Shout The Fight




You pulled your smelly and old blanket to your body through the night. As usual, you woke up and began to prepare yourself to work. You were humming to * Hyunah-Bubble Pop while straightening your clothes and you talked to a mice underneath your feet. " Hi there, Mr. / Miss mouse, can you tell me the way out form this place ? I want to see the sunlight again, " you pouted. Ricky who was passing nearby heard it and laughed. " Yah! Park ________ ! How ashamed, you sing like a frog. perhaps, you are calling the rain again ? You're sure are crazy. " You ignored him and went outside to the kitchen. Breakfast. You couldn't find any food left. You want to ask Ricky but you couldn't see him no where. Not only him, but the others also. You look for a place to escape. Hopeless, Soyou was standing behind you after the bodyguards. " You can't run. You can't. Just accept it. Here doggy, your breakfast. " She threw small pieces of bread on the floor. Starving, you ate it. When you finally washed their clothes, Bora and the gang finally arrived with many shopping bags on her hands. They reunite at the living room, " You see mine was much better that yours. " Hyorin sprayed some perfume. Ricky was lazily sitting at the couch watching TV. " So, got anything for me ? " Soyou said. " Of course, darling. Cardigan ~ and some makeups. " Bora said happily. Dasom smirked at me when she saw me standing behind them looking at the floor. " You know what ? We didn't got anything for this over there. " she said and the others, continued in unison " PITY !! ". They laughed at you.


Hyorin sacked my head and giggled, " Yo ! Yo ! Stop dreaming. We don't have anything to give you at this winter, maybe after you died there will be. " she paused, " A set of rotten clothes ! " I felt the pain of being a Cinderella. 'Is it like this hard, for the real Cinderella too ? ' , I thought. Somehow I did managed to smile a bit, this will make them know that I'm strong enough to fight them. Take that ! Before lunch, Bora came to me, asking me a favour, well not a favour really, more like an order. " Iron me this sweater over here. Remember, if one of the button loose, I'm going to kill you. " Bora pushed my head with her pointer finger and smirked away. Lunch were ready, I'm hungry, but I continued my work first. i'm not allowed to seat with them, though. So i went to Bora's room to iron her clothes. Suddenly, while I was doing my chores, Dasom yelled my name AGAIN. I immediately stop and stand the iron aside. Bad. My bad.


You run downstairs to find Dasom, but she already left. You thought, ' maybe she was somewhere at the kitchen. ' Soyou went to Bora's room to find her necklace. Unfortunately, she accidentally elbowed the iron, and .....

" ___________ !!!! ______________!!!! " Bora yelled. That's when you were washing their dishes and your stomach is still empty.

" Yes, Miss ? " , you nodded, standing outside her room.

" Look, what you have DONE to my sweater ? MY. FAVOURITE . SWEATER . " she asked you with a glare You-will-be-dead.

" I'm sorry, Miss Dasom called me later, I'm very sorry. I don't know, but I'm sure I put away the iron first, before I went somewhere. "

" IF you DO, then why is my clothes burned ? WHY you leave a hole in it ? WHYYYY !!!! " Bora dragged you outside.

NOt just drag, she pulled your hair. How many strands of hair did you have to loose ? Until you have already bold enough ?

" I'm so sorry. Sorry. " You muttered ten times along the way. Bora was dragging you to the 'speacial room', where the real dungeon is. " A word is not enough ! " Bora said. Ricky and Hyorin saw her, and they decided to follow you and Bora. " For your information, I'm going to kill you by myself TODAY ! " she yelled in your ears. You were so frightened and caused your legs, shaking until she pushed you on the wall. Before Bora locked the door, Hyorin and Ricky went in. " Bora, what's now. I bet Soyou will scold you if she die. " RIcky spoke. Bora smirked at him and took a long wood, andbwgan hitting me. " Don't worry, this is fun ! " Hyorin join in to punch my face.


NO doubt, my face bleeds again. I tried to dodge their attacks but it hurts my hands and legs when I curled up into a ball. Ricky was just stood there with his hands in the pocket, but he laughed when he heard I cry. I was hungry and wet in my own blood in the dungeon. My head was spinning around. " God, help me. " I whispered. I was still locked up at the room. Maybe this could be the end of my life.

After dinner, Soyou and Ricky came into the room. They saw me lying there, hopelessly. " You should wear a sweater, here is your food. " Soyou was being nice to me. She gave me the sweater that has hole on it. But I wear it though. RIcky wiped my face with a warm towel. I finally spoke up a bit, " Why you... you..." then she cut my words. " Nice ? Don't worry, it's all because tomorrow was your final day. " Soyou grinned sarcastically. " Be sure talk to the rat if you want to find the way out. HAHAHHHAAH ! " Ricky laughed. ' Well, at least I can eat something before I leave this world, but, maybe Soyou was just kidding, or maybe they want to help me, perhaps ?' you thought deep.


Hi there ! been a long time to update this fanfic ! thanks for waiting ~

*chapter update on 2 JUNE 2013

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I'm still considering on writting the sequel or not


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I miss this and I miss you, authornim T_________________T
Smileonce133 #2
yeahhhh sungjong
janefelicia28 #3
Chapter 3: the manager's HAWT !
Chapter 45: finally I read the ending of this story.. actually I didn't want to read it because im afraid that I will miss the story if I finish read it. but I'm very curious about the ending so here I am finish reading the story.. thx author/saengi for the great story.. and I hope you will update the sequel as soon as possible. love ya
Chapter 44: i like your part n kila. :)
P/S : haha kidding b-but ;3; *pouts*
hha., special epi for me no ka? hha *begayak cute
Chapter 37: nasib kau x padam..klau tdk kcewa aku..=_=
Chapter 31: This chapter make me crazy. Love it (: