but ;3; *pouts*
hha., special epi for me no ka? hha *begayak cute
Chapter 37: nasib kau x padam..klau tdk kcewa aku..=_=
Chapter 31: This chapter make me crazy. Love it (: