I'm Yours, Nobody



In a few weeks, snow will start to fall. Let's do a flashback about Maya and Minho first, okay ?

* F L A S H B A C K *

Before the day they were broke up, the moment where Minho saw Maya was flirting with another guy, Suho.

Well, not only that. Maya was a girl with a different personality. She doesn't like to cling around a boy she likes. But that was what Minho want from her. They doesn't get the chemistry anymore. They alwsy quarrel about something that is so simple like.... buying a couple t-shirt ?

" Oppa, I want this ! " Maya said.

" Ani, that's not suitable for you and... for us. "

" Ah ! Wae ire ... wae.... it's cute... look at this... " Maya convinced him.

Minho took the t-shirt back and walk away. Maya rolled her eyes, " UGHHHH !!! Stupid no style sense Minho. YAH ! "

" Will you just shut up ? " Minho turned back.

It's just an accident really, Minho seems a little bit mistaken about Suho. That day, Suho was walking down the street together with Maya, and he's slipped . Clumsy Suho. But yet, when Maya wants to explain, Minho don't want to hear about that and ignored her. They even fights about it again.

" YAH ! Crazy boyfriend ! " Maya shouted. Minho glared into her eyes, " Is this my jagiyah ? Well, you're not. " Maya threw her bag to him. Minho shouted back, " Crazy girlfriend !! "

Minho did the same. Maya saw he was with Minah and he was backhugging her and laugh together at the park.

So why not they take a break ? A relationship with quarrels everyday and cheating on each others.... that's not worth a heart ? Does it  ?

* E N D    O F    F L A S H B A C K *

After the confession, Maya seems okay with her friends but not in front of Minho. Eventhough they already promised to become friends,..... but the guilty is still there, right ?

Woohyun POV

" My pretty Maya ~ " I said.

" Oh ? Oppa ? " Maya titled her head to me who was standing at her classroom's door.

" Haven't finished homework ? " I walked closer and sat in front of her. She nodded and give me a killer smile.  

" OMONA ! that smile ! " I pretended to get shot.

"  Hey...chincha . " she used her pen to hit me on my hands.

" Ah ~ Apayo, apayo. " I acted again.

" Oppa ! Namu oppa ! "

" I knew, you're thirsty right ? I'll get some drink for my princess. Till then, remember in your study my dear  ~ " I kissed her back of hand.

Maya pulled off and carressed it.

I went to canteen.

Suho POV

" Mmmmmm.... boring . " I said to myself. I'm npt planning to go home yet, nor go to the noraebang with the others.

Without realising, I walked around and went to Maya's class.

I was smiling like a maniac, wondering what she does right now ? I'm planning to ask her answer today, well at least I have give her time right ?

AHHHH Eotteoke ? I jumped and stood on her class's door.

I knocked and see she was reading her books..... I waved at her and smiled. She look at me and said, " Oh ! Suho oppa, let's find Woohyun oppa, he's gone for too long. " She said.

I replied her, " Okay. "

But when she want to walk to me, she slipped, clumsy me, I slipped too. I was on top of her and our lips were touching.

More shockingly, Woohyun came and saw us.

Woohyun dropped his drinks and stared at us, before we could parted, woohyun runaway.

Meanwhile on the Sistar's dorm,

" Ricky ? Wanna help me ? I got a suitable jobs for you. I'll pay you 2700 won. How's that sound ? " Bora called Ricky, Teen Top.

" Chincha ? DUGU ? " Ricky smirked.

Bora let out her evil laughs, " Kidnapped _______________, bring her to me, and I'll take care of the rest. "

" Can I ask why ?  She's nice to me. "

" You don't have to know. One more thing, don't let her know who you are, or there might be trouble. "

" Arrasseo noona ! "

                          ******* T E E N     T O P    D O R M *******                    

" CAP hyung ! I'll be on a vacation for about a few weeks, family bussiness, you know, something came up on my dad's bussiness. Tell the other for me, okay, I'll pack right now. Oh ?  Ermm the CEO already knew. "

" Okay, contact me when you have arrived, okay ? Take care, man ."

" I will. "

" Niel ! Ricky will going somewhere else ! Is that true ? " a curious Chunji came.

" NEh, he already pack his stuffs.. "

" Ricky, you didn't want to do something wrong is it ? "

" No ! No ! Aniya, I'm going to help my dad. " Ricky gave him his fake smile.

" I'll miss you hyung ~ " Changjo hugged Ricky.

On the train .. .....

" Bora noona ? Neo eodiga ? "

" A underground place, you know in Busan. "

" Okay, see you there. "


I really like when my silent reader give their opinions at the comment box... -.-


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I'm still considering on writting the sequel or not


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I miss this and I miss you, authornim T_________________T
Smileonce133 #2
yeahhhh sungjong
janefelicia28 #3
Chapter 3: the manager's HAWT !
Chapter 45: finally I read the ending of this story.. actually I didn't want to read it because im afraid that I will miss the story if I finish read it. but I'm very curious about the ending so here I am finish reading the story.. thx author/saengi for the great story.. and I hope you will update the sequel as soon as possible. love ya
Chapter 44: i like your part n kila. :)
P/S : haha kidding b-but ;3; *pouts*
hha., special epi for me no ka? hha *begayak cute
Chapter 37: nasib kau x padam..klau tdk kcewa aku..=_=
Chapter 31: This chapter make me crazy. Love it (: