Showcase ! Assa !


" Okay class. Before I announce the winner and the loser, I going to tell you a little bit advices. " the teacher stood in front of the class, all you can heard students whinning here and there when he said ' advices '. " Composer ? Compose ? Music ? Competition. All of the great music comes from heart. Remember, to compose a song, and be a composer, it just have to come from your heart. " the teacher said. " Eh ? why he talk so shortly today ?  I thought he will make another assembly like always. " you said to Zelo.

" Hmp. Maybe he want to annouce the winner.... but that's all what we're waiting for , guchi ? " Zelo turned his head back to the teacher.

" The loser for this exam will have to spend one month course at this school with me. Surpriisingly he OR she... plagiarized somebody's work. Too bad, if he OR she didn't admitted his OR her faults.. I got to sent this students to the principal. Got it ? "

" Okay, the first person to achieve an A  is... dugun, dugun, dugun.... " everybody was so curious about it.

" Park _____________ ! "

" Oh ?? !! cheonan ? [ me ] "

" The music that she compose, is just like you're in love, this song give a calm feeling to people. Adorable and loveable written. I'm happy to hear that there's another 5 person who got an A is..... "

" Lee Maya and Kim Rina from this class and also Han Tika,  Shin Nada and Choi Kila from the other class. God job , girls ~ "

On the opening of the showcase, there was a video, a hidden camera.. and it happened to be you and Ina who did that. Let me ( author ) tell you this story. On a bright new day, on the practice room, after all of you have done practice dancing, you and the others were with the manager and your partner on the group the besties that you always be with, Ina. " I want you to make a hidden cam to them. "

" OOOkay ! count on me manager Kang-shi ~  "

" Shhhh, they might heard us. " Ina shut your mouth with her hands. While everybody was resting we, I mean Ina and you, went to be a spy, you grabbed the cam and record them. It was so lame at first, but then, Nada and Maya came up to be their main actress. So, you record them, that were suddenly dancing and singing to * Exo K - Mama. On the part ' mamamamammama turn back ~ mamammamamaamma rolling back ~ " and it was so funny but you have to stand it but you still can't so you told Ina to hold the cam. Nada and Maya were on their own world at that time , they don't even know what's going on..they keep dancing and singing until the end, like it's their own stage, and it was so funny, because Nada kee stomping on Maya's shoes and at the same time, Nada does a derp face. Kila was wondering where you two went, so she was gone searching for you and Ina, sadly, she can't find you there. When Kila was walking near you and Ina, Ina quickly hide the cam and save the video, Kila asked , " What are you doing here ? "

" Eat some wind, eonni !  " you said. Ina nodded, " Neh, eat some wind. You want to eat some wind too ? " Ina asked Kila back.

" Something fishy... " Kila swing her pointer finger right and left.

" Aniya, aniya. " Ina shook her head and dragged you to toilet. " How about we show to exo oppas ? " You asked Ina and grinned.

" Great idea ~~ Hi-fi ! " Ina hi-fi  you.

On the next day, while Nada and Maya went out to a nearby shop to buy groceries, not only them who are going out at that time, you and Ina followed them behind and record their funny swagger. On the spot, Exo K members... Suho, Kai, Baekhyun and Sehun saw them. " Jigeum buto [ right now ], Nada and maya eonni met Exo K oppas, " you said,being the narrator, and then Ina added, " but without D.O. and Chanyeol. "

All of them were laughing like a maniac on the road, leaving Nada and Maya shocked and questioned. " Wae yo ? " Maya asked.

" So, you both are the new 'DANCING MACHINE' ? " Kai said, sarcastically and chuckled. Baekhyun said, " You and you *pointing at Nada and Maya* ?  Dancing machine ? Bftt. "

Maya and Nada said at the same time, " MWO ????!! " and look at each other. While the exo was laughing harder than ever. Soon they began to tease them one by one.

" Nice move you got there . " Suho said.

" Duo dance ~ " Sehun said.

" Great song that you picked girls ~ " Kai do a mehrong.

" You should practice the step properly. " Baekhyun do a funny face.

They ignored the exo and went to the shop. You paused the video. " Let's go home, palli ,palli. " Ina pushed you to the way to your dorm. So, Nada and Maya buy the ingredients, milk, butter, bread and things like that, and went home.  " Guys ~ wanna look our new dancing machine ? " Ina said opened my laptop and plug in the laptop to the tv so they can watch it larger. She copied all of the video and make Sparkle watch their eonnis. While Ina was busy making them watch the video, you went to the window and saw Nada and Maya. " Aha ! " you said and took the camera, pushed the record button. Tika and Kila wouldn't stop laughing. The moment Nada and Maya the Naya couple. Kekekeke Okay, okay, okay. Back to the story. They opened the door of their dorm, they saw all of you were laughing to the tv screen. Tehy turned their head to the tv screen, they saw ther own not-so-good dancing step, anger fill in the face of those two. Nada yelled at first, " YAH ! Who the hell record this stuff ?!! " while maya was mumbling, yelling at the same time, Tika, Kila and Ina pointed at you. " Errrrr.. mianhae eonni ~ "

While Ina was starting to find a place to run. Nada dropped the things they bought earlier, and went to you. Maya grabbed your collar , " Do you show this to Exo oppas ? " and you nodded.Then Nada and Maya said in unison, " MAKNAE-SHI !!!! "

" Heehehhe , Ina eonni helped too. " you laughed in an awkward position.

" INA ~ !!! Where do you want to go ? " Maya stopped her and closed the door. Kila and Tika was laughing behind us.

While you and Ina was on the floor, Nada and Maya sat on the cushion in front of you. You and Ina kneeled down, both hands were crossed and placed on your ears. Pouting. doing some innocent pose. " WHY DID YOU DO THIS ? " you and Ina can't tell them it was because of the showcase. Well, in a first place you regret for not turn off the camera. " YOU TWO ARE SO DEAD ! " they shouted at you. You were imagining things of what will they do to you and Ina. Will they chopped us ?  Will they make us a burger ?  Will they locked the door and left us sleeping one night out of the dorm ? will they humiliate us too ?

And so, Tika shut off the cam and said, " That's us , Sparkle imnida ~ " While Kila was between Maya and Ina who were trying to stop Maya from biting Ina like a hungry lion, and you were running here and there in the dorm , chasing by Nada with knife on her hand. But on top of that, you still can make jokes, you sang * Infinite - The Chaser ( chorus part )


Geunyoreul  jikyora naritjji mothage ~
Protect her, so she won't forget me ~

Ne nimi gyesingot kkeutkaji garyonda ~
I will go till the end to the place where my person is ~


" CHUGULRE ????!! " Nada yelled and you laugh again.

A part from the showcase, there's a special appearance on the showcase. After all of you finished perfoming your debut song entittled * Speacial Star, there's another shocking appearances on the stage, dun dun dun > the sound of the drums < what is it ? what s it ?

~ Author's Note : The song ' Speacial Star ' was my own imagination, it is not real, don't even try to search on the Youtube or what so ever.

Boa eonni became your MC for that night. There were many fans attended the showcase, they were hundreds of them, and you were shocked when they shout and  sing together with your group. Boa eonni ? No, Boa ajuhmma. *coughs* Ehem. ehem, I'm just kidding, she's an eonni. Hehehe

" Oh, Ireogeun, tonight, there aren't those Sparkle will performs on this stage but, they were SPARKLE M !!!! " Boa announced.

" Eh ??? Sparkle M ?  Exo M ? bwoyah ? " you thought. Those Sparkle M sat on the chairs beside you.

" Actually it's their first meeting ever, on this stage. Neh, please give a big applause for Sparkle M !. Neh. Oh, Maya-shi  what do you think of them ? "

" Yeppuda [ pretty ] "

" Kila-shi ? "

" Seriously ? We didn't know about this .. jeongmal... I don't know what to say ... " Kila make a shock face.

" Ni hao ... " you waved at them. " Oh ? Uri maknae-shi have started a conversation with them. " Boa said. " Uh ? I can't ? " you asked her.

" Aigoo this kid... Is she cute ? Is our maknae cute ? "

" NEH ~~~~ " all of the boys shouted, and you smiled.

" Let Sparkle M introduce themselves. " their translator muttered something and they began to say their names.

" We are twins ! da jia hao, wo men shi Sparkle M ! " Their leader stood up and along with the members and said.

~ Author's Note : da jia hao, wo men shi were a chinese romanization word done by me, eventhough I'm not a chinese, well Malaysia is a multicultured races, consists of Malay, Chinese, and Indian citizens but I'm not fluent in chinese , bc I'm half malay and half dusun ( one of the Sabahan's races, Sabah is one of the Malaysia's countries ). I'm promoting my country, sorry. The word means how are you, we are Sparkle M.

They start to speak korean and you were totally shock about that. The leader start first, " Annyeonghaseyo, leader Stella Sparkle M imnida "

" Cheonan Ailing main vocal imnida. "

" Dance machine, May imnida. "

" Annyeong, cheonan Yen imnida. "

" Maknae Hana imnida. "

" Annyeonghaseyo, rapper Julie imnida. "

They received a lot of applause from the audience. " Okay, patient guys, so we're going to watch their performance later on. But for now, let's ask them many questions first, okay .. and for now I gave you permission Sparkle K to be Mc for a while, ask their question, go ahead. "

" What is your hobby ? Stella-shi. " Kila asked.

" Cooking ? ahehheheh "

" Ni hao [ how are you ? ] uhm, wo shi [ I am ] Sparkle K's leader , Maya. I want to ask Yen. which country do you want to visit one day ? " Maya asked them in chinese.

" Wo yao [ I want ] visit Japan. " Yen said.

" As you can see, Maya and ____________ can speak in chinese, korean, english and japanese fluently. " Boa said.

You interupted, " Aniya, eonni ~ "

" Hmmmm she's trying to be humble again. " Ina said and make the audience laughed.

" It's like the maknae from Korea has more humour side of her, isn't it Maya-shi  ? " Maya nodded , " Neh, and she always make us laugh. "

" But sometimes, she's irritating. " Nada said, and make you pout.

" Okay, let's see the Sparkle M perfomance, Speacial Star ( chinese version ). "

After the performance, there was a short video, about the fans who are interviewed on the streets and behind the stage before the showcase. And after that, there was a solo dance from Sparkle K dance machine, Han TIKA !!!

" Many lead vocalist on kpop groups will have a little part on their song and not the same amont of the main vocalists. But, in this new idol group from SM Ent. the lead vocalist which is the maknae, has the most beautiful voice among the others and she is the lead vocal. Let's listen her voice on her own solo song *My Own Dream. " You sang your solo song. Boa continues again, " Oh, I thought that was Beyonce. But anyway, in their new mini album, entittled, * World is like a Book, there was 6 songs included, there was one video, each of the member will introduced themselves. Is it right ?  and I heard, their bare face will shown up. "

" Oh, that, but if you're lucky you can see mine, and if you're not, you cqn have the other members. " Tika said.

" Neh, and the 6 copies will have our own real signature on it. " Nada added.

" well, I see.. how about Ina-shi ?  you seems like the one who were quiet, in this group. " Boa said.

" Ina eonni ? Chincha, she's not. Eonni tell them about your stage name. " you said, smiling at Ina.

" Uh ... ahahahhaha  " Ina laughed. " She have the 4D personality. " Maya explained. " and her partner, our maknae, has the same personality but less than her. " Nada added.

" Uhmm my stage name supposed to be my real name like the other members, which is Rina, but our company said, If I change my name to Ina, I'll be more confident. Because Ina was my nickname at home, so they feel like that, or I don't know. hahahahahha :D " she laughed again.

" Eonni ~ your tears will come out again, deh ! Ina eonni ,  when she laughed, normally she will tear out. " you held Ina hand, bc she sat on your left.

" I understand, I understand, you're such a talkactive girl, maknae-shi. "

" Bianhada. " you said.

"Kila, can you explain your group fan club ? " Boa asked. " Oh, about that, when we first knew that we have many fans, I just can't believe it and our manager at the same tie explaining our cover song Speacial Star. So I was wondering why don't we name our fans 'Speacial' ? Because they were so speacial to us. " Boa chuckled, " So , you're saying you're the one who create the fan club name ? " Kila nodded, " Neh, and they accept it too. Maybe lot of you out there want to know our official fan club colours, right ? It is light pink-brown. "

" For now, let's hear the duet from leader and main vocal from Sparkle M ! " Boa said. Stella and Ailing sang the chinese version of *Love in My Heart, which is in the Sparkle K, you and Maya will sing it.

" I heard, one of you were debuted first as an actress ? " Boa asked again.

" Neh. It's me ~ " you sang. " How about the others, maknae-shi ? "

" Oh? Oh... Maya is still filming ulzzang shidae, Tika has a CF with Sooyoung eonni from SNSD, Kila eonni.. had a Kiss The Radio with Suju oppas, who else *looking at the members* Ah ! Ina eonni has 6 cover photoshoots, and Nada will acting in Ailee's new mv and I am currently in a SBS drama, *Blue Ocean Waves. "

" Oh, it's like that.. I heard one of you said partners, can you explain a bit, Tika-shi ? "

" Ouh.. it's like this, Ina and the maknae were partner in our group, whether in school, dorm or practice room , Nada and Maya that we called as Eomma and Appa. " Boa asked them, " Who's the eomma ? " . Nada said, " Me, because I always take care of them. " Maya teased, " and yelling. "

" So, the older sister and the older brother will be me and Kila, I am the older sister. " Tika explained. They all nods. " How about the cute maknae ? "

" Ani, fake maknae, fake maknae. " Ina said. " And why is that ? "

" Because in our class, there are many people who are more younger than her, those who are born in October, Nov and Dec. But instead, she always tried to act younger than them. " Ina smirked.

" But, she was the aegi [ baby ] in our group and she was. Ina was the younger sister. Erm, our maknae, when you knew her, she has a lot of aegyo [ cuteness ]. Even if she didn't tried to do aegyo, other people will considered it as aegyo. "

' Cha ~ jigeum buto, let's hear the rappers , Nada and Kila !!!! "

" Please describe your concept in your group. " Boa asked Maya.  " Oh ! We're all princess and we have our own colours. I am the princess of beauty, pink. Tika, green the princess of nature, Nada red, the princess of energetic, Ina yellow, the princess of creativity. While Kila is the princess of gentleness, and the maknae was the princess of control. "

" Oh, I see, you have a conept on your group just like the Exo. So, how about the Sparkle M ? Do you have the same concept or not ? "

Their leader Stella, explained, " Isseoyo ~ " Boa and the others were shocked. " You can speak korean ? "

" Neh, I can. Hana, the maknae actually fluent in korean than me because her mother was a korean. "

" Daebak ~ Stella-shi. " Maya, Tika and Kila said in unison. " Gamsahamnida. Deh. I am the princess of  independent, white in colour, our maknae was the princess of charisma, gold. Yen was the princess of earth, brown. May was the princess of friendliness, orange. Ailing is the princess of peaceful, which is blue in colour. The last member, Julie, represent the princess of fantasy, silver. "

" WOW. I think now, each one of you knew why did your logo was 'We are twins !' right ? " Boa walk and stand between Yen and Julie. " Now, we'll gonna play a truth game. How about we start on the chinese members first ? Are the koreans alright ? " All of you nodded and agreed. Then all of you including the Sparkle M get a crown pointer, which has your own colours on it. " So, you must answer this truthfully, okay, I'm gonna ask you a question and you can point to the person that you think is. Looks like the the time is going so fast, FIRST Q : Who's the most lazy in your group  ? " All of them ( Sparkle M ) points to Yen. " Wei shen me [ why ] ? "



" Because everytime we ask her to do his duty on dorm, she keeps run from it, and said she must do something else. " Okay, skip to your own group.

" Cha, in your group who do you think the most prettiest ? " You points to Nada, Maya points to herself, and the rest points on you.

" Omo, it's like the leader were saying she's the pretiest among all of you." Boa laughed, Maya nodded, closed her eyes, " Geurom ~ "

" Why did you think Nada was the prettiest maknae __________ ? "

You answered, " Nada eonni is the visual. " Boa  grinned, " Kyeopta ~ But chincha, jeongmal, the first time I saw you, I think you were the visual. kekekeke "

" Who's the most scariest when she mad ? " You run and points to Maya. Maya points to Nada , Tika, Ina points to Maya, Kila points to Nada. So, Maya got 3 points in total. " Tika-shi, why do you think Maya is the scariest ? "

" Because she mad like an appa. NEH ! she will make us sat at the couch, and said in serious tone, stared at us. I'm scared. " Tika said.

" Sometimes, she will scold us on the spot, ireohke ' yah, neo... shut up, don't embarrass our group' .  " Ina said.

" There were times when Nada eonni called her, Appa ~ Appa ~ Appa ~. I want to try it too, so I called her Appa ~ , she glared at me, like she's saying ' CHUGULRE ? ' and it makes me quiet suddenly. I'm just too scared. "

" Yah ~ ni men [ all of you ] , this is too much. " Maya slapped her head lightly.

" Who is the most interested in fashion among all of you ? " All of you points to Nada. " I'm not ~ I'm not ~ " she laughed. " When ?? " Nada tried to defend herself. " AEiiiii , hajima, hajima. " Maya patted her back. " Her closet, ugh.. full of fashionable clothes. "  Ina said. The audience laugh aloud.

" So, the last question is.. maybe all of us want to know too. Who is the most dirtiest member ? "

All of you were thinking and smiling. Boa sat on her place back, " I give you 5 more seconds to say it. "

" Okay ! Hana, dul, sen [ one, two, three ] "

" EH ? Wae ire ?? !! " Tika said.

" Ina-shi, waeyo ? "

" Eonni, heyyyyy ,difficult to say how dirty she is. " Ina shook her head.

" Nada ? why did you choose Tika ? "

" She didn't bath before sleep, ALWAYS !  "

" You'll edit this, right ? Director-nim ? " Tika said in embarassement. " She used the same stokings for practice for one week. " Maya teased. You continued, " Eonni didn't wash her hands before she eat, and one day, she got sick because of that. "

Kila more, making the crowd going crazy with laughter. " Tika always picked her nose ! "

" Neomu, jeongmal.... Arghhhh michigetda ~ " Tika buried her face on her hands.

" Mianhae ~ " all of you said.

" SO, for the last moment, can you stood together with the Sparkle M, doing the ' we are twins ! ' logo ? "

So, it ends there, before I forgot, you and the others make a short speech to the fans, before you left the stage.

" I'm SO SO SO TIRED ! " Ina said, closing her eyes in the SUV.

" Sparkle M !! Another eonnis ~~ " you said, sitting beside Nada.

" Shut up, fake maknae. " Ina closed your mouth with her hands.




Just dance ~ gonna be okay ~ just dance ~ dadadudu just dance ! * Lady gaga - Just Dance. 2 chapters more to conflict ! My fangirl on twitter : @activeannasobs

I've already ADD JIYEON's pic on the chapter 13 ~

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I'm still considering on writting the sequel or not


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I miss this and I miss you, authornim T_________________T
Smileonce133 #2
yeahhhh sungjong
janefelicia28 #3
Chapter 3: the manager's HAWT !
Chapter 45: finally I read the ending of this story.. actually I didn't want to read it because im afraid that I will miss the story if I finish read it. but I'm very curious about the ending so here I am finish reading the story.. thx author/saengi for the great story.. and I hope you will update the sequel as soon as possible. love ya
Chapter 44: i like your part n kila. :)
P/S : haha kidding b-but ;3; *pouts*
hha., special epi for me no ka? hha *begayak cute
Chapter 37: nasib kau x padam..klau tdk kcewa aku..=_=
Chapter 31: This chapter make me crazy. Love it (: