Screaming Heart


" YAAH ~ everyone ,, let's get out ! It's the end. Police arrived. " L shouted from upstairs.

" Now, who's trapped in a hole, rat ? " Hoya smirked to Ricky.

" I hope they'll be okay. " Nada patted Maya's back, reassuring them to walk away and let the rest of the problems to the police. Maya nodded, " Finally. " Kai took Ricky's shoulder and pulled him upstairs.

Ina went out the secret path and saw a pair of eyes looking at her. " Mianhae. I should be with you earlier. I'm so sorry, I shouldn't talk to you like that, babe. Please forgive me. " He threw his arms and pulled her into his embrace. Kai twitched his lips behind. " Then why did you runaway from us ? " he said as he walked passed them.

Police started to swoon over the place. A helicopter was trying to land behind the house, they keep quiet and take time to arrest Dasom and Hyorin. Bora came out and look around. Police scattered all over the place and hide.
" OPPA ! YOGI YO ! PALLI SAVE ME  ! !  ! " you screamed your lungs out. After they listened to your voice, Sungjong immediately gained his vitamin and stood up properly as if nothing happened to his body. Baekhyun run to the voice. " WE'RE GOING TO SAVE YOU JUST HOLD ON ! " he yelled.

But then, they stopped their feet only finding that a big smoke coming from the dark tunnels. Fire covered the dungeon's door. " ANDWAE. " Sungjong opened his lips and try to figure out how to save you.

" Soyou eonni, let me go, and we'll get out of here together, okay ? " you tried to make a promise.

" I'm not that stupid, . "

" I promised you wouldn't got caught if you let me out. "

Soyou didn't reply, instead she was opening the other door that connect to the safer place.

Sungjong spotted a black hole beside him, he pointed and they ran to the hole, heavy breaths lighted the dark pathway.

" It's too late now, ___________. You'll die with the boys eventually, then I'll win this love game. Like what we planned. If I can't have them, then nobody could. " said Soyou whom smiled sardonically, leaving you away from the dungeon.

" Eonni.... "

" NO, you don't, Soyou. " Sungjong slapped Soyou's face when she was just about to turn around. Baekhyun ran and released your cuffs, he hugged you softly and turned to Sungjong.

" You deserved this. " Sungjong slapped her again.

" You're under arrest ! Get out, now ! " The police made an announcement.

Ricky, Dasom,, Bora and Hyorin spent their lives in prison for 20 years ahead . . .  while Soyou . .


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I'm still considering on writting the sequel or not


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I miss this and I miss you, authornim T_________________T
Smileonce133 #2
yeahhhh sungjong
janefelicia28 #3
Chapter 3: the manager's HAWT !
Chapter 45: finally I read the ending of this story.. actually I didn't want to read it because im afraid that I will miss the story if I finish read it. but I'm very curious about the ending so here I am finish reading the story.. thx author/saengi for the great story.. and I hope you will update the sequel as soon as possible. love ya
Chapter 44: i like your part n kila. :)
P/S : haha kidding b-but ;3; *pouts*
hha., special epi for me no ka? hha *begayak cute
Chapter 37: nasib kau x padam..klau tdk kcewa aku..=_=
Chapter 31: This chapter make me crazy. Love it (: